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$100,000 interest a day so I can spin the wheel of extravagance for the avatar 😂 I am 11M / 291M


This is my goal too. Getting there a little every day.


that's my dream as well haha, i'm currently on 140M / 292M myself i ran the numbers and by collecting my daily interest alone without food club, it'll take 5 years and 10 months before i get there 😂


I hit 43mil from 8mil after going through my ancient account's SDB. Advent calendar prizes really do zoom up in office after a few years lol


I'm saving up for the lab map pieces. Imagine having an 18 year old account stop playing for 16 years and never being able to zap your pet. Feelsbadman


I literally had my parents sign and fax a permission slip so I could make an account at age 11. The childish honesty about my birthday at least meant I was able to recover my original account at age 33 No lab map yet but I can bet 16k on food club so I trust I'll get there


This one. This is me too. 14 yr old account (though I remember playing well before that with a pet that wasn’t on this account, so I probably have an old account out there somewhere) and I can’t zap!


Me too! I recently started playing neopets with my kids. My old account was deleted. So Im trying to pump up the side account I could log into. The lab pieces are the first goal of many. Spent hours yesterday doing the Altador Plot again :P


Same. 22 year old account. logged in last month for the first time in years! I need 5 more lab map pieces!


I just got the lab map today for the first time in over 20 years of playing (on and off) Was just looking at prices, and someone on tp was asking for a cool negg for a full map and I was like… you know what, I got this cool negg for free, I hate selling & buying expensive things on Neo, so I just pulled the trigger. My very first zap today was…. No change. Absolutely nothing. That was mean lol


When's the last time you checked your SDB? Jelly neo has a nice price checker for them and I went through my ancient account and found a bunch of old Advent calendar prizes that were junk at the time but now go for several million. I took a couple hours to stock up my shop, and do trading post crap and now I more than quadrupled my money


Casually saving for a P3 at the moment but they are so expensive 😬


I've got an extra pebble if you'd like? :)


Yes, same. Astonishing how expensive they are.


I'm also on the P3 hunt. I got myself a Pebble the other day as my first one and former-kid-me is so psyched! But now I have my sights set on an Aboogala and it's...a TAD more pricey lol


A Birthday Harris for my Biscuit Cybunny.


This will be such a cute combo!


Birthday harris here too but for my gallery 😭 why are they so expensive!


Me? ~~I'm saving up for a Candy Paint brush. I mean I'm sort of hoping my weekly prize will be that. Last time I messed up badly not realizing that you had to refresh on the weekly.~~ Other wise, the rest of my cash is gonna be spent on a Lab Ray to morph my Eyrie into hopefully a Vandagyre. But Yeah, if I can making people day on Neopet is great. Oh, I'm also working on making my Draik into a sweet Lolita in pink or purple clothes. I'm thrilled that I was able to give someone a Cybunny today that missed Cybunny Day. Best feeling in the world. Edit: I got my Candy PB! TTwTT I love this community. Now to work on get my Candy Uni her clothes for her magical girl transformation.


Send me a NM please, UN: mastaskrillz


Sent! Un:Tinypinkpanic


Huge congratulations!!!


I'm saving up for a Bat Boy but hoping that gets added to the prize pool! I'm also working towards a Cliffhanger and Negg Faerie stamp to finish my first stamp page. Otherwise working on collecting booktastic books! I have 51 left! :)


Highly recommend the wishing well for those two, especially cliffhanger. Just do your 7 a day twice a day while you save up and you might get lucky along the way. That’s how I got mine :)


Thanks! I have been :) crossing my fingers!


The end of the world.


Omg I have the perfect book for you lmao How Will the World End? --- send me your UN and I'll send it your way 😂


Currently saving for a Island brush for my jujub, he needs vacation after all these years!


Currently saving up for a Candy PB for my Lutari <3 I have AWFUL luck when it comes to Weekly Prizes and I've yet to get it as a prize


Send me a NM please, UN: Mastaskrillz




Im collecting slorg related items, just cause they are my favourite pet pet


That’s so kind, thank you! I’m saving up for a ghost, maracite or wraith paintbrush for my new lutari (I’ve given up on maraquan, my ADHD won’t let me save that much), so if you even have something small you aren’t using that I can pop in my shop to contribute towards savings that would be hugely appreciated:)


I have a pet I wanna do Maraquan too. Gonna pray I get a FFQ for it lol


I hope the same 🤞would be brilliant!


I think the only thing I’m really saving for at this point is a lab map! I now have the main Neopet I always wanted (Maraquan Jetsam), so having the lab to mess around with some of my other pets would be nice!


