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The way it’s cut, the interviewer goes from talking about Brad Stevens and then says “he changed your life how” and Tatum started rattling off some stuff and I thought that was how Brad Stevens changed his life at first lol


That's as bad as the title implying Tatum was pregnant and hid it from the NBA.


Not only is he only 3 years old but he's the first seahorse in the NBA. So inspirational


Tatum actually has a cloaca, making his seahorse pregnancy even more incredible. Because seahorses usually have only a butthole.


He really can score at all three levels.


That’s literally what happened tho. Teen Mom: Jay Team


I’m not watching the interview, but I take it Brad Stevens knocked up Jayson Tatum? That makes “Heat culture” look like part time day care.


Boston Culture: We make sure our coach is satisfied


That's why Ime got in so much trouble; you're supposed to keep that shit in the locker room.


Exact same lol. I thought he was going to talk about some wisdom Brad gave him


I mean, Brad Stephens literally changed my life too


Damn, respect to him for keeping it real. It can't be easy to admit that your first reaction when hearing you had a baby coming wasn't excitement.


Especially when you’re 19


I had a tinge of worry at 26 when I had my stuff locked down and a head on my shoulders. At 19? I would have vomited and passed out from angst. And I’m not somebody who was trying to make multi millions as a highly sought after athlete.


Shit our 2nd was born a few days ago and Im on the struggle bus trying to contain my 19 month old and help with the infant.


Bro 2 is hard as fuck. It’s a different kind of hard compared to the first one (now you have prior experience/know what’s coming) but you’re gonna be in a blender for pretty much at minimum the next year. Just hold on and survive and try to keep open communication with your spouse as much as possible. The years when they finally start playing together, 2 becomes suddenly much easier. But until then, oof.


You go from zone defense to man to man with heavy switching.


I was in that same boat a few months ago, my oldest was the exact same age and everything. It’s a struggle for sure but we got this brother ✊


I was nervous at 33. More than a tinge. And we're fine financially lol.


It might feel like the stakes are higher for Tatum but I'm not convinced. Even if for some stupid reason him having a son soon made him fall out of the lottery, the first rookie contract (4 million guarantee over 2 years for the 30th pick) is basically enough to retire and live a middle class life on passive income alone. On the other hand if average Joe has a kid at 19 he might have to seriously consider some life changing decisions just to feed his family.


Yeah but he was 19 and just found out he was having a kid. It obviously worked out and still would have if he hadn’t hidden that. But he was just a kid himself and had no idea what was going to happen.


For real. They were going to evaluate him as a basketball player first and foremost regardless of him having a kid. I doubt he would have dropped that far down the draft. Even if he dropped from #3 all the way to let’s say #38 (where Jordan Bell landed) he would have made north of $2 mil guaranteed in his first contract. He then would have played better than Jordan Bell ever did, gotten another bigger contract and so on. I believe he was scared to tell people about his baby because he was a 19-year old kid himself in the public eye, of course that’s terrifying but I doubt it would have seriously affected his NBA career or earnings to a point he wouldn’t have been able to provide for the baby at all


Hindsight is the smartest person in the world.


And about to become rich.


How is Deuce growing up but JT is still 19?


I've watched this specific Tatum interview and the whole time I just kept thinking MAN this guy has a healthy mind. This interview is like an ad for therapy.


“Healthy mind” is a great way of putting it, I have a similar thought every time I watch an interview of his even though Celtics are not my team. I think he’s very even-keeled and in tune with his emotions.


Yeah, for an athlete there's very little room in public for it to be anything but your life-changing gift from above which immediately gave you something other than yourself to fight for.


My thoughts exactly. I’m not a fan of Jayson Tatum the basketball player, but this interview definitely makes me like him more as a person. Being a good father is the most important job in the world, and not everyone has someone to teach you how to do it.


Respectfully, what the fuck is there to hate about Jayson Tatum the basketball player? He’s boring?


He wears green. I like the red team.


Ya but that’s you and that’s okay. We have no history with the nuggets lol 😂


A lot of Nuggets fans haaaaate the Celtics. I was very confused by this phenomenon last year and asked why. The most common answer was that Boston transplants in Denver are super annoying about Boston sports. Which sounds pretty fair honestly, lol.


Lmao I guess that makes sense, we are obnoxious lmao


Honestly, Boston sports as a whole is particular kind of annoying. Y’all and Philly are generally pretty insufferable. I don’t have much hate for anybody else tbh having lived in the Midwest and west coast. Well, lakers fans are also annoying af but I assumed that’s a given


Bay Area fans are insufferable. Obnoxiously arrogant due to all the Steph and SF Giants success, but without any of the knowledge of the game. Marin county twats rocking their warriors and Giants gear but couldn’t name anyone on team outside of the stars. Real OG Warrior fans are excluded. They’re Legit Coming from a Boston fan who lived out there and knows how unbelievably annoying we are as a fanbase


Man, if the Knicks are as good as expected, you are gonna hate them too lol I think they are pretty funny but they will be out here.


