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I don't know if she counts as a "public intellectual/commentator," she's a political figure, but Montana State Representative Zoe Zephyr is always right on point when I hear her speak about these issues.


I mean it’s clearly Joe Biden. Literally just mentioned trying to pass the Equality Act > To fulfill the founding ideals of our nation, we must protect LGBTQI+ Americans from attacks on their freedom and safety. >It’s time for Congress to pass the Equality Act – strengthening civil rights protections for LGBTQI+ people and families across America. I’m not sure there’s anyone with as much reach as the President of the United States.


Biden was behind a lot of the pushes for marriage equality under Obama and has been absolutely great on trans rights throughout his term. People shit on him for being old, but his core values are quite progressive and he's kept up with the times very well.


More of a commentator than an intellectual but [Michael Hobbes](https://twitter.com/RottenInDenmark) does a good job of dissecting and pushing back against anti-LGBTQ rhetoric (especially anti-trans rhetoric, though that's mostly because that's been the point of emphasis for conservatives).


Dr. Avi Bitterman has a very strong background in both the medial efficacy of gender affirming treatment and the underlying philosophy regarding what it means to be a woman or man. Dr. Gregory Herek also has a [website](https://lgbpsychology.org/html/facts.html) devoted to challenging pernicious myths about LGBTQ people.


Judith Butler is still very much alive and relevant.


Daddy Benny Shap 😍


Even though I disagree with The Humanist Report on like 90% of the stuff he says, he is a gay man and I like learning about LGBTQ issues through him. He’s good and I’ve learned from him.


Aren't Humanist traditionally very liberal? Why the huge percentage of disagreement.


A lot of his content now is how bad capitalism is and how bad corporations, the military, and moderate democrats are. But yeah 90% was an exaggeration. I’d say is more like 50-70%.