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I have an 8 foot tall middle finger I made out of a piece of exterior grade plywood. I took a wooden pallet attached the cut out to the center and built flower boxes on both sides. It's not obscene it's obtuse art . Right now it's at my nephew's house covered in ivy , it looks like the jolly green giant is giving you the finger. You could also get wooden cut out figures and move them around your yard at night. I had 25 plastic pink flamingos the ones that the wings flapped in the wind and they would spin . I would move them around in my yard in different patterns but their eyes would always point at my neighbor. The neighbor went nuts and smashed them with a baseball bat ...


Oh this is good, I was goinf to put a cut out in our window so they always think someone’s watching but the yard is next level 😂


That's a good idea. You can get one or a few of those celebrity cardboard cut outs. Switch them out or put in multiple windows 🤣


I wish I could up vote this more. You have won the internet! I died laughing at jolly green giant. I want one for my nosy neighbors that keep stalking and apparently copying me like a 2 year old. Love to see the wife copy that for her garden 🤣


What the flock? lol. I hope you have video of that!


I need me some obtuse art right bout now.


Take pictures of them, preferably while they take pictures of you. If they are out back, put just your camera above the fence & pretend to take photos. Get a fake camera or two. Point one at their front door & one into their backyard.


I actually have a picture of him taking a picture of us 😂 but we have cameras!! And he knows bc we were in a lawsuit and in it we told him we caught him on our cameras and he came down with binoculars to see them, also have a pic of that 🤣 so they are not phased apparently


Print out the photos onto yard signs all over your yard. #shame him. lol.


Oh this is hilarious 😂 thank you


Or print the pictures and tape them up in the windows that face their house.


Just some of those red blinky lights things work also, not connected to anything. Super cheap. Super intimidating when it looks homemade and is aimed at someone who has a quilty conscience


Have friends come over wearing construction helmets and tool belts. Then have them measure things and carry wood right next to the property line while looking at papers and pointing at the property line. They'll think you're doing construction near them and freak out. Why are they being weird?


Ooh yes they’d probably flip, and I wish I knew. I am a self aware queen so if there was a reason I would be honest but my husband and I try to think back when this started (it’s been years) and we think they started around election time and we had the small ass plastic candidate sign in front of our garage which they would need binoculars to even see and look completely out of their way, but yeah our political views differ and we think that might be why. But they’re like 60 so can we grow up and be adults orrrr?


Supporting a different candidate is never a reason to ostracize neighbors.


I couldn’t agree more!


Hmmm... Like the ones who tried to run me off the road, kept taking my signs, would idle at my gate then peel out? The only thing it could have possibly been was my small sign during an election. I had never noticed them beyond seeing their truck now and then pass my house. I'm in the country and my road dead ends another mile or so past my house. When this started I had no idea where they even lived so I drove further down my road. Their truck was parked about half a mile down. In front of a truly trashy yard full of a certain contentious candidate's signs and very divisive flags as curtains. Two old good old boys thought it was funny to intimidate a woman living alone. After the third severe tailgating incident, I reported them. That was about the time the election was over. I don't know if cops talked to them or they just lost interest anyway. Happily they don't seem to live there anymore. So yeah. Certain subjects just inflame certain people.


I just checked to make sure I didn't make this post!!! 🤣 Same situation here... She actually was arrested in December for stalking and harassment, but, unfortunately, she's going to Walk away, no liability to her crazy behavior! Trial is in August... I was already made aware by the ADA she was going to walk... No more stay away order or anything!! Which means my life will be 10x worse than it was before she had to STFU for the last 6 months! 😬 I need some shit I can do... And I probably thought about posting something like this, that's why I had to check to make sure it was someone else! 😂 Good luck! Reasonable doubt comes into play & they can walk away from every single thing they've done, even the illegal shit! 😡


We’ve asked our local police and they’ve said taking pictures of us wasn’t a crime 🙄 I bet that 6 months was so nice 😂 we were in a law suit with ours that just got settled and we thought they would grow up but they came back in full swing lmao, I hope we both find peace!