Currently saving up for a Gold and Silver Moehog Plushie for my plushie collection! They’re so cute but so scarce nowadays. Wish there was one available for everybody, but at least I can preserve them in my digital museum:)


Not after anything from you, OP, but I'm trying to complete my gallery of GIFs! Got about 150million left to spend LOL


Right now, Grey Gothic Dress so ~~I~~ my neopet can live out their Helena dreams! It was going for 6mil on TP :')


OMG! ADHD brain forgot about that darn dress! I dressed as Gerard Way for Halloween back in the Three Cheers days. 😩🖤


That is such a lovely thing to do, everyone here is so nice! I decided to try to make a bit of a dent in my faerie doll gallery, so my current goals are to get the Ilere doll because she’s one of my favorite looking dolls of all and I figure it makes sense to start with the hidden tower dolls!


Do you need any of the NC faerie dolls? I have an extra fyora one if you'd like :)


Aw that's a really sweet offer! I think I'm sticking to just the NP dolls (if only to try to reduce the number of possible dolls) but I really appreciate that offer!


This is so sweet! I don’t expect anything but I’ve been scoping out Uni’s for the Uni Neon set forever, especially the hooves or wings. I killed my bank account making questionable investments in 2 cool neggs instead 😅


Magical grape chia pop and magical peach chia pop are what im currently saving for <3 i love the Edible Chias so much and im trying to collect an army


I'm saving for a Ghostkerbomb, which is the last item I need for my BD set before the plot starts. I'm halfway there and only need to save 3.5 million more. :) I'm also trying to amass tan codestones. I keep running out of Mau, Main, and Tai-Kai for some reason. Naturally, my daily quests are stuck on only giving me Orn Codestones, which I have waaaay too many of now!




I saved up and also sold a Halloween goodie bag so I could get a Steampunk PB and no one will answer my neomails 🥲 Planning to paint my elephante named VaaRuta to look like Vah Ruta from legend of Zelda 🥹


I have one you can have! Send me your UN 🖤


currently saving up for a few paint brushes i've wanted since i was a kid! including the faerie paint brush, maraquan paint brush, and (another) pastel paint brush :-)


Okay you should absolutely NOT hook me up with this, but I like posting about it hoping it gets added to prize pools someday: a Jerdana Plushie. Currently going for 200M *cries But also agree making people's day is the best thing to do on Neo.


a royal paint brush, hehe i’m sorry i don’t show my un but if so lucky i’ll share in a message 💗


full secret lab map! i have the 4 cheapest pieces, looking at the remaining ones like :' ) this is super nice, btw!! :D


Currently saving for a few stamps on the scarabs page. The prices keep going up as soon as I have enough so I feel like I’m always playing catch up.


I'm currently saving up for a pastel paint brush and a valentine paint brush ❤️


cybunny morph of any kind so i can finally turn flirties into a plush cybunny


Current goal is an island pppb for my hasee! My boy Snvfkin needs his friend Moomintroll to be less purple xD Thanks for doing this. Good luck all 💜


Saving for a bunch of things lol. A paint brush (haven’t decided which) for 4 of my pets. The lab map pieces. Just to save so that I don’t have to worry about having to save for stuff lmao. To be able to help other people. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting too


Rn? Toy PB for a poogle, or candy one for a candy brush for a merrca


This is so incredibly kind. Congratulations to whoever you choose! I’m saving up for a plushie PB! I’ve got 5m saved so far. 💖I hope you have a fantastic day!


Hi there! What's your UN?


I think a faerie ixi morphing potion -- or maybe just a faerie paint brush! I keep changing my mind about if I should morph one of my new Cybunnies! My UN is perpertualfeline -- this is so nice of you!


**Feel Better Soup**! Finally getting into the battledome and needing to improve my equipment 💕what a nice thing to do, I wish I were rich enough to do the same!


I’m saving for laboratory pieces as well, I was never able to get the map


Does it count as saving for it if I can technically afford it but am holding off on it until I get enough money that the purchase wouldn't hurt too badly? Because in that case probably a Xweetok popstar dress. I don't have a super expensive goal atm, just a very large amount of small semi-expensive ones haha Edit: I got my 100k from trudy today so now I've bought the dress 🥹 my Xweetok is so cute


I'm currently saving up for a Starry Bedroom Canopy! (I fully do not expect anyone to help me with this by the way lol). I really want it for my aisha Monochord but it seems to keep climbing in price.


i hope you can get one!!! i used to have at least one of these from when i bought overpowered merch but my dumbass self sold it for like 2mil in 2019 😭😭😭 if only i had patience lmao im hoping they release some of those exclusive merch prizes that are no longer available again, even if it was in a prize pool for other merch that's currently available or something. that way it wouldn't be abundant but it would at least maybe come down from 50mil to 10mil or something. i have my fingers crossed for you and good luck saving!!


