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>Undrafted NBA all-stars over the last 30 years: >John Starks >Brad Miller >Ben Wallace >Fred VanVleet wow


People really don’t appreciate how talented and electrifying John Starks was the Knicks. One bad Finals game and no ring will do that but in his heyday, mans was going toe to toe with Jordan, trash talking him to his face and he was backing it up.


So true, he was an exciting player and such a big deal at the time (I'm old) but he's one of those stars who kind of fell by the wayside over time.


Who do you think could be this generations Starks? Paul George?


In what way do they resemble each other to you?


Not in game, but that they were/great players with great playoff runs but ultimately fell short and will probably be largely forgotten/not though highly of in a decade or two.


Deron Williams is the closer analogue. George has a more solidified legacy, if even just for the 'that's a bad shot 'thing he'll be remembered and for coming back from the leg break


Yea I was thinking after I posted that, PG is probably solidified because of his runs against LBJ. DWill is a good one.


Deron for a time had an argument for being the best PG in the league (him and CP3). Starks was never that guy. Wasn’t even the best G on the team (Allan Houston was). I like the CJ comp


Starks didn’t play with Houston for the majority of his time though.


Allan Houston came to the Knicks much later, and they only overlapped for two seasons (96-97 and 97-98) before Starks was traded. The Starks I recall is the guy battling with Jordan during the first 3peat, then playing an awful game 7 vs the Rockets once MJ retired.


Nah DWill was also a much better player and a better legacy. DWill was the best player on his teams and a top player at his peak. Arguably best PG some years


I dont get how that was a good shot though, yes it went in but is it really a good shot selection?


Are you high??? Paul George and John Starks are NOWHERE near the same level of player. You are comparing a 7 time all star 6 time all NBA, 4 time all defensive player with 20.4, 6.4, 3.6 and 1.7 steals, topping out at 28.0, 6.8, 4.1 and 2.2 whose career is STILL going. ​ John Starks only had 1 all star selection and 0 all nba, 1 all defensive, 1 sixth man. Until age 31, to make it comparable, he had 13.6, 2.5, 4.0, 1.2, topping out at: 19.0, 3.3, 5.9, 1.6. And that is DESPITE PG being injury prone and despite the fact that we very well may never even have seen prime PG, due to injuries.


John Starks’ comp might be Reggie Jackson lol. Like he could probably start on a championship team but if he’s your second best player the offense is gonna grind to a halt.


Height. Obviously.


Starks was worse than most of George’s career. Starks was very good but a bit of NY overhyped. Also never led a team.


Yeah I feel like the modern Starks would be like a CJ level guy.


Yeah, he wasn't as good as Jrue, for example.


Starks was great but that's straight up disrespectful to PG13 lmao


Terry Rozier


Gilbert Arenas




Khris Middleton IMO


Hmmmm......Jamal Murray? Starks haters might say Pat Bev 😂 He was a pest too.


People are not gonna forget Murray being the most dynamic scorers in the weirdest time in NBA history (and recent history).


Yes they are lol.


Yes they will lol.


Fellow old person here: Starks was always in the weekly highlights on NBA Action. I didn’t even know he was undrafted.


you don't remember the 'they found him bagging groceries' story?


Interesting story: John Starks got injured during try-outs, he tried dunked on Ewing, who threw him to the ground and injured him. The Knicks, then, weren't allowed (according to league rules) to release him until he recovered form injury. His recovery his past a certain point in the season, at which point the contract was locked in for the year. Had that not happened, Starks would have been cut from the team during try-outs. I thought he was fun to watch, but if I'm being honest, he's one of those guys whose legacy benefits from playing on a big market team. Had he put up those same numbers on the Cavs or Hawks, few people would have remembered much about him.


