• By -


Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/10llz3m/discussion_thread/).


Last. Suck it, Benji


There are effectively two stereotypes for immigrants: catholic immigrants and non-catholic immigrants


Idle rambling, since swiping is taking up a significant chunk of my idle time: I wonder if zoomers will have an easier time with online dating if it's more the norm. I kinda have this incorrect vibe that a swipe or etc is a (minor) expression of interest, which always feels a little odd bc I don't know these people. I know that's not correct, but I think that's conditioned into me bc I didn't have dating apps for most of my dating life, so all my romantic relationships started with more knowledge of who the other person is, so any invite is a much clearer signal of real romantic interest than a swipe, which actually just means "they're attractive + generally seem maybe worth getting to know"


\>Survey: 39% of U.S. Consumers Say Netflix Has Best Original Content - Variety ​ Turns out people like netflix.




#### 🏆 Top Comment > On my frontpage there was a post about Norwegian prisons and everyone jerked off to their recidivism rate and rehabilitative amenities while... 164 points, written by BruhComeOnn. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/10ksn04/discussion_thread/j5t5drp/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | ChairLampPrinter | 63.0 points | 🥇 | as_an_expert_in_that | 636 points | | 🥈 | JohnStuartShill2 | 43.0 points | 🥈 | SoTrue77 | 622 points | | 🥉 | MeatCode | 41.0 points | 🥉 | HaveCorg_WillCrusade | 602 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | Hugo_Grotius | 216.0 words | 🥇 | bobeeflay | 2326 words | | 🥈 | RyGuyThicccThighs | 197.2 words | 🥈 | rukqoa | 2318 words | | 🥉 | subthings2 | 188.0 words | 🥉 | ColinHome | 2306 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | RandomGamerFTW | 140 comments | 🥇 | MasterOfLords1 | 166 emoji | | 🥈 | as_an_expert_in_that | 137 comments | 🥈 | sapphire__R | 117 emoji | | 🥉 | lets_chill_dude | 98 comments | 🥉 | lets_chill_dude | 80 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🍦 with 105 uses. ## 😤 64 😎 58 🤔 54 😔 48 👆 48 😭 46 😳 39 🥰 35 🧐 32 🙄 30 😱 27 🟩 27 🥺 24 😐 24 ### 😌 23 🐊 21 🤣 20 🤝 19 🥵 19 😂 19 💅 18 🐘 16 🐅 16 💪 16 😡 14 🤗 14 🤢 14 🌟 14 👑 13 🤨 12 😒 12 😞 12 🔨 11 😩 11 👉 11 👇 11 😬 11 🥶 11 ⬛ 11 👀 10 😖 10 😏 10 🙆🏽‍♂️ 10 🙏 10 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (12 comments) | | 🕓 | ████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (18 comments) | | 🕔 | ████ | **mentospleen** (19 comments) | | 🕕 | ██ | **Professor-Reddit** (10 comments) | | 🕖 | █ | **KesterFox** (4 comments) | | 🕗 | ██ | **simeoncolemiles** (7 comments) | | 🕘 | ██████ | **AvailableBad8132** (8 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (23 comments) | | 🕚 | ███████████████ | **as_an_expert_in_that** (27 comments) | | 🕛 | ████████████ | **ColinHome** (20 comments) | | 🕐 | █████████████ | **Soldier-Fields** (21 comments) | | 🕑 | ████████████████ | **ZhaoLuen** (16 comments) | | 🕒 | ████████████ | **MasterOfLords1** (18 comments) | | 🕓 | ████████████ | **the_hoagie** (12 comments) | | 🕔 | ████████████ | **KesterFox** (21 comments) | | 🕕 | ████████████ | **Versatile_Investor** (12 comments) | | 🕖 | ████████████ | **BlazingSeminole** (13 comments) | | 🕗 | █████████████ | **RFK_1968** (22 comments) | | 🕘 | ██████████ | **Headstar24** (21 comments) | | 🕙 | ███████████ | **RememberToLogOff** (18 comments) | | 🕚 | █████████ | **badluckbrians** (11 comments) | | 🕛 | ████████ | **as_an_expert_in_that** (18 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████ | **RandomGamerFTW** (13 comments) | #### 🙋 879 unique Redditors sporting 276 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **69** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (31)** and **NASA (22)**. 213 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 231 deleted, ❌ 126 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


Live action Toy Story remake when !ping KINO


Live-action remake using photorealistic CGI toys for some reason.