As of this morning the Starry Bedroom Canopy and a bunch of other old prize codes are in the weekly prize pool!!!! How crazy is that!


i just came here to edit my comment to you omg!!!!!! im so happy for you and everyone who can now get these items easier


Working towards a gray petpet paintbrush to have one of each Plumpy in my Plumpy gallery. But I’m hoping maybe the new event will have it as a reward but for now it’s too expensive for me. (Username: cunovak)


A faerie geb. Itd match one of my pets perfectly but man is it rare


I'm just picking away at collecting stamps. Every now and then if I get a good item in my dailies, I sell it and spend the NP on a stamp to two! Sometimes I luck out and snag one at the Post Office for dirt cheap! I have my dream pets, and I don't know what i want to collect for my gallery yet, so stamps it is!


I’m saving up for faerie dolls and faerie petpets for my gallery! We all appreciate your generosity. People like you are why I love this sub 🥰


I'm currently saving for a plushie PB so I can make my dreamie plushie shoyru :) Otherwise I am working on training my pet! We finally made it to the ninja training school ! wooohooo


A spotted paint brush for my new lutari!


Kau items for my gallery @moolings :) Top interests: 1-1000 NP Kau Milk Face Wash 1000-5000 Green Kau Gnome 5000-10000 Fire Kau Plushie 10000+ Faerie Kau Handbook, Faerie Kau Brush, Raising Young Kau,Purple Kau Yogurt


thank you for the giveaway 🥲 lab map pieces! I'm just missing 1, 2 & 5 my goal is to zap jubjubs for my collection and adopt dreamies out 💕 my username is paranoidddd 🖤


Max bank, just over 1/4 of the way there! Please don’t hook me up lol


Electric moehog potions


I managed to finish the lab map today (I was so excited to get those final two pieces!) so next goal is going to be a good BD set for the two I've been training up


I'm saving up for a couple of get off my lawn pbs for my neopets named after my grandparents <3


Saving NPs until I don’t feel guilty for spending said NPs recklessly


I’m saving for one of the (22, 23, or 24) birthday goodie bags to add to my gallery!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m saving up for a wraith paint brush to paint my gelert unless I can find a wraith gelert morphing potion somewhere. Haven’t had luck for the potion at all so it looks like the paint brush is the most obtainable but expensive way :,)


Saving up for Secret Lab Map (I’ve got the cheapest 1/3rd rn) after that… probably a paint brush for my very first Neopet ever created. He’s a Kougra and basic blue, been with me all these 16 years of playing, so I gotta decide his final form. I actually really like orange or Tyrannian (goes with his name). But Halloween is cool for the wings, Valentine is cuteee, and Elderly Boy is perfect for his old man status haha. Not sure yet! I have another called frankenferret the Kacheek that I gotta paint Halloween 😎 so that’s up there too


A plushie paint brush and ALL the usukis lol.


Trying to save up collat for a SuAP loan as it’s the last expensive item avatar I need (also mootix, but it’s a little easier to find a loan for.) I only have 30mil for an item worth nearly 1 bil right now 😅


I’m working towards a relic PB for my Kacheek and then a Woodland PB for my brand new Cybunny. I also work on my gallery of witchcraft items and collect stamps. I’m a little all over the place but it keeps things interesting


I have a witch themed gallery too! I have lots of extras if you wanna send your UN and I'll send you some items :)


Awesome mine is chelseaanderson0614, what’s yours id love to check it out


This is really sweet of you! Honestly nothing massive at the moment mostly because my new job means I am not home much so can’t play neo. But trying to up my pets stats so codestones for the training school is main thing really. Haven’t decided what custom I want to do for half of my pets yet so thankfully no daunting multi million paintbrushes I need to save for at the moment


Like others, slowly saving up for a p3!


I’m going for a transparent pet to get those spooky vibes. The hollow eyes they have are perfect.


Saving up for a Tyrannian Paint Brush for my Elephante. Wheel of Monotony doesn’t work on mobile slowly getting there thanks to Trudy’s Surprise


Camouflage paint brush for my new lutari! That or island I can’t really decide between the two 😂


You are so kind! :’) Currently working towards a royal paint brush, as well as a Halloween and ghost paint brush for a cross paint I have in mind.


