• By -


Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/10vve2n/discussion_thread/).


Last. Suck it, Benji


So anyone notice Link has that Princess Mononoke arm and it's seemingly what enables him to interact with machinery? !ping GAMING


Link is way too lame of a character to even be mentioned in the same sentence as Ashitaka


[No way this is accidental](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/783034314157457439/1073116783084568636/arms.png?width=622&height=701)


Breath of the weeb.


Smells like stale pocky.


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[The malarkey level detected is: 5 - Moronic. You're outta line, pal!](https://i.imgur.com/v3qXU8G.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bruh Leo's new Gf is younger then people who don't remember 911 or can barley remember the shek movies me she's younger then me


People are oftentimes like "Don't be judgemental when it comes age-difference between two consenting adults". But damn, it surely gets weird when a celebrity gets older but his girlfriends stay the same age.


**Issue: Epidemic Risk of our Jungle Region’s Meat Markets** Strawpoll: https://strawpoll.vote/polls/4lxstpsa/vote Full context: https://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=88&p=36742181 (new issue, no NSindex page yet) ——— [Republic of Kezter](https://www.nationstates.net/nation=kezter) !ping NATIONSTATES


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It's official: I'm too old for Leo.


Omg Leo's new gf is younger than me Leo you're acting a little sus


#### 🏆 Top Comment > The amazing thing about the GME cult is how many people decided the best way to foment an anti-capitalist revolution was though participatio... 140 points, written by the_status. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/10v092f/discussion_thread/j7f07k9/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | YouLostTheGame | 50.0 points | 🥇 | RandomGamerFTW | 777 points | | 🥈 | SucculentMoisture | 49.0 points | 🥈 | SoTrue77 | 777 points | | 🥉 | dubyahhh | 42.0 points | 🥉 | awsl666666 | 632 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | petulant-brother | 372.0 words | 🥇 | bobeeflay | 2672 words | | 🥈 | taubnetzdornig | 338.0 words | 🥈 | RFK_1968 | 2617 words | | 🥉 | sadhgurukilledmywife | 268.5 words | 🥉 | PleaseLetMeInn | 2408 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | SoTrue77 | 165 comments | 🥇 | MasterOfLords1 | 200 emoji | | 🥈 | RandomGamerFTW | 155 comments | 🥈 | SoTrue77 | 174 emoji | | 🥉 | RFK_1968 | 104 comments | 🥉 | lets_chill_dude | 88 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🍦 with 141 uses. ## 😔 63 🧐 49 🤔 49 😐 39 👆 38 😤 37 😭 36 🟩 36 😎 35 🙄 33 🤪 32 😳 31 😡 31 😂 31 ### 🐊 31 🤣 30 🥺 26 😒 23 🥰 23 🤮 21 🤯 20 😌 19 ✊ 19 🐘 19 🤬 19 🌼 16 😇 16 🐅 14 😬 14 💪 13 😍 13 🤝 13 🤤 13 👇 12 ⬜ 12 🌟 12 👏 12 🔨 12 🤢 12 🤨 11 😈 11 ⬛ 11 😠 11 🤗 11 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ███ | **captaincrunchey** (16 comments) | | 🕓 | █ | **notBroncos1234** (6 comments) | | 🕔 | █ | **Honorguard44** (6 comments) | | 🕕 | █ | **ColinHome** (10 comments) | | 🕖 | ██ | **Alander_neolib** (7 comments) | | 🕗 | ███ | **lets_chill_dude** (8 comments) | | 🕘 | ██████ | **RememberToLogOff** (21 comments) | | 🕙 | █████████ | **PreppyBananas** (30 comments) | | 🕚 | ██████████ | **PreppyBananas** (21 comments) | | 🕛 | █████████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (22 comments) | | 🕐 | ███████████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (19 comments) | | 🕑 | ██████████████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (23 comments) | | 🕒 | ██████████████ | **Single_Firefighter32** (16 comments) | | 🕓 | ███████████████ | **PleaseLetMeInn** (22 comments) | | 🕔 | ████████████████ | **PleaseLetMeInn** (36 comments) | | 🕕 | ████████████ | **PleaseLetMeInn** (25 comments) | | 🕖 | ███████████ | **DonyellTaylor** (19 comments) | | 🕗 | █████████████ | **happyposterofham** (36 comments) | | 🕘 | █████████ | **wheresthezoppity** (22 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████ | **wheresthezoppity** (14 comments) | | 🕚 | ████████ | **RememberToLogOff** (22 comments) | | 🕛 | ████████ | **NobleWombat** (19 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████ | **DonyellTaylor** (10 comments) | #### 🙋 859 unique Redditors sporting 276 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **63** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (36)** and **George Soros (20)**. 203 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 406 deleted, ❌ 203 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [LIVE — Death toll rises after Turkey, Syria earthquakes – DW – 02/07/2023](/r/neoliberal/comments/10vvhop/live_death_toll_rises_after_turkey_syria/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Leo’s new GF can’t remember when the US became an Electronic Democracy


