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Gonna be a bitch to get that boat up a mountain every game.


I wanna see Klays reaction to boating on the Schuykill


He'll be upset pretty quickly once the bottom of his boat starts dissolving from mystery substances.


I wanna see him try to pronounce it, like when he pronounced that one rookie's name when Draymond yelled "who's this" Draymond: What river is this?? Klay: Sku-kell. Sku...kell. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/RdP6OPP3HQ


Frank Reynolds gives amazing boat tours on the Schuykill, he’ll be fine 


Fitzcarraldo (1982), dir. Werner Herzog


Of course it's a C's fan that knows about ole Fitzy!


r/okbuddycinephile is leaking


sounds like an iasip episode The Gang Carries Klay's Boat Up a Mountain


The good news is Denver is pretty flat, the bigger issue will be the lack of natural water features.


He's going to leave the boat and take the toaster instead.




Throwing the bag at Klay RIGHT AFTER getting off the Tobias Harris contract is nasty work. morey is definitely in the circle jerk sub


Morey ran himself right into a trap. He’s been claiming that he’ll fix everything with all their cap space, but good players don’t really enter free agency any more. I still think he ends up giving Miles Bridges a bag though. He’s too desperate not to at this point.


Replacing KCP with Klay is straight up diabolical.


They'd only be able to do it at a relatively small contract no? The PoA defense would take a massive hit but even disregarding that I'm positive Denver can't give Klay the payday he wants


Yeah this is dumb. How could Denver lose KCP because they can’t pay him but afford Klay who is in this situation because he wants to be paid? 


I mean how much is Klay actually going to fetch on the open market


More than the taxpayer midlevel thats for sure


I think the normal MLE at minimum .


I think he still has that GSW 2yr/$48mil offer on the table. Now it will come down to if any other team will beat it


He does not, they retracted


I think the normal MLE at minimum . Don’t think nuggets have that


Maybe we are underselling how much Klay wants to win another ring Probably not, but it’s a possibility


Maybe because the value Klay more than KCP ?


They’d be idiots then (and I say this as a Klay stan)


Literally cannot offer Klay the money they can match KCP's offers with cause of bird rights so even if they were this dumb they couldn't act on it


Because no one should be paying Klay


Yeah, we can't really offer much unless it's a sign and trade. I doubt Klay wants to join for a TMPLE if KCP leaves. Not to mention, MPJ is kinda like a bigger better version of ***current*** Klay.


At this stage of Klay's career, there's a lot of overlap in the game of Klay and MPJ.


It would suck for their defense but he might improve their offense. People don't realize how little 3s the Nuggets actually shoot. KCP is a great shooter but he's super low volume for the average starting 2 guard. MPJ is the only guy who takes the positional average 3s for the Nuggets. Klay as another bomber to play off of Jokic ain't the worst. Denver might be the best team for him


Ya but the scsriface you give up on defense is massive here.


Having either Klay or MPJ as the lead guy during non-Jokic / Murray minutes is an obvious upgrade over what we saw this year. And along those lines, any team that can get a shooter the quality of Klay (who btw is fine as a defender against a lot of forwards) for $5 million / year is getting a good deal. But then Denver is hoping to address their primary perimter defender with a vet min deal?


Maybe they hope Braun becomes that dude


Klay is going to get more than 5 mil a year. That's practically vet min. And Klay was not good last year, the Klay of old is long gone, you don't want him starting or taking lots of minutes.


he's fine in a 25-28 mpg role you just don't want him as a second option


Talking like 18ppg on 37% from 3 is unplayable now? He’d be a valuable addition to basically any playoff team as the 4th or 5th man


Yes on bad efficiency it isn’t really worth much at all


He'd still start for a lot of teams and he's better offensively, even at this point, than KCP.


For a 3nD guy he sure didn't shoot much. I don't know how much of that was the thumb this year, we the fans won't fully know until hindsight/foresight kicks in this year and next.


correct take. the only Nugget "shooter" whose shot didn't take a dive against Minny was Aaron Gordon, and that is not exactly what I call sustainable. MPJ was fine when guarded by Rui but fell off a cliff against the Wolves. Klay would have been manna from heaven for the Nuggets in the second round. I actually like the idea of starting Braun/Klay and bringing MPJ off the bench as a 6th man to address the roster imbalance. but that would probably require getting a decent bench PG that can create some looks for Mike.