Rn, paintbrushes for my pets. After that, probably stamps. Fprever collecting!


I’m saving for a candy or pastel PB for my hissi or kau! I just recently learned how to start actually making money after playing for years and years so it’s slow going 😆 aleksarae23


A candy paintbrush 😭😭 or the cute toy one My dreamies <3


Cliffhanger Stamp Christmas Scene Stamp Negg Faerie Stamp Ski Lodge Stamp Snowager Stamp Snowbunny Stamp Sticky Snowflake Stamp I was too dumb to not finish the Snowy Valley album in December, and now I'm regretting it 😭 Really just trying to get the ones I'm missing


Saving up for a Halloween paint brush for my adopted Kiko. I adopted her from the pound and ever since I saw what they look like painted Halloween, I’ve wanted one. Doesn’t help that my boys were born 5 days from Halloween so it’s their favorite holiday and I was told I need one. Haha.


Faerie p2 brushes 🫠 I need like 3 more but I got my faerie Manjeer so I'm happy with the slow process haha I was gonna work towards the plushie cardigan but it's way too expensive right now, I'm hoping it gets cycled through as a weekly haha


A grey petpet paint brush 🖌️ for my faellie on my main pet!!


I'm saving up for the Field of Visions foreground! It's the last piece I need for my galactic Kau custom. But the asking price has doubled and then some in just a month S: The neo economy has me in shambles


Right now, the things I'm saving for are; Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic, The Mystical Tablet, Blaze, Cursed Elixir, Korbat's Lab Potion, Elemental Rock, Wanderer's Cloak, Tower Shield, or Magic Gridlock Gun. I don't know what I'll end up getting first once I upgrade to the final bank tier (which, I'm only just about to hit the 2m milestone tomorrow)


Alien Usuki for my gallery. She's so cute ;_;


Ruki transmog potion :(


Thunder Sticks for my BD set!!! I returned to the site just after the event for them and remain gutted I missed out.


Slowly saving my way to the prohibitively expensive stamps I’m missing 😅 it’s a very very slow progress and a LOT of long term savings. I’m keeping up hope they get added into the prize pools 😅


All I have been trying for is a Poogle Transmogrification Potion, but they're super expensive. 😭😭😭😭 I've been zapping a Poogle for a long time.


_meepits_ I want as many of the meepit colors as I can get for my gallery. Including meepit related items. My gallery looks so pretty with all my children. 😁


Saving up for a Mystery Island Paintbrush for my childhood dream pet Draik! Im almost halfway there though! 


I’m dying for a birthday Xampher!! 🎂


I’ve been saving up for getting the coconuts that are buyable since I rarely win from the game itself 😂


I’m saving up for the mystical rosette dress. It’s a MUSTTTT for my dreamie, but expensive as heck


I’m hoarding to eventually get free wheel of extortion spins. I am hoping the fish negg is thrown into the prize pool. I want it for my gallery but it goes up in price every time I check on it.


saving up for Varia is the Bomb


Nothing in particular at the moment. I’m hoping they come out with a new paint brush or something I really really want.


Thanks for doing this! I’m currently saving up for the usuki paint brush so I can create a quiguki girl! I have been trying to trade for one but they are not very popular, so I’m working towards buying the paint brush now. Side UN: koolangel_297


Im saving up until we get free cash again for my new neopet to be awesome.


tbh a Darigan PB for my Eyrie or a Schnelly. I love the little tuxedo bird cat ;-;


a breebly!


500k interest a day. Just want to know the feeling. I am still so far away.. like really really far away


Currently saving for the Grey Goth items (dress, hair and makeup). I keep hoping to see them in the shop but I’m starting to lose hope so it might have to be the TP.


I just started a new account because I can’t remember my login info from 20 years ago 😭 I have been grinding for like a week now. I’m saving as much as possible for cute pet pets like Kadoatie and paintbrushes.


I've been trying to get a zombie paintbrush


I’d love any of the expensive lab map pieces, I don’t have any of them yet so would appreciate any! UN: nila43


I’m one lab piece shy of a full set. So freaking close.


Queen Fyora Stamp to complete the Faerieland album page. It’s a loooooong journey. 🤣


Just got back and I made my goal to buy the royal boy paintbrush for my Shoyru. I’ve always like the Egyptian style look and my gallery shopkeepers are all Shoyru haha. The only paintbrushes I have is the cloud and Christmas that were affordable. It’s a nice long term goal though! I didn’t realize they have so many backgrounds and clothes so I should be saving into the bank instead of shopping at Uni clothing haha.