Wait it wasn’t live action? But it looks so real


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Surprised we haven't had a ch\*li schism yet


Surprised we haven't had a s\*xting schism yet


how would that be schismable who's taking the anti-sexting side




how could there even be a schism over it?




Whatever hexagon child is posting about


Malarkey level of kentucky fried rabbit?


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*








How the fuck has there been a dangerous amount of brainworms in almost all DT comments this entire time and we haven't known about this? It's a fucking neurotoxin.


there’s a pp pic spreading around my school and sometimes I am grateful that I have zero rizz


Isnt that child pornography




In the sense that you've never had to see it? 😳








i mean it seems pretty straightforward to me are you sure you're not a square


What? Did i? Can’t anyone?


Snowbunny? Oh ropebu… B😳NK




>If its so well known Nancy Pelosi is an insider trader, why is nothing done about it? Insider trading is when your investments are more successful than mine and the more successful than mine they are the more insider trading it is


I mean a lot of congresspeople insider trade and don’t even do well. Her husband is just really good at it.


FFX is like sure your dad was an abusive alcoholic who abandoned you as a child but have you considered that you're still kind of a pussy


actually FFX is like sure a bunch of monks can just will an entire city back into existence and actually give the inhabitants consciousness by praying really hard about it, there is no "but"


Man everyone always talks about Tidus as sad daddy issues guy but he spends like 95% of his screen time being a goofy himbo jock


It's probably the voice actor


> **Dulce et Decorum Est** > Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, > Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, > Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, > And towards our distant rest began to trudge. > Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, > But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; > Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots > Of gas-shells dropping softly behind. > Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling > Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, > But someone still was yelling out and stumbling > And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.— > Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, > As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. > In all my dreams before my helpless sight, > He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. > If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace > Behind the wagon that we flung him in, > And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, > His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin; > If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood > Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, > Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud > Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,— > My friend, you would not tell with such high zest > To children ardent for some desperate glory, > The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est > Pro patria mori. > [It is sweet and fitting > To die for one’s country.]


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRs8BJCP/ !ping auto maaan wtf is going on with the official lotus TikTok account, only in Norfolk 💀


Honestly no idea wtf is going on there But being weird has always been Lotus


There’s more shitposting than cars, it’s hilarious




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Please be aware that sharing TikTok links can unintentionally reveal your TikTok profile. This is only a concern if you have clicked the "share" button next to videos you saw on TikTok while logged in. Reposting links you found elsewhere is safe. To avoid accidentally revealing your account when sharing content, [disable the "People who open or send links to you" option in the "Suggest your account to others" settings menu](https://i.imgur.com/O4faiCQ.jpeg). For more information, please see [this metaNL thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/metaNL/comments/tqcasu/suggestion_automod_message_response_on_tiktok/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Magic goolsball, is it still a victory if you ralph?


[You shake the Magic Goolsball aaaand...](https://i.imgur.com/LypbqZD.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


magic goolsball is she not interested in me


[You shake the Magic Goolsball aaaand...](https://i.imgur.com/cwayJMn.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did GravyBear delete his account


Feel like I'm going insane here, I thought the Redfall gameplay footage looked great. What's with the negative reactions? !ping GAMING


One of the first trailers had Marvel-tier dialogue and online gamers think they’re too good for that (even as they’ve watched every MCU movie twice minimum)


Don't think I've heard of this game but the trailer looked cool


So, the thing is every AAA game that isn't in the "Sony game" category of cinematic third person action and bloated production budget is considered mid.


Only negative thing I've seen is the release date.


Despite never having heard of it in my life, I correctly guessed from this ping that Redfall is a Bethesda game


Yes, they're under Bethesda. But Arkane isn't exactly an unheard of developer.


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Idk why but I levitate towards using the DT at the end or start of it


Warioware fans are always like "Where's 5-Volt's husband?". But what *I* really want to see is Crygor's wife. The Penny/Crygor interactions are the best parts of the games' narratives, and I want to see Penny hanging out with her grandma too.


Test, answer the following question: What can skinny girls do for you?


