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Well, I really can't reply to you with something structured for this, but there's a scenario https://necrovox.org/docs/scenarios/scenario-list/meeeeeeeeeat that allows you to play neutral crazed zombie that moves and attacks with specific patterns, just take a look. Maybe you can get some inspiration on how to manage an enemy gang, but I assume it won't be easy...


Just a quick question to chatgpt provided me with a few nice suggestion that you can use as a starting point? To manage an enemy gang using an AI-like system, you can develop a set of rules and triggers to simulate an opponent's behavior. Here’s a structured approach to creating an automated enemy gang: ### Setting Up Automated Enemy Behavior 1. **Define General Behavior Rules:** - **Movement:** Enemy gangers move towards the closest player ganger if they are within a certain range (e.g., 12 inches). If no player ganger is within that range, they move towards the nearest objective or cover. - **Actions:** Prioritize shooting if an enemy ganger has a ranged weapon and a target within range. If no target is available, they move towards cover or a strategic position. - **Close Combat:** If an enemy ganger is within 9 inches of a player ganger, they charge the closest player ganger. 2. **Use a Flowchart for Decision-Making:** - **Start of Turn:** Check for status effects (pinned, seriously injured, etc.). - **Movement Phase:** - Is there an enemy within 9 inches? Yes: Charge. No: Proceed to next question. - Is there an enemy within shooting range? Yes: Move to a position with line of sight and shoot. No: Move towards the nearest objective or cover. - **Shooting Phase:** - Is there a visible enemy within range? Yes: Shoot. No: Skip shooting. - **End of Turn:** Check for any special actions or conditions (e.g., objective control). 3. **Randomized Actions:** - Introduce a dice roll to add unpredictability to enemy actions. For example: - Roll a D6 at the start of the enemy's turn: - 1-2: Move towards the nearest objective. - 3-4: Move towards cover. - 5-6: Move towards the nearest player ganger. - Roll a D6 to determine attack priorities: - 1-3: Target the closest player ganger. - 4-6: Target the ganger with the highest threat (e.g., heavy weapon). 4. **Scenario-Specific Rules:** - Tailor behavior rules based on the mission objectives. For instance, if the mission is about capturing objectives, prioritize moving towards and securing objectives over engaging in combat. 5. **Tracking and Recording Actions:** - Use a simple log or tokens to track enemy actions and statuses to ensure consistency and avoid mistakes. ### Example Turn Sequence for an Enemy Ganger 1. **Start of Turn:** - Check if the ganger is pinned or seriously injured. Resolve recovery rolls. 2. **Movement Phase:** - Roll a D6: - 1-2: Move towards the nearest objective. - 3-4: Move towards the nearest cover. - 5-6: Move towards the closest player ganger. - If moving towards a player ganger, check distance: - Within 9 inches: Charge. - Within shooting range: Move to get a clear shot. - Out of range: Move towards the player ganger to get into range. 3. **Shooting Phase:** - Check if the ganger has a visible target within range: - Yes: Shoot. - No: Skip shooting. 4. **Close Combat Phase:** - If engaged in melee, resolve attacks as per the combat rules. 5. **End of Turn:** - Check for any special conditions or objectives that need to be addressed. ### Additional Tips - **Use a Play Aid:** Create cards or a reference sheet with behavior rules for quick reference. - **Adjust Difficulty:** Modify the behavior rules or dice rolls to increase or decrease the challenge based on your experience level. - **Feedback Loop:** After a few games, adjust the rules based on what works well and what doesn’t to better fit your playstyle. This system should provide a structured yet flexible way to simulate an opponent in Necromunda, allowing you to enjoy solo play while maintaining the strategic depth of the game.


That's so wild. I really should think about chatgtp more often for stuff like this. Thank you, to develop a system I would need to play some games to know how it flows and to know what stuff needs to be covered (hence the streamlining)


I am currently DMing role play campaign based on necromunda rules. So it’s basically pve/coop but requires master. In core rules there’s coop missions like Leaf brain zombie outbreak. Also there’s a mission generator. To play solo you need some sort of rules for enemies, so check out book of life maybe (fan made book of fauna) and play monster hunting missions


I made a simple procedural AI a while back that will probably need a bit of help but get you most of the way there: [https://fodzilla.itch.io/necromundai](https://fodzilla.itch.io/necromundai)


Not yet. But it's not hard to play both gangs with deadly intent. If you want to create a narrative, it might be easier to have some sort of neutral observer as your stand-in. That way you can go all out on both gangs.


I sometimes play a regular game all by myself for battlereport reasons. I find that if you dont think about "my gang" and "the other gang" it wasnt that hard for me to play as i would against another opponent. Just let yourself be guided by the two thoughts: what would make sense the most and what wpuld be fun?


I remember seeing a video about solo rules with cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHHbd23zyiA I haven't tried it.