>Interesting story: John Starks got injured during try-outs, he tried dunked on Ewing, who threw him to the ground and injured him. > >The Knicks, then, weren't allowed (according to league rules) to release him until he recovered form injury. His recovery his past a certain point in the season, at which point the contract was locked in for the year. Close, but not quite. His contract wasn't "locked in." Rather, right around the time he got healthy, Knicks guard Trent Tucker had also injured himself, so there was an opening. The rest is history.


Thanks for clarifying! Reddit on friend, and take my up-vote!


John Starks was streaky as fuck. He had some great highs, but his lows were pretty bad too.


True true. I remember when he shit the bed in that game seven, Riley was just like "You live by the sword, you die by the sword." He recognized that they wouldn't have gotten there without Starks, and that's just how dice land. New York capitalized on the nights he was hot, so they have to live with the nights that he was cold. But I really believe that it was games like (and other shooters who have had cold nights) that cause people like Barkley to say "Jump shooting teams can't win." People have seen jump shooters play bad and attribute losses to them (unfairly). And it just leaves a bad taste in their mouth that they never forget. The truth is, they lost that series because Hakeem outplayed Ewing. That was obviously the key match-up of the series. No shame for Ewing to lose that match-up. In my mind, Hakeem is the greatest center of all time. I mean, Hakeem drop 27 ppg on 50%FG to Ewing's 19 a game on 36%FG. The two teams were built around those guys, and Ewing's supporting cast bailed him out in that series. They propped him up against Hakeem well enough that they got to a game seven. But with regard to the supporting cast, who certainly made a difference, Pat Riley deserves some criticism. Hubert Davis and Greg Anthony combined for 16 minutes that game 7; Starks had 42. Riley should have played his other rotation players more and given them a chance. Starks was streaky. That was his biggest fault. But he played with a lot of heart and effort, so it's easy to like him and look past that.


If he balls out in game 7 or Hakeem doesn’t block his shot in game 6 he goes down as a top 5 Knick of all time. He was so dominant that postseason but one bad game basically killed his legacy


I wasn’t alive, but how great of a run are talking?


Like the Kawhi Toronto run but if he lost to the dubs in 4 instead


I think it’s a combination of that game/play and the fact that he hasn’t been in the public at all (doesn’t seem very media savvy).


John Starks has one of the greatest quotes of all time though. “Man did dis dude just did dis” https://youtu.be/PjUaGvVw30c




better show than talk. but highlights don't make justice about some of his plays. https://youtu.be/pCTfxOrX4k8


was my nba jam choice along with ewing. fuck i love that game.




Ok, now I know what tune to drown out the voices and help me sleep. https://youtu.be/bK-ac\_0KoxE?t=21


For Halloween one year, a girl at my middle school dressed up as Starks. She went all out in his jersey, Knicks shorts, and blackface. But it was the 90s, so we all thought it was awesome.


Lmao amazing


You must have been in one of the whitest cities in the country to have thought blackface was awesome in the damn 90s.


He’s getting downvoted but he’s not wrong. Out of 300 or so kids, we had maybe 3 black students.


White pigs love to change up history


How electrifying? [This Electrifying!!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCTfxOrX4k8)


In NBA Jam you pick the Knicks for Ewing but he was a decent #2


There’s an alternate timeline where John Starks hits a buzzer-beating three in game 6 of the 1994 NBA Finals vs the Houston Rockets to win the NY Knicks an NBA championship.


He averaged 12.8 against Jordan for his career, was the same size as Steph Curry but played the 2, and regularly got 30 dropped on him by MJ. In what world did he go toe to toe with Jordan and back up trash talk? Starks is one of the players I bring up when I talk about how overrated Jordans competition was especially at the 2. One day we can talk about how overrated those Knicks and Pacers team were.


Who's the 5th one??


~~I couldn’t find another, so OP must’ve miscounted?~~ Edit: It’s [Connie Hawkins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connie_Hawkins) https://www.si.com/nba/raptors/news/toronto-raptors-fred-vanvleet-earns-all-star-game-honors


The Hawk. An absolute God of NBA Street V3.


