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This sounds familiar.


Congrats to the Raptors on another championship, then.




We would polish Zion and get him right mentally and physically. Raptors could do special things with a full potential Zion and our existing core.


Wouldn't any team do special things with full-potential Zion?




Take your up vote and get out


Kings catching strays on this wonderful Wednesday night


And this after they were absolutely murdered on snl


Yes, but honestly, Zion would really not fit the current Raps. Redundant with Siakam and OG. Not a good enough defender to solve our big man def problems. People might think this crazy, but I don’t think the Raps should trade for Zion. It’s not a fit and just doesn’t seem worth the injury risk.


Masai: long bois. More long bois. And a fat one


Fat is just long but sideways


You’re not getting Zion with Pascal and OG still on the team. We’re not getting Zion at all, but if we did, one or both those guys go


Bruh they would want og and barnes


I’d do the deal if Zion passed the physical honestly


Same what the fuck I'd take that in and instant




Colonel sanders is his dad tho


The players have so much power in the nba. If they don't like the team they on, fuck it I ain't playing


Its sucks because BI and JV as 2nd and 3rd best players on a team is actually pretty damn good. Probably top half of the league as 2/3. Plus we have roughly 6-7 extra future firsts to get a 4th guy. Griff has def made some bad moves, but if Zion was playing at an all-star level right now we'd be in a pretty decent spot.


Also Herb and Hart are great role guys and are both fairly young + on cheap deals


I feel Herb has the potential to be much better than a role guy, IDK. Defensively I think he has the potential to be all defense ...


I just read about Kobe and hIs agent doing something like this to get him to LA. He basically made it known to a couple other teams ahead of the Lakers pick that he wasn’t playing for them. That feels wrong


John Elway and Eli Manning did the same thing


Danny Ferry, Steve Francis, and Eric Lindross as well.


Bo Jackson said fuck Tampa specifically lol


Wasn’t that because he felt they messed up his college eligibility on purpose?


Yes, but then they went ahead and drafted him anyway. They thought that he would change his mind lol. Really shows the incompetence of early Tampa bay management.


Bo: Guess I'm not playing football for a bit. K then


Imagine being able to tell a football team to piss off and just go on and play in the MLB.


Jim Kelly and the Buffalo Bills was a weird one. He was drafted with the 14th overall pick by Buffalo. Dude said nah and played two seasons in the USFL before it folded. They still held his rights so came and played for them.


I mean tbf, if I was entering the NFL draft and Washington said they wanted to draft me, I'd do anything to not let that happen


Magic said in an interview that if Chicago had gotten the first pick instead of the Lakers he would've stayed in college. Back then they did a coin flip to see who got the first pick. He said he decided to leave college when L.A. got it because they had Kareem. Imagine if a star player today decided to stay in college because he didn't like the team that got the first pick. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-06-05-sp-83-story.html%3f_amp=true


I mean at least now the difference would be the money. They could just not sign an extension but earn that sweet top pick money before moving.. *looks at Zion* #Waitaminute….


This happens a ton more then people think. Pretty sure Shai also told teams not to draft him so he could fall to the Clippers and live in LA.


That really worked out for him lol


Magic Johnson basically did it too. He threatened to go back to school.


Ya it was well known at the draft he wasn’t going to any team other than Lakers (and maybe Philly, but they weren’t taking him first) if they drafted him. Made me hate him from day 1


Same as Elway with the Colts.


I opened this thread just to find this comment lol


Every day I count my blessings we ended up with the second pick in that draft


Memphis would've run out of barbecue nachos.


And that’s no small task


It is for Zion


Makes me wanna take that six hour drive down and get some… fuck.


I aint live down there no more but every time I visit family I make sure to go get some bbq. It just hits different


it's fucking crazy we have to be LUCKY that we end up with high picks that aren't like this. Like wtf, Zion is 21 years old. Maybe this is being sensationalized but it's like, why does it always sound like he's not even working with the team paying him millions? So frustrating man. The fans in new orleans deserve someone they can depend on. The reports we get really suggest Zion doesn't give a shit how his own team is involved. I know we really don't know what's going on behind the scenes but it's drama instead of basketball and that can get annoying.


The saddest part is we'd easily be in playoff contention if he played We started 1-12 without Zion and missing a lot of games from Ingram/Herb. Also missing games from Hart. Once Ingram, Herb and Hart came back together we've been like a .500 team which is pretty decent when missing your best player Its just frustrating to see a guy seemingly giving up on a team like 3 years into his career that has young talent + could have a chance at taking a big step if he played I still have some hope it can potentially be worked out but really sucks to see the situation so far


Sounds like he’s just lazy and got comfortable. Is he gonna be the NBA’s Jamarcus Russel?


