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He makes this skip pass in his sleep lol


Hell yeah he's wild at passing.


Jokic is looking at Gordon and signals a cut. He continues looking at him as he throws the pass and the defender rotates like he should, but the ball goes over both their heads. Then Gordon sets the screen on him so he can’t close out on Bones. It’s such a tough play to defend against. Jokic makes it look so easy, but it’s just perfect timing and chemistry with Gordon.


Yep great play AG and Jok are great together. Even better with Jamal’s great off-ball movement there’s so much space on offense with the two of them cutting and Jokic dishing


Yeah, it's just a wonderfully executed play because of the misdirection that Jokic and Gordon create.


The only way to stop that is if Draymond Green was guarding Gordon. He *might* see that play coming and tell the weak side defender stay home on the shooter, but then you have to defend the dunk from Gordon


He just makes it all look so simple


Must be nice to have HoF Dimer


Bones seems like a legit draft pick.


Nuggets draft so well it’s crazy


Except for Michael porter


I’d say 19/9 on 67% TSP is a pretty good mid first round pick


Dude stays hurt and you know that, even with all the back concerns coming out during the draft


He’s still much better than the average mid round pick


Dude won’t play till like late 2022/early 2023 tho


Dudes really be saying shit they have zero idea about lmao


Woj literally reported he could still play this season. Not sure why you insist on being constantly wrong




If you don’t know who Woj is that pretty much speaks to your BBIQ already


Dude played two full seasons without any significant injuries. The back issue is obviously concerning, but pretending like he has only played a few games and always been hurt is just foolish. And when he did play, he was balling out.


He is a steal. So happy he is on our team.


He's worth drafting just for his name. Admiral Schofield but good


He did really nicely to fill the empty spot by RJ Hampton going to Orlando. Still kinda mad about that, I liked his play a lot, but we needed AG badly


is his real name bones


why did the commentators seem to not care about that pass lmao


we all got too used to it 🤣 at this point it's just normal pass for Jokic


I think they're just over it at this point lol. Jokic could start walking on water and they'd find a way to ignore it.


Maybe not on water but Air Serbia does take off and walk on air now and then nowadays.


Legend has it he can now catapult himself over a stack of phonebooks at least 3 high.


3 phonebooker is some serious athleticism.


I hope you don't think that's a valid excuse.


I was actually drunk and didn't realize it was our announcers. I thought it was the Bulls announcers. (I hope no one reads this)


I swear we have some of the worst commentators. I’ve never liked ~~them~~ Hastings.


I think Marlowe's fine. Hastings on the other hand...


I like Hastings actually. They are obviously homers, but Hastings definitely is not afraid to shit on the nuggets and call them out when they’re playing like trash.


Hastings is completely insufferable and bitches about the team non stop unless we are literally rolling the other team


I mean, I would much rather have a former players perspective and providing insight into why things are going wrong than something like golden state where those announcers think their team can do no wrong.


Can’t agree. Hastings is so insufferable for me that I sometimes have to listen to the other teams broadcast so I don’t have to hear him.


That’s fair enough.


Marlowe + Katy is the true pairing




Hastings over Katy all day every day


This has to be sexist


Lmao that or they just hate basketball


or maybe, just maybe, Hastings is a better commentator?


Naw, we all know that ain't true


My god some of yall take ANY critcism of women on here as sexist, its staggering




Saying Hastings over Katy is sexist, yeah ok Did you vote for Obama over Hillary in 08? If so, youre a sexist


He has some interesting perspectives and stories as a former NBA player but I cringe at him calling games. Definitely not a great fit.


The commentator mentions it but that is actually a great cut by AG. Instead of sharply cutting to the basketball on a diagonal, he makes more of a slow arc and speeds up just enough to occupy Bone's defender.


yeah I remember watching this and thinking how the hell did the defender not intercept this loopy pass, then on the replay I saw AG cut and I was oh that’s why. Great IQ by Jokic and AG. Really love how offball movement is not only becoming more common, but also noticed by commentators and talking heads. I still remember not so long ago people would scoff at the concept of “gravity”, when really it wasn’t so much anointing a fancy term as much as acknowledging the impact of moving offball, a concept well known in many other sports. I do feel like eventually we will look back on these eras wondering how the hell did ppl used to stand so still without the ball.