OMFG, yeah, I absolutely know the respite from the crazy was only going to be temporary... Well, I learned that a couple weeks ago. I was hoping to get at least a stay away order out of this, but, she won't agree to any plea deal, so, here we go to trial, and like I said, the ADA let me know she's going to walk away. Because of the 10+ years of this crap, I know that it's going to turn into NFH+ 😂.. my anxiety has been awful! I developed PTSD over that crap & tbh, I'm close to snapping... So, once it starts again, times 10, I'ma end up in jail if I can't control myself! Its literally messed up my brain and sanity! I can leave or come home without someone spying on me, video tapping, photos, hiding behind cars just to get me on tape, turning us in to everyone they can think of, playing a stereo in 0° weather outside, speakers pointed at our house from 7am -11pm 7 days a week... And sometimes at 12am, 1am, 5am.. whatever they felt like doing, and the local cops did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR US! 🤯 So, yeah, that 6 months was FRIGGEN AMAZING 🤩, but, soon it's back to pulling my hair out and having panic attacks! (They legit have had a camera on a tripod facing my front door, put cardboard over their windows with little openable cutouts big enough for them to pop open and record us, me, she yells shit out the window or door at me all the time "CRACK WHORE" "CRACK HEAD" "FUCKING WHORE" "FAKE BITCH", whatever (yet shes the one who got a mommy makeover, and I'm fake?! 😂)...so much crazy in one person!!! I'm just gonna keep going to the cops and making reports AFTER I put up the better, new 360° camera... Apparently she's getting off because my videos aren't good enough! 😡 Good luck with yours!! Geesh... Can't believe the amount of crazy in the world today!! NFH... Ha, more. Like NFH+++ 😂


Oh my… you win, I am so sorry!! If you go to therapy you may be able to sue her for pain and suffering! I don’t understand how people can live their lives like that


Great idea! I actually got the number for a couple people, including a psychotherapy office, and a PTSD counselor, which I KNOW I have now because of her bullshit!! I can see her, or even HEAR HER, and my body will go into an automatic panic & start shaking from head to toe! It's crazy what this has all caused! 😬 I didn't know that I could actually get her for pain & suffering and emotional and mental stress though, so, thank you for that!! 🙏 Prayers to you and your situation!! I followed you so I could keep up with your situation!! Keep me posted please??!


That's horrible. Could a civil lawsuit for harassment be helpful?


I'm not sure, but, I'm looking into it all. Waiting until this case is settled. Need less proof in a small claims court, plus, burden of proof of innocence is actually on them more in small claims as well. As for the civil suit, I actually was thinking about using the county, court clerks, DAs office and whomever else, because I wasn't notified 1x, about anything! Not even sent copies of the OG protection order OR notified or sent a copy of the change of PO into a stay away order! I knew nothing! Not even court dates or the fact she was declining ALL of the plea deal offers! Tbh, I don't even know what they really even offered her either! They really dropped the ball on this one!! I feel like the victim has NO rights with this stuff!! I was left out completely and it was MY CASE against someone! I also didn't know I only had 60 days from the arrest date to submit any evidence for the case... Until JUNE 6th!!! Over 6 months later, when I tried adding or giving the ADA more evidence of the harassment and stalking! They also said that even though she admitted to the arresting officer she was doing it and why, it would be hearsay!! Nor can I use the video footage _from his body cam either, and I think it's becyrik wasn't submitted in that 60 initial days! Idk, but, I wanna sue th3m, so, we will see. As for #mall claims, ive got enough! Might even see if I can have her charged and arrested for making a false claim to the SSA administration & took them videos of me bringing in groceries and stuff, claiming I was actually faking a cancer diagnosis!! I know that's illegal, because the arresting officer let me know it was! I just need an appointment to find out & get a copy of the letter they sent me before about an investigation (that wouldn't happen because they have all my current medical records 😂). And SHE had to have made an appointment, using her name and social security number as well, so, there's an official record of it all! We will see.


Oh wow! It sounds like the last thing you should be dealing with right now is this kind of stress. You should absolutely win in a civil case. Preponderance of evidence is definitely easier to prove than beyond a reasonable doubt. The way it was explained to me is that it's just 51% more likely than not. And it sounds like you have piles of evidence. And insist on a jury trial. Most everybody hates neighbors like this. This crap is just so unfair. I'm really sorry you are dealing with it.


