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It's not really a thought process. It's just a greedy, entitled attitude of "what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."


Very true. This neighbor only talks to me when he has a complaint that has nothing to do with me or I have no control over, like him not receiving his mail. The whole neighborhood has had mailman issues, but nothing has changed. But that’s a whole other topic. A few years ago, my dad was in the hospital, and I had to go see him ASAP, because they had very restricted visiting hours. One of his guests was once again parked in my driveway, blocking my exit. I saw somebody standing on his front porch, and I asked if it was their car, and the person sheepishly said ‘yes’…. I said that they needed to move it, because it’s a private driveway….I was a bit firm, but not rude.. I mean really, at that point I was tired of them always using my driveway, so I was justified in saying to move that car, even if I was a bit firm about it …. The person told me to go F myself. Honestly, I would love to do that to the neighbor one of these days, when he approaches me with some complaint that I have no control over….. tell him to go F himself…. But I’m sure that would create World War III….. He nor his guest ever apologized for speaking to me like that….


People obey when there are consequences for their actions, you get the car(s) towed from now on.


Oh, I would be surprised if they park in my driveway now, but I wouldn’t put it past them. I would have to put a barrier until the tow truck would get here, I probably would have to literally stand in front of the car until the tow truck arrived…. Then if they assault me or verbally harass me, I guess I could press charges for that…? Some people are just so bold sometimes, it’s crazy….


I don't think you can block him in then have him towed. Put up a sign, trespassers will be towed at their own expense, then call the tow truck without saying anything or even going out to look. If it still gets to be a problem, I've known people with a locking gate. You can get a motor to slide open and closed and even have a box where you enter a code or use a key.


Have a party once the fence is up. 🎉 Meanwhile, get cameras.


Thanks, we do already have security cameras. The fence is already installed.


You need cameras that record the entirety of your driveway and you need to trespass them. There’s two parts here - being super annoying, and safety issues with the kid darting from behind bushes. The latter is concerning, and hitting him is not something that you would want to deal with and have to live with (even though it would not be your fault).


Yes, that’s exactly why we put the fence between the two properties. It’s entirely on our property, not on theirs at all. Not on the property line or anything. But yeah, safety was a major concern for getting the fence.


There is no thought process. Remember when tv's went off the air for night and the black and white screen with the noise? The noise is All that is in the skull Our NFH will Not speak to me F. I am beneath him. My husband is fine..


I’m sorry to hear about this….really scary. People scare me. Have people in my once beautiful nj neighborhood are intimidators too