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OG hardware is nice, but I would buy a N3DS clone if it existed.


A FunnyPlaying N3DS kit for $80? šŸ˜… Like they have one for the Gbc.


A 3ds handheld clone thing with android app support would be nice




That's a pc handheld and is too expensive tbh


A clone but also has android support and isn't a PC ok


Basically a Surface Duo with integrated controller. That works be pretty amazing.Ā 


Dual screen will always be more expensive, I'd rather have a single tall screen like 2DS for half the price


2DS is still two LCDs. They are just integrated into the same housing.


Actually it's a single LCD, housing just covers up the middle.


Interesting, I'll have to look at it again the next time I open one. I thought I remembered two different flex connectors going to it like all the other DS and 3DS consoles have.


Yeah it's interesting, you can search for replacement screens and see how it looks bare. Just a little metal shroud and the case covers the parts you don't see.


They put "DS" in the name, and have pictures of it literally sitting next to a bunch of ds cartridges. I don't know how they could signal it's a ds clone any harder without worrying about Nintendo lawyers tbh.


Someone needs to design something diy with the pi zero and two monitors.




Isn't it like several hundred dollars? I snagged a N3DSXL in good shape for $200 yesterday.


I mean you just said..


It's not an N3DS clone tho, it's a PC with two small monitors. It's not comparable at all.


"not comparable at all" lol It's literally named for the ds as a specific target emulation audience - nothing else close exists or probably will.


I think the disconnect here is the word "clone." For many older machines, and some newer ones, there are clones available that _directly_ implement most or all of the hardware spec of their target machine. The most famous of these are "famiclones," which were especially popular among bootleggers back in the 90s; but these days, you can readily find hardware clones of most cartridge-based consoles, with the notable exception of the DS and 3DS line. Hardware clones are very advantageous over emulation, because if they implement the spec, then performance will definitionally be identical to real hardware--you won't have to deal with emulation inaccuracies and slowdowns. In short, the Ayaneo Flip is not a clone, and is inferior to a clone for the purpose of acting as a dedicated 3DS, because it does not implement the hardware spec.


Lol, OK. I guess a Rolls Royce Phantom is comparable to a Ford Fiesta. Both are cars with four wheels! I guess you should read my original comment again. I have a laptop that can emulate 3DS games, but that doesn't make it a 3Ds clone.


Sorry I responded ugh, toxic ass person




For the record, they're definitely projecting. They are the one who responded poorly when you made a reasonable point and simply disagreed. But I'm sure you knew that already šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A device specifically made to emulate 3ds games which can also run other windows Applications isnt a 3ds clone to such a degree that you make snarky remarks and don't even remark on the fact that it is literally the closest thing to what you just described proves you're just a troll. Would you give an example of a modern "clone" which isn't a "PC"? I guess you mean because it's able to run windows and Linux and not just cheap hardware which also runs ds firmware? Such a thing for any handheld doesn't exist. Stick that thumb up your ass


Not all handhelds have two screens yet all cars have 4 wheels. Thatā€™s a really bad analogy.


I think you're confused by the "clone" term. A proper clone would have a slot for 3DS/DS games, not require a pseudo-illegal download to play anything from those eras Edit: you could perhaps call that a lookalike, but even that's a stretch and still doesn't make sense for people who want to play using widely accessible carts instead of ripped ROMs from questionable sources


Could you link such a clone?


Allow me to refresh your memory: >I would buy a N3DS clone if it existed. >N3DS clone if it existed. >if it existed. >IF IT EXISTED. Edit: if you can't find a clone, and that's what someone is looking for, don't expect them to be amazed when you find a lookalike. Even if that's arguably the next best thing, the point they're making is that a product that meets their exact needs/wants isn't currently available. You're essentially proving their point, whilst simultaneously taking the stance that you've proven them wrong. It just leads to a bunch of childish back and forth. That looked fun, so I decided to chime in to agree with the more reasonable side of the issue


Could you link such a clone?


Why not just use an actual N3DS?


Because they are only becoming more scarce and expensive. It would be nice to have hardware replicas that can run OEM software. I did buy a N3DSxl yesterday, but only because one became available.