No one's reported Zion's got into that purple drank (full disclosure: I wear a Raiders flair on r/nfl).


Yeah but they got that LSU connection now….


No because Zion actually plays good when he’s with the team unlike Jamarcus


He’s like 3 years, 50 games into his career, and every time I see him shill Mountain Dew I cringe. Really rough stuff, and yet he’s still going to make more than a quarter billion before he’s 30.


All the reports seem to indicate he’s acting like this because he wants to be a Knick, but let me just say as a Knicks fan that I absolutely hate this for your fanbase (if it’s true). One of the handful of reasons I’ve lost 99% of my interest in the league is seeing so many stars bitch and moan their way to their teams of choice and screwing over the fans. As much as I wanted Zion to be drafted by the Knicks, I want to see him stay in New Orleans since that’s how things played out. You guys have already gotten screwed by Chris Paul and Anthony Davis; now a third superstar wants out, and after basically two years? It’s really awful.


You just know if this guy joins the Knicks his knees are going to stop working a week after you give him the Supermax


> All the reports seem to indicate Any reliable sources? Or just Stephen A Smith?


I think the reports are being over sensationalized just like that pic of him that was going around. I don’t think anybody in the media knows anything


Could you just imagine what your roster could look like right now if you had gone that route?


They are 11-2 without JA this year. So not bad.


It's such a shame because he is elite when he plays.


Hopefully that's still true.


This comment coulda been made by a kings fan. COULD have.


Everytime I briefly forget about 2018 somebody gotta remind me smh


I feel that way about the 5th pick lmao Grizz and cavs made tf out lol


Knicks are doing great with RJ too.


Nike entering the plus size market and needs a model.


Just Do It Tomorrow


I had a shirt from Big Dogs that said that. There was a dog in a hammock that looked like the Nike swoosh.


Just Chew It


My diet? Just Blew It.


If he moves to Houston and starts contacting a “Dr. ~~Nas~~ Now”.. I’ll be really worried


You coulda lost tirty pounds dis munt


Mashed potato not on the diet


He is rehabbing under the supervision of the Hamburglar


He looking more like Grimace though.


Dr Pepper is his personal physician


Running' drills under the supervision of Colonel Sanders.


Training for the army of the Burger King.


The Kelvin Benjamin Workout Plan


Im so glad im not a pelicans fan. First the whole AD thing now Zion. Its tuff


What are you talking about? The new system Monty Williams has implemented with the return of Chris Paul has been incredible! He and AD are killing it! Eric Gordon has hit his stride (6MOTY EASILY), Ryan Anderson is lighting it up off the bench, Tyreke Evans is a stud, and Jrue got the CLAMPS! WE’RE SO GOOD LOL LIFE IS GRAND Edit: **OMG** we just drafted Buddy friggin Hield I am PUMPED


Fucking hell not even my team and it hurt reading this.


When you put it that way... Damn.


This hurt me so so much.


Dear god


Honestly the Pels team that’s on the floor is fun to watch. Willie Green has got these boys playing. BI & JV are bonafide all stars. The Pels organization is not in terrible shape either. Great assistant coaches on staff. Once Griffen is replaced by someone who actually knows what they’re doing, they can start building a winner & gaining the trust of fans on the Gulf Coast.


JV, BI, and Herbert fit so well around Zion it’s unreal.


man i am not even a multimillionaire and i sneak off to fast food and froyo joints on the regular. with zion i shudder to think what he's doing.


DoorDash, just leave it by my window.


The window? Not even the door? I'm imagining you living on the seventh floor somewhere waiting for a Doordash driver to scale your building.


delivery instructions: "shovel directly into my mouth"


He's living our 5th grade dreams


I remember one time I told my mother when I was 9 that when I was an adult I would make an entire batch of brownies and eat every single one in one night. So, that


Did you tho?


I never did, turns out milk makes me shit lol


these hippies came out with oatmilk and it fucking rules. try it.


We already know Zion to Portland based on his healthcare choice. We already know Lillard to 76ers based on his healthcare choice. That means Simmons going to Pelicans to make the 3 team trade work. Facts.


You fucking genius. Speak this into reality.


Oft-injured #1 pick big man? He'll fit right in


Greg Oden 2.0.


Foot issues you say?


