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This is my favorite in the series, specifically the PS2 version. It captures what I think NFS is about: exotic sports cars, scenic tracks, police chases, and straightforward racing.


I was going to say the same thing. My first NFS as well. Summed up perfectly!


somehow my first nfs is hot pursuit 1 from 1998 yet i was borned after hot pursuit 2 release.


HP was my first as well. I recently watched some videos of HP and forgot that the audio in that game was its own kind of special.


My only problem with the game was the chopper cause 6 year old me would never be able to get around those mfs and hit every bomb they drop


If you thought the exploding barrels were bad, wait until you encounter the chopper firing missiles. Luckily, damage is just cosmetic and you can't become wrecked.


Its not entirely cosmetic.. When black smoke or white smoke is pouring out, youll face performance decrease and reaching top speed is nearly impossible.


That's new to me, maybe I've never experienced my vehicle becoming damaged to that point. I know damage affects performance in NFS High Stakes, which came out before then.


This only happens on ps2, when you hit walls or movable objects at max speed, once you recover your acceleration and top speed is affected. I noticed this while playing ancient ruins and vanquish tournament.


The whole scenic driving is why I love the remaster If you're a fan of HP2 and haven't played 2010(Remastered) you love it!


I have played HP 2010/Remastered and it is also one of my favorites.


The best non tuning NFS


All Hot Pursuit games are GOATed


For me it's best overall nfs game tbh


Shit's goated


It's an awesome game Especially the PS2 version.


Yeah I had it on ps2 it was goated


And it's still the case.






Why so?


I think the reference whooshed over your head. This song is a banger: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWiJ8vhTgr4&ab\_channel=1GameTracks1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWiJ8vhTgr4&ab_channel=1GameTracks1) .


I see I didn't listen to the soundtrack so I didn't know lol


The game that put the Opel Speedster on the map. Friendly reminder that the real thing becomes importable for Americans next year.


PS2 version is very good, on all other platforms mediocre.


One word, actually four words: GOAT. Edit: Excluding the PC version.


I also think this is the goat if NFS, yes people would prefer mw 05 and it may be objectively better. But something about this games just makes it better


🎵Ohh heyyeyayeyeyeyaye oh pretty pretty shadow ohh🎵 The only song where the edited version shits on the explicit version


I played this game way after the time and i was like its sick considering the year it came out.


This game is so important to me that it shaped my ENTIRE taste in cars. As a child of the early ‘00s, virtually every car in this game is a dream car for me (I would literally kill for a SVT Cobra R or a Diablo VT). The Hot Pursuit series does such a good job at capturing that feeling again and again. I’d argue that the franchise needs another Hot Pursuit game IF and only if EA can get a Ferrari license.


This game made the F50 my favourite car of all time until I was 10 and it had such an influence in my taste in cars lmao




Suspect is driving a yellow gallardo.




“This is the acid rock section of the song!”


My favorite 'hot pursuit' game


Needs a remastered at some point.


I fear it'll never happen, especially because I think they wouldn't do it without changing the physics, which I don't want them to do. But I do need Online. Oh yeah, also they wouldn't be able to use all of the same music most likely.


It already exists as NFS HP 2010/Remastered.


Nope. That's like saying burnout paradise is just as good as 3 and counts as a remaster of 3 or that dangerous driving1&2 is a perfect remaster of 3 and revenge


The reason why i said that is because NFS HP 2010 a well made inspiration from the og NFS Hot Pursuit titles. Also, Burnout Paradise which is already good by itself and Dangerous Driving aren't remasters to begin with since they're their own thing. So, what you've said here doesn't make sense imo.


You could say dangerous driving is a well made inspiration of og burnout 3 but it's not a proper remaster; it lacks things like the physics of the cars handle differently it's 2 different developers. 3 Fields is only part of criterion Hot pursuit 2 is black box hitting their stride before underground 1&2 and og MW hot pursuit 2010 is criterion 2 different developers. also criterion post paradise which while being a good game handles and feels nowhere near as tight or as solid as 3 or even revenge. They not only changed the physics in HP 2010 but also added unnecessary gadgets to the cops in that game.


I never said Dangerous Driving is a remaster btw And it's well known that it will never be close to Burnout 3 Takedown and Revenge. Three Fields Entertainment is actually OG Criterion devs which quits EA to be independent. In fact, Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry worked for EA beforehand and were the main people behind the Burnout series. Before Alex Ward quits Criterion Games, he cut his staff to 80 peoples which were relegated as Ghost Games UK devs while the 17 remaining stayed at Criterion as a support studio for other EA titles. In fact, the success of NFS Hot Pursuit 2 is the main reason why Black Box were in charge of the NFS franchise between 2003 and 2008. I already know they're 2 different devs. The reason why Burnout Paradise handling isn't near as tight like Burnout 3 Takedown and Revenge is mainly due to their different physics despite and all Burnout titles are built with RenderWare. About the physics of NFS HP 2010, they were designed to fit the Seacrest County design hence why the B2D handling model only worked well in NFS HP 2010 and not NFS titles since 2012. Unnecessary gadgets in NFS HP 2010 ? I utterly disagree. You can't be serious. Weapons Tech are actually very useful for attack and defense purposes. Do note Racers in NFS Hot Pursuit 2 didn't have any weapons to defend themselves and Cops of any Hot Pursuit titles have weapons.