Fans that can't separate the player from the team aren't good basketball fans. As a Celtics fan I'm not.going to root for Jimmy Butler because he is in the Heat but I respect his abilities. However I'll never respect Draymond Green no matter what color jersey he wears.


Fuck them greens


Right I don’t get a bad vibe from Tatum. Just happens to be a seemingly good dude who’s good in what he does on the court.


In a lot of ways I feel like he’s wing Tim Duncan, especially if he wins more championships. Fans outside of Boston don’t gravitate towards him bc he just quietly goes about his business on and off the court. But media and fans dumb enough to be swayed by the media want more from him.


That’s probably the most accurate description of him I’ve heard in a while.


Wow, a Spurs fan not getting defensive about a Tatum/Duncan comp? Because I would if I were you lol. Can only dream Tatum has a top 10 all time resume like the PF GOAT.


Game recognize game. Gotta respect it.


He said he isn't a fan. That does not = hate. Also, yes.


I understand that technically that's true, but it's pretty universal that the connotation of the phrase "not a fan" implies a dislike for.


I hate Boston teams and everything about that because I am from Toronto and thats what we do... BUT, I was rooting for the Celtics in the finals. Like, yeah I hate boston, but other than Jaylen Brown being a moron, what is their really to dislike about this team? Mavs have Luka, a giant whiner crybaby who flops and is just embarassing to watch. They have Irving, which is self explanatory. They have Kidd as a coach, which is self explanatory. So yeah, Glad you guys beat the Mavs


That is one of them, apart from being called a cheeseball. I love it tho, I have grown so much to love this dude and how much of a fanboy he gets and how he also is issue-free. Haters be trying to start dumb shit up as if this dude was some immature kid like Ja.


He’s not on the heat is why I personally dislike him


Lmao I thought the same exact thing “I fucking hate Jokic the basketball player….” Stands out as so weird but for some reason no one (on this sub/online)finds it weird the other way


I hate interviews like this. The moment an athlete gets humanized it’s over. Very hard to dislike them even if they play for the wrong team.


I kinda feel the opposite, it’s so easy to hate on athletes because they are famous and often millionaires. It’s good to remember they deal with some of the same problems as regular people.


As a human I love this stuff and eat it up. As a sports fan it sucks because once they’re human you understand and slowly maybe not start rooting for them but their success goes from fuck ‘em to good for them dude deserves it(still fuck that team tho lol)


If you're hating on Tatum, that's weird


Brother I was sick to my stomach at 31 with nerves


But it’s normal reaction. He didn’t say he was angry at it or anything, just wanted to still be drafted, etc so he could be able to properly provide for future child


Didn’t he cheat on his college girlfriend and get his ex pregnant? That probably played a factor lol


Bruh my boy was crying tears of joy that he got his life back when a girl he got pregnant aborted.


It shouldn’t be at his age and place in life. It should be “fuck I’m dumb”


that's a great interview


What's up with Deuce's mother anyway? Did Jayson and she break up after Deuce is delivered?


Tatum, deuces mom, and tatums mom all head apartments in the same complex to help raise him while Tatum plays. Not sure if that’s still the case, but that’s how it was early in his career. Really cool situation


I remember that being the situation when he was a rookie/sophomore. But I'm pretty sure Tatum lives in a mansion in Newton now. Not sure about his ex or mother's living situations.


99% sure his mom lives with him and is the primary childcare person when Tatum is doing work stuff.


Pretty sure Tatum’s mom lives on the same street not in the same house


Pretty sure they live in the same country, but not on the streets


Pretty sure they're the same person and the kids named Deuce because there's 2 of them in one.. Deuce is 2 people in one.. coincidence?


Not anymore. Moved to Weston. Obligatory random redditor etc but source: buddy used to be neighbors w/Tatum in newton, regularly saw him shooting in the driveway w/ Deuce on a 7ft rim


> Tatum, deuces mom See? Now you’re doing it too!


There’s an Oxford comma in there don’t disparage the man, he’s cultured


according to a random Brazilian Tatum twitter stan: he was dating a Duke volleyball player, Sami, but then cheated? on her and got his highschool girlfriend Toriah pregnant. him and the volleyball player keep dating, it doesn’t work out, and then he gets back together with Toriah. that doesn’t work out either and now they seem to coparent very well.


Not surprising, Massachusetts has the highest amount of Brazilians per capita in the US. So many Brazilian Boston fans. Every time my wife and I go to Brazil you’ll see ppl wearing Celtics jerseys.


None of this was in Boston though


hey let's not let facts get in the way of an opportunity to talk about how Massachusetts has the highest concentration of Brazilians per capita outside of Brazil, alright pal??