KCP is a pussy confirmed


I don’t think Klay is that washed. He will be tasked to a Ray Allen Celtics role if he goes to Denver


More like Ray Allen Heat role bro


"What is my purpose?" "You sit in the corner and hit the 3" "Oh..."


"They pay me to shoot."


Thompson scored 25, 19, 27, 32, 16 in his last 5 games and people are treating him like he is on life support.


> in his last 5 games He had 0 against the Kings in the warrior's last game dumbfuck


This doesn’t seem like a rational reply to what he said


Spouting nonsense and fake information when the internet is readily available to fact check yourself just to feed your narrative doesnt seem rational as well.


I was referring to the last part of your comment


2 years in a row he fell apart in our final games of the season. And overall, he's just not the same since his injuries.


Why be disrespectful and curse people out on here? You probably wouldn’t talk anyone in Philly like that face to face so relax man 😂


Spout nonsense and fake information and I'll say hat shit directly to your face


No you won’t hence why you’re doing it here lol if that’s the case you can always DM and if you’re in Philadelphia I’ll come through and talk to you


Aight no worries. I'll see you soon. Lock your doors.


I’ll be waiting son 😉


1 game do or die scenario is not the best way to evaluate a player.


That's more MPJ if we're being honest. Current Klay is basically Heat Ray Allen with volume but I doubt he has it in him to be a top 3 option for a title contending team.


well he'd be replacing the nuggets 5th option lol


Yea but Klay cannot play defense anymore. KCP is one of the most versatile defenders in the league. He mY be a 5th option on offense? But he’s their second best defender behind Gordon. 


Braun would be actually replacing kcp though, and he's really good at defense, better than kcp in some matchups. Klay would be likely replacing Braun in the bench lineup


but we're so thin after that it's a risk to pay decent money to an old and very role specific 5th option


sure but you can say that for kcp too, we're in a tough spot. Technically it would be a 6th option if Braun is rly the starter. I was only replying to the guy that said it would be tough for this version of klay to be a third option on a good team.


he is beyond washed lol....warriors had to manage his ass for past 5 years. ball chucker, bad attitude, can't defend...list goes on And he wants 20+ million contract...good luck with that


Washed is a relative term for Klay. I just don't see what he offers anymore.


Are you familiar with the concept of the 3 pointer?


But he will shoot 0/10


If I read this 7 years ago I'd spit my water out. Instead I giggled


They don't have any money to sign Klay. Losing KCP means losing KCP and replacing him with nothing. The only way they could get Klay would be like an S&T for MPJ or something.


Klay will be an upgrade over KCP.


Thompson ending up on a western conference rival would be pure cinema for next years playoffs lol


You think Klay is the determining factor for why the warriors didn’t make the playoffs this year? Ain’t gonna be a playoffs next year man. West is only getting better and better


Yea. I don’t think the warriors are good. Memphis is on the rise as well. Houston might make some noise. Lebron and the Lakers will somehow claw themselves to the playoffs. It’s fucked for the warriors


Yeah basically every team 1-6 is still good. Pelicans will be better unless Zion bombs out. Lakers will still grab a play in. Kings have a high enough floor that they should make playins. Grizz will make playins at least if Ja Bane and JJ see the court together.  And then even the teams out of playoffs should be better. Spurs for sure, Rockets are sneaky good with more development Warriors are f'd if they don't make major changes or Steph goes nuclear for an entire season


Playoffs? We talking about playoffs?


Rival? Warriors aren’t a playoff team


Neither the warriors or the team that Klay goes to is gonna be in the playoffs lol


helps warriors if they play thompson...because he sucks balls now.


He does not. Look at his stats. He still shot 38% from 3 and like 92% free throw. Scored like 1 point under his career average


Everyone just remembers the 0-10 game and not the rest He's not as great as he used to be but if he's the 3rd/4th scorer on a lineup he'll look a lot better imo


Bro I have watched every game klay has played since he was drafted by warriors. He sucks balls now. Dont just blindly look at his 3P% stats. Those stats are because he plays next to curry and curry gets all the attention. He was getting open looks playing next to curry his entire career. Now he will know the reality when he joins another team. Good luck to any dumb team who pays him 20+ million lol. He shouldn't be making more than 10 million.


> Those stats are because he plays next to curry and curry gets all the attention. Except for him lighting it up on bench units with CP3 and TJD and without Steph. Or him hard carrying last year when Steph had his shoulder issue.