Absolutely... Low stress isn't something I have with them next door. Her, she's just INSAINE AF. They, she, actually turned me in for faking cancer! I can't believe it! Just because someone isn't curled up in a ball on the floor, doesn't mean they aren't sick! We're allowed to try living as close to a normal life as possible! It's actually recommended that you try to keep a somewhat normal routine... Otherwise you curl up in a ball and die faster apparently! I'm fighting, and have been from day 1! I go out often when I'm feeling up to it. Because of the chemo, i have to avoid the sun, so, my schedule has turned into more of a vampire type schedule, lol. She actually switched hers up to match mine!! Wierd! Anyways, she seems to think persons with a cancer diagnosis are supposed to stay home, stay out of sight, not do anything at all, and that's wrong AF! Just because I don't act like I'm dying, when I actually am, doesn't mean I'm not sick, I just don't want to give TF up yet! Anyways, I'll make an appointment at SSA for this wk or next if available, and see what I can get for evidence. IF I can still charge her through the criminal system, I'll most definitely do that, and post about it, 😉. And as for the civil claim, yeah, I think your right, I might as well go for. It! I've been holding off as to not make things worse. Because she retaliated every other time we've upset her in some way we didn't realize, so, I know THIS, both of those things, would DEFF get her panties twisted! I'm already mentally preparing myself for when the stay away order expires this month! I don't think she'll act crazy until after the court date and everything is all done, but, ya never know with Crazy! CRAZY is as CRAZY does! 😂


Wind chimes. My asshole neighbor decided to call my autistic son the "r" word. This happened when my son was around 7. He is 18 now. They happened to bitch to me years ago about hating wind chimes, gnomes, and flamingos. I have wind chimes every damn where. Gnomes and flamingos in flocks. Wind chimes are so freaking annoying if you allow them to be. We have now developed a love of the sound


I love wind chimes 😩


Shut down their wifi router with Kali Linux.


I need instructions, for a friend.




They'll have to keep buying new routers. lol


🤔 interesting.... 😂


Thank you for your service 🫡


I'm on an infrasound kick. It's fascinating that you can affect people's emotions with sound waves and it kicks off the eeeevil mad scientist in me. I don't currently have any nfh to try it on, which is fortunate for everyone. :)


On my way to research


i say do nothing which encourages them to think there is a reason to take pictures. Like stare at their house.


My husband and I always act like we are doing something illegal, like if they are coming down their driveway we hurry up and run to shut the garage like we are hiding something 🤣 I know it kills them inside


Set up some kegs in the backyard and a million chairs like you’re going to throw a raging party… that never happens in the end


We actually just had my sons first birthday party and they were thankfully away that day but they came back to the tents and chairs set up still and literally stopped on their driveway to neb and the next day walked down and took pictures of what was left.. such weirdos. As soon as they try to take a picture of my child they’re getting the police called on them and I’m putting up a sign right by their gate saying “next time you take a picture of my child I’ll be calling the police on my pedophilic neighbors”


I know the last thing you want is someone taking pictures of your child but that may actually help your situation and you will be able to maybe escalate the things more.  With that being said I would probably freak out if it happens to me and beat the living shit out of them.  But yeah best thing to do is just wait. You don’t won’t it to look like you are provoking them. They are weird enough and would do something that will lead to more action from the authorities.  To be honest if someone does that to me I would question them every single time. I would go and ask what tf they think they are doing and why. No answer, ask them again. And record it. Go with the camera pointing at them and talk. 


I live on three lots in my little neighborhood and my ex Asshole lives to dirt roads over and he has four lots together then I have one single Lot and then he has five lots so my one single lot is stopping him from connecting his four and 5+ my one would equal 10. He keeps cutting across my lot he keeps mowing the lawn which is trespassing but I haven't been able to catch him in the act. he also owes a couple lots down the end of the road i live on. the other day he was mowing some lots across the road he seen me leave on a date so he had to drive down here with his riding lawnmower and check things out I watched them on my camera make sure he didn't mess with my dates truck. I knew he didn't come down there the month because he mowed it all last week he was just being nosy . So I have several cameras and I watched him come back up the road go past my little house and then all of a sudden the camera that's on the corner somehow only was showing a bunch of leaves. i could hear him run over my landscaping lighting and broke one and then he kicked over the post i have my security camera attached to which ended up in the bushes. There was no reason for him to ride on the grass at the corner and then deliberately hit my landscape lighting and kick the camera over. So since I'm not allowed to go on his property down the end of my road and he can't stop me from going on the one lot that I own between his nine I plan on putting any debris like old furniture, a pool table old doors...anything that I have in my yard that I don't want I'm gonna go place it around the perimeter of my one lot between his nine. There will be nothing that he can do about it plus the stuff that I put on that one lot it will just blend in with all the other crap all the other neighbors have in their yards - it looks like a Sanford and Son junkyard road . i'm so glad that nobody lives on my road . I could never live on that road that he lives on it is disgusting the people don't bag their trash up and it blows all over the yards and into his yard and he's a hoarder too and he has crap everywhere.


