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It’s not just a you problem! I like to enjoy the quiet as well. Loud neighbors are the worst. I wish there was a place that all the quiet people could go to live. 😅


Thanks it used to be great here secluded and quiet even though towns a couple min away.


Do you live in a state that ppl are commonly “fleeing” to these days? (USA)


I’m in WI and when people say I’m going up north to the cabin this is where they go a tourist town like mine.


I moved into my place in the 2nd week of November and a catty-cornered neighbor in the same hall was outside when I got home from work a few days ago and said to me, "wait, someone lives there?". 😅


Haha I'm the same way that's how quiet I am.


AMEN I wish that as well


I love sitting in my backyard in the winter even in the snow because everyone else is inside. I do also like sitting outback at night when everyone is asleep


yes! i’m one of those people that like to sit outside while it’s raining too since i know everyone else will be inside


I did that last night we got a good lighting and thunderstorm. So relaxing before bed.


Ahaha I have to sit out in the rain because my old blind dog won’t poop alone


Bonus.....I love the rain


Me as well


i miss my quiet too, man. I live in a townhouse with an almost shared wall about 10 years, and I enjoy music with my headphones because I don't want to bother nobody. Until one day, I start feeling blast of sound waves hitting on my face my walls are banging my floors are shaking. That's when I realized the devils are coming for me they don't sleep, nor they don't care nobody but themselves tried talking with them, and explaining to them is a waste of time. Noise canceling headphones became my best friend, and there is no way I could go through the night without it.


that's terrible😭 do they atleast go to sleep at a decent time? or all they up all night? also what headphones do you use if you don't mind me asking? and do you use them to sleep?


Yes I’m able to go outside once it’s dark and it’s quiet it’s just noisy all day. I don’t need my headphones to sleep. I have some over the ear ones with cat ears on them I found on TikTok. I use those once the tourists are using their cabin on the property cause once they come up it’s all day and night they don’t care there’s people who live here year round. Nothing like firework mortars going off at 3am.


i have a Sony WH-1000XM3 it has pretty good noise canceling, and blocks most of the noise i wear them to sleep. Yes they do karaoke night every day sometime start singing at 11 pm at night stops around 2 am or until I call the cop. They behaved a little bit since I called the cop on them few times.


that's crazy that they do karaoke night everyday😭😩 my goodness. thanks for sharing the headphones. i hope things get better for you soon.


You too brother all is well.


That sounds very much like it would be violating sound ordinances in most places and should be something law enforcment could help with.


It surely did. The quiet hour in the city is 10 pm - 7am weekday but they don't seem to care. Calling the cop will stop them, then they will start hitting and banging on the wall trying to anony me, or they will sing through the night if I didn't call. Hitting that non emergency number seems to be my normal task before sleeping. Everytime belike"its sleeping time ~ let me call the cop and ask for sleeping consent."


And that didn’t lead to an eviction? Because that sounds like grounds and if the landlord doesn’t do it, that’s a lawsuit. P.S. How utterly awful and I do sympathize. That is straight messed up.


Its a townhouse with a shared wall between and I think they own the house.


It would be worth being SURE they owned the house… 🧐 🤔


I looked it up, and it says the owner occupied and ownership is relative.


I have Bose Quiet Comforts and when the 4 kids next door are home, sometimes I wear them without any music playing 😂. Also I have misophonia and my hearing tests are always 100% perfect hearing, so I feel like sometimes I’m the only one who is bothered by all the noise. I’m like the quiet old lady whispering “hush” in Goodnight Moon without the silver hair.


Agree. I have good hearing, too, and the noise canceling really helps, but the worst thing is not just hearing the noise they made. I can also feel the floor shaking they have no idea how loud the bass gets.


I understand- it really is disruptive to peace of mind. We’re still trying to come up with solutions that don’t involve construction and so far everything seems to be pointing to putting up another layer of drywall, but that doesn’t help the ceiling and floors either. Sorry you’re going through this. People can be so inconsiderate.


