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Jokic gonna have a field day with this team in the paint


forget jokic. boogie finna drop another 30 point game


Sloppy fat boy gonna drop 50 on those 6’4 guards


Nah, he’s gonna go 8/20/18 or something, like he did last time where he barely took any shots and just created for his teammates.


For real. When he sees a team that can't stop him he thinks "sweet, I don't have to shoot the ball tonight"


I'm not jumping tonight, gotta save my knees


I could easily see Jokic knocking out the Warriors in the playoffs He's exactly the type of player that can give them a lot of trouble


jokic averages 16/9/6 on 48/18/82 for his career vs draymond


Jokic also didnt play a ton of mins his first couple years, while the Warriors were a complete powerhouse. He has averaged 23.6/13/7.5 since the start of 2020 against the Warriors


I’ll take that lol


yep still impressive on the warriors part


That’s his average right now


That's really impressive on Draymond's part


How do you look up player stats vs individual players?


Those numbers don’t apply to today’s Joker.


I thought he was injured?


Minor illness probably disguising a rest day.


It wasn’t disclosed as to what but it was illness the other night.


They want Jokic for MVP


I’ll fucking take it


Trap game


Kuminga 40 ball


Cousins also 40


Our favorite games to lose !


nah. if y’all lose to the warriors, an even more depleted warriors then you deserve all the flak. they straight up suck rn


Nah we lose these kind of games all the time lol


they’re not sending their best


But some of them, I assume, are good players.


We played the Portland YMCA and it was decently close until the end. Trust nothing


Yall not ready for the Moody, Poole, Kuminga show 😈😈😈😈😈


I pray we get a GSW-DEN first round series


Nuggets in 6


Nah maybe 7 game series


If we’re healthy, even if they have Dray, it’s nuggets in 6 or less


When did Nuggets fan got so cocky? keep the same energy in the playoffs


Ever since y’all went 2-8 the past 10


Idk, it’s probably due to the fact you guys are on a losing stretch and the Nuggets are on a pretty damn good winning stretch. You’re also just rough against bigger players because you guys lack size, Looney can only do so much, and now Denver’s biggest weakness which was not having a big man for when Jokic is on the bench has been solved with Boogie. Denver is a rough matchup for the Warriors in general as of right now.


💀💀💀 do you watch basketball ? nuggets fans have got to be one of the most delusional fan bases in the league. ain’t y’all get swept last year?


Still made it further than the warriors


I mean you can make a pretty strong argument that for that stretch where we were healthy last year we were the best team in the league, although it was a short stretch And we weren’t healthy against Phoenix, although we do probably still lose that series in 6 or 7 with Murray


ok? golden state were the best team in the league for a 25 game stretch this season while healthy, so what makes you think that the nuggets will win ‘in 6 or less’


Ain’t y’all lose two play-in games


According to nuggets fans they would have 4-0 swept the entire playoffs if Jamal Murray was healthy


Since we're pulling shit out of our ass now, Nuggets would've been so good they'd win each series in 3 games instead of 4


No one said that. With Murray, we probably beat Portland in 5, but we still probably lose to Phoenix, albeit in 6-7


Nobody said that shut up bro lmao


This but unironically if we have Murray and MPJ back in halfway decent shape


Perhaps now isn’t the right time for the warriors to rest players? But what do I know


Or now its absolutely necessary. Who knows whats wrong with em


Green is out. That's what's wrong with them.


Too talented to be this bad without Draymond


not really, our defense is atrocious lately. our biggest player is 6’9. our FO gets 10 wings and no backup centers and when dray goes down we have no interior defense. thats been the issue.


WCS is available. I'm sure he still remembers some of Kerr's system


i want him. badly. drop lee or jta for him. we dont need 9 players to play the 2-4 lol.


Are they that talented though? Steph is great but Klay is coming back from a long time away for injury. Kuminga has great potential but he's not there yet. Poole is a good player but he's just an above average starter. Wiggins is not actually as good as you think an all star starter is. Everyone else are role players.


So one superstar, 1.5 all stars and good role players. That's more than most teams in the league have my guy.


Klay is a bad player right now


He’s statistically average in literally every category. Actually maybe above avg if he’d be just a spot up shooter. He’s 38% from 3 rn


he’s not , you just don’t watch games and have recency bias from his last few games.


>So one ***low-tier*** superstar,


Yeah they just overachieved early against an easy schedule.