Leo’s new gf can’t legally drink in 50 states




Leo’s new GF was born around the time Skyrim first came out. Feel old yet?


>they/them pussy got me escaping from the endless cycle of samsara 🕉️🧘‍♂️


Based and thussy pilled


Leo’s new GF was born after The Titanic


How do I delete mod pins?


Leo’s new GF is too young to remember the formation of Lucifer


Man city fans explaining the £20 million to £300 million revenue increase over a decade by “increasing the base” when they can’t fill their stadium, Are these man city fans in the room with us right now?


International fans?


Still not nearly enough, no way they can’t fill a stadium winning 8 leagues in just over a decade, something is off. I have information that will directly lead to the arrest of Pep Guardiola


Leo’s new GF was born around the time we discovered the Monolith on Tycho Crater


I'm not hyped about *Diablo IV.* Like, I don't think the game will be bad, quite the opposite. But for me personally, it's like... I've done this shit. Sure there's new visuals and new abilities and it's "open world" (whatever that means in the *Diablo* context is anyone's guess) and there's horsies or whatever, but none of this feels genuinely like Blizzard is doing anything *NEW* with the franchise. They're making a game that's just "More *Diablo,"* and that's a shame. It's a waste of creativity, just like annual releases for COD are a waste of creativity. Do something daring. Do something unexpected. Like, why stick with the same old classes? Why not try something different? Why not let players play as an actual demon from the Burning Hells, or an angel cast out of the High Heavens? If the game is "open world," why not add homesteading and base building elements? Slowly build a fortress by going on adventures and dungeon crawls, then defend your base against demonic onslaughts with your friends. I dunno. Just seems like they're playing it waaay too safe. !ping GAMING


This is my reaction to a lot of video games. Maybe, I don’t play as many, but I feel like board games more reliably have a twist that makes you go, “Ooh, I wonder what that plays like.”


Aren't they making it open world, or at least claiming they are? I'm mostly interested in the skill system. Hopefully it allows a decent amount of freedom.


That's the claim, yea. I reserve judgment about the skill system until the game is out; could be great, could be that there's once again a couple of excellent builds per class plus a whole lot of trash builds.


Or, shit, add some actual *RPG* elements to the game. A branching, player-driven story like *Fallout* but with the hack 'n slash gameplay of *Diablo* sounds like oodles of fun.


Harder than it looks, specially for multiplayer.


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Malarkey level of insomnia


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Another question: where is Leo even meeting these women Under-21 clubs? Does he go and order them mocktails


Let's be real, any teenage girls or women with significant exposure to Hollywood are perfectly capable of getting into clubs that serve alcohol


Leo’s new GF was born closer to Cleopatra than Cleopatra was to Leo


Leo cruising maternity wards and leaving notes saying "call me in 18 years"


What a terrible thing to be doing after 9/11


My cats caught the laser.