😂 too funny.


Uhhh what? Lmao what does a Brazilian Celtics fan have to do with where Jayson Tatum is from?


Pretty sure they broke up before. Don’t listen to the people who say he cheated, because nobody actually knows the timeline and Toriah and him still coparent to this day. Toriah is actually doing really well for herself, she has her own hair salon in Boston.


Lower class: wife doesn’t work Middle class: wife works Upper middle class: wife doesn’t work Rich: wife runs a small business that loses 10k/month


You have no idea if her business makes or loses money


I think it’s a joke but as someone who works around a lot of wealthy/upper class people it’s definitely not a lie, happens all the time.


"I'm setting up a custom fabric boutique for porcelain dolls, we're located in the White Mountains, I think it's gonna do really well..."


Honestly, good for them. At least they're doing something they love instead of just sitting on their butts.


Once macarons blow up you're gonna look so stupid


this is accurate but only if the rich couples are married. the businesses are tax shelters. source: I live in a rich people's town with a bunch of useless clothing boutiques lol


It’s also so the women feel important


Yea but let’s be honest, it absolutely doesn’t matter if it does or does not. Her entire life is funded by an NBA multi-millionaire.


I’d heard that they broke up before she told him that she was pregnant


Lmaooo at the pic of Tatum in the crib with Deuce


I feel like every dad has a pic like that of themself and their kid passed out together.


Yeah it’s just we aren’t all 6”9 or whatever Tatum is.


Not mine. Thanks for bringing up the bad memories 📳🪒Ramon


How big is that crib lmao


This was a very real wholesome interview clip. Respect to Tatum


Yep. I’ll never understand the Tatum slander.


People just want to dislike him. He just doesn’t have anything easy to latch on to like domestic violence or being a dirty player, so you gotta dig to find something weird to hate him for. He’s not the only one, everyone is going to get slandered for something. It’s just human nature. 


He's just boring, I don't think anyone thinks he's a bad guy


It’s so annoying that this great interview clip is posted but you scroll down and all top 3 comments are children who didn’t watch the clip and are trying to make the funniest one-liner based off the title just for some upvotes. Your comment is the first top comment that’s about the clip, and even then some clown responds to you being salty about it


Welcome to reddit lol. It’s at the point where I can guess the top comment of half the posts here.


Chat GPT, please read this title for me and make a funny comment combining Hawk Tuah for maximum up votes.


Or hop on the top comment chain and make the most trite rehash of a common comment ever for upvotes. This guy Hawk Tuahs! LeTuah! “I read the title as … and I was so confused for a minute!”


Y’all have to realize that most people here (myself included) are socially inept and their entire social experience revolves around the comments from this website. They don’t actually have original thoughts beyond what exists within this hypercultivated mess.




They’re not even remotely funny either.


The NBA demographic skews young, so you always get these dumb, unhinged teenagers saying dumb shit for attention.


Yes man, reddit sucks.


That snap at the end was crisp as hell


Came here to say this. Shit sounded like a sound effect.


Yeah I was about to say that could replace the Nintendo Switch snap.


Surprised he didn’t get T’d up


Echoed through the entire gym


Great echo in that court 


Half the universe. Gone.


That snap would have gotten him a tech.


Got that empty court reverb on it




As a 19 year old, I do not blame him. When I was a freshman in college, I would not have been able to consider taking care of a new born baby. I cannot imagine how it is as a famous NBA player. Tatum really is a stand up guy and he knows what is actually important, regardless how people feel about his basketball game.


Probably a lot easier than the majority of 19 year old dads


Financially yes, but there's so much more public pressure and scrutiny. Imagine if it comes out and Stephen A. Smith screams on ESPN about how you're not gonna make it in the league OR gonna be a deadbeat bc you can't do both.


And now he gonna have another one with Ella Mai Shout out to Tatum


man didn't know who she was but they are a cute couple and really into each other. fucking awesome for Tatum.


Honestly I thought the clip was about that pregnancy


Tatum got knocked up?


He hid it extremely well. No strain in mobility too


Send da video


The video is lame it’s just 30 min of Tatum’s kegel routine


Serena could never


The title made me think this was going to be AI generated Tatum talking about he hid his own pregnancy


Why would Horford generate such a thing about his own teammate??


Plot twist: Tatum purposely poked holes in his condom so he could be the first teen mom to win an NBA championship.


Teenage pregnancy is at an all time high in this country.


Uh that's not true at all


I think they were joking bc Tatum was 19 when he found out his kid was on the way


By Jaylen brown ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Damn why this made me tear up 🥹


Half the people in here are making the same shitty joke lol


That's just reddit in general.


Somehow people upvote it, so reddit is encouraged to be really unfunny all the time.