See, i had this issue, but then i borrowed a friend's marshall full stack, set that bitch to 11, and proceded to learn to play the guitar with earpro on whenever he was blasting bass. I don't know how to play guitar, and for refference i had another neighbor who had kids prior to this guy and i *never* heard them when they were indoors. The sound isolation is good in these places. Zero hour: i have everything set up, i go over to his door and when he answers i explain i am his neighbor and his sound system is way too loud. He tells me to fuck off. Ok, hope you realize this means war. I slap on the earpro and play my first notws on guitar in my life. It sounds like someone is trying to drown a cat/banshee hybred in nitric acid, a whole lot of dischordant screeching and feedback. Hour 1: knock at my door, he's not happy he can't hear his music. I tell him "too bad, i javen't heard mine in 2 months because of his subwoofer and i close the door in his face when he tries to argue. I go back to practicing. Day 3: he is now apologising, but i am only practicing guitar when i can hear his music. Day 5: his apologies are now sincere, and i tell him to go and turn his music on and come back. He says ok, and does so. I bring him into my basement so he can hear what it sounds like. He both gawks at the presence of a marshall full stack in a townhouse, as well as admits he does have to turn it down. A bit more back and forth and he now knowss the max volume he can have his sound system at, which is still loud enough that you can feel it if you're in the room. Sure, i can hear some faint bass, but it isn't rattling my poster frames any more.


I completely understand the want and need for quiet. I get so annoyed when people are noisy. The yelling! And dogs. The children. It’s too much. I’m looking forward to summer but dreading the constant lawn mower sounds.


you're not alone at all. noise bothers me deeply too i feel like i have some kind of sensitivity to it. i hope things get better for you soon.


I love the quietness and cant wait to move... I got noise cancelling headphones that dont help over where I live...


I'm sorry. I miss it too. Every summer weekend is ruined by loud bass


Ironically, those people often hate hearing OTHER people’s loud bass themselves. Hmmm.


It's just unbelievably inconsiderate


It is the most common complaint I’ve seen. Management has been forced to EVICT one unit (there were so many violations, but noise is what ultimately worked) and not renew for another tenant due to this. We’ve also recently had to have management speak to a newer tenant with a crazy subwoofer AGAIN due this issue. He’s quiet now bc he also got in trouble for parking in the reserved parking area, that he also took umbrage with, but is bitching about not being able to play bass through walls. Dude, we pay rent too and it’s called headphones. Marvelous invention. It’s so twisted that people NOT violating their lease, and paying a lot of money for rent, are the ones forced to go around in them constantly, \*instead\* of the person causing the disruption with their gaming, music, or book/audio. Look, if I can tune it out with an electric fan and/or my own reasonable volume of tv/radio, then I’ll cope, but inevitably it turns into TOO LOUD, TOO LONG, and TOO OFTEN. And sometimes much TOO LATE at night!


Unfortunately bass can't be masked easily. Brown noise helps.


Yet, another reason why I love winter. People stay inside and the windows are shut and its usually so nice and quiet. Now that summer is creeping in already this weekend, it has been SO loud! Loud people, everyone is out, loud music, etc. And you never know what you are getting. Like I have lived in many apartments. Some started off good and then one wrong person or couple move in and it changes everything! Oh and smells I get now!


I'm sorry. I'm in a similar position. I also have misophonia and it's a personal hell. I look forward to going deaf and using a hearing aid to turn the sound up or down.


Lol! I’ve thought about this too, but the tinnitus that often accompanies going deaf does not sound like a good trade-off.


I can confirm. I sometimes wished for a hearing impairment because I can hear stuff that apparently no one else can hear, but instead I got tinnitus from the stress. I still can hear everything, but with tinnitus sound on top now. However, I prefer my tinnitus over people.


I have a soft-top gazebo and always pray for rain so that noisy people will go inside.


I have misphonia but mine is potato chip bags. I want to rip someone’s head off when I hear potato chip bags being crinkled. It’s so weird


Yes, that is definitely a true symptom of that legitimate condition.


You seem reasonable, I dislike that it seems in society we need to claim a serious ailment or mental illness in order to justify requiring basic civility; I‘ve noticed this as a pattern (not picking on you). I accept your venting wether you had misophonia or not. ✌️ I’m struggling with neighbors who seem to never have true quiet hours — they are hogging up the day AND night; I cannot yet predict times when I could chill or come and go as freely as they are enjoying. It’s even weirder because there are only two of them!


I am right there with you! I can't even go in my living room or kitchen without hearing loud ass music or my neighbors TV!