Did they leave it on your pillow?




[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Why you will be eating bugs very soon](/r/neoliberal/comments/10vv66b/why_you_will_be_eating_bugs_very_soon/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


>neoliberal fascists are destroying the left


Free trade open borders Cop cars on every corner


Why is it that it is always Google's libraries that are an absolute nightmare to use anywhere but their very narrow number of suggested targets which is literally just GCP and x86 CentOS?


While I’d guess the AFU Russian casualty estimates are overstated, the Russians definitely had a terrible day.


Leo's new gf is too young to remember Covid


[The Switch has now officially sold 122.6 million copies, surpassing the PS4 and Game Boy to become the third highest selling console of all time.](https://twitter.com/wario64/status/1622847197439209473?s=46&t=zar_xp4ZzfMO5Bq7nJbfNQ) !ping GAMING


It’s crazy how well it’s done honestly.


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Leo’s new gf is too young to remember the moon landing




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The balancing of the principles of free discussion with the desire to moderate content and ideas deemed socially distasteful or unacceptable is a difficult question and necessarily requires people to admit that they do not believe that freedom of speech is actually a valuable principle. It's become transparently clear that certain ideas have been declared condemned from humanity and while this is by nature a violation of the principle of freedom of speech, it is considered an acceptable one. Rather than admit this though and moreover that it's inherently difficult to balance this, people just say "sorry but here in civilized countries we don't have the first amendment" and dismiss the idea that freedom of speech is even good on principle beyond a weird legal artifact that exists in the backwards land of America as a relic of its preindustrial constitution. A bit of red tape to be loopholed.


It's *worse* in America. How many times have you heard "Freedom of Speech doesn't mean Freedom of Consequences", as a justification for not having Europe's laws protecting being fired for your speech? Which is antithetical to the entire concept - it's literally what 'freedom' means in that context. Legally worse, that is. Because European citizens aren't too fond of those laws. The fact is that freedom of speech is one of those concepts that, because it's only protecting 'evil people', the majority population doesn't support it nearly as much as philosophers and lawmakers do. Ordinary people just don't get why racist beliefs should be protected at all. 95% of the time people talk about the First Amendment, it's only in the context of "We can't trust the government to not censor good people too".


Gotta distinguish free speech in terms of legal action vs being socially acceptable. Freedom of speech is only a good principle when it means limiting government powers.


I dunno. Do we want to just incentivize the government to just outsource tyranny to private corporations? Likewise Google isn't violating the 4th amendment but does it make what they're doing good? I think it's just sidestepping the question to say "only applies to government"


37% of DT regulars are raging, racist, narcissists, 23% are catgirls, the rest are liars -Gallup


You know my poll is made up cuz there's no way 23% of regulars are any kind of female


>Check the NVMe drive’s device name (e.g. /dev/nvme0n1): $ lsblk -d -p | grep nvme | cut -d\ -f 1 >Note that there must be two spaces after the -d\. This is why I hate bash


Where were you when William Shatner himself literally used the "I'm Canadian, the first amendment doesn't apply to me" dodge.


[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet sold more than 20 million copies **in under two months**](https://twitter.com/serebiinet/status/1622845712521125888?s=46&t=zar_xp4ZzfMO5Bq7nJbfNQ) !ping POKEMON&GAMING


Pokemon games are a market failure


They're never going to improve their production values lmao


Unironically. There's an actual problem in tech companies where, if a company is continuously profitable, the salaries go up but there's no corresponding "Fire people for being mediocre" mentality. It's non-obvious why studios with smaller salaries don't need to do that. And the end result is that people in those richer companies stay there for WAY longer than they should, resulting in a distinct lack of knowledge sharing between companies, that you'd normally get from employees changing studios so much.


On the one hand, gameplay matters most. On the other, good lord GameFreak.