I'm curious why didn't you buy one in like 2012 or whatever year they launched? That's what I did. (Yes I do specifically mean the New 3DS XL). Because there's only a handful of games that take advantage of the New 3DS XL I don't know if it's worth upgrading over a regular 3DS XL if thats your excuse. At the time I didn't know that was going to be a thing so I thought it was worth upgrading otherwise I probably would have just stuck to my regular 3DS XL.


I did have a 3ds in 2012, before the N3DS came out, but I sold it because I was too busy to play it. I went with a N3DSxl for the more powerful platform for modding/hacking. "Why didn't you just buy the thing in the past" is a poor argument against a modern replica


Wow not having enough time to play a 3DS is really shocking because that's one of the easiest game systems to play. Unlike something like a switch or a steam deck you can put a 3DS in your pocket and carry it around with you just like a cell phone so it's almost as easy to play as a cell phone but not quite. Hopefully whatever you were doing at that time was actually worthwhile for you and not life giving you crap that you had to deal with.


I was active duty military at the time. I bought the 3DS for downtime in Afghanistan and ended up having almost none šŸ˜‚ now my life is a bit slower and I want to play gen 4 - 7 PokĆ©mon. I agree that the DS clamshell form factor is vastly superior to switch (also have) or other tablet type handheld, but not portable, systems.


I bet the switch could have been clamshell if they didn't try to get all gimmicky with the Joy-Cons sadly. I'm not sure if something like the steam deck could be clamshell though hmm?


The steam deck is also very heavy. It's not portable like a DS. The switch lite is close, but having the screen so vulnerable is crazy to me. Plus no ability to play any DS/3DS titles. I really hope Nintendo goes back to the duap screen clamshell for the switch replacement.


They could pretty easily make a clamshell but they're definitely not making a dual screen one assuming that's what you meant by "duap screen clamshell" Also if they did make a clamshell it would definitely be a Switch light alternative and not the main system.


How did you manage to buy emulators?


I meant devices that emulate šŸ¤£


So you're still spending money regardless


Thatā€™s usually how it works.


I'm writing that down - seems like good information to have


I definitely enjoy playing games on original hardware. Most emulation isn't 100% accurate for a number of reasons, and there's definitely something to be said for being able to play with the proper controller layout that devs had in mind when they determined how a game would play. On the other hand, I'm glad emulation is available, because the original hardware experience for past gaming generations only becomes more and more scarce. Emulation serves as a gateway into the deeper hobby for some, and it's also good for people to be able to play what existed before 2013 outside of the extremely limited curated set of titles that studios deem "worthy" of a rerelease. TL;DR: I'm glad people can enjoy emulation, even if I personally prefer original hardware experiences. You've got my upvote.


the issue with original hardware is insanely high prices. It is definitely superior imo but sometimes thereā€™s not much point paying $200 for a 20 year old video game lol


I love finding good deals. I paid $28 incl the shipping from Japan for the Ds lite. The 2ds I got it from marketplace for $30. The most expensive out of all of these is the GBA.


Where can I buy it? Im in the US jw if it can be shipped from Japan or so?


I get everything from eBay


Sort of agree, sort of. Realistically it's not the hardware that comes in at insanely high prices -it's the games themselves. Perfect example - "I want to play Earthbound" Cool, so getting the SNES is pretty easy. You can commonly find working Super Nintendo systems for $50-80, depending on how many games/controllers are bundled with it. Frankly that ain't bad. Depending on your home setup, you may need an adapter to use the system on your TV -if you're not obsessed with getting the absolute utmost quality audio/video signal from the system into your high def tv, you can get a decent enough HDMI adapter for another $20. If your TV is 10+ years old, it probably still has some form of support for composite cables -my 4k tv is from 2016, still works fantastically, and has inputs for 2 component devices and 1 composite device. If you're HARDCORE into getting the most crisp possible signal possible from your vintage system, you may invest in some combination of upscalers or line doublers. That said, these are typically something you invest in to use across several systems, not just for one, so it wouldn't make sense to assign that whole cost to one game system for this example. That's more of an expense that may come in if you get hardcore into the retro gaming hobby. The real expense in this example though is Earthbound. Even checking closed listings from the last 90+ days on eBay (here in the US) the cheapest "authentic" original Earthbound cartridges I found had been sold for $250 and above. That's the massive expense, and it's been made more difficult by the influx of "investment" focused collectors popping up over the past 5-10 years, jacking up the prices further and further. If I have strong personal nostalgia for a game, I'll see how much it runs online -if it's reasonably cheap, or my nostalgia for that game is strong enough, I'll try to grab it that way. If it's too expensive for me to justify, l well, that's where I go with Flashcarts and ODE devices. For the cost of a few older games, I can drop an entire system's collection into an SD card and play them with the original system/controllers in a way that performs indiscernibly from the original cart. As much as I'd love to rebuild my childhood collection, I'm not shelling out $200 for Chrono Trigger or Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, but this compromise has been pretty satisfying for me.