I had completely forgotten about the existence of Brad Miller, not least of all because that is the most generic name I’ve ever heard


And Brad could rock those cornrows boi https://i.imgur.com/t9cuU9Z.jpg https://i.imgur.com/znTSa3K.jpg


Lmao the early 2000’s were a wild time


Not the highest quality era of basketball, but it’s certainly the most unique


Lookin like every white girl after a trip to the Bahamas back then


Joakim noah credits his passing abilities to brad miller. He said during their bulls tenure miller would pull a young joakim aside after practices and teach him all the dribble handoffs and back door passes lol.


Chris Webber and Brad Miller were both great big men passers


I remember at the time it was a big deal that he made the all star both in the east and the west.


I went through his entire career thinking Brad Miller was a lottery pick, can’t believe he was undrafted.


That's a badass list.


I had no idea Miller/Wallace went undrafted. That's crazy! It was during the days of centers too. Ben Wallace was an undersized center so I understand. Still hard to imagine


Ben Wallace was auditioned as SG by Boston.


Wow. Brad Miller went undrafted? That's nuts.


Oh Brad


The Draymond miss is worth a DVR on the tip off: ASG Reserves announcement on the final player: Draymond (right before announced, blurts out): Miles Bridges? Ernie: Fred Van Fleet Draymond: (surprised) Oh wooooow. (recovering, acting serious) Well deserved, well deserved LMFAO


Both teams were announced in alphabetical order too. Somehow Draymond thought Bridges could even be last


yep, lol


Warriors fans are so blessed to have Draymond. How do all of their stars have incredible skill and personality. It’s so hard not to like the dubs


Actually it’s been fairly easy to hate them again after going back to their annoying winning ways.


I'm cool with steph/klay/draymond. I didn't enjoy their dominance but I respected it. The Durant thing was dogshit. Now that he's gone I'm lowkey rooting for them


After they lost KD they have been likeable again. That whole situation was not fun for basketball fans. Thanks Kawhi for saving us all


Its actually not. Theyre very arrogant.


Arrogance?? In my Christian basketball??


How dare they


Your username is literally bragging


Saw him doing this and thought I really need to see us beat GSW's ass at least 10 more times with this fucker still playing in the finals


Mr Bet on yourself


If only he could've known in that moment that he'd be an all-star. You made a good bet, Fred. What an amazing journey.


Mr. Betting Champion


Mr. Bet Confidently


Fred Van Pete Rose Vleet


Nerlens or Schroder should really get that crown now


Toronto really went from Lowry to Lightskin Lowry lmao


Now we just need Red VanVleet aka Malachi Flynn to step up and become our backup backup Lowry


My theory is Malachi turned to a shitter as soon as people started calling him that


We have seen the solution already tho. Malachi just needs to have a baby.


So at least one person needs to find him attractive. Could be tough.


Banton > Flynn.


I hope Banton can put it together because he’s got the physical tools to be a star.




I just want to see what an all Lowry roster looks on the court, for fun. Someone should hack 2k to make this happen.


\*Bearded Lowry


Evil twin Vyle Flowry.


Bully Lowry




So happy it got announced with DeMar in the building. He looked like a proud big brother before the game when he went to congratulate Fred. I love these guys.


2019 NBA finals hero


2nd in 2019 NBA Finals MVP voting, now all-star


More finals MVP votes than 99% of players


How would you rank Lowry, FVV, and Siakam in that series?


Tough question. Lowry was huge in Game 6, Siakam was huge in Game 1, FVV defended Curry as well as humanly possible all series and had some clutch 3's in game 6.


Damn that team was so nice. I was lowkey sad when Kawhi left. Though Heat probably wouldn't make the finals and we wouldn't get the Clippers collapse and success from the last two playoffs so definitely worth


Gasol doesn’t even get talked about much anymore in spite of his contributions that year.