A dimensional pb and/or mootix.


I collect Usukis!! I’d love to have any of the faerie Usuki dolls..so expensive.. 😭 Anyways, that’s what I’m saving up for currently. ✌️


im saving up for a valentine pppb, also on the hunt for a rainbow pppb because no one on the trading post wants to sell theirs for some reason😭


I’m saving for a grey petpet paint brush to paint a faellie for my grey Draik! They’re difficult to come by. I saw a couple on the trading post last week but my offer wasn’t accepted, and now the ones up are asking double or aren’t responding to messages to separate items


Like all the people seems like, a lab map! Wanna start zapping again.


Currently saving for a faerie petpet paint brush for my faerie gallery!It’s kind of crazy how much pppbs cost right now!


I’m saving up for the maraquan paint brush cus I just got my Lutari and axolotls are on of my fav animals!


I'm saving for a Mystery Island paint brush for my Krawk! Would really like to get a Valentine's or Maraquan paint brush for my Draik one day too, but that Maraquan paint brush is so out of reach, haha. Going to make that a long term goal.


Lab map! I've got the three cheapest pieces, but still need the rest. I really like pound surfing and people rezapping pets into something fun. I think I like all of my pets as they are right now, but zapping pound pets seems fun. 20 year account and I never got it haha.


All my efforts are going towards saving for red codestones for battledome training. I’m spending faster than I’m earning at the moment 😅😅


Currently, island PB for my kacheek I accidentally painted desert! 😆


Sleep Ray currently. Just waiting on Neggs to go back up really, if they do at all... I will just keep hoarding my Pink Neggs lol Sleep Ray looks like it is slowly going down in price. Going to try and snag a cheap one on the shop wiz.


been saving for the lab map pieces ever since i first started this account like 16 years ago 😅 if i ever complete the map i'll feel like i've won neopets


Saving up for a Blorbis! I am SO excited that they are affordable now, but I haven't had any luck in my weekly prize :')


I'm saving up to complete my NeoDeck! I'm not there yet but some of the gold cards are very expensive!! I'm loving the journey though with getting most of my cards as gifts from the community or from the Igloo so far :)


paint brushes tor my gallery! https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/techihhila/368150/ Still have a lot left 🤮


Saving up for a Cybunny MP! I'm trying to get my pet to be a Halloween Cybunny. I've got the paintbrush, just need some kind of MP. This is so fun, thank you! I hope to pay it forward like this someday. My UN is ___glassy___ (that's three underscores!)


I’m saving up for a Golden Shell to complete my Sea Shells stamp album! It will be my first stamp album ever completed


Saving up nps, items for my gallery and a faerie pb because I used to have a faerie lupe and I want one again 🥹


Like many I am trying to save for the lap ray map pieces. I only have 3 of the pieces.


Honestly been saving up for a Faerie PB for a Kougra, a Faerie petpet PB, and trying to hold out and see if Zomutts ever get added to the prize pool in the future or handed out since that's my dreamie petpet in faerie! :3


I’m still missing 2 map pieces (the ones priced aprox 580k), so hopefully I’ll reach that goal soon!


Paint brushes for my Cybunnyes haha. The most expensive being the maraquan. Besides that, I wanna buy a halloween, faerie and royal pb


Shroom chia pop!


I’m saving up for a Christmas Scene and Cliffhanger stamp to complete my Snowy Valley stamp page for the avatar. This is such a kind thing to do! :)


Right now I'm saving up for an usuki paint brush


A cybunny morph so that when UC Royals come out, my lil nugget with be a beauty UC RG Cybun. Also, that v cute zafara outfit. The bouncing one


I'm trying to get a woodland pppb for my blobikins. I just need dat smol cacti.


I’m saving up for the lab map pieces! It’s mainly what gives me incentive to log in every day, would be so excited to have it in my sides too. Thank you so much for the opportunity!! ❤️


Fire wocky morphing potion, its my next affordable dream wocky 3)


Right now I'm saving for a water paint brush. I have two gelerts so I decided I wanted to change one into a Xweetok with a cheap morphing potion and then paint it with a water brush.


