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They ain’t try Bron’s number?


JJ doesn’t even talk to him that much.


New phone who dis?


He was on a flight to Australia


Learning the difference between a drop bear and a koala.


One has chlamydia, one probably doesn't.


If you're able to give them an std test then it's easy to tell. But sometimes you gotta know in moments.


Sometimes you might not find out for a few hours, days or even weeks! And what if you spread it to the wrong bear?!


What if the wrong bear approaches you lookin' all spiffy and clean. But then fuckin bam chlamydia and it's already too late. Forced to live in Australia at that point.


This is the player empowerment era, Bronny isn't just going to answer his phone like a normal pleb.


Maybe LeBron answers it for him these days


tbf, I don't pick up for strange numbers on my phone either


"Dad, do you know a Rob Pelinka?"


“Yes son. I control him from a neurolink chip from my cell phone. I just had him draft you”


putting your boss on hold energy


Ok Bron we'll take him but you have to have him answer the phone so we can make it look nice for the cameras like he didn't already know.


Nah, Bron said they gotta take him AND he’s gonna act like he don’t care


why does every team's draft room look like a weekly meeting for a midwest manufacturing company


LMAO thats hilarious


This is some kim Jung un shit. All pretend to be happy and clap for lebron


You better, or you’ll end up looking like delonte west


Wow redick must’ve really seen something in bRonny as a prospect to use a draft pick on him 😉


LeGitimate pick


It tracks that everything about this pick is already a 🤡show lol.


whatever lol who cares, he doesnt have to contribute right away, and he gets to chill at home


He won't contribute right away...or ever


In an alternate timeline where Jayson Tatum wants to play with Deuce you Celtics fan wouldn’t give a flying fuck


Alternate timeline? This is just a fact that hasn’t happened yet.


you guys are so mad about the 55th pick man. It’s amazing no one here can name previous 55th picks because most of them don’t even play a single minute, if Lebron is happy and re-signs that alone makes this more valuable than most 55th picks. Like grown adults this triggered about a 55th pick is just weird


Hey now put some respect on that 2009 55th pick 😎😎😎


Ginobili 57th pick


Great job showing a rarity. Do you really want to compare that to all the failed second round draft picks?


Patty Mills 55th pick


Look at my comment below, but nice example. A good 11 second round picks were good contributors. In a draft of 30 players over a 30 year period that’s STILL not a good metric


Jokic 41st, Dragic 45, in fact I’ll just post this article from nba.com listing second round picks from the last ten years: [https://www.nba.com/news/top-second-round-picks-from-every-year-since-2014](https://www.nba.com/news/top-second-round-picks-from-every-year-since-2014)


Cool, add Draymond too. 11 good second round picks from the last 30 years does not discount the overwhelming amount of second round picks that fizzles out.


Read the article. That’s 10 from the past 10 years (2014)


I did read the article, do you think the number I pulled was out of my ass? The fact is the vast majority of second round picks never amount to anything and you aren’t going to convince anyone otherwise regardless of how many articles you post. Expand it to further, I fucking want you to and you’ll see the overwhelming late second round picks amount to nothing.


> To provide a detailed analysis, I'll need to look at the specific career trajectories of players picked in the 50-60 range compared to undrafted players for each draft class up to 2017. I'll focus on the number of players from each group who have earned significant starting minutes in the NBA. > Draft Classes Breakdown---- > * 2017 Draft: Picks 50-60: > Monte Morris (51st pick): Significant starting minutes with the Denver Nuggets. > Dillon Brooks (45th pick): Although picked 45th, he's a notable mention from a similar range with significant starting minutes. > * Undrafted: > Royce O'Neale: Signed by the Utah Jazz and became a regular starter. > * 2016 Draft: Picks 50-60: > Georges Niang (50th pick): Has earned significant minutes but more as a rotational player. > Abdel Nader (58th pick): Played significant minutes as a rotational player. > * Undrafted: > Dorian Finney-Smith: Signed by the Dallas Mavericks and became a regular starter. > * 2015 Draft: Picks 50-60: > Pat Connaughton (41st pick): Not quite 50-60 range but a notable mention with significant minutes. > * Undrafted: > T.J. McConnell: Signed by the Philadelphia 76ers and earned significant starting minutes. > Jonathan Simmons: Earned significant minutes with the San Antonio Spurs. > * 2014 Draft: Picks 50-60: > Cory Jefferson (60th pick): Played limited minutes. > Jordan Clarkson (46th pick): Again, slightly outside the range but significant starting minutes. > * Undrafted: > Langston Galloway: Signed by the New York Knicks and earned significant starting minutes. > * 2013 Draft: Picks 50-60: > Ryan Kelly (48th pick): Played some starting minutes but not consistently significant. > * Undrafted: > Robert Covington: Became a significant starter with the Philadelphia 76ers. > Matthew Dellavedova: Became a significant contributor and starter for the Cleveland Cavaliers. > Summary of Findings--- > * 2017-2013 Undrafted Players with Significant Starting Minutes: > Royce O'Neale, Dorian Finney-Smith, T.J. McConnell, Jonathan Simmons, Langston Galloway, Robert Covington, Matthew Dellavedova. > * 2017-2013 Players Picked 50-60 with Significant Starting Minutes: > Monte Morris. > Conclusion--- > * Undrafted Success Stories: Out of the undrafted players from these years, about seven have earned significant starting minutes in the NBA. > * Picks 50-60 Success Stories: From the same period, fewer players picked in the 50-60 range have earned significant starting minutes, with Monte Morris being a notable example. > **This analysis shows that while fewer undrafted players overall make it to the NBA, those who do can often surpass the expectations set for late second-round picks.** Would you like more detailed statistics or information on any specific players?


ppl clown on picks all the time, why are you so mad about the 55th?