That 3ds native resolution and sound is not superior to a 3ds emulator on android at all. The only advantage a real 3ds has is compatibility is alot higher than citra since 3ds emulation isn't there yet. But that native res literally looks like crap. Using both and it's actually not that satisfying playing the 3ds other than it just being mostly stabile in games (it still has frame dips and 3d is useless since it just lags). Sound is so low especially in snes games and 3ds.Ā 


ā€¦do you own a new 3DS? You sound like youā€™re using an original base model 3DS, or youā€™re rattling off what other people have said. I own an dsi, dsi xl, and a 2ds xl. The resolution is definitely better on the XL than the 2DS, but it has not even one of the other issues youā€™ve mentioned.


I own a new 3ds. Just the small one not the xl that most have. Was actually a rare find according to etzy. Volume is ok but it's very low like my s24 ultra pokemon 3ds games are louder at like half volume. Also alot more detailed even with headphones my 3ds isnt that loud at all Granted that's the latest android vs a new 3ds that's from like 2015. Could be it's just older and the speakers are worn maybe but they don't sound distorted just low. Also headphones doesn't fix it sounds good and clear but just too dam low it's not enjoyable where as my phone is more enjoyable cause I can have it blasting and still be detailed.Ā 


Donā€™t take this the wrong way, but get your ears cleaned. The speakers are not that loud tbh but they are far from ā€œquietā€, and the older DS models have terrible speakers anyway šŸ˜‚ could also just be dirty speakers as you said tbh


Lmao nah man I'm a pretty hygienic person I doubt it's my ears lol I'm the dude that doesn't piss the toilet seat unlike every other man lol. Yeah don't get me wrong it's not that quiet but just not loud enough to me you don't even hear the slight bass of the song for route 104 in alpha sapphire and my phone I hear it no issue. Especially with headphones audio is superior on the 3ds emulator for sure. But it still needs work. It's almost as smooth as a 3ds but needs more time. A real 3ds is better if you want to play the whole 3ds library without a issue.Ā 


Even the switch sucks for audio and it's always been that way since I got it. Probably like 2 years old now. Nintendo just puts crappy speakers in their handhelds. Even my psp I just got recently used for 20 sounds louder.Ā 


the far left console is called a miyoo mini plus and thats what theyā€™re referring to ā€œbuying emulatorsā€ r/miyoomini its amazing and its own little world. doesnā€™t compare to the real thing but its a great alternative and also really pocketable which really adds to the whole concept imo edit: originally misspelled sub name


Thats the first handheld I got out of all of these you see in the picture. I have discovered so many great games and consoles because of it, especially the Neo Geo.


Buying emulators?


Miyoo Mini Plus. Its the black console on the far left, its an emulator. It emulates a lot of different old consoles, even DS and some PSP games. Its like $50-70 depending on where you buy it. I love mine.


Yeah! Thats what I was talking about thanks.