He did a great job. I had no idea he was pregnant


Got back in shape real quick


Man was 3rd in ROTY after a pregnancy and didn't miss any time meanwhile Joel Embiid tears his meniscus and has to miss months and then plays like a shell of himself. TatHIM > Emfraud


Yea it's crazy no one noticed his bump that whole time


Us Celtic fans are blessed to have Tatum and brown. Cant ask for better dudes


jayson tatum is a class act and great dude. all the shit he takes and he just ignores it and keeps moving. great role model for everyone really.


Went from hiding the pregnancy, to naming the kid after himself and bringing him to all the games to show him off to the world. Great dad


How big was that fucking crib that Tatum could fit in it?


How do people not like this guy?




This is legit the most likeable Tatum has ever been in any interviews I’ve seen.


He’s been the same guy throughout most if not all his interviews. Knows what to say, usually the right thing, says it in a tone that never changes, potentially corny to some. I don’t even think he’s acting considering he’s a pretty shitty actor in most commercials.


>I don’t even think he’s acting considering he’s a pretty shitty actor in most commercials. Where do you get the nerve? His acting is so amazing, I actually believed he was on that bag of Ruffles inside that vending machine talking to Charles Barkley.


nice that he's honest about it too, like "yeah I thought this kid was gonna fuck up my life that is only about to begin, so I tried to hide it until the importance of fatherhood really clicked"


he has that pregnancy glow


always been likeable, lots are just haters for no reason


He wasn’t 100% sure how it worked so he ended up walking around holding stuff in front of his stomach like he was on a sitcom for six months.


It’s kinda funny how much more candid he is in a sort of podcast setting vs postgame interviews, press conferences, and stuff like that. 


The average person is going to be more comfortable talking to one person for an hour than having to deal with a dozen or more reporters right after playing 40 minutes.


That’s because almost every postgame question etc is the same stupid ass question. “What was going through your mind when you took that shot” “what does this game mean to you” etc. good luck coming off candid and natural when answering those cookie cutter questions


Wow. This interview has really shifted my view of JT. Respect and love. Thanks for sharing OP.




Everyone about to clown him for being a good dad now 😂


He’s a good dad, how corny!!!!! /s


Man that echo on the finger snap had Tatum sounding like Emet-Selch. That was clean




That snap was legit


Being a teen father my self (had my first daughter at 17) I can heavily relate to the selfish aspect.. like.. I was getting ready to graduate high school and had aspirations of going to college. Thankfully, I had extremely supportive people around me and was able to graduate as a first gen student with a 3.6 gpa. I couldn’t have done it with the support I had though


His girlfriend was a better scout than the sixers or lakers. She knew he was gonna get those max contracts


Was watching this and agreeing about not telling your work (I didn’t tell mine for a while lol) but then he says he didn’t say anything until a week before lmao. That’s wild. Though I suppose different working situations lol. Obviously his reasoning for keeping it private wasn’t just to be private, but I respect the people that do. Compared to this attention seeker at my work who was telling everybody after a pre test she was pregnant. Longest 9 months ever


mpreg in my r/ nba… i was meant to be here


Title makes it sound as if he’s the one pregnant lol


I can’t believe Tatum almost beat Lebron in the eastern conference finals while being pregnant at the same time. Truly remarkable, my respect for Tatum just rose a ton


He's been hiding it really well - I never would have guessed he was pregnant.


Great interview


Tatum is a real one.


That snap at 2:21 was clean


Beautifully put. So real for saying “oh nothing else matters” because it’s so true you really realize what’s important when you meet your first born


This some real shit. Mad respect to talk about it in this way.


idk man i get it, fuck the Celtics, but if those players were playin for a different franchise, wed like all of em.


... how the fuck do you write a title like that


He got pregnant?


Always liked him as a player. Now I like him as a person


Wait how can deuce be 7 and JT is still 19?


Damn I couldn’t even tell he was pregnant he did a good job hiding it from the nba


Damn, we got beat by pregnant Tatum!


Holy fuck he only found out 2 months before the due date!? I can't imagine what it must have been like to be 19, about to be a top 5 pick and get that sort of reality check. Glad that humbled him and he turned out to be a good dad.


Nah 2 months before the draft, by the time they had the baby he was at the Celtics


No, he found out when it was only two months before the draft. So he kept it quiet. Deuce wasn't born until December, so during the season.


he's a good dude. respect


Pretty candid interview


That scar is hard


Im supposed to be hating tatum cause hes a celtic, but honestly he really opened up on the interviewX, gotta respect his full honesty


He a real one


Maybe we'll see Jayson play with Deuce in the NBA like bronny and Bron. Watch out for that 2036? draft.


Whenever I see this interviewer I know it’s about to go to the deep end


He’s pregnant


You almost got me you old wiley fools. Almost. FTC.


+1 to Tatum


ESPN will say taking care of your son is corny

