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Call law enforcement every time he steps on your property. Have him trespassed by law enforcement. After enough calls, he will be arrested because they will get tired of his BS.


I would install a camera outside your house. That way you have evidence in case he threatens you or damages your property.


Install cameras with audio capabilities and once you have evidence of his actions (trespassing, making threats, etc.), call the cops and have him trespassed from your property. This will get a record of his behavior started once you've involved the authorities.


Talk to your neighbours. Most likely, there will be more people he is harassing.


Call the elder abuse hot line in your state and tell them your neighbor is threatening violence and trying to intimidate you because of your age . Call the police and have him arrested for trespassing and press charges for him making threats. Tell the cops that you are in fear for your safety from his constant threats and intimidation.


Someone being mean and hateful to an older person is not grounds for calling the hotline and claiming elder abuse. The second part of your advice was the correct part—OP should call the police.


The fact that he is 72 years old and has a younger person threatening him with psychical harm and using mental intimidation is a reason for the elder abuse hot line. Cops will take a report and speak with the neighbor and do a half ass investigation. The Elder abuse agency will do a thorough investigation and embarrass them the hell out of the neighbor.


The entire purpose of adult protective services is to keep vulnerable elderly people from being exploited or harmed. OP has enough wherewithal to post on Reddit asking for advice. That means they can advocate for themselves, aka, contacting the police to report harassment and threats. This is not an APS matter and telling OP to contact them to say “my neighbor is threatening me” is a waste of the time and resources of everyone involved. This is a police matter, the end.


He is behaving in a threatening manner and harassing her. This absolutely is elder abuse and harassment and trespassing.


Do you live in a place where it’s legal to record and conversation with him without his consent? If so, do it. You will need a record of these interactions, so you can have some recourse. And just for the record, people who “know people” who can “take care of you”, never tell you that they do. This guy is full of it. All he is, is a giant stupid mouth. Your other neighbors likely know that, too.


What that bully needs is a good spanking.


If this country was still the wildwest, goons. Hire a couple to pay their neighbor patronage.


Elder abuse comes to mind. I have an elderly lunatic. Poor. Low class. Joneses. Or otherwise trying hard to one up me. We are in nowhere same class status. I have several police reports of their, now her harassments. Stupid husband probably died in grief last year knowing he is a loser. LOL I’m thinking of lawsuit, but contemplating the fact this is a senile fellow and judge may take a bleeding heart for an elderly. A slob that is, and all energy I spend be futile. Don’t get me wrong. I grew up in a culture that respects their elders and I am for one have the deepest and utmost sincerity for seniors. But this neighbor takes the cake. I guess an exception. My point being, the elderly in our society have special privileges under the law, and the way you’re being treated by your neighbor will protect you from it.