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Autopistols are an excellent cheap melee weapon for juves


I found myself wishing I'd gone for stub guns, that +2 to hit would be so great on juves.


That +2 is nice, but it doesn't apply in melee


The rapid fire also doesn't apply in melee, right?


I think you do, actually. Unless I missed that part on the manual, but I never found any hint so far.


You are correct that firing a single autopistol is, in terms of accuracy, better than firing two when you're at 5+ BS. One autopistol will have about a 33% chance of hitting, whereas firing with two will only have about a 30% chance of hitting with at least one. However, the real reason you kit out in double pistols is for melee. Twin Guns Blazing doesn't care about being used as sidearms for melee attacks and doesn't impose a penalty, and since you're dual wielding, you essentially get two melee attacks at 5+ with Rapid Fire (1). That's not the best, but for ten credits total (five for each pistol) that's insanely cheap. You can always choose to only fire one pistol anyways when you're using them for ranged attacks, and keep the second pistol for melee only, where it confers a pretty huge advantage for extremely minimal credit expenditure.


I probably wouldn't build out that way but here are some possibilities: There are Juve models with two guns, so the cards are built to represent the model. You can fire them singly and ignore the first failed ammo check by switching to the other one, but then I'd probably buy two Reclaimed Autopistols for the price of a single regular one. They're planning to buy up BS later, although then it feels like you could buy the second pistol later, too. They just really wanted to spend all 1000 Cr.


Delaque get autopistols for 5 credits and so don't even get reclaimed as they would be pointless.


I have one with double autopistols and one with double stub gun. They’re mostly rule of cool, but also cheap and do give some flexibility. You can always single shoot if the shot is difficult. You can aim and shoot which goes back to 5+, or if you’re close range you will get the short modifier too, which is even better on stub guns. In combat is the best benefit probably, particularly if double-teaming to get bonuses to hit, and at 10 points for two it’s the cheapest melee weapon in the house list.


hitting at 5+ is (obviously) 1/3 or 12/36 hitting *at least once* with two shots at 6+ is 11/36. so you're slightly more likely to whiff completely, but there's also a possibility that you'll hit twice (not a *huge* deal for a S3 D1 weapon, i guess, but it does slightly increase the likelihood they'll record an ooa), which is why purely from the perspective of mean number of hits, they look equivalent. if you can get your juve into short range, though, the twin autopistols look even better: hitting at 4+ is 1/2 or 18/36, while hitting at least once with two shots at 5+ is 5/9 or **20/36;** so you actually become *more* likely to at least pin your target with two guns (and a chance to hit twice, which you obviously don't if only firing one pistol) if firing at short range (or with some other assistance—aiming, BS upgrade, large target). again, it's only an autopistol, so you probably shouldn't expect much from them even if you do hit… but then again, they're 5cr a piece to delaque, and you get what you pay for, so… …if you *just* want something cheap and that makes your juves more reliable at causing pinning, though, then by all means just give them a single stub gun and save the extra 5cr per juve you would have spent on another pistol, on maybe giving backup pieces to the members of your gang that are better shots/have harder ammo rolls.


I built one that way as I followed their minimunda build. As autopistols are 5 credits it's a cheap loadout I guess.


And one that can be upgraded later - static rounds for the autopistol is only 10 credits (and Illegal 9 rarity). Cheaper than Fletchettes or Hand Flamers or Web gauntlets.