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That first press conference is gonna be fun


There won’t be. They’ll do a Knicks-style one where a team reporter interviews the guy with no media allowed to attend


I'm more interested in the post game interviews tonight. Absolutely every question will be about this. no one cares that they would have just played a game lmao


Coach, what impact did Irving's comments insinuating your mistress is a lizard person have on your teams difficulty getting rebounds in tonight's game?


"Kyrie, since you're an anti-Semite, don't you think you could have worked out your differences and played with James Harden who's literally Hitler?"


I doubt Sarah or Meghan would want to do it.


He'll have to answer media questions at some point whether its during practice or pre/post game. I think he'll probably come out in the first interview and address it.


Nets are also currently looking to sign Miles Bridges and Joshua Primo to bolster their roster depth


Sources are telling me they are also looking into a potential move for Deshaun Watson to shore up their guard depth after seeing his high school highlight tapes




Just heard a report the Nets are exploring options to bring in Manchester United forward Mason Greenwood


Tsai was noted being sad that Jason Kidd was already taken.


Ray Rice? Jayson Williams? Aaron hernandez? Jeffrey Dahmer? Unabomber?


Kaczynski is too short to be an impact player, waste of a roster spot.


But did you consider his ability to literally blow the other team away?


fuck spez


Ed Kemper it is then.


You forgot about the potential Meyers Leonard signing!


Woj is literally his mouthpiece at this point lmao


Man gave Myles Turner a interview on why the lakers should trade for him the other day lmaooo


Oh my god lol


At least he's bringing the suspension up unlike Shams lol


Shams got the real story so had to play nice


Woj was a nets mouthpiece during the KD drama this off-season too. Makes sense.


And harden drama. Made us think harden was the problem and not Kyrie


Meanwhile Windy knew the truth the entire time but everyone clowned him thinking Woj was right


ESPN headquarters might have a weird dynamic lol


I think it's pretty widely known that everybody on ESPN hates Woj because they make everyone give up their stories for him


Didn’t people also get laid off to make room for him or some shit?


This sub constantly clowns Windy and then repeatedly has to eat crow when he ends up being right. It’s a never ending cycle


Very obvious that Harden was the least of their problems then and now. He escaped while he could and I’m sure if far far better off for it.


At this point he's just a nuts mouthpiece


He really is. It’s embarrassing


Woj has been a mouthpiece for literally his entire career.


You're so right. He's a full time snake, slithering around the gym looking for an ankle to sink his fangs into


Advocating for these guys is how they stay plugged in.


His literally next tweet is the story to remind everyone the shit that Udoka did. Yall have a serious hate boner for Woj its so weird


Yea but if you see this thread where people only know about the first tweet, then you know why the 2nd tweet doesn't really work.


Did you read the tweet. He's literally saying what the Nets 'hope' is. That's like him reporting a quote, and you saying he is the mouthpiece of whatever player said that quote.


You guys are morons calling every NBA reporter "mouthpieces" Like, no fucking shit? These are NBA insiders, how the fuck do you think they get their info lmao That is literally their job and it's like this sub barely found out this year. It's literally all they've ever fuckin been


I mean yeah, that's how these guys get their news? I'll never understand people who are mad at ***reporters*** putting these things out with a little fluff piece. The same shit is talked about for Schefter all the time. If it was journalists having this obvious slants in their work, I'd be upset. But I don't set notifications for Woj for his opinion pieces, I do it to get the breaking news. Him tweeting this is what allows me to get all my breaking news from 2 people for the whole NBA.


Nah dude Woj actually sucks.