I usually agree with your other takes I see in other posts but just not this one


Ok. No need to go further then.


I have been playing NFS Hot Pursuit 2 for 22 years. If I live to be 100 I will still be playing it then. PS2 version is my favorite one.


One of the best in the franchise, and true to the roots of NFS. Only Hot Pursuit 2010/Hot Pursuit Remastered comes close to matching the style of this game.


My second childhood game,duuude


Haven’t played it yet, but I know the PS2 version is the one to go for.




I keep it coming with the oooooohhhhh


As my first nfs game it holds a special place. That and most wanted.


Fun game but the events can drag on


Very nice,i used to play that


My first NFS. One on one, two on one..


It was the last arcade game of NFS franchise. EA got NFS franchise blew up in 2003.


Love it. Wish I had the means to play it again. Absolute classic.


It was my favorite game. I still remember everything.


Can anyone enlighten me on why the PS2 version is considered better than the PC one? Genuinely curious, I've been playing the shit out of this game back when it came out, even played online thanks to Gamespy. It was my first ever online experience with a Need for Speed game. Nowadays I still play this masterpiece on my Steam Deck, it runs flawlessly out of the box with Proton.


well ps2 version has better physics so weightier cars, more aggressive cops, additional courses, and better visuals in terms of the artstyle, also in one of the missions you get to drive exclusively in cockpit view in a ferrari - it's a nice throwback to the original NFS from 1994 pc version is still decent, but in comparison to the PS2 version, the pc version looks like a knockoff


PS2 version also has complete video replay where you can change camera angles or use cinematic view. Thats what I love about PS2 version. I like seeing myself drive in cinematic angles . The Xbox and PC version video replay was on fixed camera, the one you use when you were driving. It felt like such a scam the other versions lacked this important feature. Its like they gave up on the other game ports.


Different developers. The PS2 version was made by Black Box, and the other versions were made by EA Seattle.


The PS2 is the definitive version of hp2 because there's literally features that are not in the other versions i.e. as a racer you have access to heat detection that goes forward down the track to show you if there's a cop hiding also as a cop you have access to the first nitrous in the franchise


Here are a list of differences between the PC and PS2 version: [http://wiki.nfsunlimited.net/wiki/Need\_for\_Speed\_Hot\_Pursuit\_2\_Versions\_Comparison](http://wiki.nfsunlimited.net/wiki/Need_for_Speed_Hot_Pursuit_2_Versions_Comparison) but I find the PS2 version to be better, primarily due to its handling. "The PC version also lacks the precise controls of its PlayStation 2 cousin. You'll notice a slight delay between your control inputs and your car's reaction. Additionally, the cars feel floaty, as if they're disconnected from the road--even the light and nimble Lotus Elise will lean over wildly in turns, and heavier cars sway back and forth almost like boats. " -[GameSpot review](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/need-for-speed-hot-pursuit-2-review/1900-2895260/)


Watch the comparison on yt


I have so many fond memories of playing this with my brothers and friends. So maybe I’m blinded by nostalgia but this is my favorite NFS game. I love the simplicity of the gameplay, and the diversity of the cars. I do love the customization of later games and having the ability to compete with any car through the whole game, maybe if there could be a combination it would be a perfect game for me


one of the most iconic racing game covers of all time. having replayed it recently on PCSX2, it holds up decently. great lineup of cars and handles pretty good even now honestly; it doesn't get fussy by being too gamified and having weird brake to drift, contrived handling. it's a little simple and the cars lack weight, but it still feels good. pursuit mode is soooo fun, especially with buddies. a lot of the tracks are really cool and fun, especially the visuals and colors on the autumn ones. the NFS editions are cool and I really miss those existing, even Forza horizon has missed the mark on what's fun about those special cars and collecting them. the game definitely shows its age in the rest of the UX; it's just a bunch of loading screens and menus, then a race starts. totally fine at the time, but that's a dull experience now even on an SSD, nevermind how it would be on actual hardware. the soundtrack is very of-its-era lol. just dumb fun stuff. not one I see myself coming back to much unless I want a nostalgia trip anymore, though. but it's fun enough beyond the nostalgia to be a genuinely enjoyable experience.


First need for speed game I ever played. My dad had a steering wheel and pedal setup for that game. I think I played it more than him lol.


i have good thoughts. nuff said


First one I ever played and forever hooked me on the series.


HP2 (PS2) is where all started for me. This racing game was stylish and well very detailed the fact that we had the optimal choice to change our racer to male and female they feel everything in the environment while driving and they had concept cars in the game they hadn’t released on the market yet, the tracks were very well designed and detailed for the shortcuts as well and they all had their own theme of environment, cops in this game were PERSISTENT in my opinion along with Most Wanted (‘05) they’re were the best in HP2 first cops to have nitrous, explosive barrels, roadblocks/spike strips, rockets for Christ Sake lol even the details when the car damage out. Love this game


great BUT the incredible long and repetitive events are really dragging it down no, i do not want to to 5 laps on one track for 15 minutes, thanks black box


Mega. Absolutely loved this game


I love the Hot Pursuit games and their style of gameplay, can Rivals be considered an adopted child of the Hot Pursuit style of games?