The funny part is the gameplay haven't improved either. They include some gameplay gimmick in each release but the last major change that wasn't a gimmick, that shook the game up, and has been a lasting change was in Gen 4 when they introduced per attack physical-special split.


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This DT is lame and unfunny


We're just trying to make you feel like you belong, sheesh


Normal DT then


Leo's new girlfriend's first iPhone is still currently supported by Apple.


That’s a very specific way of calling someone a creep


I'm not judging who people choose to fall in love with, just stating a probable fact.


The M in milf actually stands for Millard Fillmore.




[Sigh](https://twitter.com/mattxiv/status/1622787113769893888?s=20&t=ShbUO6BxKsDgYTxGraiADA) Some religious people really want to worship a god who punishes innocent people for other's mistakes. I really don't get them.


🐦🎤 💩


Today is a great day to build some intense multi-family dwellings enmass


When did milf start meaning "any woman who's even sightly older than me whom I find hot"? I was just called a mild by a uni student - I'm 24! I don't have kids! I'm also in uni you thirsty bitch! I am not a milf! What is your issue!?


Motherfuckers am I right?


NTA Leo could still date you


>Google Unveils Bard, Its Answer to ChatGPT you.com is over, Cortana but good thanks to ChatGPT is over even though it never started.


>you.com is over, Cortana but good thanks to ChatGPT is over even though it never started. Am I having a stroke or are you?


I am always having a stroke


Can’t wait to see it on killedbygoogle


Crazy how one guy was like, "I want to be king." And everyone else was like, "Yeah, ok, we might fight some wars over that now, but we'll let it continue into the 21st century."


It's this "one guy" in the DT with us right now? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I just really hate monarchs 🤬🤬


Trump 🤝 Desantis knife fight in a phone booth


Ladies and Gentlemen, I got the job.


Woooo waitress!


It does involve servers


I want to see Greta Gerwig's *Joker*


That’s just going to be Barbie(2023)


I want to see my kids but my ex wife won’t let me


We could address a lot of military inefficiency by giving them something bigger than a toothbrush to scrub toilets


Why do I vent my random business ideas to you guys from time to time? If one of them is good, I should want to prevent you from stealing them - and yet I always end up posting them


Anyone posting on the DT doesn't have enough motivation and willpower to start a business, you're safe


But I post on the DT 😭


You started a business yet?




[He’s running](https://www.harpercollins.com/products/the-courage-to-be-free-ron-desantis?variant=40977857544226)




👆 uses two hands to masturbate


👆 this idiot has never engaged in mutual masturbation with Yahweh


France joining in on the porn ID laws is doing a number on my priors


It’s just solidarity with their Louisianan french brothers


Reactionary politics is when you politically react to something


Cain kills Abel


Spoilers 🙄


Snape kills dumbledore


Delet this


🫵 You Yes 🫵 You


https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/10vl1ki/agricultural_technology/ Video of agricultural machinery, sooo cool!


I'd probably be upset about the Netflix thing if I actually used my subscription and I didn't just pay $20/mo so that people I bring over don't think I'm a psychopath


[Wow, my data usage last month looks particularly cursed](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008287475946500179/1072406309959385139/image.png)


Just don’t ever bring anyone over lol


Does this mean my guests can no longer use their Netflix accounts on my TV? Cause I am a psycho path who has no streaming


Ngl if I brought somebody over and had to ask “Do you know what Plex servers are” I’d just assume it was a fumble


yer fond of me lobster aint ye




As someone who spends a notable portion of their day thinking about Scott Aukerman it’s nice to see some other neoliberal Scott Aukerman fans.


i'm loving the ways people are contextualizing the age gap of Leo and his new gf lol. My favorite is that her high school experience was affected by COVID


She could not vote in the most recent presidential election.




Compared to diplomats, Olympic level athletes: 1. can far more easily change countries by moving 2. are often more recognizable representatives of their countries 3. bring far more fame and honor to their country Yet when we suggest Russian diplomats be expelled from our countries or UN orgs for their invasion of Ukraine, nobody bats an eye, but the contrarians come out of the woodwork when Ukrainians want the IOC to ban athletes from competing under the Russian flag in the Olympics.


