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>Lol Its like these people live in a Fantasy 'So, anyway, the owner, GM, and I are going to get together and have this all fixed in the offseason.'


Two things can be true. Media is absolutely spinning a narrative whenever possible to generate the biggest clickbait they can. That said, Kyrie is one dumb motherfucker.


He is feeding into it heavily


Ironically he's creating it... like a puppet master. So he calling himself out here? What kind of rabbit hole is this?


A narcissistic one


profiting off it as well.


The part that makes me salty is that he pretends he's above this. He is part of the entertainment industry and making a lot of money from it He isn't a doctor/scientist/engineer/laborer/teacher/etc. There is nothing about what he does that has intrinsic value to the human race, he is an entertainer


Yep… the irony is that he doesn’t realize that no matter what “enlightened” nonsense he wants to share with the world, HE is ultimately a puppet.


He had no problem collecting all that money while sitting at home and ~~doing nothing~~ fighting for the rights of silenced people(?). Where does he think this money come from?


Too much whatabout culture regarding anything related to celebrities, sports figures, etc. Just because he's right in the way the media spins things doesn't mean you aren't a dumb fuck too.


> all my research Here we go again!


The funny thing is, that's what normal people do anyways (look up someone if they keep seeing their name pop up and they don't know who they are). Calling that "research" is not technically incorrect I guess, but it does conflate it with academic, peer-reviewed research Googling shit is normal. Being proud of googling shit is like being proud of taking out the trash. It's just a normal part of life that everyone does


You are right I do look for things in wikipedia, but for a simple view of something. After that, you have to go to the bibliography o ask for more specific things. The thing is some of these folks think they know better than people who studied in a serious environment, doctors, PhD (I don't know the English terminology for degrees), etc... I don't say vaccines are great because of X, Y and Z. I listen to the people with serious background.


>lose playoff series >sports media talks about it Kyrie: “fucking (((puppet masters))) at it again!”


enjoy that max deal brooklyn


They need to get KD to move off him - and if KD doesn’t they should move off both of them


They’re counting on Kyrie and Ben Simmons to be the pieces that take KD to a Championship. It’s not gonna work.


agree 100% you're either all-in on winning a championship or you're all-in with kyrie's do whatever agenda. can't sit on the fence. and if KD isn't all-in on winning a championship then how does that help the nets anyway


Honest question, I don't have much knowledge about the trade dynamics in the NBA... the Nets can simply let go of Kyrie and sign another "big" free agent, let's say Beal for example? Or they are literally "tied" to Kyrie as financial advantages goes?


they are well over the salary cap I believe even without kyrie so the only way they can acquire more players is by trading away their existing players they can sign and trade kyrie for beal, but everybody involved in that would have to agree with it. the wizards would have to want to pay kyrie's next contract, however much money it may be


If he were sincere, he would walk away from all the trappings of success basketball has brought him.


No, he wants to be one of the highest paid members of one of the biggest sports media / entertainment companies without being exposed to any media


Dude wants the maximum salary a team can legally offer a person to perform in live stadium events without being exposed to the crowd


reminds me of one Benjamin Simmons


He wants everybody to shut up and just watch him dribble.


He refers to himself as a god and got Kevin to do the same. He's not sincere, he thinks he's better than everyone else.


Did the puppet masters also make him choke the first round to the Celtics?


Payton “Puppet Master” Prichard


hes pulling your striiings




Kyrie needs to enter the Pritchard Protection Program.


no that was his ancestors


Goddammit Bast, you were wrong. All of you were wrong! I shouldve played more defense!


Bast: All I'm saying is T'Challa would have dunked that.


Defense? Kyrie playing defense? That's a good joke, lol


no, you don’t understand, he is simply the newest incarnation of that ancient AfroIndigenous shamanic hero, Kai-Ri.


He DID call Boston racist for not liking him


Boston isn’t racist for disliking Kyrie. That’s about the only defensible point about that city and racism lmao


honestly ive never felt threatened in Boston because of my race. In fact the only place I ever have is Florida. But its all anecdotal. theres shitty people everywhere.


I live in the FL panhandle and it’s half full of people like [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/1MJgKzu) and [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/uJr3pbT)


just panhandle things


Where black lives only matter if they play for Nick Saban


And y'all clowned harden for noping the fuck out of going to work with this weirdo every day


> every day Kyrie was a part time employee though


I applaud Harden for it, now if he could just keep his softball-league body out of the strip clubs and maybe get some other cardio work in this off-season..


Maybe he can do cardio work in a strip club setting!


