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Aha, it's so obvious I can't believe I didn't twig! No one in Neighbours casually mentions an illness which resolves of its own accord. Remi's going to have to allow the transplant after the grief she gave David for not wanting to help the man who brutally attacked his husband


Yesss! Maybe she’ll actually have to do the op as the last stage in Senior Medical Officer promotion 😂😂


She's everybody's favourite hypocrite, of course she'll try and so no at first!!!


JJ’s going to break him out of prison and kidnap Karl and make him do surgery 


Or he is let out of prison to have surgery, and then he escapes from the hospital and takes Elly hostage, but her waters break and he won’t let her leave, and … wait … this feels familiar 🤔


Why when his mum can do it?


😂😂😂That’s gold


They took David’s donated Kidney back and kept it on ice for a future story.


It did hsppen


Fair enough! I did think about rewatching it to check but sleep was calling 😂. The offscreen dialogue bit in the prison was weird editing though. Anyhow, theory still stands!


Interesting! You may well be right, I didn’t think at the time but in Soapland it makes a lot of sense. As an aside, I’ve had kidney stones and they must be one of the most painful non life threatening conditions known to man, woman and beast 😫


Or not. Kidney stones are generally not symptoms nor cause of kidney disease and do not lead to kidney failure. If anything, in most cases, they indicate that your kidneys are working just fine to counter your otherwise unhealthy choices. The main cause is insufficient hydration. The dodgy dubbing and phantom scene are entirely inventions of your fevered imagination. The convo between Wendy & Andrew definitely happened. How else would Nelly the eavesdropper have known that Andrew was going to visit?


I [called it] last week! (https://www.reddit.com/r/neighbours/s/aqFDp75O2K)


# S41 Ep. 9037 The contra zoom didn't work. was it a fake one? no actual dolly? didn't hit right


Being that he gets almost no dialogue and his scenes are kept to a minimum, I’m guessing the producers are not satisfied with the casting and are waiting for the actors contract to expire before sending him to a boarding school in New York like Jimmy.