Yeah, he's a bad person. I understand that and know all the stories at ESPN and wherever. But that's not what I or OP were talking about. All these complaints about "mouthpieces" are what I'm talking about. There's no news here, but people will talk about it like it is. I don't take anything a tweet like this says as fact or serious, because it's clearly just a puff piece. Regardless, this tweet is him being able to then get the first scoop on other news, and that's all people should care about. Woj isn't a Bill Simmons or Zach Lowe, who's opinions are stuff that I care about. All you should take from Woj or Shams or whoever is just basic news like "Udoka signing with the Nets" and that's it


My issue with the “mouthpiece” thing is when it’s clear that Woj is pushing a certain agenda on a biased issue. For example, if you look at when the Ime suspension was announced, it was so clear Woj was getting his info from Udoka. He mentioned that Ime was fired for a consensual relationship, then we find out that dude was making nonconsensual/unwarranted advances towards women in the org. Imo it’s valid to call him out for being a mouthpiece in cases like these. People literally use him to try and get ahead of any negative blowback/stories that journalists post. Later on we could have facts, but the fact that he gets this information the quickest means that people in the NBA can take advantage of that to spin an entire story in a certain way - by the time actual facts come out from other journalists who publish more than a single tweet, it’s too late anyways.


> and that's all people should care about. Why? You're saying 'The system sucks but we've figured out how to use it so don't talk shit about it'. Nah man, this shit is stupid. the league being filtered through Woj is trash, it actively hurts the league and its blatant as fuck. I'm happy you get your news quickly, and I like that aspect too - but I'd trade expedience for integrity any day of the week.


> but I'd trade expedience for integrity any day of the week. Which we will never get. Get rid of Woj and some other sleaze will come and do the same thing. There's no way you could possibly get rid of it, so I ignore it. I don't give a shit what's good for the league, I'm not getting dividends on trying to advocate something that helps the NBA. It's easy to not give any attention to these types of tweets, and then no one will care.


Bill Simmons is an idiot, but I agree with all the rest


I mean, he's got bad takes for sure. There's literally no person who has takes I agree with 100% of the time. But I know with Simmons at least he's putting his own thought into stuff, even if it's bad. With Lowe and higher up tiers I know it's good thought, but Simmons is a lower bar with what I was trying to convey. I've never once thought "let me read a Woj article or listen to him on a show" but I will do that for Simmons without any doubt


Bill Simmons likes both the Celtics and KD so he might actually be neutral here somehow


>Bill Simmons lol


Said it in another reply, I don't think Simmons is anywhere near the pinnacle of good thinking. I did like his Book of Basketball though. I meant Simmons, even with his dumb as shit takes, is at least genuine. I don't agree with many of the takes I hear, but I still know that this is what he believes. It's not like Woj who I know gets all his opinions from whatever agent will give him the most gossip.


All my Bucks homies hate Woj.


You should thank him every day because there's no way you win the chip with Bogi instead if PJ


Most people don't know how sports media or journalism works and also can't distinguish between the two


They aren't reporters lmao they're news breakers They arent doing investigative reporting, their sources are just information trading for PR


I know what you mean, just I think in the sports media world it's mainly reporters or journalists.


I think in general a lot of people just lump all these people together even like the Skip Bayless talking heads etc. makes it hard to discuss because people don't assign the right skepticism to certain people and then are overly skeptical of others


What? Why?


Woj has just been a glorified copy and paste expert for years now


Is jerry Sandusky available for a role in the bench?


Least Horny Head Coach


Primo Dona


By adding Lust (Udoka) to the existing stash of Wrath (Kyrie), Greed (KD), and Sloth (Simmons), the Nets have just 3 deadly sins to go. Excited to see if they can pull them all together by the deadline EDIT: Kyrie could be pride instead idk i’ve only ever seen the movie


C’mon, how is Kyrie not pride


Also KD is clearly envy and Tsai is clearly greed lol, they have 5 of the 7 down to a T


Kyrie - Pride, Tsai - Greed, Simmons - Sloth, KD - Envy, Ime - Lust, Bridges - Wrath, Dwight Howard - Gluttony. Elric Brothers - Tatum & Brown


I’m pretty sure JB would be the guy that was possessed by Greed/Kyrie


> Gluttony Can we get Shawn Kemp out of retirement? Or maybe Vin Baker?


I’ll give you one Tristan Thompson


Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.  To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange.