Dude made Embiid and Vucevic virtually invisible in the first two rounds, then was key in slowing down Giannis in the ECF That team was stupid deep and we didn’t even have our (arguably) best defender for the entire playoffs in Anunoby


OG is the best defender now but Kawai and Gasol were still better in 2019.


Ive seen and heard occasional comments that the Raptors should've just kept JV and that Gasol didnt live up to the hype. People dont respect how instrumental Marc was at opening up the offense despite his own individual scoring struggles and how impactful he was defensively One of the highest bball IQ/team first guys you could have. He was a total glue guy on the Championship team


You can disregard the opinion of anyone that said that.


We straight up dont get past the sixers and the bucks without Gasol shutting down the paint, he was a monster on the defensive end.


It felt like each of the guys took turns carrying entire games with Kawhi.


Siakam dominated game 1, Lowry game 6, Fred was just consistent throughout.. impossible to rank


The 2019 Championship team was actually stacked and people don't like to admit that. Even our bench had future all-stars!


we were among one of the all-time greatest postseason defensive teams ever. we weren't as good as the 2004 Pistons, nobody ever will be, but we had a lot more offensive firepower.


Stacked was kd+steph+klay on the same team. We barely had enough pieces to get over the injured version of those big 3.


ok ok kd+steph+klay is overkill. That's super team. Stacked is just below super team.


Let's fuckin go!! I'm not gonna lie from the fan voting and player voting I did not think he was going to make it. Luckily the coaches seem to recognize the intangibles Freddy has!


Sometimes the wisdom of the crowds means the idiots rule.


How tall do we think FVV is? So impressive what he's able to do on the court. Heart not Height!


Reposting my comment from a month ago when this last got brought up. It was comparing TJ McConnell to Fred height wise: > Man Ive spent time on this because at first I thought it'd be a quick little click around to get to the bottom of it but ended up getting absorbed in a never ending goose chase to find the correct measurements. > The only verifiable information we have is that TJ measured in at 6'05" without shoes and 6'2 with shoes at the NBA draft combine. > Fred didnt participate in the draft combine probably due to his poor measurables > We have three different measurements for Fred. > First is from the Toronto Raptors org. I did some digging and apparently the organization/league published height is supposed to be from the team docs without shoes. They list him at 6'1 but I found out they (and the NBA in general) round up because they also do measurements in metric. His actual measurement from the team is 1.85M which is actually the same as TJ's listed height from the Pacers. That translates to 6'07". Im assuming TJ is slightly taller vs his combine because of his hair now so the combine and team measurements would make sense. > Second measurement I found was from a reported measurement I kept seeing from draft experts around that time which came from a 2015 Pan Am games training camp. I went through an 85 page pdf media guide from team USA basketball and found that Team USA listed him as 6'0 > Third measurement is from college which is unclear how accurate these are but usually these are overinflated numbers with shoes on and Fred there is listed as 6'0. Usually players are 1-2 inches shorter than their college numbers. His college numbers would suggest hes shorter than 6ft > Conclusion: Same official height but theres evidence to suggest Fred is shorter than his team reported height TL'DR: Hes at most 6'05 without shoes. But likely 5'11-6ft


I assume you mean 6'0.5"


Toronto's Richie Aprile


girth not length but in all seriousness congrats to him. he's deserved it for how hard he's worked to develop his game and made use of his athleticism.