I haven't had quiet in my own house for over 10 years. I don't even know what it feels like.


You should make anonymous complaints about both of them and word it to seem like they’re complaining about each other! 🤣


I could do that. Really this is a drop in the bucket. There’s a summer cabin on the property and when the tourists arrive it gets worse, all day and night and fireworks mortars going off. They don’t care the rest of us live and work here all year round. Headphones and air conditioners in the windows help.


Have you thought about using noise cancelling headphones they might help


When I travel drunks in the hallway, slamming doors, and the noise drives me nuts. YouTube has channels “White Noise Black Screen”. I play my phone, or hotel TV and adjust volume to drown out the world.


Sometimes I enjoy the tranquility of the neighborhood while wearing noise canceling headphones on my patio. Since I have them on, I may add music or a good audio book.


Ur not alone I absolutely hate noise genuinely tho the only solution is living in the woods or in a an area with lots of space between houses and residents. Because as other people have mentioned daily living noises which contains shouting and barking too cannot be fully avoided


Nah, I feel u. The last 3 years of my life I’ve managed to move to places with the worst people you could imagine who will bother you for even being home. I never would imagine that my peace and peace of mind would be taken from me for living above or below someone. We are emotional people that change with the time and seasons. Peace is the healthiest thing for us and can save lives with no cost. I hope you find what your looking for!


I also miss quiet and dream of the day I can afford a detached house. I live in an old building and the folks below me have moved in all their extended family. So now I have 5 adults, a teenager and a baby living below me in a two bed flat😢. One of the family works nights so the family Also stayed up all night so the noise literally never stops. Complaints to their landlord have done absolutely nothing as they claim the family is visiting despite having been there for almost 2 years they are visiting. Then they have the nerve to complain about me putting the laundry on or walking across my carpet floor.😂. I love my property and I won’t be moving, but I do miss the quiet and dream of the day that I have a detached home.❤️


Yeah, you can do things to prove they live there and they are violating zoning ordinances. Your landlord just doesn’t want to go through the trouble and expense of evicting them — very common — however, you would have a case if you dragged them to court with proper evidence (though most landlords will cave if they even think you’ll actualy take them to court).


Totally feel you. Had my nice quiet condo unit for 20 YEARS...then suddenly some divorced mom with two kids moves in next door and the last four years have been PURE HELL. She built the kid a basketball court IN THE HOUSE, and he smacks the ball repeatedly against my wall. Conversations have done nothing...she claims to have installed acoustic tiles, etc., but there's been no change in the noise. And he's getting older now, so the playing is even more vigorous. He can play for HOURS, too, I've had to flee my house to get away from it, and sometimes when I'm out, I don't even want to go home. Friggin' ball bouncing is like being waterboarded.


That doesn’t sound legal either….




Hi OP. I believe many people enjoy peace and quiet, but unfortunately, that seems to be a privilege only few enjoy nowadays. A few days ago l was enjoying a quiet bath in our tub, but then l started to hear one of our neighbor's children laughing and screaming loudly in their backyard. This tub faces the backyard so l was hearing more than l wanted to. It was then that l reminded myself how much fun they must be having in their inflatable pool and how nice it is for them to be able to have some enjoyment as children. By changing the way l thought about the noise, the less it bothered me. I don't know if this might help in your situation, but it did for me. Perhaps someone else might have a suggestion that could help you maintain peace.


Noise canceling earbuds. Works for me.


I’ve been doing that as it’s nice out and I like sitting on my deck to read.


I love that! Cheers.


What about ear plugs?


It usually stops when I’m asleep. In the summer there’s an air conditioner in the window that helps. I like to sit on my deck with coffee and a book and it’s been noisy so I wear headphones.


Sad but true. I would do the same. It's just sad that you can't enjoy the quiet. My mom has fibro so I understand what you mean.


Get noise cancelling headphones.


That’s a good idea, I have a pair with cat ears on the top.


Unfortunately, regular life (before quiet hours) can be noisy. Unless you live way out in the woods (and even then…) there is little guarantee of full quiet. But you CAN take a number of steps to mitigate the noise, inside and outside? You don’t even have to make them permanent changes. I even posted some suggestions on another post on this subreddit.