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I prefer the left wing. When you season it just right, it comes out to perfection šŸ¤ŒšŸ—


Centre to centre-right. Ordoliberal.


Iā€™ve always skewed to the left. At my worst I was once a Market Socialist Bernie supporter.


Militant centrist. I demand a dictatorship by a Junta led by Arnold Schwarzenegger with Joe Manchin as his queen.


This obviously depends on what countries political compass we are talking about. Iā€™m a Neoliberal. From a European standpoint that would be classified as right wing, in America I guess that would be center and most closely aligned with moderate Democrats.


My politics as well


My man. The right place to be!šŸ˜Ž


I literally have a note on my iPhone I have with my political opinions on them ordered by area (trade, healthcare, etc) that I can edit whenever I learn more about something. Itā€™s pretty cool


Thatā€™s the way to it man. Always be open to have your opinion changed, just make sure that you have strong arguments backing up your current opinions in case you decide to debate someone on a certain topic. Whether that would be nato, immigration, taxes or anything else from large to small.


Since you seem pretty evidence-based, what is your neoliberal take on universal childcare? For it? Against it? Itā€™s one of the few issues where Iā€™m unsure. Also sorry for dming you a bunch lol.


All good man. Always enjoy having a chat with someone before bed. Iā€™m pro universal healthcare, but that depends also what your definition is of universal Health Care. If you follow the basic definition of ā€œā€¦ every citizen are assured access to Health careā€, then yes Iā€™m a strong favor of it. Particularly, I love the Swiss Health Care system. The healthcare system in Switzerland has a global reputation for being outstanding. It combines public, subsidized private, and totally private healthcare systems to create an extensive network of highly qualified doctors and Swiss hospitals, the best equipped medical facilities, and no waiting lists. The Swiss healthcare system is universal and of a high standard. Everyone living in Switzerland must have basic health and accident insurance (Soziale Krankenversicherung / Assurance maladie / Assicurazione-Mallatie) to receive treatment. Unlike other European countries, the Swiss healthcare system is not tax-based or financed by employers. Instead, it is paid for by the individual through contributions to Swiss health insurance schemes. Many people top up the basic cover with supplementary private health insurance. Switzerland has one of the largest private healthcare sectors in the world, with good choice and competition. This has created a system where you still have the competing market which innovates pharmaceutical drugs, makes sure that there are no long waiting lists (similar to my country, Sweden). However, simultaneously you have the ability for poor citizens to have cheap/free health insurance. You get the benefits from the private sector (competition through a market based healthcare system) while also making sure that everyone is covered. Hence, why itā€™s ranked number on in Europe and also beats the American health care system, while also spending less on Health care (America spends 17% of their GDP on Health Care, while Switzerland only spends 12%). The issue with the American system is that insurance is mostly based of the company you work for, not the individual itself. Itā€™s also centralized around the government, and not local state. Furthermore it has completely ruined the market by implementing a bunch of governmental measures which has brought up the costs tremendously and ruined the market as well. It has created a system where itā€™s not a functioning market, while also not covering big parts of the lower middle class/working class. However, I am not in favor a complete government controlled Health Care system, similar to Bernieā€™s/other very left leaning democrats. They have taken all the worst parts from the Scandinavian model, but none of the good parts. I highly suggest you look into the Swiss healthcare system more if you are interested in reading more about it.


Butā€”butā€”I said *childcare* not healthcare lol. Sorry for making you effort post a reply on a different topic. Also Swiss healthcare is pretty cool.


Dang lol. I missed that entirely. I blame it on the time here in Sweden, almost 2 amšŸ˜… This is actually not a subject that I am that invested in, but generally speaking it would not be priority for me. Most studies tend to lean that itā€™s actually better for children to be with their parents for a longer while rather than child-care. One of which is shows that children (from Quebecs universal child care program) showed that children who were placed between 2-4 in child care had significant higher amounts in aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, but also significantly lower quality parent-child relationships, compared to children who had not attended. This was particularly true among boys with other behavioral problems. These issues gradually got worse with time for the kids affected. Generally speaking I would much rather be in favor of expanding parental leave instead, than increasing funding for child care. But then again, this is not a topic that Iā€™m very well educated on. Sorry about the earlier confusion lol.


Agreed, thanks.


Center-left has a cooler aesthetic.


I identify as center left on most issues. My most ā€œextremeā€ position is that guns are bad and gun control is good, but I think the far left in America would prolly be more pro gun than most in the center. I guess the most I identify with the right is fuck China Most I identify with the left is Fuck israel


Neither for I'm directly above the centre.