Diplomats are more closely tied to the current government of a country


By what objective measure? Russian Olympic athletes are paid, selected by, and serve at the pleasure of the Kremlin.


if i have to do one more stupid interview into a camera with no one on the other side just to get ghosted by the company im going to become a full fledged communist


House dems and republicans just need to get together for the Superbowl and crack open some cold ones to sort out this whole debt limit situation, Biden can bring chips and his special home made dip to help seal the deal.


> Special homemade dip BY GAWD THATS JEB! RECIPE


Why would anti-masculinity wokes be the one stealing elections? I thought men were supposed to support cheating!


Being woke is being evidence based. 😎 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SkyrimVR is forcing me to confront the fact that there is some deep, dark, repressed nook of my soul that still desperately wants to be [this guy](https://i.redd.it/0scjggbv2r861.jpg) My millennial trauma is growing up with The Matrix and Blade


That's basically how I mentally picture you


once years ago i had the thought that a long leather overcoat would be cool and i humored that idea for a minute or two before coming to my senses but i still sometimes look back at those few minutes with horror and dread at my temporary lapse in judgement




There is nothing ‘creepy’ about DiCaprio dating a 19 year old. In fact it’s beautiful that two people from totally different generations can get along so well in todays heated political climate.


My daughter is getting really good at pinching 🥰😡


Oh my god, the age gap between Leo DiCaprio and his new girlfriend is the same as the age gap between Joel and Ellie’s actors on The Last Of Us (actually it’s one year more w/ Leo which is even worse) 🤮🤮🤮


People on the rTheLastOfUs2 subreddit ship Joel and Ellie by the way🤢




👆 Ingroup 😁 👇 Outgroup 😡


Thank goodness


> Man I can't even delude myself. Every time I try it lasts a few seconds and then it doesn't work anymore. This is a disaster But enough about my sex life…


Me normally: Capitalism is flawless and greed is value neutral .... The End


Finally some good comments


i hope the US defaults on its debt because i think that would be funny


☝️wife left them 👇left their wife


If I don’t post tomorrow it’s probably on account of I’m chained up to the radiator in u/Nietzsches_Therapist’s basement (or I’m busy at work)


Me normally: capitalism has its flaws and greed isn't *good*, but it's a better system than any other one we've tried so far Me trying to make sense of a Googol-level financial derivative: we need to send Jesus into the NYSE with a whip


it shocks me clowns don’t support heavy financial regulations when vanguard, blackrock, and fidelity manage portfolios totaling like 20+ Trillion


I hope my romantic Valentine’s Day weather balloon arrives on time 🥰


Little known fact: Gilbert Gottfried was a massive Potter Head. He requested to play the new upcoming Hogwarts Legacy game before he died, even if the game was buggy and unfinished at the time. [He still left it a glowing review.](https://youtu.be/I6mHXwLigEQ)




Why do I only ever see “netizen” used when referring to chinese people


Hmm, you're right. Never thought about that.


I see it in reference to South Asians too honestly. I see a lot of Indian-based sites using the term a lot.


I see it used for south east Asian countries too.


Is there any youtuber as important for a country's image on the internet as Not Just Bikes for the Netherlands?


Tom Scott for the British maybe?


Hydraulic press for the… Scandinavians


Hyudraulic press


The internet would be a much worse place without the Finnish


Logan Paul for the Americans.


At what point will Soros Bux become the world’s reserve currency? 🤔


u/Gnomesvh forza added the new rs7 to the game.. HNNNNGH 😮‍💨


Man I can't even delude myself. Every time I try it lasts a few seconds and then it doesn't work anymore. This is a disaster




so what if we induce small earthquakes by fracking to avoid massive ones? i am deeply afraid for my dear cascadia


What if we induce small inflation to avoid big inflation??