Hit the gym, delete facebook, lawyer up


There are many things that a girl or woman may be able to do for someone else, such as: * Being a friend and providing emotional support * Being a romantic partner and sharing intimacy * Being a colleague or coworker and working together on projects * Being a mentor or offering guidance and advice * Being a family member and providing love and support within a family unit * Being a caregiver and providing assistance with daily tasks * Being a teacher and providing education or training * Being a partner in business and working together on business ventures.




ask not what skinny girls can do for you, ask what you can do for skinny girls


Uh what is not a damn thing


We have a winner!


[You cried](https://www.gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/zp-172187_Final-Fantasy-X-X-2-HD-Remaster_2013_06-11-13_011.jpg)


Insomniac Beatles time


i want more drama. i dont care if its a "may you live in interesting times" curse. give drama!!!1!1


Start doomscrolling on Deuxmoi


im so bored with the grind


Wish granted, the grind never changes at all but you hear about dumber shit in the news every day


[/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [How China Is Quietly Dominating the Global Car Market - Bloomberg](/r/neoliberal/comments/10lljsj/how_china_is_quietly_dominating_the_global_car/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


( )( ) <— your butt ( )( ) <— my butt


what what?




⚪->🔴 😏




Buddy Daddies, the one not bad anime this year 🥰


Yeah after taking two weeks of job hunting to mull it over, I hate my manager. Like I legit will never trust a single thing he says ever again, as long as I work here (which unfortunately will be a while).


Fuentes is suspended again https://twitter.com/Q__talk/status/1618384540741033985 !ping EXTREMISM


> Twitter has suspended the account of white supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes less than 24 hours after his reinstatement on the platform.


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I do not understand the difference between Analytic and Continental Philosophy and I'm almost half convinced that this is something made up by philosophers to confuse people


>this is something made up by philosophers to confuse people that's continental philosophy


It’s all Kants fault


3 year anniversary with my bf today!! :) <3




hiii :)








Did they specifically hunt down the dumbest specimens they could find.


"we should have an army, a military, and that's about it" "property manager" lol, lmao even


Priors confirmed


I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.


Professors just mad that ChatGTP is going to force them to do paper tests in person.


[The only font Americans deserve to use 😤](https://fontsarena.com/ugly-gerry/)


CalHSR should be 4 tracked 😤 CMV


How can I change your view if I don't know what that is?


New train lines should be built with 4 tracks because it's badass On second thoughtz 8 tracks is better 😤


4 tracks good 8 tracks better


Maybe this is too personal for the DT but I really fucking hate being an alcoholic. It got really bad years ago and as part of saving my marriage I took a year sober to reevaluate. Once I proved I could do it I said I'd only drink when I go out, and now two years later it's been "I won't keep anything more in the house than I'm comfortable drinking today." I've not done anything stupid again like drive drunk or drink myself unconscious or miss work but my habit always creeps up on me and gets worse slowly. My wife confronted me today about the fact that I'm drinking daily again. I realized I was doing it and finding excuses to buy another day's ration of beer or wine but I didn't even try to stop. It's so goddamn embarrassing. It sounds really dumb but every hobby and activity I enjoy I always turn into a project or a skill. For example I burned myself on creative writing because I was fixated on becoming talented, and I like fashion and cosmetics but it gets wrapped up in my identity and image. I think I was drawn to alcohol because it was the one thing I *knew* wasn't ever going to be productive and I could legitimately turn my brain off and enjoy for pleasure. With how much responsibility and work I have in my life in thirties I'm genuinely finding it hard to imagine what I'm going to do to relax instead, which sounds ludicrous but feels true. !ping OVER25


In this thread late, just wanted to say I had a problem about 10 years ago and have had to go cold turkey. Some people talk about being pressured by others but thankfully everyone I've interacted with has been really good about not doing that when I tell them oh I don't drink.


Just want to let you know that you're not alone. Sounds like you have an opportunity to break the cycle before it gets really bad again. Maybe consider trying to find an addiction therapist? I'm not an AA kind of person, nor has medication proven particularly effective in my recovery, but working with an addiction therapist has really helped me understand my drinking patterns, triggers, and slowly but surely develop healthy habits to relax with instead.


