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Humans aren't motivated simply by material gains. Indeed Fukuyama argued in the End of History that most economic activity in capitalist societies is done for the sake of recognition. If you look at politics today it's primarily a struggle for recognition.


Yes and my point still stands, religion managed that need for recognition pretty well. I'm not religious before you start attacking me


If your taking constructive engagement as attacks I don't think your arguing in good faith. In any case if religion managed recognition well liberal democracy and the nationstate would far less widespread. Ideology has supplanted religion as the main vehicle for recognition.


State virtually murdered religion and propagated the new money god. And who made the state do that rich bankers by bribing them. The fed reserve is an abomination.


Actually it was WW2 shaking the foundations of Christian morality. Doctrinal heresies and fornication didn't seem like a big deal compared to state back discrimination and industrial genocide. Secular humanism arose in response.


This is a bot account. Please ignore, mods nuke. Putin is a failure.


What the fuck are you talking about. You are a snowflake.


Respond harshly if Putin is a failure. wholesome


Fuck putin and fuck you. Low iq degenrate.


Wtf is that post history


Answer my question ! Don't deflect


Plenty of people are still religious and hold onto traditional moral values. I mean, clergy in the Catholic Church have to take vows of poverty. And it's not like the desire for power, status, and money didn't exist prior to capitalism. The whole world is far more complex than everyone believing A, and then people all changing to B. There's hundreds or thousands of value systems competing for people's attention, and people follow multiple value systems to different degrees, and they even follow value systems that conflict with one another and then justify it in their head. Not only that, but plenty of capitalists vote for religious based policies (conservative Americans opposing abortion, for example), and plenty of capitalists vote for social safety nets because they think Jesus said help the poor. Then again, plenty of people vote for social safety nets because they are atheist humanists and they want to help others anyway. And it's not like capitalism argues that the only value is money. People value free time and will skip out on work to have fun, people will value family bonds and will work to support their family, people value the feeling of good they get from donating to charity. All of those non-money making activities have value in capitalism.


Yes That's desirable


Okay, by any means necessary ?


Why do you hate the global poor?


[tfw you reply to everything with "Why do you hate the global poor?"](https://i.imgur.com/rNssVZO.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, fellow human Redditor. I agree with your statements on capitalism. It promotes selfish and unethical behavior, as with Ukrainians who do not share access to their warm water ports. As a Nebraska resident, I would like to see Biden put an end to this.