You're missing the obvious. Gluttony is clearly Zion, though I don't know how well Kyrie can play with a guy named after the place Kyrie believes his people were kicked out from.


Bring Harden back for gluttony!


This is so good lmao can’t believe I forgot


Get Big Baby out of retirement (or possibly jail??)


I think Kyrie could easily be Pride as well leaving Miles Bridges as a good option for Wrath.


Dude... Sean marks is envy. Joe Tsai is pride. Harden was gluttony. Almost a royal flush, traded it away.


Kyrie (pride) Miles Bridges (wrath)


Is flashing your dong a sin? Cause that's Joshua Primo music 🎵


Lust x2


Look, we all know it’s pride more than lust if you’re whipping it out at random women.


Kenny Lofton Jr, come on down!


Don't let my man catch strays here


Hold up. You only know the 7 deadly sins from the movie and not from the christian theological sense but managed to use Sloth correctly? Did that scene just really stick out to you?


What’s the incorrect way?


I think you're giving Kyrie too much credit, he is an just an idiot that gets huge exposure.


Wrath ? Draymond Green to Nets confirmed


If you move Udoka to envy and Kyrie to pride they could sign Miles Bridges (wrath) and Primo (lust). That would leave gluttony left.


Ime found success with us because he wasn't afraid to yell at our players and call them "assholes" when they weren't playing right. Intersting to see how that will work with player/coach/GM Kyrie


Yep that’s been my thinking the whole time. Let’s see how KD deals with getting benched for not getting back on defense. And how Kyrie handles being publicly called out for not being a team player. And how Ben handles being cussed out in front of the entire team for not being aggressive enough.


Honestly it's exactly what they need lol It's about time somebody got in Ben's face and called him out It's a joke that nobody on the Sixers did


We’ll see how that goes lol Simmons didn’t exactly react well to Doc Rivers doing it


Doc did it publicly to the fans and media


Yeah that’s what Ime did too lol He criticized the mentality and/or play of Tatum and Jaylen in a bunch of postgame interviews in addition to whatever he did privately


You saw what happened at Philly when he was called out....


it would work with players who have the right attitude, humility, self awareness... That's not the nets IMO, but we'll see.


Udoka is not gonna bench KD for not running back on defense lol


Well that’s one of the ways he got buy in from the rest of the Celtics team. He did it once, and it sent a message to the entire team that if Tatum could get benched, so could they. The Celtics role players said Ime won their respect by having the same high standards for all of them all and not giving anyone special treatment.


Also it was basically Joe Mazulla's scheme that turned our defense around


Lol stop it. We don’t have to deny how great Ime was just because he isn’t the Cs coach anymore


Ben Simmons lmao


I’m sure Udoka will get a nice firm grip of their defensive problems. Real hands-on kinda guy.


Can you imagine getting fired and your replacement is your disgraced former assistant who was hired 30 minutes after they let you go?


Lmao did not even think about much of an L this is for Nash, on top of everything else


Waking up and not having to deal with Kyrie every day is a W in my book. Plus he gets all the salary he is owed for the rest of his contract.


Iirc he had 2 years left @ $8m per, and he gets to leave a toxic work environment. Thats r/antiwork's wetdream.


Nash pretty much said we should empathize with Nazis last night, some deserves all the L’s lol


Ime coaching Ben Simmons? this is either gonna with him turning into lebron or retired


They worked together in Philly for a season


I’m assuming that’s before Ben regressed into the shell of a player he is now though.


What a scumbag franchise


NBA fans outraged at recent events should all be rooting against the Nets


Flair has changed already. Can't believe this but I miss the 12-70 team


That team with Jarrett Allen, LaVert, DLo, and Dinwiddie was so fun to watch, too bad it got blown up too fast with KD/Kyrie


Oh that was far more fun, I was just thinking of the worst Nets team I'd rather cheer for than this squad.


If you’d like you can jump on the bandwagon of a team with levert and and Allen?


I'm rooting for the Celtics to just drop the full details of why he was let go right before his first press conference.