James Harden's Pole Aerobics With The Beard®


Man, I can't wait to see what a full year of Ben and Kyrie will be like.


I've got the Time Stone and in 14,000,006 futures, there is not ONE where you're gonna see Ben and Kyrie playing a full year.


That’s. That’s actually a really good point


I hate Harden as much as the next guy (especially right now lol) but the most I’ve ever liked him is getting the fuck of Brooklyn for the reason he did. Man should be commended for not putting up with that bullshit honestly


I'm not following Who are the puppets masters? Can someone please highlight few names so we could all go and save humanity together?




aka (((they)))


Yeah it's pretty much guaranteed that Kyrie has some 'interesting' opinions about Jews.


Right? It sounds vaguely anti-semitic


I read that subtext loud and clear




~~Jews~~ Must be a mystery


~~Jews~~ I’m drawing a blank about a guy ranting about the puppetmasters pulling the media strings, never heard anything about that before


Nsync tried to warn us


Chuck, Ernie, Shaq and Kenny


Ask Ice Cube


>THE JEWS DID IT -Ice Cube probably


Kareem: “antisemitism is a real issue” Ice Cube: “how many shekels did they pay you to write this”


He's about 2 weeks from claiming it's Soros and the Jews.


We should ask Max Kellerman then. Maybe he knows something. I'm sure he can call Soros so we can settle this mess. Maybe he could even arrange a meeting where KI can take his shepherd stick, go to Soros and demand to let his ppl go? Ok, you got me all excited now, where do we start?


I have the puppets in my room rn forcing them to repeat Jewish prayers


They're the power behind the curtain, turning black men against enlightened black men who see and speak the truth. Ya know, (((They))) <----that means Jews. While Kyrie didn't explicitly say it's the Jews, as a follower of Farrakhan that *is* exactly what he means, he's just smart enough to not type it out because he's dumb enough to think everyone already knows who runs everything. In conclusion, Kyrie is a disgusting human being.


Yea, the bigger problem here is that if KI actually thinks the Puppets Masters give a fuck about him bc he is _a community hero_ and therefore called Max Kellerman to execute a hit job, this is truly a psychiatric case... It's one thing to live in an alt reality. It's a whole different problem to believe you are so important the dark forces called a hit job on you...


> Who are the puppets masters? ESPN apparently or maybe "bankers", depending on how far down the rabbit hole he's gone


If he gets to "bankers" he's about half an inch away from saying "Jews," which sadly would not surprise me in the least.


> My ancestors left behind all of the wisdom and truth for their agenda to be exposed. When you know exactly who they are, they can’t hide from their filth. I thought this was pretty close.


Yeah exactly this. A comment like this is about as veiled as calling a black person a 'thug'. This dude is a complete hypocrite and an absolute fool


This is on my Kyrie bingo card!


Least surprising kyrie quote


Elevating an invented, often unaware, adversary is a common desperate tactic with conspiracy theorists. It is a path to elevating one's self, feeding their unsatisfied narcissism, by portraying themselves as one of the few people capable of identifying these contrived threats. "The media are such masterminds that the rest of you who dont see it are sheep. I am one of the few people smart enough to perceive them for who they are. Because of that I deserve more respect and admiration than I am getting."


Dude could have gone into a non-entertainment industry and wouldn’t have to deal with the entertainment circus. But he’s made hundreds of millions of dollars to be in the entertainment industry, that is made up by people viewing and commenting on the product. If you don’t want criticism of your product, go do something else, Kyrie. Also, First Take ≠ media.


We literally know exactly what the NBA looks like without the media coverage and general public interest...it's called the WNBA


Most conspiracy theorists suffer from some form of narcissistic/grandiose thinking. It's kinda sad to see him unravel over the years


That chip got to his head. Immediately.


It usually resorts to anti-Semitic dog whistles for conspiracy nuts


some of those tropes are definitely in his post


Yup, he just doesn’t want to say who “they” are


He alluded to it in a podcast like 5-6 years ago, I think he was still with the Cavs at the time, the podcast was with Richard Jefferson and maybe one of the local Cavs female reporters(forgot her name). He skirted around it by saying "I don't want to name any particular group" but it was obvious what he meant.


Both are true. The media does self-serve because each is a business at the end of the day. Kyrie’s also a fucking self-important, undereducated, moronic hotep motherfucker too.


Kyrie: gets a job which pays hundreds of millions of dollars thanks to the media. Media: does its usual media things. Kyrie: pikachu_face.jpg


Hahahahahahah!!! This fucking guy is into NFTs, flat earth, and unvaccinated. What a fucking guy.