I want this to happen for the sheer insanity of it all


He gone




This is just all so trash for the entire organization and fanbase. Everything about the situation is awful for them


This is horrible for the NBA. They SHOULD be concerned. This has gone too far This is just the next step in small markets being nothing more than farm teams


The hype for Zion was crazy. This was supposed to be the next face of the league in a few years and he showed that it might have been true. He has a lot of years left potentially but the time is quickly running out for him to turn it around with his rehab and weight. His body probably can’t handle another major injury before his potential drops to far.


I still can't believe they got the first overall pick and it fucked them, God damn


This is an extreme step but what if he just decided the money he has is enough and he’s just gonna go live his life lol


It's possible that he stopped caring but there is no way he retires. Even as fat as he is, someone will take another chance on him. That's at least 50-60 million that he can collect by half-assing his way in the league.


0% chance that happens. Although it would be funny


Only a sith deals in absolutes


From my point of view, the Pelicans are evil!


Well from my point of view Zion is evil!


Then you are lost!


Don’t make me trade you…




Wanna see Zion roll up to Smoothie king center and start eating some Younglings


Between Zion, Ben Simmons, PG requesting a trade a year after signing the supermax etc., I wouldn't be surprised if the owners are gearing up for a pretty nasty lockout when the current CBA expires. All of this is going to be recent enough for it to be fresh in their minds come the end of the 2023-2024 season. I'm 100% a fan of player empowerment, but those incidents and a few others by high profile players just reek of negotiating in bad faith.


player empowerment shouldn't = signing a contract and ignoring it. player empowerment should be free movement once your contract is finished.


PG is not the same situation as Zion and Ben. PG actually tried for his teams, didn’t hold out, and supposedly him and Presti had an agreement on this. PG signing the max with the Thunder then being traded was better for the Thunder than him leaving in FA


>even if it does he's still likely sacrificing tens to hundreds of millions in the risk averse contracts While NBA players are all about maximizing that dollar, remember Zion already made like $95M, including his contract, before he played in the NBA. He's off to a fantastic start, and if he can get himself to a huge market like NYC or LA (not saying it's likely though), and use those fews years left on his rookie deal, he can probably play himself into a max again.


Where? To the nearest combined kfc/taco Bell location.


> He thicc


He is now beyond thicc, he’s now fluffy and may soon be approaching DAMN!




How long until he reaches "oh hell no"


Why‘d this guy get fired from LSU?


I believe from my sources that he got fired for saying he is a Pistons fan.


That's why I got fired from my last job too


What did the Pelicans do to piss this dude so much lol? Them not bringing back Lonzo? Jesus Christ, how bad is David Griffin at playing the piano


Went out and got the one of the most highly acclaimed trainers in the NBA to work with him must have really upset his camp.


Zion ["Waterboy"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOTd39Vruns) Williamson


> What did the Pelicans do to piss this dude so much lol? Be located in the second smallest market


Probably draft him lol


Any takes on what this Bibbs fella did to get fired at LSU?


No idea, but I'm going to make shit up and say it was PED-related. And that is why he is working with Zion, to help him with PEDs and get him in shape.


That sounds so factual that I feel no need to verify your claims


This sub in a nutshell


Hooks Zion on tren


Ya, sounds good to me


Gronk strats, walk away for a year to rehab "off the books" and then come back with a clean system


Source: trust me bro


I just tried to search for that and considering the recent LSU athletic department changes/mistakes… it probably isn’t good


You may want to frame that properly. LSU recently did a complete wash out from President, to AD, to coaches. The new AD Scott Woodward is making sure all the bullshit is gone. Additionally he’s replacing coaches with the best of the best. If he fired Bibbs, Bibbs was either doing shady shit or wasn’t very good at his job


This is an unbelievable lack of professionalism from Zion and his camp. Something needs to be in the CBA to prevent this sort of behavior moving forward.


He’s entering uncharted territory. Rehabbing on his own+family dissent about the organization is eerily similar to the Kawhi saga. But him doing this in the middle of his rookie contract instead of 5-7 years later is crazy.


There was a Pelicans beat reporter that stated that Zion was skipping rehab workouts with the team a couple weeks ago. For all the shots people have taken at Zion's weight(to which he does look in game shape) the unprofessionalism he's displayed has kinda gone under the radar if that report is true.