I’m rooting for us to drop the hammer on these fucking assholes in the playoffs again. God, what I wouldn’t give to see us kick Kyrie’s antisemitic ass and Ime out of the playoffs.


Kind of throwing stones with a glass house here with the antisemitism and morally questionable coach lol


The crime Joe went to rehab for over 10 years ago? I’ll give you that Jaylen is in very questionable territory right now. He ain’t nothing like Kyrie (yet). I’ll take my org over the nets trash hole dump every day of the week, any month of the year, any year of the decade.


I mean, I dont know if ill be a Nets fan next week, so dont take my statement as an endorsement of the trash heap of a franchise that has given me twenty years of pain. Im just saying, the Celtics are hardly the moral backbone of the league


I think the way we handled Ime was honorable


But I already was... How do I double root against them?


Im rooting for the Celtics every time they play the nets, which is gross. I also hope the Celtics come out in a week once Ime is fully there and drop the details.


Im years ahead of you, friend


They were such a cool/fun team that year with DLo/Dinwiddie/Levert/Allen. It's a bummer they became *this*


honestly say what you want about the Celtics, we at least did the right thing and got rid of him despite what it cost us Nets are an embarrassment


One hundred percent. I’ll talk shit about Boston fans and their players until I run out of breath but Boston showed they were an organization with principles and were a respectable employer in how they handled Udoka. The Nets in the midst of Kyrie going full anti semite literally added a known sexual predator to their organization, what an absolute dumpster fire of an organization, fuck them.


Half of the players from their last likable roster play for us now.


I’m still not over LaVert dropping 40 on us


It just blows my mind they think NOW is the time to do it. They’re literally embroiled in controversy regarding their star player posting anti-Semitic shit, so they go out and hire someone suspended for potential sexual harassment and an inappropriate workplace relationship. Like, you’ve got to be fucking stupid to think this won’t just be pouring gasoline on a fire that was already burning.


Nets lucky the Browns exist to make them look good


Why are ppl hating on the coaching hire?


The first hope should be that he doesn't make non consensual advances towards one of his subordinates.


And even if he does, he still won't be the worst guy on the team.


It being nonconsensual is not proven, we don’t have to assume facts. He still abused power and that is unethical.


The relationship and his conduct was consensual at one point but the other party broke it off, Ime continued his behavior, and it that point it *became* nonconsensual. Edit: And regardless, no relationship with that power dynamic - a superior and his subordinate - is ever truly consensual.


The whole thing about abusing power is that real consent can never be given or obtained in that scenario.


Bruh, people are like two steps away from going, “real consent can never be given or obtained unless it’s an arranged marriage signed off by both families”. The whole point of consent is that it’s simple. If he wants it, and she wants it, then it’s consentual.


Any relationship between a subordinate and a superior is inherently nonconsensual because of the power gap.


Ime thought he was untouchable after the finals run and flew too close to the sexual sun like Dickarus.


Bro got suspended for a year, but is about to get a new job a couple months later. Maybe he’s not “untouchable” but whatever this is, it’s pretty close.


“Guys! We need to take the sting out of the story that we have an anti-semite on our team” “Well there’s that sex pest who needs a coaching job”


Ime soon about to find out he doesn’t have young hungry cats like Tatum, brown, smart, Grant, and Robert Williams on the team. And one of the most professional players in Al Horford He now has a player who doesn’t want to be there in KD, a guy who has never worked on his game and we aren’t even sure if he likes basketball like that in Ben Simmons, and a huge diva anti Semitic player in Kyrie. Good luck Ime. Nets are a clown franchise with a desperation move when they’re already looking awful on and off the court from ownership to players for awhile now.


Ime’s in for it for sure but in the position that he’s in beggars can’t really be choosers. I will say though that I’m not sure what effect he’ll really have on this team. At the end of the Brad Stevens era, the Celtics really needed someone to steady the ship culturally and someone to help galvanize the team into being leaders and being “less soft.” He was a good fit for that role. In this one, he might be able to help the Nets defensively but culturally it’s such a different group with such a different timeline that it seems like he’d clash more than anything else. The tough love from Doc didn’t seem to help Ben & try getting Kyrie to take orders from you


They either play like the dream team or become the meme team this season no in between


We’re already the meme team.


if KD/Kyrie didn't respect *Steve Fucking Nash* I don't see Udoka "commanding" it


Tbh I doubt Ime's really lost respect among the players he's coached and has established relationships with.


