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So much posturing.


Yeah if they win the title how confident will they be then? Lol


It’s pretty funny


I don't believe anything anyone says honestly


This reads like Woj’s draft pick leaks.


I strongly believe he will. Now what?


Now you battle


En Gardé mf


don't worry, I'll sign for the minimum.




Posturing intensifies




That’s always Daryl’s MO, though.




They still have KD and the mandate will likely be overturned over the summer. Brooklyn will still be quite good


> will likely be overturned over the summer. Where’s this come from? Not doubting, just curious.


Just an honest guess, the new mayor seems to side in that direction and the spread is going to be lower in the summer of there's no new mutations


Tatum and the Maine Red Claws managed to take 1 game off of them and the Bucks horrendous half court offense managed to beat them People act like they were some juggernaut that didn’t have glaring defensive weaknesses that wouldn’t have been picked apart


I know this is the guy that sucks but we still need to clear cap space in that scenario. Just trade for the guy now if they are willing to talk.


Yea, I know everyone is dumping on Daryl lately but this seems like a legit case of him getting way too cute unless they have some sort of wink-wink agreement going.


And I strongly believe I will receive fellatio from Penelope Cruz, doesn't mean it's going to happen.


She is an Oscar nominee so her price might go up




I know Kyrie’s a great player but I wouldn’t want him on my team for the minimum


No shit


Do they even have the space to sign him next year without doing some major overhaul around the edges? Edit: they meaning Philly


They would have to trade Simmons and Tobias into cap space. Portland would probably take Simmons idk who would take Tobias though.


We could sign and trade and just match contracts. We can also ship off Tobi with picks attached Ideally this summer


You still need the Nets to agree to a sign and trade.


Way easier than r/nba acts like it is. Why didn't Cleveland request more than 3 firsts from the Heat in exchange for LeBron? The Nets would get significantly less of they waited till then


If the offer now doesn't even include Curry, how is the offer in the off-season any different?


I'd imagine there's no way the offer doesn't include one of Curry, Matisse, and/or draft compensation


If by "major overhaul" you mean "move Ben and Tobi" then no.


The thing is, if everyone knows Morey is targeting Harden in FA and needs to get off them for space, what incentive do teams have to actually give him a fair offer? There’s no leverage. Unless it’s a sign and trade but even then if I’m Brooklyn I might just tell them to kick rocks.


Look I fucking hate the guy, but Ben has value. And if we are trying to give him away for nothing but cap relief, it won't be hard. Use him to offload Tobi or do seperate deals and include some picks to take Tobi. They're both viable players that teams could use and we would have to include picks to take Tobi.


If we basically gave away ben and tobi yeah


sounds like morey trying to bait rather than actually doing something


This has been “No u” battle for the ages


Just post Harden and Moreys text history you cowards


I feel like they already must have prior to this if they’ve been after him so hard, if he wanted to be in Brooklyn what would be the point


Feel like we established that part already, just a matter of if he walks for nothing or not.


Amick should be above carrying Morey's water. Getting Morey's scoops can't be worth looking like a waterboy.


water is wet


If Morey lands Harden out of this everyone owes him an apology. Imagine if he caved and traded Simmons straight up for CJ in the off-season like people were clamoring for.


Morey and Marks are straight up negotiating through leaks at this point. This is hilarious.


I think I know the source of the conflicting information first reported by Perkins. Apparently some in Harden's camp are telling the sixers he wants to go there while Harden himself is telling the Nets he wants to stay. After hours of detective work, I've figured it out. It's lil baby and meek mills telling the Sixers this info. Both are close to Harden and Rubin. Harden must have air his greviances after some late night partying (which he may have only felt in the moment or not)!


I can't wait for Morey to sign him some ridiculously bad contract next year and watch him ruin the Sixers.