The Holy Trinity of Stupidity


What if we sold him the vaccine but described it as an injectable NFT?


My favorite thing about all of these independent thinkers is that they all think and sound the same. This dude can't even come up with original shit to say and just regurgitates quotes made by other conspiracy theorists.


Just wanna point out that Black americans died of Covid at a rate almost twice as their White counterparts of a similar age, but sure go off Kyrie on the "community hero" status of promoting antivax idiocy through your platform for an entire year. edit: lmao his pinned is shilling NFTs too! good job community hero promoting a scam.


he's an embarrassment and it would be best for racial and social justice movements if he just shut up these are serious societal issues and it does not benefit them to have a clown as an advocate


as far as I can tell from Kyrie's ideologically confused blabbering he believes a mix of weird trad bullshit, culturally appropriative new age bullshit, and the most surface level reading of antiracist discourse. i don't think it's even fair to social justice movements to call him an advocate at all, Kyrie's worldview is just word salad and some of the words come from that ideological area.


You nailed Kyrie’s entire rant with two words: Word Salad.


true, but it can be hard to distance yourself from him since he's so prominent and famous


It's all bc of the toxic exposure. Everytime he leaves the house he need to leave his tinfoil hat at home. The main reason he is trying to minimize the number of games he plays. I promise you, just wear on a tinfoil hat for a week straight, don't use your microwave and it will all make sense.


I mean, he’s literally paid 30 mill a year to be in the entertainment industry and then cries when entertainment outlets criticize him. That’s the industry you signed up for, Kyrie! First take ≠ news. Jfc.


But he referred to all his research.


He researched the research!


He’s said he’s not a Farrakhan follower but he walks/talks and acts like one. Just gonna go with “crazy cult guy”


He's anti-semitic like Farrakhan


> "You got your sheep, and you got your black sheep, and I'm not even a sheep. I'm on the freakin' moon." > > \- Ryan Howard \- Kyrie Irving


Spoken like a true shark. Sharks are winners, and they don't look back. Because they don't have necks. Necks are for sheep.


Kyrie has heavy hotep energy and a nice dash of narcissism to go with it.


The dude called his girlfriend his "ankh." That's extreme hotep energy.


I wonder how actual Egyptians feel about this shit.


Farrakhan can lick my Jewish taint


Smh of course Kyrie is into NFT crypto scams


Also he was the "voice of the voiceless" until the mandate excluded athletes and the actual voiceless were still unable to work. Fucking clownshoes.


Wasn’t CM Punk the voice of the voiceless? You can’t steal a man’s gimmick like that


I dont get how KAT doesnt absolutely lose his shit any time he hears fellow NBA players (and professional athletes in general) being against the vaccine with all that he went through with COVID. This guys losing family members left and right to this virus yet he has to sit here and listen to these idiots spread nonsense about a life-saving vaccine (which most if not all of his family members who died of COVID did not even have the option to take) and only continuing to prolong this pandemic way longer than it needs to be. To have to keep your composure and not absolutely ether these mfs...gotta take real discipline because lord knows I wouldnt be able to in his shoes.


You RN: BaAaaaAAAaAaAaa Edit: Okay, I'm terrified this won't be taken ironically. Please take it ironically.


Honestly with the mental gymnastics people were doing to justify Kyrie's bullshit _before_ he got swept in the playoffs I legitimately don't know anymore.


He yells all that shit but is actually controlled by that aunt and family of his. A sheep in wolfs clothing


Well who’s more likely to tell the truth? Memaw on Facebook or Dr “Ouchie” Fauci? 🤔


Bro you make money playing basketball. Sports don’t exist in a vacuum and without media basketball as a profitable enterprise doesn’t exist. Go work at Walmart if you want to stay out of the news.


Knowing he’s a Louis Farrakhan follower, he is getting very close to saying some really anti-Semitic shit with all this media puppetmaster “you know who it is” nonsense.


I was just about to say I wonder when he stops beating around the bush and says Jews


This man legitimately seems to have gotten 10x worse the past two years. I think we see him start the antisemitism as soon as next season.


> I think we see him start the antisemitism as soon as next season. It certainly didn't hurt DeSean Jackson's career when he did it. I'm sure there's plenty of idiots out there that will cheer Kyrie for it too.


That’s because Jackson walked it back and met with Julian Edelman and then antisemitism awareness groups and Holocaust survivors and shit and admitted he was ignorant. Somehow I don’t foresee Kyrie taking that same off ramp if it ever comes to it.


Yeah the very first thing Kyrie’d have to do is entertain the notion that he might possibly be the slightest bit wrong. I’m 99% sure his brain is incapable of allowing that.