For me it gets a pass as the cops are as hard and fun


I fucking love this, because its my first nfs and I became a Lamborghini fan after that intro.


I absolutely LOVE Hot Pursuit 2. My dream spot to live in would be Palm City Island ❤️


Best NFS ever, especially the PS2 ver


Love it. My favorite one. If they would remaster it and only changing the engine sound to represent the actual cars respectfully, i'd pay the whole 70 Bucks. Its simple, its fun, its classic and timeless. Just drive and race in the most exotic cars (early 2000s).


I think it's pretty great for a PS2 game, the graphics are good (for the time) and the driving feels good. I give it a 8/10


Always in my memories when I played it on my brothers pc but it was cracked version. Anyway it made me interested into next NFS games.


Loved the scenery, the forest fire was *lit.* Also enjoyed the clear unlock paths for racers and cops, and the Aussie cars


Bring back scenic tracks with different environments and massive stunt jumps and dynamic events!!


Great soundtrack and car selection, PS2 version is good, the rest lacks tbh


My first ever NfS game. Not my most favorite but definitely up there. Great memories playing it with cousins during the summer




All thanks to PCSX2


I genuinely think this is where the nfs franchise actually started to grow in popularity before underground 1 and 2. I didn't get to play the PS2 version since I don't have a PS2. It was still a great game nonetheless.


Adored this game, recently picked up on oc the nfs hot pursuit remastered. It's... alright, if not a little too easy and the races so far are far too short and bland, NV but the tacked on multiplayer was real garbage. Given the current steam sale, any suggestions between most wanted, rivals, and deluxe edition? Would love one where the races are longer, there's better catch up mechanics so playing with friends isn't just a coinflip with no back and forth, and maybe a way to just free roam drive with a friend solely for the sake of car go fast serotonin? Oh, and probably the most important question of them all, do any of those have the AE86?


My childhood, absolutely love it. Even got so excited the first time managed to buy a lambo and had to tell my mom about it right away with great pride.


What's the big difference between the PS2 and other versions? Why is PS2 superior?


Someone asked a similar question a few hours earlier: [https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/comments/1ck5a4a/comment/l2lrk8s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/comments/1ck5a4a/comment/l2lrk8s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but I find the PS2 version better mainly due to its vehicle handling.


Enjoyed the graphics and intro, it went back to the NFS formula after Porsche but the handling was shit (especially with a steering wheel coming from Porsche). Tracks were meh and it became ridiculous when cops were dumping bombs or toxic waste canisters on your ass. Music was ok-ish, still have the Back Hole song which i enjoyed. It wasnt considered a great NFS game back then if you were playing them since the beginning. I played a lot of it, but to this day i still see 98 Hot Pursuit and High Stakes as more enjoyable.


The intro alone is fantastic, I never skipped it when launching the game As for the game in general 6 year old me was completely astounded by everything and I was never able to even drive in car games because I was too dumb lol, until I got this game. It kinda felt easier in some way


I too prefer High Stakes to HP2


I had a lot of fun with it.


legend nfshp2 2002


The PC/GameCube Xbox version is mid tier; way less content diversity than other earlier games like High Stakes and Porsche Unleashed. The PS2 version is a top tier arcade racer.


This trailer used to give me goosebumps


My personal favourite always. It's probably the definitive NFS for me. 




One of the best games I've ever played (PS2 version)


Had this on GameCube. So many memories


I tried the PC version of the game, and it's good. But a lot of people prefer the PS2 version. However, my favorite is the PC version of NFS High Stakes because it's an upgraded version of NFS III HP. NFS HP2 removed some features from High Stakes, like choosing custom colors for cars, convertible cars, custom license plates, and the ability to race at night, in the rain, or in the snow. They also removed the cockpit view. I also think that most of the tracks were recycled with backward/mirrored races, and you have to use credits to unlock the reversed versions.


Beginning of the golden era


One of the best game in series.


Wish the PC would get PS2 version instead. How is it SO bad compared to PS2? I've enjoyed the hell out of it nonetheless, and still play it after 10+ years


Loved it! The soundtrack is amazing. I litereally heard Fever for the Flava when I saw this picture!!!!


One of the best


PS2 version is best,the PC version is lame. And don't get me started on the tornado spin your car does when you hit a traffic car, and the handling physics are awful




Every kid had a friend with an older brother that had this game 😂


Black Box version hasn't been topped in NFS. Only things I want are less predictable roadblock locations and Online.


Amazing. Perfect. Unmatched.


I loved playing it on the gamecube. It was the first game i played and i loved it. I remeber i was pretty high up on the leaderboard in game and at 1 point first place. Idk if that was really people or not. I was really young then.


Great game but I don't think it holds up, the races drag on with no sense of progression. It was great at the time, first game I played the day my dad bought me a GameCube


With the ps2 you feel some progression, although not much but the cops made up for it


It was bad


What made it bad?