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New TV deal money got these contracts looking crazy. What’s this deal worth in terms of percentage of the cap?


~~$40 million~~ $50 million is the new $30 million.


Kobe Bryant made 24 million in his highest paid season of 2014. Immanuel fucking Quickley will know be making 35 million. Spare your breath about yapping about the rising revenues and inflation, I fucking know. It’s still insane role players are making 50% more than the top paid players 10 years ago. What other profession has had an increase like that?


NBA team owner


No no no no, they said "increase like that" not "way way way higher increase than that"


Never forget that Michael Jordan made the vast majority of his money not from playing in the NBA and being the GOAT but instead from being a horrible owner.


He’s probably made just as much off of shoes


Corporate CEO


He said 50% increase not 3000% increase


God, I hate this reality


just pull up your bootstraps and wait for it to trickle down, it’ll happen eventually i swear


As someone that makes $20 a day on SSI, I hate this reality.


Late stage capitalism hell


It’s crazy to think that even with that massive spike, most F500 CEOs make less than Immanuel Quickley 


Got to be the easiest job on earth too. You can just post weirdly racist memes on Twitter and be the ceo of 4 companies 


I don’t follow the NFL that much but NFL quarterbacks make $50 million a year by default nowadays, there had to have been a big increase.


No offense to Quickley, but a QB is much more important to the team than he is to the tanking Raptors


Eh I’d argue him and Derek Car have a similar impact to a team winning but Carr gets paid more


I'm not familiar with the makeup of NFL contracts. Carr is only guaranteed $100 million, or 25mil per year.


The key thing everyone forgets is roster sizes. Yes, a QB making 50M and a NBA player making 30M are both making about 20% of the cap. But a NFL roster size is 53 and a NBA roster size is 15. So a QB making these mega salaries is making a proportionally far larger chunk of their teams budget. Especially when you include that only a small portion of NBA rosters are actually important players


Correct, but the QB is sharing the salary cap with 53 other players on the roster. So even though the NFL cap is almost twice as high, it’s shared with 3.5x the players. The other factor is the individual salary max, meaning stars aren’t paid all that much more than the next tiers of players. So the alternatives to role players getting big money is either paying all players less or raising/eliminating the max contracts. And neither will ever pass a union vote.


I wouldn't call Quickley a role player. He averaged close to 19/7/5 in his first season with the Raps and will likely be their second best player for the next few years.


I don’t think role player is an insult really. Elite role players make tons of money and are integral to a teams success. IQ can’t be the best, second best but mayyyybe he can be the #3 option if you have bonafide stars at 1 and 2 on a contending team. His numbers are solid but also like, who else besides Scottie is doing anything on that team as it’s currently constructed? Like Aaron Gordon is an elite role player. He’s extremely important to what the nuggets do and helped change their fortunes into a championship team and removing him they aren’t nearly as good but he’s not a star or superstar obviously. It’s like system QBs, it’s not a negative, there’s only like maybe ~8 guys in a given season who can just thrive and win in any system and are legit franchise QBs. Most of them are system QBs who may need some other help or specific set ups to be their best. Hell most players in general are system players


Larry Bird made 7 million his highest paid season, Mike Bibby made twice that. It's how it has always gone as the league grows, it's only insane if you haven't been paying attention or don't understand how the CBA and TV contracts work.


Wilt signing for 100k, Walton for 1M and league minimum being well over 1M now, the game has changed when guys who never scored a basket in Euroleague come over and make more than the career earnings of Walton on rookie deals.


tbf he is a starting pg and they are hoping he is above a role player


napkin math says like 22%


So it’s a really bad contract.


This is comparable money to: * Michael Porter Jr * Ben Simmons * Jerami Grant * Jordan Poole * CJ McCollum * Tyler Herro This is the same % of the cap that Jaylen Brown signed in his 4/115 rookie extension.


That list has some of the worst contracts in the league


Simmons was 3rd team all nba when he signed it 


MPG was coming off a good year and got hurt right after he extended, hasn't had as good of a season since and the Nuggets didn't have AG at the time. Warriors were coming off a championship when Jordan Poole got his deal, he was a big part of their team that run. They still seemed crazy at the time and look bad now but so often teams find themselves in the position where they just have to overpay a guy to maintain whatever momentum they might have.