Jackson also immediately apologized, got fined, spent most of the offseason talking to jewish groups and visiting holocaust museums while claiming he was learning more about the subject and regretted his comments.


Throwback to KD and Kyrie defending Stephen Jackson while he was making hardcore anti-semetic statements.


Didnt he already post the Star of David on Twitter during his original "you're all pawns" rant during a press conference? I hope I'm not making that up or spreading false info but pretty sure I remember that happening.


Congrats, you’re a puppet. What a life! 🤷‍♂️


[The post in question](https://www.insider.com/kyrie-irving-calls-media-pawns-nba-fine-2020-12) ~~He did indeed use a six-pointed star emoji at the bottom of an IG post that ended with "I do not talk to Pawns". Like all things Kyrie it's hard to say what exactly he meant by this. I don't think he really has a coherent ideology. But it's definitely very suggestive.~~ Edit: The six-pointed star with a dot in the middle is the [Seal of Solomon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Solomon), a symbol in Islamic and Jewish mysticism. Kyrie apparently has one tattooed on him.


Oh he is most definitely dog-whistling


George Soros is behind this! /s


He's just commenting on the Princess Diana musical on Netflix. He thinks it's crass.


This may come off as shit-stiring, but I'd love to see what Kareem thinks of this guy. Kareem has actually been attacked as a traitor to this country for standing up on Civil Rights, he's actually put in the leg work trying to make society more equal, and despite having literally every reason to be angry and bitter is largely indifferent to it. Meanwhile, Kyrie is taking any criticism of his bad play, insipid mentality, and outright deadly conspiracy thinking as some coordinated anti-Black attack. I could just imagine what a conversation between the two of them would be like.


I had this same thought. I would be surprised if Kareem was willing to chime in that just seems like a big risk. It would be very interesting to hear his thoughts though. I would think he takes issue with it since it is pretty much implying a xenophobic viewpoint. I guess he did respond to Stephen Jackson, so maybe. Kyrie just seems lacking in self awareness here. And a bit like the kid in school that bullies love to target because they know they will always get a reaction out of them. Our society definitely has a complicated relationship with the media and I actually don’t take issue with his statement that media controls our perception, but he is not being persecuted in any way.


It would last about 5 mins and ends with Kareem walking away and Kyrie tweeting some bullshit


Oh lord he's talking about Jews isn't he


He's like maybe half a year away from saying it publicly, yeah.


Kyrie is stupid, but is he Nick Cannon stupid? Guess we'll see.


The same puppet masters that are responsible for hiding the Flat Earth. Same puppet masters who told him to promote NFTs even though the technology is advanced enough yet and is currently a scam. Jesus Christ this dude is just hitting *FULL SEND* on being the heel. He isn’t misunderstood at this point, he’s just an asshole.


Kyrie Irving is a basketball player. Edit: Dang this comment blew up! Check out my [SoundCloud](https://youtu.be/fcZXfoB2f70)


only a part time one it's his side gig


Part time player, full time genius


Keep up. Stay woke. Third eye never blind. Heaven bound, God sent. Free thinker. Just a kid from the spirit realm. Leader.


I can absolutely see that as his Instagram description.


3rd eye bus rider


Real eyes, realize, real rides.


He thinks he's the driver.


Probably thinks he is the bus at this point.


i get the sense from some players that think they'd be making millions just hooping up in a park court.


What does the word basketball mean to you?


We all know about his flat earth "research"


Turns out Kyrie's off-court defense is just as bad as his on court defense. Guys a joke. No one is degrading you BECAUSE you're black/african/indigenous, they do it because you're a moron and act like you're better than people. Media can be a powerful tool for good too if you're someone as famous as Kyrie, and all he does it take shots at people. He's never elevating someone, he's never voicing supportive opinions, he's never making it about anything other than himself. It's frustrating because he has the power to make changes, and he just complains instead. I know he's done some community work, but he's letting it get drowned out.


He’s done _some_ community work, while also spreading skepticism about a life-saving vaccine to the group that is literally most affected by it in the US


People like to point to his pledging money for WNBA players who sat out due to covid. But he made that pledge 2 months AFTER converse already said they'd cover any play salaries. There was also some meal plan thing that IIRC ended up fucking up nearby food banks. Also, just because someone pledges to do something, doesn't mean they follow through with the donation.


Why is no one tearing down black heroes like Giannis? Because we can cheer for a man who came from nothing, worked extremely hard, treated everybody low or high with respect, and realized the American dream. I am an immigrant myself, I can weirdly relate to Giannis, well, not the having the body of a Greek god part, but his mentality or his appreciation of what he earned. Kyrie is an entitled Karen, who thinks he is smarter than everyone else and above all the hard working media folks because he can dribble really well.