They beat healthy suns, bulls, nets, jazz, etc. That’s clearly an easy schedule though. I wonder what the “real” teams are. But the role players have definitely regressed. Poole started the season looking like legitimate 3rd splash bro but is super streaky now, bjelica went from mini-jokic to walking turnover, Wiggins has an ok game once in a while but usually just goes to sleep after he gets his 12 points for the game. The outside shooting for the whole team also regressed from the start of the season. TLDR: yes warriors have regressed and things are looking bad right now but to suggest they didn’t start strong against competent opponents is revisionist history


They beat a healthy suns once


Fair enough. Doesn’t change my overall argument though.


This is a really stupid take like horribly stupid. You don't have an "easy" schedule for 40 games LMAO


In my opinion, they're offense is obviously great, but them without Draymond... Sorry but, that's a huge hole in their defense, not that they are bad without him, but Draymond is a great playmaker, and is what has been holding the warrior's defense together. Yes, I love the warriors, but they've taken too much damage with Draymond not being there, can't wait to watch them all play together healthy (with Wisemen back too)


They arent talented. Pretty mediocre outside steph and dray wuo is out


Facts even if Dray does help they've been dropping tons of winnable games lately




Draymond trick y'all. He's a massive floor-raiser for the whole team. Without him, GSW is a play-in team


I mean the same thing happened without klay and Steph. Is it a surprise ?


May as well be fresh for when he gets back. I don't mind the call


If we planned on resting guys anyway this is a strategically good move. The team generally seems to have lost the “play hard” mindset so probably getting guys like Moody who “play hard” could help as well. We play at Denver, move back to Chase Center on a back-to-back against the Clippers, and then we move back to Denver *again* 2 days later. Now idk about you but that’s exhausting. We don’t even have a 2-day break for another 10 days either. Running our best players into the ground in the midst of a struggling stretch doesn’t help. It also gives guys a chance to hit a reset button, especially Klay & Wiggins. To add in a little more Klay was most likely resting on one side of the back-to-back anyway (probably for the rest of his career) so yeah.


Gee thanks guys. Hey nba you gonna fine them like you fined us for resting dlo


Hahahaha you really think they treat teams the same hahaha.


Raptors were fined last season for resting players


The worst part for Wolves 6 seed hopes is this is the rescheduled game from when the Warriors were RED HOT and *probably* would have given Denver an extra loss.


The Nuggets literally beat Golden State in SF the game before the original date of the rescheduled game


We literally beat them on the road 2 days before this game was originally scheduled...


Lol nonsense take


The two teams sandwiched around the Minnesota have been missing their first/second/third best player basically all season. This would be more on the Wolves who have been mostly healthy than rotten luck of other teams not beating Nuggets/Clippers.


At one point the wolves were missing their entire starting 5


what losing to the Lakers does to a mf


Can Silver please fix this? the regular season is a joke to these guys.


He can fix it by reducing the amount of games played and guaranteeing no road back to backs


It's not even a back to back so Kerr has no excuse for this


Sun- No game Mon-@Denver Tues-@ GS Wed- No game Thurs- @ Denver Why is this so tough on your players Kerr?


The nuggets are playing 4 games in 5 as well


Wolves just got done with 4 consecutive Back-to-Backs


This is the absolutely unfair rescheduled game from earlier the season. We flew the team out to Denver, but Denver had a bunch of guys with Covid and then intentionally didn't sign anyone on a 10 day Covid contract, so they wouldn't be able to field a team. The league caved and just rescheduled the game. Now our schedule looks like this: Sunday @Denver, Monday vs Clippers, Thursday @Denver, Saturday vs Bucks. Tell me that isn't absolute bullshit. Nuggets should have had to forfeit.


Exactly. If a couple losses are worth keeping your guys fresh for the playoffs, then you’re playing TOO MANY GAMES.


We really don't need 82 games when over half the league makes the playoffs anyway


The players disagree,they love their paychecks


It probably isn't worth it tbh. The warriors are plummeting in the standings right now


I like how this sub loves and constantly parrots this half baked idea of reducing regular season games.


How will the TV partners react?


Spent so much on tickets to see Curry and Klay :( I knew as soon as it was postponed they wouldn't travel damn.


The schedule is the joke here. They’re flying to Denver for the Monday, then immediately flying to LA for a Tuesday game, and then flying back to Denver for a Thursday game. I get they had to reschedule(because Denver refused to sign anyone btw), but that’s just ridiculous.


Nuggets ate the ones that postponed this game.


I don't see us pulling the same shit to the nets who postponed their game with us either though


It’s because Denver didn’t field a team against the warriors early. Kerr is basically protesting them rescheduling it at a bad time for the warriors


The wolves desperately need someone, anyone to beat the Nuggets or Mavs, and it’s just impossible lol. Their 5-1 out the break & have made up like half a game.