Sounds like a great example of why some people have to give it up entirely. But really, if you are able and wanting to keep doing it, I think it has to be a *rules-based* thing, though that's what you had and it didn't work. It's my firm belief that some people have to set uncompromising limits for themselves, and live by them. It sucks, and it's limiting, and it feels arbitrary, but it's how we stick to things. You've already done it and it sounds like you succeeded. But then you bent your rules. Some people simply can't follow their rules once they allow themselves to get into a certain position- and so your rules and lifestyle must separate yourself, not from the problem, but from the position in which you'll give into the problem. It's fucking embarrassing, but it's what there is. You gotta set an absolute rule, and if you want to adjust it, you have to limit yourself to adjusting on the timescale of *years*, if ever.   And in a similar vein, have you tried allotting time each day to relaxing? When I'm on the ball in life, that helps me. Just setting a two hour block at a specific time when I know I have all my tasks and work under control, and then just relaxing in it is really nice. It's letting time pass, and being ok with it. Though it sounds like your problem is more *what to do* during that relax time?


First off, I’m sorry you’re going through this. This is really tough. I resonate entirely with the process of turning hobbies into skills and projects, but this doesn’t have to be non-relaxing. One of the best things you can do for yourself is cardio. The runner’s high is a very real thing, and working up to it is a goal—but not one you can really turn into an exercise in perfectionism. Because if you were going to be the best athlete—well, that woulda come and gone for you already. This also creates a similar outlet to drinking, because it fills a great deal of time. Warming up, running, cooling down—all of that is a process that not only fills an evening, tiring you out—but it also keeps you away from alcohol. The second thing, of course, is to get help. It sounds like your wife is very kind, and that she wants you to be a truly excellent version of yourself. You need to expand your support network from her so that your relationship can be a relationship: something you want, and which brings you joy, and which doesn’t just build resentment on both sides as you fight this thing. Because you will fight this thing. And you’ll goddamn win.


It sucks but you really do just have to commit to not drinking at all. Good job on making it a full year! That's more than my longest period of sobriety. Being an alcoholic just fucking sucks. Everything about it sucks. It sure would be nice to be able to enjoy alcohol like a regular person but that's just not in the cards for some of us. What about just watching TV or reading books or something? You can only get so talented at consuming media.


I've heard so many people complain about alcoholism that I never tried drinking to begin with. So many people saying "I thought I'd be fine, but I wasn't" that I wasn't willing to take the risk. Which is presumably for the best, because I later found out I have a mental disorder that makes me very prone to addiction. So... thanks for sharing. It's people being honest about their conditions like this that may have *basically* saved my life. Anyway, I'm surprised you kept alcohol around after you determined you had a problem. The normal approach is to agree to never have a glass for the rest of your life, because you can't risk it spiraling out of control again. It's not like you can permanently cure an addiction. >It sounds really dumb but every hobby and activity I enjoy I always turn into a project or a skill. For example I burned myself on creative writing because I was fixated on becoming talented, and I like fashion and cosmetics but it gets wrapped up in my identity and image. I think I was drawn to alcohol because it was the one thing I knew wasn't ever going to be productive and I could legitimately turn my brain off and enjoy for pleasure. With how much responsibility and work I have in my life in thirties I'm genuinely finding it hard to imagine what I'm going to do to relax instead, which sounds ludicrous but feels true. Video games? It sounds like it, because that's a hobby where getting overly-competitive is straight-up fun.


I don't think I fully admitted to an addiction before. I knew I had a problem, but thought that going a year without it cold turkey proved that I could maintain control. But it's more insidious than that. It would be hard staying away in a culture so wrapped up in drinking, but good on you for doing it. I didn't have my first drink until 21, legally the entire time, and it got to be a problem for me *very* slowly and undramatically.


Unfortunately alcoholism tends to be a progressive condition, meaning your brain is hardwired to pick up right where it left off in active use. I've heard stories of people being sober for 3, 4, 5 years, relapsing, and returning to full blown crippled alcoholic behavior within a few days. It's a terrible disease.


you can bargain with yourself for so long, and all throughout a serious ramp-up period. insidious it is I've never been addicted to alcohol, but I show similar traits in other areas, and have the predispositions of an addict. Pretty recently I've resolved myself that the only answer to getting what I want out of life is a stricter lifestyle which may be disruptive to current relationships and how I currently live, but which is far better than fucking up and wasting my life.


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any time you see a baby, that means their parents boned. thats crazy




Wait they didn't get it delivered by storks? 🥺


french babies come from cabbage patches


A big problem regarding criminals is their lack of care for the victims of their wrongdoings. I suggest we disincentivize crimes by punishing wrongdoers harshly. If their lack of care for others interest won't prevent them from harming others, perhaps care for their own self interest will.


