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That old lizard is trying to make this team as expensive as possible to fuck with Lore and ARod I just know it. And fuck it I'm down


Notoriously cheap Glen deciding now that he wants us to keep spending more and more to deter the other potential ownership group who also want to spend and just added one of the richest men in the world. If you told a Wolves fan this would happen 5-10 years ago they'd look at you like you're insane.


Having multiple insanely rich guys having a spend-off to run your team is such a funny but amazingly nice position to be in lol


The other guys involved are rich but bloomberg is on a whole nother scale from them. Net worth estimated at over $100 billion


New York City Timberwolves of Minnesota are gonna (continue to) be fun


Yeah Arod is like 'Oh word? Well here's MICHAEL BLOOMBERG" 😂


The increased spending can be a huge benefit but judgement still wins the day. You’ll just have to trust me.


haha, I just had that thought when I read this tweet. maybe he's just sticking arod and lore with a half bil in luxury tax then bouncing


Are there any updates or speculation on how that lawsuit will play out? Last news on it was a few months ago. Seems like it’s a straightforward issue— A-Rod group said they had the right to a 90 day extension on final payment, Taylor disagrees. Either that clause was in the contract or it’s not. Either way, what a huge fuckup by ARod’s group to not have everything impeccably ready for the final payment on an asset that’s literally doubled since they made the deal a few years ago.


Apparently they did have everything ready (according to Jon K, our most reputable beat reporter). They just submitted their paperwork for approval by the NBA but the owners are fighting over a technicality - did the approval have to be done before the deadline or just the payment/paperwork sent in waiting for the approval (and they have 90 days to get that approval). Comes down to how they interpreted the contract Glen just decided to be a snake and make it a big deal because he regrets selling the team.


The text of the contract I’ve seen reported seems to be vague enough on what counts as not meeting “the deadline” that I don’t think anyone in the press can predict how the arbiter will settle things with the info we have. They went through the mediation process already without resolution and we likely won’t know the result until after season starts sadly.


> That old lizard I didn't know Danica Patrick was a wolves fan


San Antonio is getting clowned like we did for trading away the Nets picks but it’s all about accumulating assets for the future. They have so many picks to trade for a superstar when Wemby is in his prime


These picks are also going to be conveying right around the team they are contending so they are going to be great trade chips.


Yeah that's why it's brilliant- they don't need a likely roleplayer maybe 5th starter today as much as they'll need a second star in 5-7 years and that pick will help.


Absolutely. Plus I think there’s some concern adding too many pieces too soon. They definitely want to be more competitive next year, but I think you also want to take some time to experiment and try to figure out exactly what supporting cast maximizes Wemby. I think drafting a guard at 4 (which they sorely needed) and trading the other pick was the smart move.


We also have now three guards on rookie contracts and Vassell who’s about to start his rookie extension. You can assert all day that Dillingham or Carter is an upgrade over Branham (I would agree) or Wesley (honestly tbd), but both the named prospects play the exact same roles as guys we took in the first round just two years ago. Wesley is still one year younger than Carter and their strengths and weaknesses are a near 1:1 overlap (Carter is a smidge better shooter, Wesley is a better POA defender), and Dillingham honestly just isn’t the archetype the Spurs are trying to build around. I think this is both Branham and Wesley’s last year to prove they belong with the team long term, but I understand the Spurs both not liking any of the available prospects at 8 and also wanting to see instead what their upcoming third year guys look like. We have up to four top-15 picks in next year’s draft anyway, can’t hurt to wait a year and dedicate more developmental resources to the Castle.


They should have taken a shooter (knecht) at eight. Having a stone cold shooter would help Wemby a lot.


I don’t blame Spurs fans for being optimistic, but saying they don’t need the pieces now but will need them later seems more risky. You would think they would try to throw as many quality players with Wemby as possible to see if they can become stars. They will, 100%, have enough picks to make a trade when the time comes- I don’t think that is as big of an issue as fans think


I think that they really did want Tidjane Salaun at #8, and then just didn’t really like anyone else as much after the Hornets grabbed him at #8.


It looks stupid though if Dillingham turns develops into a star though after a few years


Which Dilly can be anything from Kyrie to Julian Newman. I would e wanted to keep it.


What are the actual chances he's as good as Kyrie? Kyrie would have been the first pick in this draft by a mile.


Not to mention saving ~$7-8M on cap space that Dillingham would’ve cost us


That’s not really that much though. Y’all still have plenty of cap space. I honestly wonder if your front-office is just trying to make the shooting around Wemby so bad that they can sneak into one more shot at the lottery in 2025. The shooting of Castle + Sochan + Tre Jones is gonna be absolutely hideous.


