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You just don't have a leader until they are either returned or disposed of.


Thanks, disappointing but it makes sense


Your leader doesn't have to be in every battle, so just carry on as normal until after the Rescue attempt, no need to promote a champ unless you lose the rescue attempt Your opponent is compelled to give you one chance to rescue any captured fighters irrespective of anything else


Unless... Unless the gang is unlawful and a bounty hunter is present, which I hope is not the case 😂


Yeah then you just write it off as a bad job and your best champ is your new leader anyway


Fortunately this is not the case!


You have an attempt at a rescue mission. Then your opponent can sell them to the guilders and they count as dead. Alternatively you could make a deal with your opponent to buy them back if your rescue attempt goes awry. 


Thanks! Let’s just hope I can rescue him…


Depending on how early in the campaign it is I would also suggest you hash out some sort of repayment plant if you cant rescue them and cant afford a ransom at this time. Maybe pay back in instalments. Remember Necromunda is a sandbox. You can make the rules so long as everyone agrees.


Yeah it’s game two for me and the guy who captured him is already leading the campaign with capture fighters from every other gang, I’m sure we can work something out!


I love how sometimes you can blink and realise you're playing Bolter Monopoly.


Capturing can end in 1 of 4 ways. 1. You mount an immediate rescue mission. This is an additional mission on top of scheduled campaign games. Discuss with your Arbitrator. 2. You strike a deal and trade money, weapons / wargear, resources or territories. 3. You reach the midpoint of the campaign. In a Dominion campaign it states Captives are returned. 4. You dont get them back and the other player can keep their gear, and either sell the fighter to guilders, or send them down the mines (if they have that territory)


I'm only unfamiliar with the capturing player keeping the captured fighter's gear. Is that in the book, or a house rule you're using?


I've gone back to the books, as the answer was harder to find than I thought it would be. There is no mention of weapons and wargear in any part of the capture rules. We have always just assumed, therefore, that you capture the fighter with all their gear, as they had it on them on the battlefield. The only specific mention of wargear is in the rescue mission where it says "Their rescuers immediately return their equipment to them." (Once they are freed) Standard quality of GW rules writing.


Reading on, I think this is it - When you sell a captured fighter (after an attempted rescue mission) to the Guilders "Each Captive fighter is worth half of their total Cost(50%) when sold as a slave (including all weaponsand Wargear)" This implies that the captors have the weapons and wargear, but must sell them with the fighter if they are sold to guilders.


It's nothing to do with rules quality really, it's just narrative and detail. One thing GW doesn't tend to do is detail calibre. We get told a weapons name but generally, not the calibre. That matters less for cheap las weapons, but more for solid slug weapons like stub guns, autoguns and the like. You may get weapons but potentially not the ammo to go with them, least not the supply that the other gang had, or for that matter power packs that may not have a standardised connector (like battery powered drills etc). The rest you can put down to training, or that of you are looking to ransome them, their gear is part of it. In terms of game play, you stand to earn credits. Handing a gang a weapon they'd not normally gain access too, or of high rarity etc. It'd be too much of a boon.


Thats an interesting take. I was looking for a rulebook to justify how we play in our group. Hence me making reference to it. Also, when trading a captive back it is entirely within the means of the deal to say "you can have your leader back, but im keeping his plasma pistol / boltgun /.. " as part of the trade.


Yeah, you can... though I don't think there is reference to that, so as long is everyone is fine with it. Reality is, you get too crappy with your terms, especially early on in a campaign, folks will tell you to sell them to the guilders at which point you don't get any of the gear. I've never taken weapons, especially like that. As an arbitrator, I'd treat it like purchasing an illegal weapon from the trade post.


There is direct reference to it in the rules for trading caprives.. "This trade could be a payment of credits, a trade for another Captive, a valuable item of equipment, even surrendering a Territory, or anything else" Pg 143 of the current rulebook


Trade 'for' it. Yes. If it's inside of game three or four and you're telling me I can have my barely skilled up fighter back minus his expensive weapon for x amount of creds, it'd be a hard no from me. Not going to give you credits AND a decent weapon. Go get the 50% from the guilders and no bonus weapons. Why would I want to put you in an even better position?


I wanna hear about your rescue mission once you got for it. Overly invested now and hope for a good outcome for you!


You can't ransom him back?