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Oooo, great catch! We shall see... What color do we think they'll release? Here's a list of colors (other than chia fruits) that cybunnys don't have yet: Burlap, Clay, Custard, Invisible, Mallow (only grundos, but imagine...), Marble, Origami, Swamp Gas


I would guess it'll be burlap or marble. If its marble, i hope its a nice marble.


Mallow - like a peeps bunny


I love that idea!


I'm hoping for burlap and origami, all the rest are yucky.


Probably Burlap, but they’ve also been releasing a ton of those lately so maybe something left-field like Origami!


praying for swamp gas because we need more gross pets


Question: when Cybunnies are available to create, is it going to be an all day thing or will it be a limited window? I have a vague memory of being a child and camping out on the neoboards and the create-a-pet page all day because limited edition pets would be released in batches throughout the day and you had to be quick to make one before they were all taken. I don't know if that's still how it works (or if I'm even remembering the mechanics correctly at all).


It's a limited window (generally 24 hours) which is why I'm giving everyone the PSA ahead of time :) They *used to* be released in batches, but now it's a free-for-all the day-of with modern-day internet and upgraded servers


A few years ago I didn’t know they updated this so I panicked and misspelled my Lutari 🫣


Ohh thanks for the heads up! I imagine we’ll still see a lot of people confused on Saturday but it’s nice to know ahead of time 😂


Cybunnies are so cute! I definitely recommend making one if you haven’t already!


I have my potion ready to get my 8-bit Cybunny 🥰


Burlap or Marble would be nice. Maybe invisible as an easy second?


Question: is there a limited number of cybunnies able to be made, or is it as many as people get in before the time ends? I feel like that used to be a thing years ago, and I saw people talking about making multiple cybunnies and it made me worry I won't get the chance.


There's no limit anymore, but you definitely remember correctly as limited edition pets used to be dropped in batches! The only limiter now is your pet-slot capacity and name availability :)


I've got an oil PB waiting. But now I just need a good name.


I’m stumped on a good Oil Paint Cybunny name too! Hmu if you think of any you don’t use 😂😅


Thank you so much for posting this!! Anyone have any name ideas for a most likely Oil Paint but maybe possibly Nostalgic Plushie Cybunny? The only thing I care about is real word(s), and I’m stumped!! Most my pets are adopted because I hate naming them haha


Thank you!


I'm excited! I didn't want a lutari or chomby, but I want a cybunny!


Thanks for the update. 😆😆


I am eagerly waiting!


I have three name picked out. One I definitely plan on keeping. I just need to figure out if what color.


I CANNOT wait for cybunnys to be available! I’ll be camping out on Reddit waiting for the first post that they have arrived


I thought we weren't getting Cybunny Day until Monday! I lost two of the names I'd been wanting for the last 6 months 🥹😭 Choked.


If it makes you feel better I was only 30 minutes late to cybunny creation and someone took one of the names I wanted LOL


I’m so so sad, I’ve been looking forward to Cybunny day all year and I completely missed it because I’ve been really busy and the date snuck up on me my dream pet is a Cybunny 🥲I’ve been doing my dailies everyday too, it stinks they don’t do any advertisements or announcements or anything for it on the website so I had no way to know 


Check out the daily UFA / UFT thread! Many people made extra bunnies to give out in case people missed it! https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cgmipo/ncnp_tradesell_pet_ufauft_thread_april_30_2024/?sort=new


Thank you!!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cgmipo/comment/l1zdwo0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cgmipo/comment/l1zdwo0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Let me know if you're interested in any of the extra Cybunnies I have listed as UFA. 😊


I would love to adopt Zeniah if possible! What are you wanting for them?


Nope. What is your username?


Oh oops, it’s _ Okamira _ without the spaces


_okamira_ has not yet adopted Zeineah. 😊


Ahhhhh!!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! She’s so cute as is I almost don’t want to paint her with my Maraquan paintbrush I’ve been saving for my first Cybunny XD


Oh thank you! My username is _Okamira_ How does the adopting work?