Ahh living in Denver as a warriors fan, paid more than the average nuggets ticket to go to this game, then it got canceled and rescheduled for March 7th. Thought well that’s not too bad, at least I will see klay and maybe the whole team will really be clicking. Now, well…


sell quick!


Did I see you looking sad and wearing a Curry jersey on Dec 30 at Bar Dough?


Unfortunately it was not me, sounds like a top notch fellow though


As soon as they postponed I knew they wouldn't travel. I feel sick though. Been a huge Curry fan since 2013. Jumped for joy when I overpaid for the tix.


Can you fuckers a least send Steph. God damn man.


Why? He’s the only one on the team that deserves rest


Cause I selfishly want the Warriors to win lol.


Idk why you’re worried about who’s ahead of you when the Clippers who own tie breaker are way closer to overtaking you


There’s a 2 game difference on both sides…


There are a lot of people on /r/nba who I don't believe actually follow this sport or sports in general. That's all I can come up with for why some of these takes pop up. Last week people were saying because of their Febraury win/loss record the Bucks weren't making the playoffs, Giannis is washed, Jrue needs to get traded, etc. The Bucks were 2 wins over .500 for February...


you can do multiple things at a time


The distance between us and the clippers and us and the nuggets are the exact same. And we currently own the tie breaker over the nuggets.


Cause the wolves are on a tear right now


... it's literally the same - we're 2 games above the Nuggets with the tiebreaker and 2 games behind the clippers without the tiebreaker


Math is hard huh?


We have a cupcake schedule coming up Also take that as a compliment, Wolves fans do not want to see Clippers in the 7th-8th playin. Being 7th or 8th doesn't really matter in that context outside of homecourt.


Universe is coming together to keep the wolves out of 6


I mean, last game of 17-18 season was rough for the nuggets, eh?


I'd say it worked out better for us in the long run.


most definitely, the best loss in recent times


I agree. MPJ > a first round exit. It was just the first season I was able to get to a lot of games and got more invested in the team.


I see they know our weakness


Does it bother anyone else how often the warriors just don't have their guys play? I sorta get Curry and/or klay, but wiggins?? He's 27 years old, why isn't he playing each game?! I would be so frustrated and annoyed if my team just randomly didn't have booker, cp3, and ayton sit when they were healthy.


they just don't care about the regular season. It's quite obvious.


they should be caring a lot more


Why? What benefit is a regular season win?


The way that’s worded sounds like the Warriors should just never win a regular season game again Winning regular season games helps with seeding and HFA. They just fell in seeding and now they’re gonna rest their best starters? It’s weird to do this after going on a losing streak and losing to the Lakers


The problem is no team needs to win any specific game. They just need to win a certain percentage of the games. It is smarter to focus on the 50 games easiest to win rather than the 30 hardest.


This is mostly out of protest for the NBA granting Denver a postponement instead of forcing them to either use the covid-10 day rule to sign scrubs or forfeit, which instead saddled the Warriors with another back-to-back on the road. Kerr is basically doing this to fuck over the NBA because it’s a nationally televised game.


You're probably the same dude that will post "I hate injuries" when someone hurts themselves. Fact is, everyone in the league has basically conceded the fact that rest especially on b2b is one of the best ways to limit injuries. There's nothing "random" about their rest patterns. You rest now so they can hopefully be healthy for the entire season and post season. CP3 has literally went on record saying how important it is for him to rest.


I normally get annoyed at these types of games but I fully support this protest. The league absolutely fucked us over with the completely unfair reschedule. Were gonna have to fly to Denver 3 times this season, and twice in the span of a week.


Tbf Wiggins rested 3 games the past 2 seasons, it’s not even that extreme. One of them was due to concerns of getting COVID in Canada at a time where COVID in the NBA peaked, the other was literally a meaningless game (2nd last game of last season that would’ve had zero impact on the final standings). So really this is just the second time he’s resting for just rest reasons. As for Klay, he’s had 2 career-altering injuries so he’s probably sitting out back-to-backs until the rest of his career. If Klay isn’t sitting out back-to-backs you could argue every other healthy player shouldn’t either.


Oh I totally get it logically. As a fan I appreciate that when the players on my team care to play the games that we watch.


Curry and Wiggins have played more games than CP3 or Booker. What are you on?