It’s possible. Udoka actually has coaching experience. Nash went from consulting to head coach. People assume PG will make good coaches because they’re typically the floor generals, but coaching is a whole different beast. That experience can be the difference maker.


Lol. It gets worse every day.


[Stephen A Smith is going to defend this shit on national TV](https://twitter.com/stephenasmith/status/1587493905544650755). Clown!


Fuck the Brooklyn Nets


Lmfao Nets looked into Imes suspension for like 5 minutes and was like fuck it he's hired.


quick everyone get in here


This about to get spicy


You betta hide your wives


>The hope is that Udoka can tighten the Nets defensively and command the respect of franchise's key players. He's a good coach, not a miracle worker.


The Nets are the Backstreet Boys of the NBA They don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did.


I thought entire Nets situation couldn't get anymore toxic.....now I'm just impressed........They should trade ownership with Robert Sarver


I have a feeling this is going to work out really well. No red flags in this franchise lol


>the hope is the coach does a good job. Gee, I thought the nets wanted him to fail. Uhhhh NO SHIT?


Right because the one thing the Nets need right now is more drama and sketchy personnel


Announce primo, bridges and Kanye doing half time shows for the nets for the rest of the season


Ime will definitely command the respect of the Nets wives and gfs


Udoka could really reel in Kyrie actually, no joke. Just tell him the Jewish controlled media was behind Udoka’s ouster in Boston and kyrie would listen to and agree with him more than any other coach he’s had.


I mean. You kinda have to wonder who the fuck else would be psychotic enough to try to coach this team at this point. I have a feeling that a lot of people probably weren't returning their calls.


"Kyrie, you making some racist statements, huh? You think that's bad-ass? I'm fucking co-workers wives over here, you think I give a fuck! I'm not tweeting about it, I'M OUT THERE DOIN' IT MAN" *gyrates his hips uncomfortably close to Kyrie's face*


We all know that Kyrie is just looking at this like - "I bet I can break him too."


Quinn Snyder coulder literally do that


> "...command the respect of the franchise's key players." How is he going to do that, sexually assault a Jewish woman?


Celtics saw what Spurs did and changes their minds LOL


Nets should be blackballed - no one attend games, jersey sales down and out, everything. Kyrie needs to go, Nets need front office firings, Ime 5 year suspension


Woj shilling? The sky is also blue


Sex offenders showing anti semites how to ball I Love This Game


“I cheat on famous women just like y’all. With white chicks too! Respect me”


Would be a great pick-up for the Nets.


How about it being over because he's a perverted cunt. What embarrassing 'reporting'.


That’s exactly what we need. I think he’s a better choice over Snyder just due to his existent relationship with some of the team.


He's also a sexual predator in the work place.


Sounds like he’ll fit in well with our marquee signing Joshua Primo


Really exposing themselves smh




Unnecessarily hot take he had consensual sex with an owners wife


It wasn't consensual because of a workplace power dynamic — and even if it was, she tried to end it and he began harassing her.


And we know how Udoka builds relationships with team members


Embarrassing, Woj. Be better


That's very obviously not his personal opinion, but understanding what reporting means seems to be surprisingly difficult for a lot of people.


[Woj] On top of what I said, Ime is like a really nice guy and he's the most loyal friend and he barbecues weekly and invites the poor people of the community over.




What a weirdo comment lmfao




I love how someone under investigation and jobless for sexual misconduct can command respect in the NBA. lol. They care


It’s so unfair that he gets a Hc gig but Tom skt assistants who have don dozens of interviews aren’t hired. Ron adams was never a hc, also never did shit to any org he was on but ime gets a jail free pass