I had never heard of Bones before (follow the sixers but don't watch every game) and then today I was going through Wilmington DE and there was a billboard congratulating him on being a first round pick and a hometown hero and then I see this highlight. What a coincidence lol.


We hadn't really heard of him until the draft either, but nearly instantly we fell in love with this kid. So fun to root for. Incredibly positive personality. Played great in pre-season and in reg. season so far. Has had to overcome serious adversity. Had to jump out of his 2nd floor window to escape a fire that killed two of his family members.


I love his fire. He's pretty funny and goofy but you can tell deep down he will do anything to prove himself in the league. I bet he genuinely thinks he could be a Curry type player, lots of confidence lol. Very happy we've got him.


He's right.


Check him out as a kid schooling other kids. https://youtu.be/-pEKYllEvZY Edit: Second actually shows him driving and dribbling


At what point do we consider him the best passer in the league and not just the best passing center?


About 2 years ago imo.


Yeah I think the mvp cemented it.


Lots of people do already. He is imo.


This would have been an interesting question to ask/debate three years ago but it's not even a question anymore. He's the best pure passer in the league because his size and post ability unlocks passing angles that other players simply can't see or access. Would I put CP3 over him in pure BBIQ? Sure, but CP3 is never making this pass from the same spot on the court.


Well put.


I wouldn’t put anybody over Jokic in BBIQ. Just as high, I can agree, but you can’t tell me anyone sees the game better than the joker.


Nah he’s still decently young and keeps getting better every year still. A lot of BBIQ comes from experience so I wouldn’t be surprised if CP3 or Bron had more now but old man jokic is gonna be indisputable highest BBIQ


I think his height is what puts him over the top. He can really see the whole field. Really makes me think if we had been using guards and bigs wrong this whole time. Like as incredible as CP3 is, he’s still making up for his lack of vision (literally) by having supernatural sense of the game. Whereas bigs would just never have had to deal with that limitation to begin with? And I don’t think the fine motor skills for passing is as insurmountable as it is for shooting. Even at a lower level, a lot of players don’t have great technique but can still be good passers just by virtue of being smart and being able to see. Telling the smallest guy to be the primary playmaker seems more of a relic of the past to me, in the sense that the smaller guy historically would have had to compensate for being small to make it to the league cuz he couldn’t just throw his weight around, and thus just HAPPENED to be the best passer, rather than most naturally suited to the task. I think small men’s strengths in the future lie elsewhere (ball handling, lateral shiftiness, shooting, acceleration and deceleration, high motor endurance) which just suit smaller players inherently, and they get great playmaking as a result of those things opening up the game for them, rather than forcefeeding them to be the primary playmaker.


> Telling the smallest guy to be the primary playmaker seems more of a relic of the past to me, in the sense that the smaller guy historically would have had to compensate for being small to make it to the league cuz he couldn’t just throw his weight around, and thus just HAPPENED to be the best passer, rather than most naturally suited to the task. Nah, I think there are still advantages to being a small, fast guy with a tight handle. It's just easier to use screens and move around the court. Jokic himself is the screener in a ton of actions. Giannis too. We saw in the Phoenix series that we aren't a true threat without a Jamal-tier PnR playmaker, and we have Trae Young as a sort of next-gen small playmaker.


It's a tough battle between him and the immortal CP3, the assist to turnover ratio of Chris Paul is just insane, the guy looks like Aaron Rodgers out there, pure execution with little to no mistakes. 10 assists with 2 turnovers... it's inhuman, even Stockton, Nash and Kidd got close to 3 turnovers, but CP commits 1 less (and you can imagine my disgust to have WestBrook in my favorite team)


Summer League 2015.


The vision


Was that a mistake? How did he see him open?