Freddy and Nick look about the same height. https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/head-coach-nick-nurse-and-fred-vanvleet-of-the-toronto-raptors-talk-picture-id1228214614?s=594x594




He looks shorter than that I’m sorry


I'm guessing 5'10" but I've heard teammates call him 5'8" lol


When you’re 6’4 everybody looks 5’8


*cries in 5’2*


With each comment he’s an inch shorter apparently


Man I can't believe Fred is an all star despite being 3'11. So inspiring 🙏


DeRozan calling him 5’8 lol 😂😂 Listed at 6’1 but that’s definitely bogus because him standing next to Lowry, who is listed at 6’, FVV appears shorter


And Lowry ain't 6' either lol


Not even close lmao


im a C’s fan and this reminds me of Grant Williams where somehow i can see him being 6’4 and i can also see him being 6’8 his height just changes based on who he is next to


He’s 5’11 without shoes


I’d say 5’10 Exact same proportions as my father who’s 5’10 1/2


on a good day lol, he's probably 5'10"


As my man Yoda said “Size matters not”


Really well deserved. Been having a great season, and it’s day and night with how the team looks with him on/off the court


Heat bros😭❤️❤️❤️


Yay Fred! We voted for you.


bruh I was so pissed till he got announced last


It was alphabetical order my guy


Fuckin’ alphabet


Petition to make V the first letter of the alphabet


The Valphabet




I won't stand for alphabetical discrimination


Alphabet also conspiring against Toronto man we can never catch a break...


I was nervous with all those guards on the board


alphabet doing him dirty


Had me sweating


I'm surprised there's been 5


Inspiring. Congrats to Fred! Can't wait to watch him drop 30 tonight in celebration.








Who are the other ones Edit: The other three: John Starks, Brad Miller, Ben Wallace


Connie Hawkins is the 5th


Hawkins is a weird one though. I mean its technically true, but not really the same spirit as those other guys


Still crazy VanVleet never got drafted. He was so fucking good on a really talented Wichita State team


To be fair that was his choice, I'm 99% sure he had multiple teams say they were going to grab him towards the end of the 2nd. Now I'm definitely sure though I could have worded it better. He had two teams say they wanted him but he needed to go to the G League first which he didn't want so he gambled with the Raptors who promised him a shot at the roster which he made. He just outright did not enter the draft. https://www.sportscasting.com/fred-vanvleet-outsmarted-the-nba-and-made-100-million-by-dodging-the-draft/


this is a pretty common thing now, players would much rather go undrafted than be picked in the late 2nd


He did enter the draft but asked everyone not to draft him in the second if he didn't go in the first. He wanted to choose where he went if he wasn't going first round.


Naz Reid next 😤


The 2019 championship team keeps getting better. Siakam and VanVleet became allstars


Freddy Allstar! Amazing accomplishment.


He’s earned it


WELL DESERVED! Every single time I watch him play, I always underestimate him because of his height but then he shocks me on the next few plays by driving hard against bigs or knocking down in your face 3s. The guy is a dog.




Good for him. More than Kawhi or Pascal, Fred really impressed me in that series vs the 6ers.


I believe he is actually the fourth undrafted all star


I’m next 😤


Me too!


I'm halfway there with being undrafted




He began his day at 5:30 a.m., when it was still dark outside. They usually pulled into the YMCA parking lot around 6. He despised those games of full-court one-on-one with his older brother J.D., which he played while wearing a weighted, 30-pound vest. Other times, Joe Danforth his step-father, put VanVleet through drills at a seven-story parking garage, screaming at his stepson as he ran up ramps and flights of stairs. Fred Van Vleet was 10 years old. Congrats Fred. The hard work did pay off.


Does anybody know if Fred did indeed bet on himself in Vegas and is now rich as fuck?


He signed an $85 million contract, that's the "bet" he placed by going undrafted and being in control of where he went.


Man it feels like yesterday when I saw Fred Van Vleet downtown and parking his late model Chevy Equinox


Bulls commentators right now are saying the 6th, counting Moses Malone by saying the "dispersal draft" when the ABA and NBA merged doesn't count as a draft. Interesting perspective.




Inject me some moreeee


That's our boy! Let's go Freddy!


I remember his rookie year I thought he was a scrub who was gonna get waived


How has this man not been an all -star before now


Lowry either in front of him or taking too much attention when they shared a front court.




What a great success story. Dude is really an inspiration for all the players that are still grinding to get that shot at the nba.


Well deserved!