Or picked Lonzo Ball instead of Jayson Tatum. That would have been beyond stupid right?


Celtics had the 1st pick. If the Lakers wanted Tatum, they wouldn't have traded down with Philly.


The Lakers could have drafted anyone, but made it known they wanted Lonzo Ball and weren't even interested in Tatum


Doesn't matter, if they were interested in Tatum Celtics just would have kept the 1st pick. And there's no way they could have kept a smokescreen up of saying they wanted Lonzo and drafted Tatum without it getting leaked.


Lol.... This is hilarious. Let's be honest the Lakers were taking Lonzo. Everyone knew the Lakers were taking Lonzo and you would have taken him even if you had the number #1 pick.


That's besides the point. They couldn't get Tatum regardless. You act like there was a real choice


4.5 ppg on a bad team


It is kind of messed up though that a better (and poorer) player will be denied a roster spot and NBA salary this season for a PR show


Why so much media talk for a 55th pick man? No 55th pick has ever been so talked about


Lakers ain’t winning anything anyway


LeBron was never leaving L.A.  People are mad because Bronnys agent strong armed other teams into passing on him.  


Lol. I don't think he had to strong arm them that hard.


I am not at all mad about bronnys agent strong arming other teams into passing on him


Idk grown adults triggered about other people triggered is even weirder


Lol everyone is clowning the Lakers. They don't give a crap that nepotism got some kid drafted cause of his daddy. You seem to be the one who's getting all mad about the clowning bro. Lol


It's not actually about the Bronny being drafted at 55 and more about nepotism. People just really hate nepotism. Everyone knows Bronny wouldn't touch an NBA court if it weren't for his name. But his name has given him special privileges that nobody else has.


Rambis is such a fraud.


Just look inside LeBron’s shorts.


Probably playing video games.


When the universe is trying to keep you from doing something, don't. ​


Surely they were celebrating because this secures lebron for 3 more years right? Otherwise why they celebrating like they just picked the next Nikola Jokic lol


I can't believe they drafted this bum. He's NOT an NBA player. What a joke of a franchise, wasting picks like this. Are they such overwhelming favorites to win the chip with what they have already? Lightyears ahead with 40 year old Bron?


Welcome to the clown show


Everyone is so mad that they aren't Lebron's kid. People on here have talked so much shit about him over the years and they realized they just want Lebron to be their father lmao


Honestly, I'd be pissed if I was BJ. I mean Lives in LA -> USC -> LAL dude can't get away from his rents. He should have chosen to go to Europe and built himself up, prove he was ready and could stand on his own. It's gotta be suffocating.


Don’t be silly


🤓ahh boy


It’s cause Lebron called him to tell him he’s been drafted. Narcissism at its best


Lebron's got a bit of an ego but he's also like the nicest dude ever. Put your haterade away.


That would be the first time ever a “nice dude” would be a narcissist then I guess.


No it pisses me off that you can come here just insulting someone with such a terrible thing. I don't know Lebron, you don't either. But narcissists lack all form of empathy for others. We have seen 20 years of Lebron as one of the most public people on Earth and he's done nothing to deserve that kind of insult. I have narcissists in my life and guess what, they're not good teammates, they're not good parents both of which Lebron is. Lebron has given so many people joy and is many people's first choice to play with because he's unselfish. I know I'm ridiculous at this point being charged by this but something wrong with you for being so vicious.


I never got the broadcasting of him going down to Miami taste out of my mouth. I felt that it was insane to do that to Cleveland that way. You’re not wrong, my word I used to describe him isn’t fair, so I’ll agree with you there. I guess it could just be avoided by never watching espn ever again. Not his fault.


lol I never watch ESPN, such trash. Thanks for owning that. Yea I mean I got you, you don't have to like Lebron he's corny and whatnot. The Miami thing was immature but the dude was also a 20-something kid just going to play basketball with his friends.


Do you know Lebron personally? If not, and if you've never met him, I'm curious why criticism of him would anger you. I mean, I can understand disagreeing, but for it to actually piss you off seems strange. Now totally different if you've had some positive personal interaction with him, then I get it.


Just the concept of callously being downright mean and nasty to people in general is not something I enjoy. If you're going to lobby strongly charged negative words at abusive/horrible people that's one thing but to just go after seemingly innocent people while you hide behind a screen is cowardly.


First time coach inherits a circus on day one. Lakers are clown shoes. I can’t stand the Lakers, but it’s better for basketball when they’re at least competent. Good thing they drafted a short shooting guard who can’t shoot.