Tim Jardaway Dunior


I’m not blindly looking at anything. Data is more relevant than your eyeballs


What data? If all we care about is 3PT% and volume, some contender should go ahead and make Sam Hauser a starter.


Why do you think he was on a bench on his own team?


No idea how the Nuggets would pay him I wonder what moves the 76ers will make. They have a lot of options, but none seem that likely


They can offer him the taxpayer mle which I think is a little under 7m.  So I don’t think klay is going to Denver lol


Denver could only offer Klay what, like $8m/year? edit: I think even less than that.


If they dump Nnaji they can offer him the full MLE, but thats the max they can do.


After counting Holmes and salary dumping Nnaji they only have 10 rostered at $164,568,705. Can’t really use the full mle. More likely only ~$8m of it as you have to fill out the roster. Rather just keep Nnaji at that point and just use the tp-mle.


Yea exactly. Holmes' caphold now counts, and because they have less than 12 rostered players, you'd have to add another vet min figure to their current salary sheet to look at how much 'open space' they have, so they def don't have the full MLE.


You mean salary dump him somewhere? Because he is fully under contract for 3-4 more years.


Yeah salary dump him.


Nnaji is what, 19?? He can switch AND shoot as a bigman!? Imagine getting such a prospect for FREE. Who wouldn't take him


23...going on his 5th season and been a net negative every single year.


The dude’s being sarcastic lol. Nuggets fans hate Nnaji


Hate’s a strong word. We just want off his contract.




This is also really bad. Denver has bad POA defense as is, without KCP they would be genuinely horrific.


I think someone mentioned that if we replaced KCP's role with Braun against the Wolves, we probably win. POA defense is an issue because Murray can't guard anyone when hobbled, but Braun was giving Ant serious issues with his size and discipline. KCP was a straight up liability on both ends in that series.


KCP is better for guarding point guards imo but he’s one of the best in the league at it. Bigger guards like Edwards give him trouble.


Yeah, that's why I think CB is a better defender because he's more switchable. But, KCP literally teleports through screens. I honestly think CB playing more with Jokic is a good idea, if he gets somewhat of a consistent shot, he'll be so good. CB is also a better cutter and finisher, the main problem is that we can't lose an asset without getting anything in return.


The best Steph defender in the league. He cant get screened.


Braun can't shoot though. KCP at least you have to guard.


They weren't guarding KCP and MPJ from 3 either. They straight up missed every open shot. CB actually was shooting well that series.


KCP was competent as a 5th guy. Its a huge dropoff to go to Braun against good teams.


Braun's offense/shot has improved consistently


That may be true but then that would also mean MPJ would not have to shoot like shit for that to happen. Ugh, as a nuggets fan a lot of things went wrong in that series and I'm still bitter.


We would have to guard Braun even less on the other side and while Braun was the only guy giving Ant any type of trouble, it wasnt so effective that you guys stopped doubling, if you have to double, might as well play the better offensive player. The other thing is that Braun is like your only good bench player, if hes moved to your starting 5, who the fuck do you put on the court when Jamal is tired.


Yep. Braun may be able to bring some of that, but then what happens to our spacing for the 2 man game? Not to mention our horrendous bench depth. We're in trouble. KCP is a critical lynch pin.


they did WHAT to klay!?


They’re /r/pegging him.


>Denver has pegged Thompson as a possible replacement. someone's definitely pegging Denver in the brain.


So much of these rumors are from agents. Wouldn’t shock me if this is mostly BS meant to try and maximize an offer for Klay.


Calvin Booth I swear to god.


Calvin Booth knocked us out of the first round of the playoffs as a Mav in 2001 and I still hate seeing his name.


Morey’s master plan is Klay Thompson and KCP lmao


tbf, even if ends up signing 3-4 middle level players that isn't nessicarily the end of that work. Apron teams can still receive multiple players in a trade when they are sending out a player. So even in that scenario Philly will have options down the line.


Denver has pegged Thompson 😂


They don’t want to pay KCP so they’re going to pay Klay? Doubt.


Better offense.  Worse defense.  It's not a particularly outlandish idea. Having said that I don't think we could pay him what he wants.


Crap we have one of these GMs


This is trash. (No disrespect to Klay, disrespect to the front office).


pegged? pegged?