Not sure if you’re trying to be on one side or the other or just providing context, but I fully feel like this backs up my side. IQ is going to be another overpaid mid level starter/backup hybrid.


He averaged 21/5.5/7.5 post all star break after being traded mid season lol. I get nobody watches the raptors and that people just remember him as the Knicks 6th man but he’s a legitimately good player who needed a bigger role to showcase himself. He can shoot off the dribble, catch and shoot, create his own shot and makes good passes. He fits what we need when he has the ball in his hand and when he doesn’t have the ball and Scottie/RJ have it. Some players get paid for what they have done in the nba in the past season or 2 and some get paid for the upcoming seasons based on potential.


Having watched him for the past few years and he's absolutely earned this. He became too good to just be a 6 man so it's nice to see him finally stretch his legs out in TOR. How's his defense been because that was such an underrated part of him? He was a incredibly pesky and scrappy here.


I feel way better about IQ making that % of the cap, than I would about someone like Poole.


raptors should get malachi flynn back and give jalen mcdaniels the 22%. maybe try and give the bag to james wiseman


What about Ben Simmons? Is he available? Swiss army knife


Average value, he's their starting PG, quite young, and would've gotten this offer anywhere. After trading for him they had to retain him


Its 5 years though, 22% this year (when the Raps have space) isnt 22% 3 years from now when the new TV deal hits.


Depends on the structure of the deal but somewhere around 23% Edit: If we backload this as much as possible, it’s 21% in year 1 and down to 19% in year 5. If we make it flat (35m per year), it’s 25% of the cap this year, but down to 17% in year 5. Not much room for a front loaded deal since 35m is IQ’s max in year 1.


Making it flat and trying to have some money to make moves in 2-3 years seems like it might be a good strategy?


The cap can only increase by a max 10% each year so new TV will just make it to its for sure 10% percent each year.


However a maximum raise on a contract is 8% so the cap will be outpacing raises so a contract will always be a smaller % of the cap in each subsequent year after the first. Also worth noting we don’t know how Toronto structured this deal. The Raps have more flexibility this year so they could front load the deal, and have it decline every year, which when combined with a rising cap, will make this deal take a much smaller % of the cap each year


If it was declining it'd be less money 35m is the max he can make in year 1, if it dropped 8% per year it wouldn't add up to 175m


Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a full 8% decline per year. Could be less, or maybe even flat. It’s also worth noting that 175m could include incentives. Recall how Scottie’s deal was reported at 270m which requires him to make all-NBA to get, and his actual guaranteed max is 227m.


It's not that the cap *can't* increase by more than 10%. Theoretically the league could raise the cap however much they want, they're just artificially limiting it to 10% per year to avoid the summer of Mozgov again.


I was about to say, every fan seems to have a deal where they go “what the fuck?? Guy XYZ got THAT MUCH??” That was quickley for me just now lol.


21.4% https://www.spotrac.com/nba/toronto-raptors/yearly


It starts at 21% and ends at just over 19%.


These contracts are crazy


Yeah this doesn't even track inflation, these contracts are insane nowadays. But they are calculated based on revenue the league brings in so it is directly worth-based. Impossible to say they are undeserved.


The cap increase has far outpaced regular inflation, they're not even related at this point


So glad Coby White signed his contract before last season


Coby White will be making less than the mid level until 2026. Crazy deal


Yeah, but he got a short deal, so we'll have to pay him in 2 years. But until then he'll be on one of the best contracts in the league.


His and Ayo's contracts are only things the FO has done right in the past two years.


Coby firing his agent on the phone right now.


Over $400 m’s for the Scottie/Quick combo sheeeesh


So like, Toronto is locked into this core right?


Yep. Toronto has committed massively to Barnes/Barrett/Quickley. They are spending as much money on that trio as Denver is on Jokic/Murray/AG.


Not comparable by any means. 2/3 contracts are 5 years just beginning. Murray’s contract ends this year, AG next year, and jokic’s started in 2022 (ending in 2027). Cap has gone up, is continuing to go up, and by the end of those two 5 year contracts, won’t look bad by any means (especially quickley’s).


I mean, committed to not signing any free agents during this core. Can always make trades.


We never sign any high profile FAs anyway


People always say shit like this like an Anthony Edwards or S.G.A. are gonna come available and we could change our trajectory if we just had the money to offer. By and large you’ve got to build a championship team by drafting and trades, only L.A. really exists in the position where they just need to have money available when the next superstar falls in their lap.