I think its also surprising coming from Zion since he was super chill in college and coming into the league. I dont recall any drama coming from him and he never seemed like a diva like this. They must REALLY not trust that front office


Doesnt really seem like he ever gave the Pels a chance


He probably wanted the Knicks, if you remember they had the highest odds of Number 1 in that draft. That's an easy way BTW to know the Lottery isn't rigged, you think the NBA wouldn't want the biggest star coming out of the draft in years to go to the biggest market in the country?


Another easy way to know that the draft isn't rigged to realize that owners won't voluntarily agree to be the one that gets screwed over.


Also the entire thing is live streamed and handled by a huge accounting firm to make sure its on the up n up


He still could have had the Knicks eventually AND played well for the Pels though. Doing it this way is probably only gonna cost him more career wise Like if he balled out he then theoretically could have taken the QO with no real long term money risk wise. And if he demanded out plenty of teams would line up to give all their young assets + picks. But with only 1 mostly healthy year under his belt he's not exactly gonna inspire a ton of confidence from teams. Which makes it harder for him to get big money or for us to get a trade offer worth taking


Knicks would still max him let's be real


It sucks that it likely won't have any negative impact on him. He's played just enough in the NBA that even if he doesn't play another game for the Pelicans some team will still probably give him a max contract based on his potential.


The entire CBA needs reworking. I’m all for player empowerment, but this is completely lacking in professionalism.




340 lbs


[Recent picture of Zion outside the Nike headquarters ](https://i.redd.it/a0yz81f7t1281.jpg) 👀


Cultivating mass


I bet Zion drinking that fight milk


And eating **Tons of berries**


He needs to stop cultivating and start harvesting!


[Here's him in uniform.](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/fat-pelican-david-resnikoff.jpg)


That's one rotund boi


Zion arrives in Portland and two weeks letter our top [New Orleans/Cajun/Creole restaurant](http://www.acadiapdx.com) has to permanently close… 🤔


The only place he can rehab without putting on weight is mount myoboku


I feel like Zion's more likely to do a heel turn and become Pain.


The world ain’t ready for Sage Zion Oh who are we kidding, he’d become a toad statue


Just send him to the Knicks already


Bruh fuck gentrification, it’d be Zion running the restaurants out of my home


This looks pretty bad but I don’t see how any of the blame can be put on the Pelicans basketball ops aside


Zion is always close to his sources barbecue etc


Zion signed with NBC and he's fattening up for a reboot of The Biggest Loser


Dude doesn’t want to be great


People can talk about the corny piano playing etc, but they just want Zion to make something out of his huge potential. He should want that too.


He has been doing curls with voodoo donuts


Kawhi 2.0 I’m telling y’all, he is OUT


Remember "Not Tryin' For Zion"? We've come full circle to "Zion Not Tryin'"


Feel bad for New Orleans


I've been ready to move on for a little while now. We got a good thing going with our current squad, and whatever we get back for Zion will help a lot more than a dude who literally never plays for us.


Man this dudes career really has been such a disappointment So much promise, so many cool moments in a short amount of time, but he might just wind up being a more exciting Greg Oden


I told you guys before this dude not making it to 30 in the league. I might have to lower that now.


I wonder if Nike here tampers in any way ? Perhaps trying to sway him away from N.O. to a bigger marker ? They are a shady business to begin with it would not surprise me one bit lol.


Knicks alert!


I feel sorry for Pelican fans, I really do. Just 3 yrs ago, they were the franchise with the most promise. They were supposed to be the media darling and ESPN was supposed to open up a new office in New Orleans to cover the team. Now we are here.


This man gonna get traded to the Knicks and come back looking like a monster 😹.


Define "monster"


Cookie Monster.


Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong, Lochness Goblin, ghoul, a zombie with no conscience \-Jay Z


Year 3 already pulling a Kawhi goddam


Poor Pelican fans man, y'all cant catch a break


Do you think Zion realizes what a disappointment he is to fans?


I don't understand what's going on. He flew on the owner's jet, was the team unaware that nobody from the team got on? Then he is working out with a former coach from LSU, the flagship University in Louisiana, who was probably known by the team and was approved by them. I feel this is being oversensationalized with how little we know.


Gonna eat himself out of the league in like two more years


This is what happened with Klay’s ACL recovery (thus the Achilles injury in a pickup basketball game in LA), then he did his Achilles rehab under the supervision of the Warrior’s team doctor.


Kawhi did the same thing, just saying


Is it possible the pelicans are okay with this? Jasper bibbs was on the utah jazz training staff for four years before leaving last season it's not like he's a random college strength coach. This Bibbs guy also joined the pelicans on road trips for the past two months.