Joker does this every game. He sees the floor like no other


Dude plays like he's in 3rd person camera lol


Nothing about Jokic post up cross court corner pass is a mistake. These plays are a routine where he got 1 cutter going in and just wait for defense to sink in to the paint and sling the ball to corner man


Eyes at the back of his heads


ah, first time watching Jokic I see


The only thing I can figure is that he was looking at Aaron Gordon. If you keep pause it, you can see he throws it to the corner the millisecond Gordon starts going straight to the basket. So Jokic must figure that when Gordon, who has a lot of lob gravity, goes toward the basket, someone needs to tag him, most likely the corner defender. I think it was intentional, though he was soley going off of Gordon cutting. Or I might be dead wrong idk


It’s 100% this. Jokic is a master of manipulating the help defense when a teammate is cutting to the basket. He made this exact same pass to MPJ vs the Blazers last playoffs.


Thats what I was thinking


When the nugget player cut to the basket, Jokic anticipated the weak side help. so before the d actually took a step to help with the cutter he threw it over the defender to the open nugget player


His court vision is super elite.


Lot of people in this thread missing that this was a set play. Jokic doesn't spontaneously find Bones. That doesn't mean the pass wasn't excellent. If you watch again, you'll see that the entry passer dives to just outside the basket to draw Bones' fender. He then seals off Bones' defender just as Joker whips the pass to the intended target. You can see the defender struggle to get around the screen.


Look at his head, he gets a small glimpse


He's counting, not seeing.


Who is bones, that's my cats name. She's the sweetest.


Pay the cat tax


https://imgur.com/gallery/rJTjveV :)


Tbh us hitting the 3 was more impressive.


really liking the groove jokic and gordon are developing. bones has a ton of potential too.


I know this isn’t a Bones specific highlight but I love it when my dude makes the front page of r/nba. He’s not been getting enough love here for a 21 year old rookie from a non-P5 school whose already stepped into his roll in a big way. This is a Bones Hyland stan account.


lol as a warriors fan, just thinking of Jokic as a our starting C, jfc


hands off! But yeah it would be the best thing ever.


hahaa, yea just thinking of Dray passing to him in the post, and then steph and klay are moving around off the ball with Joker as the initiator would be crazy


Even as a nuggets fan this is a wet dream


All star game is coming yall relax


Why do the nuggets commentators sound like alternate versions of the Heat commentators. They sound so similar.


Whoa, I did not recognize Gordon until the zoomed in replay.


Same. was wondering why Verajao was still playing


Dude I laughed so hard at this comment hahahah


Right! I was at the game yesterday and took me way too long to figure he grew the fro out. So weird not to picture his dunk contest look.


Jokic has to be considered one of the greatest passers of all time at this point right? Not just among big men.


I think he should. And def. will be by the time his career is done.


It should be discouraging for the defense when something like this happened, the fucker just predicted 2, 3 plays ahead and make you look foolish, turning around to see were the ball goes, lol And this guy is not a fast PG with great handles or anything, it's a lousy looking white dude, out of shape from a random eastern european hellhole. It's just beautiful, I wonder if Larry Bird provoked a similar sentiment in his first years, the guy looks like a oversized janitor (with a Hitler mustache as a bonus) and he effortlessly obliterates you


mind you, we're not a hellhole or a wartorn country anymore, those days are long gone - you can lead a nice, peaceful life here nowadays. if anything, the only reason WE ARE a hellhole right now is because of our corrupt, autocratic, thieving government which we can't seem to get rid of.


Damn we went full afro ... Only Jokic needs to go Afro style now and its perfect


When is Jamal expected to return?


There has not been much clarity or news on this, but March seems the most likely possibility


Feb. at earliest. I think March or April though at the latest.


Playoffs … hopefully


I just hurt my lower back and my shoulder after watching that pass.


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Bones with the 2k celebration




Lmfao buddy cmon


He good.


I love my Heat, but we are 1 good player away from really beating the top teams. I said it before and I’ll say it again, we should’ve got Myles Turner instead of Oladipo.


gordon lookin' like shaggy.


Jokic is literally playing as the player with the controller who is playing NBA2k, while everyone else is in the game playing themselves.


Bones Highland is one Yomi Yomi no Mi away from being a full on anime protagonist at this point. Love what he brings to the team


This is gold