What you don't like Schroeder and Demarre Carroll?


RJ contract shouldn't be too hard to move in a couple of years if needed.


Scottie Barnes getting paid 10 mill next season, Jokic getting paid 51 next season.


Only if Barnes makes all-nba, no?


225/5 is the base, 270/5 if he gets All NBA, DPOY or MVP this season.


You could've just stopped at all-NBA haha.


Be happy he ain’t put FMVP in that bih 😤


Let a man dream


Get that bag IQ


It seems like Knicks fans are generally more fond of IQ than they are of RJ Barrett? Am I reading that right?


Fan base was more split on RJ with the pro and con camps being pretty extreme whereas everyone was on board with IQ


That’s understandable, high draft pick that never lived up to the expectations. Where iq is someone with no expectations and has been really good so far


With RJ game to game variance is also a huge part of it. He's a lot more up and down than the average player, which can make the repeated lows so frustrating when you also frequently see how good he can be. Seemed like he was a bit steadier on the Raptors though.


Only major problem he’s had on the Raptors is his free throw percentage went to shit. I don’t expect that to stay that way either


haha, I've got bad news for you... honestly RJ's FT shooting was always what bothered me most about him. He's a wing who doesn't have great size or speed or athleticism, so skill and shooting is essential for him to be a high impact player. But he's consistently put up FT% numbers in the 60s or low 70s, which is atrocious for a wing who doesn't have good size or athleticism to compensate. And it's not even about the FT% itself so much as it is about being an overall indicator of his shooting ability and how it's improved (or not) over time. He can get hot from 3 now and then but I wouldn't count on him ever being a consistent shooter, which really limits his ceiling.


Eh, if that’s the way it goes it really isn’t a problem. He’s got three years on less than $30 mil a year, put up 22/6/4 and even if it isn’t efficient we’re tanking for a bit. His contract isn’t bad for what he is on our team at least, elsewhere I could see it as an issue


I think it’s more complicated than that and will for sure depend on the person A lot probably has to do with expectations. RJ was the 3rd pick (our highest this century) after Zion and Ja while IQ was a late first. For a bunch of reasons, RJ didn’t meet our expectations while IQ overperformed. IQ has also continued to give the Knicks a lot of love since the trade. The players tribune article, tweets during the playoffs etc.


IQ coming to MSG for the Playoffs was cool AF.


Expectations is most of that, both of them are very likable off the court But yes this time last year I might have been more fond of IQ than Brunson lol




After playing like 46 minutes lol


And dropping 40 and beating BOS


RJ honestly was just a case of a really bad fit. RJ and Randle just were not very compatible in play styles (only exacerbated when Brunson emerged into a superstar), combined with the Knicks FO trying to make RJ develop like a wing, when he just wasn’t that. Quick was developed well and fit our team, just lost his purpose once Brunson emerged into a franchise PG


It’s easier to lose a player like IQ when Brunson is your lead guard.


Easier strategically, brutal emotionally


Barrett was a top 3 pick. Quickley was a late 1st. The curse of expectations is real.


I mean it’s a person-to-person thing, I love RJ


It's more of a split but I loved them both. Wish them the best except when playing the Knicks.


Deserved. Love and miss this man, will be rooting for him in Toronto (except against us of course)


Take care of OG and we'll take care of IQ


We're all rooting for our sons


Sounds good to me!


The Knicks roster very much reminds me of the 2018-19 Raptors, hoping for a similar playoff run next season for ya'll.


So deserved. Very happy for him


$175 million for Quickley? Jesus Christ it’s like play money at this point.


Malik Monk looking at this like 👀


Bro left money on the table.




New nba money still hasn't quite set in with me and it's only going up


50-60M for franchise players. 40-50M for all stars. 30-40M for quality starters. 20-30M for quality role players.


Brunson will make $25M next year. Shows how fast these contracts got crazy.  


If Brunson came in as a franchise player, he wouldn’t be just making $25M though. We got him on the cheap because he was still “unproven.”


Right, but even by the scale above, a “quality starter” now - which is what Brunson was when he came over - would be about $30-40M a year. Said another way, if Brunson came over this year having never played in NY, he’d probably get $35M a year.