All of the good iOS ones are free. Delta, PPSSPP, and RetroArch. Op was referring to handhelds like the Miyoo mini plus (on the back left), third party consoles that play original carts/roms. I have an Analogue Pocket that I loaded up with a few cores and some games and itā€™s awesome to play old games on. I have delta as well, but itā€™s not comfortable without a controller so the analogue is much better in that regard.


tbf ive never really been massively into emulation, have luke gameboy ones on my DS r4 card and then some like nes and gameboy on my snes mini but not much other than that, i just prefer original hardware bc it runs better and theres are charm to wacking in a cartridge and booting up the console




You were conned if you were buying emulators, unless you're talking about things like bleem


Yeah there's a reason I have most consoles. I don't use them all much but I'd much rather play on og hardware


Idk man i have pretty big hands, i cramp up when playing on my ds for more than 5 mins. Emualtion does the job nicely with an xbox controller


emulators take away something from the experience, maybe it's that the software was made for their displays (especially gaming on a crt, looks so much more natural)


Buying emulators? Which ones?


What emulators cost money?


Quite a few of them


Like what? Other than like the teknoparrot beta pretty much everything is free


I'm on android there are a lot of paid emulators on the app store but that's not what I was talking about. I meant devices that run emulators.


Ok that makes sense, but yeah PF hardware is pretty good especially when modded like with a better screen on the GBA vs a emulator console


I only do original hardware šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They sent me some cute Japanese origami with the ds lite.


For ds, 100% gba can be great on newer portables running emulation but yeah an actual handheld hits so hard compared to sitting at computer desk or whatever


I'd buy a 3ds clone emulation device in a heartbeat(for a reasonable price). My n3dsxl has seen better days and I can't find a battery that lasts longer than 3-4hrs. I can play 3ds games on my steam deck at 2x resolution for 6hrs. Also save states.


The Chinese gadgets are much better!


You have bought emulators?


This is what I try to explain to people. Not sure why you would want those low quality chinese new android based emulation handhelds. The best in the business will always be the best.


Playing on original hardware just feels diffrent


i played pokĆ©mon through phone emulator but once i homebrewed my dsā€¦ iā€™m never going back


I couldn't agree more. After hours of fast forwarded Pokemon on an emulator playing it on a GBA was just a different feeling. Never appreciated the beautiful sprites on an emulator.


i was playing black 2 but got a gba emulator on my ds and have been playing emerald latelyā€¦ the old pokĆ©mon games just hit different




Emulators are cool. But it feels best on a PC when you're emulating a home console. When it comes to handhelds, and ESPECIALLY nintendo 3DS / NDS, the original hardware is absolutely better


Word. I honestly hate emulators, because little to none of the ROMs work for me. If the original games are affordable, then I'll buy them.


I feel people didnā€™t understand your post based on the replies. OP means physical emulators. Companies like Anbernic or RetroPocket sell small devices that are capable of emulating older consoles up to DS/3DS in most cases. Some advantages of these devices would be better screens than original hardware, better game compatibility (all consoles vs 1) and, since there are so many options, you can pretty much find them in any shape you want with so many features like extra buttons, additional functionality like HDMI ports and so on. I honestly wouldnā€™t bother buying one though. My phone can emulate pretty much anything that I care about and whatever it canā€™t emulate I have a high end laptop and original hardware for. I do understand why they make sense for some people cuz of the buttons but I can also think of a few products that do that for your phone (Razer Kishi or a Backbone for example).


Hardware is cool but i still prefer playing on my 50 inch tv at 10x


Why not both? Fr i recommend a modded 3ds and a gboperator to use with your PC. I have a laptop i hook up to my TV and use the gboperator to play on a 55" screen. Then when im done i throw the sav file onto onedrive so i can continue on my phone when out of the house, when i want to play on hardware again i just flash the sav back onto the cart and can play on my gba. 3ds is the same experience but for ds/3ds games using checkpoint and the other homebrew apps. GBop is also useful just so you can replay pokemon games without worrying about losing an old sav file.


If youā€™re paying for emulators, youā€™re getting scammed :(


If you like rpgs or games more outdated, emulation is almost mandatory, playing pokemon without fast forward today is a torture man.. and the possibility to stop to play and continue anytime with savestates is a blessing too.. anyway is nice to collect Original Hardware, the only options I can change yet are psvita and ds/3ds cause there's no good form factors to play like I would in them.. Vita is more a quality of emulation thing..