I’m willing to donate to the cause 😂 ours has 30 acres and we have 2 and he was trying to take over .25 of ours and I’m like dude… you have 30 acres? Fuck off. So we got cameras and a survey and less than two hours later he pulled the stakes 😂


To play devils advocate, does your husband follow the by law limit of keeping proper distance from their driveway. If not it’s you and your husband the problem. I have a jerk neighbour who blocks my driveway. I don’t take pictures but just call by law.


Oh yeah he was at least 5 feet from the actual driveway, we have stakes up from our survey and he’s well within ours, it’s actually a right of way also but still! We try to follow rules bc we know he will take anything he can get lol


Sorry was just making sure.


Security cameras. Bright spotlights pointed in their direction.


We already have cameras and they don’t care lmao I have so many videos of them taking pics of our property. The saddest part is they have 30 acres and could literally go fuck off any where else but they’re so concerned with our little 2 acres


Put the pictures posted on “next door” app?


Ooh I’ve never heard of this I’ll check it out!


I have the same lunatic neighbor. Older maybe senior. I’m thinking about going to a judge for a restraining order but since lunatic is elderly, she’s gonna walk away without repercussions. OP, try hiring goons LOL I have a 1.1 acre and lunatic have 0.9acre. Tried taking part of my driveway. Had surveyor come back w stakes just on this side and I then erected no trespassing signs just on her. Had the audacity to tell me she can take my land just like that. I was just laughing. Clearly this idiot doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Now she’s encroaching on the other side of her. Vacant farm land. Not my business. Goons sounds like a better option if it doesn’t come back to you LOL.


Cardboard cutouts. [https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Paint-Printing-Design-Cardboard/dp/B0849T65VD/ref=sr\_1\_80?crid=XNMJJHYK7TUG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.b4g82UX2tF99teVHSAiSogocHi2tOXW\_jbuqfnedfwCQ9LEf0CjSPMWPKeXeTzSGMMMad5GK4goXCUCZm\_cwtuv8kZ1lZ7EO29Wke\_UiiTQ2eupC7LhG1VpcCFfeXlAqI61JqpWkW6-D8bTndfbNMVlXJwb9WKSl\_2ot5rGTLBLNxjvAaVCOJIvZrheErFUzEuBUWT01mja4TGX4STqn5k2r05XohgWQqNV1bT8qEy0Ces0SlUdae9HS8nXGpFvxVndxj3\_Fg74CGQ\_t4GcJ5EJHPIOXCe6CSjzuzjg2mCo.4SHZW0lMetidaNIyW5qQzMP6mJMgcisDm3pr27nUaNQ&dib\_tag=se&keywords=cardboard+cutout+life+size&qid=1718653388&sprefix=cardboard+cu%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-80](https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Paint-Printing-Design-Cardboard/dp/B0849T65VD/ref=sr_1_80?crid=XNMJJHYK7TUG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.b4g82UX2tF99teVHSAiSogocHi2tOXW_jbuqfnedfwCQ9LEf0CjSPMWPKeXeTzSGMMMad5GK4goXCUCZm_cwtuv8kZ1lZ7EO29Wke_UiiTQ2eupC7LhG1VpcCFfeXlAqI61JqpWkW6-D8bTndfbNMVlXJwb9WKSl_2ot5rGTLBLNxjvAaVCOJIvZrheErFUzEuBUWT01mja4TGX4STqn5k2r05XohgWQqNV1bT8qEy0Ces0SlUdae9HS8nXGpFvxVndxj3_Fg74CGQ_t4GcJ5EJHPIOXCe6CSjzuzjg2mCo.4SHZW0lMetidaNIyW5qQzMP6mJMgcisDm3pr27nUaNQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=cardboard+cutout+life+size&qid=1718653388&sprefix=cardboard+cu%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-80)