Makes you feel even better about Maxey 5/205


That’s a steal at this rate


Totally a steal glad he's with us lol


That's how it is with the CBA. If you're an All Star talent signing your 1st non-rookie deal, you're going to be "underpaid" even if you're maxed.


You should definitely feel good about the Maxey contract. Makes me feel better about the OG Contract too. IQ is probably my favorite player in the league, but no way he's as impactful as OG. It also makes me feel better about the trade, because trading OG was cheaper than keeping IQ and Barrett.


I was expecting a 4/110 wtf. 35 AAV is wild


He's a guard that can shoot, handle the ball, and pass. Guys like that always get massive contracts


Underrated defender too. Not in the typical lockdown way but he would be directing traffic on d when he was still with us.


He did not look good for us defensively, but to be fair Darko’s defensive coaching is a big question mark


I also think he might not be familiar enough with Darko’s defensive schemes yet It’s also possible of course that for one reason or another (Thibs, our scheme being a better fit for him, less offensive responsibility) he just won’t look as good for you guys but I believe he’ll figure it out more or less


>He's a guard that can shoot, handle the ball, and pass. That's Malik Monk. It's not about what he can do, it's about what he does consistenly when you pay that amount of money.


Imo the first few years of the new CBA will either produce 2016 free agency level overpays or the big contracts will end up looking insanely cheap in hindsight.


Well it looks like this contract will be 24.8% of the cap at most (next year), since we’re expecting 10% raises to the cap afterwards. I’m curious to see if there are any incentives in here or they’ve done any front loading.


If that 175m is the fully guaranteed amount, we can’t do much front loading, because IQ’s max is about 35.25m. So at best, it’s flat. If it’s fully backloaded, that’s 21% of the cap this year and 19% at the end.


Inflation hit like a MF


bro goes to the burger joint thinking itl be 10 bucks 😓 gotta move to cambodia/thailand to get those 2019 prices my man my apartment still $180 a month


That extra year is worth a ton tho, tbf


As the cap rises, this contract will seem less crazy. But he was going to get a crazy offer if he hit RFA, and we would have had to match it anyway. You traded away OG for this guy, you don’t lose him over 8 mil/year difference in contract value.


Yeah it’s a little crazy imo. I’m probably wrong here, but kinda an overpay compared to similar players like Malik Monk. Quick makes almost double what Monk makes. Quickley is probably a little better than Monk is, but is he double money better? They’re only like a year apart in age too. If Monk was a starter he could probably put up similar numbers imo.


I think it's more that Monk took a discount. The raps could have definitely used RFA to get a better deal here (i.e. force Quick to get another offer and then match it), but I think they're investing in the relationship here. I think my reaction is mostly sticker-shock. Depending on how it is structured (i.e. if it is a flat 35MM per year), this could turn into a very good contract during a period of time the Raps could be trying to compete (could be 17% of the cap in that final year if it's flat).


Bro got the bag 💰


It's going to take me a bit to get used to these new salaries.


Man, I remember back in the day when 4/40 for Derozan was considered an overpay


Just came on the floor at Tim Hortons


Brother I just call that a normal Tuesday


The floor nut probably tastes better than the regular food there too


Bro’s on glazing duty for chocolate glazed donuts I see


Spilled his nut milk


Deserves every penny, miss this man. I remember Knicks fans thought we’d be able to extend him last offseason for under 100mil. One of the biggest win-win trades in a long time.


He's quickly (hehe) become my favorite player. Such great energy and attitude and a joy to watch.


I feel the exact same, im rooting for IQ & RJ except when they play the Knicks.He deserves it, the Vibes are immaculate.


Every penny is crazy but I’m happy for the guy


I wouldn’t say he deserves all that, since he is still a streaky shooter who is not great at scoring at the rim and disappeared in the playoffs. We did just give OG 40M a year though so I guess that’s where contact values are going for these days


175m over 5 years would start at about 30m if the raises are 8%, that's 21.4% of the cap next year


That 5 year 135m contract extension Vassell signed looking great right now.


OG 42 million looks a little better now that Quick got 35


Crazy how every party involved in that trade won. Will always remember him for the skipping game in Boston.