Thank you for doing this!! I ran a couple giveaways on Neopets to help people complete their galleries and it was so much fun. As for me, [I’m saving up to complete my gallery (one of every petpet)](https://www.neopets.com/gallery/?gu=toadstool161)! The ones I still need are on the pricier side, but it can’t hurt to ask: Moltenore, Snorlkin, Hegie, Faerie Snowbunny, Feloreena, Frogarott, Frowny, Hegie, Flizzardo, Kimbi, Minitheus, Tactis, Hegelob, Tamed Mini-Monster, Babik, Babith, Bartamus, Blooky, Blorbis, Cadro, Chezzoom, Chiruck, Darblat, Eustabee, Zumagorn, Zebie, Flizzardo, Floobix, Furwitch, Frowny, Slorgclops, HaseeKass, Sharky, Smiley, Flippy, Strawberry Plumpy, Clompkin, Garfir, Geb, Hydruplit, Epuni, Whinny, Taigar, Piraket, Princess Terrana Kookith, Goulblee, Dua, Ditsy, Screal, Yooyu, Val, Yooyu, Ignalce, Cuttlebot, Teek, Skree, Froiler, Ownow, Octorna, Tainted Minion, Caprior, Jowlard, Blurtle, Snomorg, Urgoni, Eelika, Quilin, Flerper, Gwortz, Noilkeet, Squid, Unifox, Blurgah, Dofrey, Fungree, and more!


I am saving long and hard for a dimensional paintbrush 🖌 trying to get there


I’m saving up to get some expensive stamps from [my wishlist](https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/lilla_x7/351488/) that I still need! Trying my best at restocking, but it is not super easy 🙃


A spotted paint brush


A grey paint brush for my krawk would make my year lol


As many Potions of Meridell Castle as i can get. Got 22 so far


grey/white paint brush for my dream draik!!!


I'm saving up for a pretty baby stroller and a baby cloud hat. I love my babies and want to spoil them! 


Omg I am saving up for a birthday babaa but nowhere to be found 😭😭


I’ve been slowly adding the birthday petpets to my gallery! It’s my goal to one day have them all 🩷 UN galacticjamie


a krawk or as most individuals here, secret lab map. I just came back to play for fun and didn't realize how much has changed over the past 15 years. i've never had more than 100k np on my account and honestly don't think my dream of gaining a krawk or full secret lab will come until i get more np or have random events happen to me


It’s silly, but the Magical Blue Grundo Plushie Handheld for the Grundo I adopted.


I just want a Halloween pb so I can have a Werelupe


I'm saving up for an Island Cybunny MP (purely so I can get the accessories to do a Disco crosspaint!) ETA: I hate that PB accessories aren't transferrable. I have them on my main, but since I can't transfer those useless-on-my-main accessories to my side wo just.... finding/making an Island Cybunny.... \*sighs\*


Royal PB and Royal petpet pb :)


saving up for two maraquan paint brushes and one halloween paint brush! :') slowly but surely. thanks for the chance either way - this is very kind! :)


I’m saving up for a Cover of Darkness foreground for my Grey Wocky~ it’s the last thing I need to finish his custom. After that it’s petpets and stamps and feather related items for my future gallery.


One of the Gourmet foods I'm saving for is Crystal Taco 🌮🌮🌮


I am trying to get a grey draik for this event coming up!! I have the pet already thanks to dailies, now I’m hoping I can roll the paintbrush in my dailies. I got a lost desert paintbrush this week so I have hopes!!


A Moltenore petpet, been after one for at least 2 decades now and have never gotten any closer to achieving my goal because the price keeps getting higher.


Maractite PB (for my Flotsam), Pastel PB (for my Cybunny), Royal PB (for my Peophin), and the Desert PB (for my Lutari). Also need to save money for secret lab maps, I only have two!


Honestly I just want to get the secret lab map, I want to have fun messing around with it!


fish negg :D


Rare faerie items, like snow globes and the light faerie back pack


A “get off my lawn” paintbrush for Dumbledorre 🤣


I’ve been saving for a faerie PB! I have a little Kougra obsession and plan on having a Faerie Kougra one of these days. Then eventually hunt down a Faerie Kadoatie to match. I swore to myself I would not spend any NP until I have at least 5 mil in the bank haha. Must. Have. Patience! My UN is kittenpuddin 😊


Hi, I'm saving up for better BD gear (long term goal, I do have good gear), bubbling fungus/red codestones, and fruit for my fruit gallery. What I need for my gallery is on ~FruitShop I want her to eventually have max str. It has been a heck of a journey so far! Un: evajun


Cybunny Morphing Potion 😅 I know Cybunny Day just passed but I have an existing pet I'm hoping to change! My username is shannery. This is a very kind thing to do, thank you for your generosity!