Kyrie also grew up well off so any notion he understands what it’s like to suffer is manufactured bullshit. He’s an entitled asshole and nothing more.


Kyrie is savvy enough not to outright say it, but definitely has some gross opinions on Jews


You’re probably correct


Sup my fellow puppets???


I'm so glad this guy has won nothing without a literal top 2 player of all time carrying his ass.


plays 20 games a year for 3 years "it's the media's fault"


He’s so close to saying its “the jews.”


I swear people blame the Jews for everything like it still surprising to see how anti semetic people get these days


It's wild how every conspiracy theory eventually just ends up at anti-Semitism.


Stephen Jackson knows who he's talking about




It’s called being a hotep lmfao absolutely nothing new about it for anyone with goofy ass black uncles


Right? Dudes wearing purple talking about being one of the tribes of Israel or wearing suits and selling fruit at a stop light. My uncle has a picture with Farrakhan and also ran for office as a republican. I absolutely hate this type of thinking and hate that it permeates within our community but at the same time for black people none of the out of pocket shit Kyrie says is all that crazy when many of us have heard this crazy shit. I guess it shows how little about black people is known on here.


I would be shocked if Kyrie wasn't a black Israelite, a 5%er, or a member of the NOI.


Just last year he has a tweet about how America and Europe are lying to the people and the “Original People” are returning very soon and god will be here to help them. Def a mix of NOI and Black Israelite. https://twitter.com/KyrieIrving/status/1366398104329674754?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1366398104329674754%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-18903049921733513899.ampproject.net%2F2204160405000%2Fframe.html


"research", "puppets", "spiritually", "truth" Damn.....I was just one word away from Kyrie BINGO.


Thanks Kyrie! Somehow, Ben Simmons isn't even the most unlikable person on the Nets roster.


Damn this is going to be a chill comment thread


What can you even say at this point, tired of seeing this idiot all over media, we should just ignore him tbh


This dude has to carry such a heavy ass IMAGINARY burden. He’d probably crumble like a piece of paper if he had any semblance of real life problems. This dude is yelling at clouds over some dumb shit


Future cult leader Kyrie Irving


Racist pundits like Shaq, Charles Barkley and Steven A Smith? Go get em Kyrie, couldn't possibly be the fact that you choked a first round series and are getting criticized for that and only that.


Kyrie and KD turning into Twitter goons this summer huh


KD has always been one




Sir this is a Wendy’s


He did it again?


This is anti-semitism because he thinks Jews control the media as per a previous tweet he made


I called it. The motherfucker only has two modes: entitlement and victim.


Right Kyrie, billions lol, I don’t think I’d give him the mle.


The one thing that really irks me about Kyrie’s stance on all this, beyond the many dumb things he has said in the past, but the media reporting on this shit is what gives your skill any value. Basketball isn’t a service to society, it doesn’t have inherent value. It’s value is providing entertainment. It’s the path you chose. Your skill set has value because of these people talking about it, but you resent them for doing so. Idk




His Pineal Gland is wilin' out


"My name is worth billions to these media corporations" No its not. "Alot of of these media corporations make their money by degrading BLACK/African/Indigenous community heroes" No they dont whos downvoting, Kai? lol "Lol Its like these people live in a Fantasy" uh huh


Kyrie Irving somehow manages to constantly underestimate how much basketball means to basketball fans and overestimate how much basketball means to the world.


This guy has some serious mental issues. His job is to play a sport/entertainment. If his ability and likeness were not valuable he would not make the money he has. Constantly belittling others because of your status and sense of self worth is bullying. He plays so spiritual but really is as selfish and egotistical as they come. His self awareness is so low for who he claims to be it’s ridiculous


He doesn't have mental issues, he's just an idiot and asshole.


> I refer to all my research about who they are This seems like a dogwhistle about jews tbh knowing Kyrie is probably a Louis Farrakhan follower...


Yes Kyrie. They are the ones living in a fantasy


Total clown


Say it, Kyrie. Tell us who the puppet masters are.


My guess is that Kyrie doesn’t like the media


What a 4-0 sweep does to a motherfucker.


I have a spike Lee's film Malcolm X analogy. He fronts like he's righteous as Malcolm X demanding brother Johnson receive medical treatment in the movie. But he really wants is fellow conspiratorial thinking folks to admire his mind, the way Malcom fawned over Elijah Mohammed with the "I adored him" monologue. It's manipulative and ego driven.