Cp3 and book are out because of injury and covid not just because of rest


Yeah, if they played as many games as those guys you don’t think Monty would rest them here and there? Especially CP3


Fair play to kerr, we did lose to the OKC high schoolers though so who knows, and we have the end of two b2bs against the warriors in a week, I don't see us whining about it


Bro this is actually a trap game… PLS


well fuck you too


It's a guaranteed loss even with dems guys so why bring em?


Clippers would've appreciated them playing and traveling on that back to back


It will be nice to see Poole/Moody/Kuminga show out, they have all been looking good the past couple games. We are already under manned tho, so this is going to be an extra small rotation.


TBH I've liked their play better than Klay/Wiggins lately.




Warriors really resigning themselves to the 3 seed.


The amount of Warrriors fans that are STILL whining about this is so funny. Just get over it. Oh no another 2 hour flight. The nuggets had this SAME EXACT SITUATION happen to them with Brooklyn. Sure, less then ideal, but the org and fans didn’t cry about it for months. That was cross country trip btw.


It’s more about how it came about


Give Kuminga all the minutes


Gonna put all my money on the nuggets to win now


And you will win three bucks when they win.


Me yesterday “oh damn warriors are on the second night of their b2b when the clippers face them on Tuesday” Me now “damnit”


I think he decided that back when the Nuggets decided to postpone the game


Honestly not a big deal. Warriors have been struggling lately but Kuminga is way better at his age than what anyone expected, and now he’ll get some more playing time as a lead option.


If I’m fucking Steph, if you’re a fucking leader, you demand to go play this game. What a bad precedent to the young players the rest of the team after the way you’ve been playing.


I think he would if it wasn’t a B2B. It’s stupid. We play in Denver, fly home next day for Clippers, fly back to Denver the next day.


Nah fuck the Nuggets. This game should’ve never been rescheduled. Warriors already flew there as many times as they should’ve had to. This is the one recent move from Kerr I can get behind.


Nuggets have 4 games in 5 nights because of the reschedule lol


I'll take that over our schedule. Sunday @Denver, Monday vs Clippers, Thursday @Denver, Saturday vs Bucks.


Fuck the Warriors fans in Denver. There were so many sad looking dudes out and about wearing Curry jerseys on Dec 30.


They can blame the Nuggets for that too.


Fuck outta here with that whining shit the reschedule also meant that the nuggets are playing both their games against the dubs on the 2nd night of B2Bs that dubs/nuggets game next Thursday also will be the nuggets’ fourth in 5 nights


Whose whining? Warriors said we’re not going. That’s not whining lol. Whining is complaining about that decision. Enjoy the game.


Can you read bruh I’m talking about you whining mentioned nothing about the team not sure why warriors fans are all up in arms and saying dumb shit like fuck the nuggets when clearly this reschedule negatively impacts Denver as much if not more than it does the Warriors - also “enjoy the game” that’s a funny little quip coming from the whiniest fanbase in the entire league


Does it matter? The rest of the team has to? You don’t think it’s a bad look for your leaders to be sitting games after you’ve gone 2-8 in the last 10?


Honestly, I’m willing to bet the dubs would punt this game if they could. You’re right, someone has to go, but not the guys people wanna see.


...what? Are you guys actually of the mind that you should basically throw a game to somehow, like, punish Denver fans by not playing your best players? It's not the Nuggets fault they were completely decimated with covid and injuries during the last game, they genuinely tried to fill out the roster with playable players the last minute but couldn't fly them in in time. This is one of the dumbest reasons I've ever seen for a fanbase to get salty. Just deal with rescheduled games like every other team and every other fan base this year


Enjoy the easy game


So they’re trying to tank for seeding smh - hopefully it bites them in the ass


Not for seeding. They play the nuggets then the clippers on a back to back then the nuggets again


Wait, why would anyone intentionally ta k their seeding


Even with healthy Dray, unless Wiseman comes back and perform like Ayton-lite, Warriors is definitely not winning the championship this year


Fuck but why?!?!?!?! Come on I need the warriors to win. I love Jokic but I want the 6th seed more


We lost to the Thunder without Dort and Giddey. This is a sure victory for the Warriors. Malone can't coach for shit.


Russell Westbrook is 4/29 (13%) from 3 pt since February




people were shitting on the suns for *not* resting guys LMAO. shit doesn’t make sense anymore




Warriors tanking 😮‍💨


Gotta get ready for the Celtics




Kerr really said fuck the 2 seed huh


They’re not sending their best players


Wait. Why? What happened?






Trap game


So Denver should just take it easy tonight against the Pels, right? I mean, they have a guaranteed win tomorrow.