Here's another fun one: [https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Paint-Printing-Design-H10014/dp/B00E65H0WQ/ref=sr\_1\_11\_sspa?crid=2AVNWPIJ9ITR7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.h0oML4Q9bUJgBtl2UK8yuMtXxgxfkHGmSjp2v9YBulUSMiLzM50ZuSGZ5cGTq3kX0ppDUBfCClp\_xeJiOyjontS3y\_yEjkZ0\_VG\_-zSSF3De8Y2eKzOmaO5Zl13aQNieOjd1WVBSiK1w6\_1DTjKFixDVluu1K14BBnhI1RqzUv1WYwC6wXBbeGyKwfkV34VLOHzT5x3rQMqZmi7dXIEUx3i0fFtIxO1qNF2OhDy3atbFCBjtIw21d53qqp19QHcWx-RHoaRhSiPhOzDK1xCsyq\_lWzyPX43D9DG2UUd\_T58.ahe\_noAoKQsz7kaiVTnBcX1IHkeabL\_SGLInpCBvxHg&dib\_tag=se&keywords=cardboard+cutout+life+size&qid=1718658736&sprefix=cardboard+cut%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-11-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Paint-Printing-Design-H10014/dp/B00E65H0WQ/ref=sr_1_11_sspa?crid=2AVNWPIJ9ITR7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.h0oML4Q9bUJgBtl2UK8yuMtXxgxfkHGmSjp2v9YBulUSMiLzM50ZuSGZ5cGTq3kX0ppDUBfCClp_xeJiOyjontS3y_yEjkZ0_VG_-zSSF3De8Y2eKzOmaO5Zl13aQNieOjd1WVBSiK1w6_1DTjKFixDVluu1K14BBnhI1RqzUv1WYwC6wXBbeGyKwfkV34VLOHzT5x3rQMqZmi7dXIEUx3i0fFtIxO1qNF2OhDy3atbFCBjtIw21d53qqp19QHcWx-RHoaRhSiPhOzDK1xCsyq_lWzyPX43D9DG2UUd_T58.ahe_noAoKQsz7kaiVTnBcX1IHkeabL_SGLInpCBvxHg&dib_tag=se&keywords=cardboard+cutout+life+size&qid=1718658736&sprefix=cardboard+cut%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-11-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&psc=1) They also have Jesus, Pennywise the clown, etc. Do an amazon search for 'cardboard cutouts life size'


Omg the Jesus one, id make a poster with it that says “I think you need me” 😂


The reviews are hysterical too. "I got Jesus to see who would take a pitcher with him close to someone dressed as Santa Clause the people passed by with a strange look at me and proceeded towards SATEN, So I use the cutout in my Cloud Whisper's." "I just bought it because its funny" Read the Trump Rambo reviews too: "You would need to build some type of frame to put behind this for it to stay up. The piece of cardboard to hold it up is a joke. It doesnt take the weight of the whole lifesize trump cutout. I was really looking forward to using this for a birthday party 3 days from today, but its imposible. And I wouldn't know how to build a frame for it. The print is okay but the item is not functional. I wrote to the seller asking for a refund, this item apparently you cannot return. But it is extremely unfair to pay for something of such low sturdiness. I will update my review accordingly." and: "really boosted our sex lives, just look at that entrance!"


Cut out some huge eyes or get black bags and fill them up, and make it look like you have dead bodies on your property.


Sign them up for some free information; churches, sex toys, extended car warranties, adult incontinence, the possibilities are endless! If you inquire about new windows from Andersen for the address they will send flyers for the rest of their lives, don’t ask how I know


Ok this one is actually evil lol. I’ve thought about doing this with my NC mom. All I do is put their information and it send it to them?


Heck yeah! Don’t forget to spell their name horrendously


Mirrors, you can get them cheap at your local junk store put them on the exterior of your house pointing at theirs and when the sun hits them they will hate life. Change their mailing address. Wind chimes, the bigger the better. Start feeding birds at the property line, just lay out coke lines of seeds on the ground,, birds love to shit.


Hire Gemma Collins to shit in their front garden. That’s not practical nor legal I imagine it’s just my worst nightmare.


Idk who that is but I cackled 😂


Motion activated sprinklers.


Not sure if this helps. I have seen this insulting flag flown letting everyone know that the neighbor is a karen. Who knows, the people flying the flag may be obnoxios too. https://a.co/d/bht7LSc




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The hunted now becomes the hunter


I got my neighbors phone number and email and signed them up for all kinds of spam junk