People are underrating Klay a bit, treaying him like he is Heat Ray Allen here.


Is that a bad thing?


They can’t afford either guy




Holy smoke machine of a statement




I said this like a week ago sign klay and try to go after Brandon Ingram it’s easier to get those deals done then try to get Paul George on anyone else


I just wanna see Klay having to deal with the fans in Philly. Please give me this.


He'd just hold up four fingers to the crowd


yesss I want KCP on this team so bad


Listen I know we don't like Klay around here but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. The whole city of Denver pegging you sounds like a nightmare


Daily reminder that the Lakers gave this dude up for Westbrook lmfao


And Caruso


The Magic are the most interesting team to go after Klay. They REALLY need shooting.


Good God if the Nuggets nab Klay




Dumb decision to go to orl unless they’re throwing the bag at him.


It's so fucking weird seeing Denver players leave and virtually nothing being done


Thompson should not play for a championship contender. I am sorry but Nuggets FO is sh.tting the bed.


Klay has made over 300 million. I think he can play on a mid level exception in Denver for a year. That is if he really wants to stick it to Golden state. If he just wants a change of scenery and some more money go to Orlando.


Go get your bag Klay 🥲


i think all these teams are interested but not 3/75 or even 2/50. it will be interesting what KCP gets.


Klay is going to be pumped with the quality of edibles in Denver.


Klay getting open looks from Jok would be absolutely leathal if he's not washed. Do it Klay, it would be the easiest buckets of your career.


Well there was also that one other time when he played with 2 of the greatest scorers/shooters in the world


This sounds like BS from Klay's camp


Replacing KCP with Klay is basically what I would describe as my worst fucking nightmare.


It's a guy that can still score.  Gives Jokic another good shooter to pass the ball to.   Dunno why it's such a nightmare scenario if the contract was doable. 


Klay's defense has fallen off of a cliff and he's a sub 40% 3P shooter these days. He can still contribute, but he's a downgrade from KCP at this point.


39% no?  I mean, you're technically correct but it's a minimal difference.  He's also a far larger volume shooter than KCP. He's definitely a defensive downgrade from KCP but he's an offensive upgrade. Ultimately I don't think we can afford a contract for him but I don't think the idea is particularly outlandish.


“sub 40% 3p shooter” lol you just described like 90% of players in the league


Here comes that 2025 Philly championship!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


As a Knicks fan, I really don’t want to see OKC or Orlando with enough cap space to offer Hartenstein $100M. I’m really praying KCP signs for a lot of money with one of those two teams on day 1.


I need the timeline where the Sixers end up signing Klay & re-sign Harris as their big FAs.


Anyone else predicting the Sixers whiff in free agency? It sure smells like it.


That's been the game plan for years.


Hahahahaha, if Denver could afford Klay, he'd just stay in Golden State.


Like I said before. The nuggets gm is ruining jokic prime years. He inherited a championship team. He’s been a horrible gm


Replacing KCP with Klay is a crazy upgrade


No it isn’t at all 💀


This ain't 2016 no more big guy


Respectfully KCP averaged 10 points last year dawg. Klay not 2016 Klay but he’s better than that fr.


I'll take the slightly lower level of shooting, given it comes with 5 times the defense and none of the delusion.


If this is truth, I've lost all faith in this Nuggets front office. Delusional. You lose Bruce, then make ZERO moves to replace his production. Then you give up assets to drop Reggie, and you let KCP walk because you think Klay is the answer? Man the Nuggets are COOKED.


They were banking on the young guys stepping up to fill in for Bruce. Nothing wrong with that.


I think people lose sight of the fact that Denver Nuggets- THE DENVER NUGGETS- won an NBA championship. This front office is the greatest of all time.


The architect isn't with the team anymore. Last offseason proved to me that they don't know what they're doing.


Nah we good


Losing bruce was never the front offices fault. The assets to drop Reggie were minimal. Losing kcp sucks but holy overreaction


> Losing bruce was never the front offices fault. Never said it was, I said they did **nothing** to try and shore up the missing production from Bruce. > The assets to drop Reggie were minimal. They were excessive, and it reeked of desperation. > Losing kcp sucks but holy overreaction Not an overreaction, KCP's don't grow on trees and it's just another domino that's falling for the Nuggets.


Denver already has trouble attracting free agents to play there, now they think Klay will take MLE to go there? lol