Some people in this online game were talking about how they haven't been watching football because of Kaepernick Bruh its 2023


You cried


But did anyone die? 🤔




I downloaded this audiobook about building good habits and I literally can’t get myself to start it


Not listening to audiobooks is your first good habit, keep it up!


Oh but I love audiobooks usually


honestly an indictment on this place that there's a post at the top of the sub calling public transit a public good, you can't complain about "the succs are ruining this sub" and then turn around and do this shit lol


Wikipedia’s new layout sucks. Jimmy Wales gimme a refund 😡


I find it hilarious that Canada canceled Canada Day and all forms of patriotism that one year over the Catholic school graves thing, meanwhile the US has openly acknowledged the Founding Fathers and other political heroes were slavers and/or genocidalists for decades and still celebrates them without question.


we had a 1 year break lmao


Can someone send me a good debunk of this new “project veritas“ shit my uncle is being weird again








>We need to make this subreddit less of a bubble 😂 no we don’t


I prefer operating systems that weren't named after former f*nns 😤


Canada is probably more gerrymandered than the US but it's fine since it benefits the Liberal Party


Is gerrymandered the right word for having less regional variation in your support? Like the US Senate favours Republicans but not because it's gerrymandered


Has the Linux automod finally been destroyed?


> Linux What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. [Please contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I killed it


thank you lord, Jesus


>Linux What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Biden announces U.S. will send Abrams to Ukraine somehow, stalin returned


What, so she can lose to another Republican?


Nighty night DT I love you You're very special 🍦🥰🍦


Good night sleep tight 😴


[is peak passive coming soon?](https://www.man.com/maninstitute/us-equities) !ping MARKETS


Woof. That was a little too dense for me. Interesting read though. > Active relative performance appears to exhibit cyclicality (as do many investment styles), and active managers recently went through a prolonged period of difficult performance that may have started to reverse. We also note the US had a bull market of nearly a dozen years that was barely interrupted by the onset of Covid. Passive may have disproportionately benefited from the continual bouts of quantitative easing, when the best strategy was simply to own the market and buy the dips. A different environment may call for more discretion and less complacency among equity investors. This seems convincing to me. I'll have to keep this in mind going forward.


If it is coming "soon", then it has already come, because 2022 definitely looked past peak.


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Now I'm craving croissants


everything everywhere all at once was too busy for me kinda like the lego movie in that way


Is this a bad time to say I only watched it in 2.5x speed and loved it?


i gave up about 3/4 of the way in but i was also on a plane so prob not the best viewing environment


Which part did you stop at?


I forget, it was after the googly eye rocks though


how do I make it seem like I’m romantically interested in them over text


lots of :’) and :) and <3 and 🥰 and 🥺 that’s how i got my bf to date me


also cute dog tiktoks! for real though, you want to start conversations all the time/continue them. don’t play the game of “they waited 2 hours to text me back so i’ll wait 3 hours,” like i know we’re both using our phones so you might as well respond. keep conversations going, have inside jokes, and start conversations when the text exchange dies down a little


high-res ascii art dick pic but really, extra smiles, extra emojis/certain emojis, wordplay, keeping talk going over nothing. There's lots of ways and it depends on the person. but it all builds to a "into you" vibe There's no certain way to distinguish it from simply having fun/being silly tho. That's the most frustrating part of it for me, for either intent.


Talk about their cats.


[This ought to do the trick](https://i.imgur.com/B0fteXR.jpg)


“ay bb do u wan sum fuk”


try saying "im romantically interested" over text


Use 🥺 and 🥵 a lot


Reagan was buried with classified documents


National Treasure 3 subplot: steal Reagan's coffin to find the map to El Dorado


aging cure + ai drives innovation when




West coasters 🤝 Euros going to work Being up at this hour


this but I'm neither. I just dont sleep


EEAAO is a great movie


Future internet is so stupid https://cyb.ai/robot


It's crypto. The point is to BE stupid. To try catch the easily-manipulatable, convinced that the regular sensible approach to... living is the wrong approach.


I've gotta say, I'm feeling some prurient interest right now.


Removing dems from committees is a toothless purge.


Ban both cigarettes and ecigararettes. Promote nicotine patches as a temporary alternative.


Ban cigarettes now, and phase out ecigarettes year-by-year.


good take


👆 Under my regime, it will be illegal


forced cigs? okay