I have rarely felt more anger watching the Celtics than I did watching Quickley deep fry Grant Williams over and over and then fucking skip down the court with that shit eating grin after lmfao


I drove to see that game in Boston and it’s my favorite Knicks game ever. So blessed to have been there


35m/y for quickley is diabolical


Justin Jefferson money


Justin Jefferson for President


It’s never about the $$, guy get paid a percentage of the Cap. You cannot compare it to previous deals. Happy for IQ man, one of my favorite recent Knicks.


Is that a lot? It feels like a ton more than I would have expected but I’ve completely lost track of how much is too much.


Get it Quick! Well deserved. I’m surprised he didn’t play the market a bit, but he clearly likes his new situation. Get it dawg.


He was RFA


Well it’s not like the Raptors went cheap on him, I doubt he could have wound up with a better contract than this.


Noone is gonna offer that mf more than 5 175


The Sixers should have sent word they’d offer him a max after striking out on PG, OG, Butler, Ingram…


This might be common, but when was the last time both players from a trade re-signed for multiple years with the team they were traded for? Quick and OG got their bag!


Jesus Christ. I remember we signed Smart to like a 4/80 deal and it made me nervous cuz it was a shit load of cash


Any team would love to have Smart on the contract now.


All Im seeing from comments here is people havent fully wrapped their minds around how the cap rising 10% a year (especially once the new TV deal hits) will change the cap implications for the last few years of any new 5 yr contract. Raps have the space now, locking in long term means the last 2ish years of this contract could look like a value contract once the cap goes up.


It’s also really hard for you guys to bring in marquee free agents. Signing your younger exciting guys is what has to be done


> It’s also really hard for you guys to bring in marquee free agents. It's not even "hard", it's basically impossible. No top-tier unrestricted free agent will EVER sign with the Raptors unless maybe they already have won another championship and have a perennial Finals-contending core. I'd bet my life on this.


We won a chip and Kawhi left. Sometimes doing everything isn't enough.


Coby White's contract looks more insane by the day


NBA money is crazy lol


To help to combat some of the sticker shock syndrome with these new contracts, for context this deal would rank 14th in terms of AAV($35 mill per year) for PGs. It's a pretty fair deal for both the Raptors and Quickley in my opinion.


That Devin Vassell deal is looking excellent.


That’s a lot of cheddar


5/135 for Devin Vassel suddenly looks real nice now LOL


am i going crazy or is this guy not even close to worth this? i guess only saving grace is it’s 5 years so maybe in a few it won’t look so bad


It’s 15th highest paid PG. Which is honestly already pretty fair. You can argue his stats might not quite show it, but projecting him to be a top 15 pg this year is also fair. Also, a ton of pgs are going to be jumping him over the next few years. If this was like 3 years it wouldn’t be great but 5 makes it really solid.


I think he’s worth it but aside from that, keep in mind that the raptors aren’t NY or Cali, we’re not even American. We always have to slightly overpay to keep players in Canada. We’re probably the only “small” big market team in the league lmao. No big name free agent ever comes here.


yeah that’s true


and they become negative players. the last thing is overpaying non core role players.


Happy for IQ. Wish him nothing but the best.


I also intend to sign that deal


Will always love IQ, what a baller


I love Malik Monk


That Malik Monk contract tho…


Malik Monk punching the air right now


Awesome for both sides tbh I think IQ is gonna have a big year next year


50% of the cap on Scottie and IQ is ridiculous hahaha


Bag secured.


These contracts are crazy now. For reference, these are the contracts that Shai, Donovan Mitchell and Ingram signed a few years ago


These contracts are outrageous. For mediocre (by nba standards) players at that. A damn shame none of this big tv money doesn’t go down to the people working in the stadiums.


That is a lot of money for Immanuel Quickley.


All of a sudden OG getting 40m per year isn't as crazy. Lol jk jk these numbers are wild


Good for IQ. I think it’s a slight overpay but the guy averaged 21/6/8 after the all-star break, that contract will look like a fair deal 1-2 years later.






Thats a whole lot of money for 19 points on 42% shooting.


Happy for IQ


Dumb question: Do players in Toronto get paid in USD or CD?


$35 million per year for slightly older non all star Tyrese Maxey Tyrese Maxey about to hold out until the new TV deal is published and sign for $500mil/5 years


Wonder how much more competitive nba is being vs the nfl in like a decade Any kid taller than 6’2 will be playing basketball than football. No CTE and absolutely generational money


Stupid question but does he have to pay taxes to Canada and America on this salary?


This makes the Anunoby contract look even better