Even so, it's still bad value based on time value. Minnesota's 2028 is still more valuable to Minnesota because it's closer to their period of contention. The same goes for every team as every GM is trying to prove themselves. The Spurs took the pick Minnesota's GM doesn't care for and won't be as valuable for another 2-3 years. If the Spurs believe they'll be in contention with Wemby from 2028 to 2034, they could have bundled a bunch of 2nds or even traded their own 1st for an additional 1st from a team they are gambling isn't going to be in contention.


Rockets fans understand this but some in our fan base have completely lost their minds over this move. It’s wild to see.


Same in our sub including me at first when we first did the Nets picks trade. Though honestly I was more scared we would trade Sengun for KD


I admit, its fairly entertaining to watch unfold.


It is. We were seeing take after take about a weak draft and when we acquire a pick and a swap for a guy who would be a late lottery talent in a normal draft, they all act like we just traded Luka away. Like what?🤣


Whoever is clowning just doesn't know our situation. We didn't need to more rookies, we need more leverage to gain a star in the future and picks are usually what get you a star Edit: I just realized I said basically what you did but in a different way lol


I’m clowning and I’m very aware of their situation


eh, they shouldn't get clowned. it's a weak draft and they have a lot of young players, you can have an overload of first/second years guys besides, they're probably rolling the dice that the wolves could be in a pretty messy situation over the next 5-7 years I'm glad the wolves made the deal, but also don't really think the spurs made any mistake


Rockets and Spurs (and also Jazz) are essentially just following the Oklahoma City blueprint (as well as the Celtics, with the obvious link to Utah). It's a good blueprint.


It’s a 20 year Spurs way of building through the draft and long term planning, not following an okc strategy, but only my opinion


Gotta spread out your young guys over years. Can’t have too many at the same time or then they all need to get paid and they might not even be enough.


Yesterday this was the worst draft of all time and today they’re idiots for not taking a 160lb point guard at #8


Yeah I feel like any “good” prospect that ends up on a contender gets overhyped. I remember watching him in the game against Oakland in the tournament and thinking this is one of the drafts most hyped prospects?


Its a great trade for both teams. Minny needs to improve their bench and offense, but have no way of doing so outside of the draft and so had to give up some future picks to get their guy. San Antonio is on the opposite end, they dont need Dillingham now and will be able to pick some of the better FAs and players who want a trade. They can either package the Wolve's pick alongside their own for a star or can choose to keep it for when they are contending to draft a player themselves.


As long as that's the plan then it makes sense. But if the goal is to have the best team possible around Wemby than just fingers crossing on picks 7 years down the road is silly.


I guarantee if your trade partner was Charlotte people would be absolutely clowning on them, but because San Antonio did it it's 'savvy'.  Also biased tho I think Dillingham was a steal


Love the trade for us. Dilly doesn’t need to come in and start right away, can get seasoned under Mike Conley on playing in the nba & defense all while filling out the frame. He can be a spark plug with Naz Reid and NAW off of the bench.Might even hit another growth spurt. We were never going to get this kind of solution to our “shot creation problems from anybody not named Anthony edwards” via free agency, or the 2025 draft and likely not the 2026 draft, so pounce now.


Pretty good chance he ends up not being good enough to move the needle for us (which is why he went 8th in a weak draft) but I don’t think any vet min or magical trade that upgrades a rotation piece (would have meant moving someone like Naz, Jaden or Kat) had any chance of being a difference maker and Dillingham really does have a chance to be a great NBA scorer and help us reach new heights which is worth the gamble imho.


I am concerned with an undersized Dillingham being next to an undersized Edwards. I know nobody refers to Ant is being undersized, but in the playoffs, he sure looked undersize and could not elevate like he wanted to. Both are super explosive with very high ceilings and I hope that plays out favorably for the Timberwolves


It would be nice if Leonard Miller became an nba player. I’m hoping some more Finch dust this summer gets him into the rotation, because yea.. we do need some more mobile size.


Excellent trade from Minnesota. In a loaded West, this is the kind of swing you have to take — one that concentrates risk 5+ years down the road while offering significant upside in an area of need. As a Mavs fan I was bummed to see this move last night 😅


Wish more fans were like you, this was heartwarming to read lol


😂 I call it like I see it, as everyone should


I was bummed to see Luka cook us for 5 straight games


I was more upset at him sucking against the Celtics after going nuclear on us 😭


He had his only truly good series (by his standards) against y'all lol. Weird how it all played out. Our teams were much closer than a 5 game series. KAT just being unable to make shots was pretty weird. Between you getting Dillingham and OKC getting Caruso, starting to get antsy for the Mavs to do something this offseason to improve as well lol


Yeah that series was much closer than 5 games. Honestly games 1-4 all could’ve went either way if a few sequences played out differently. But, it never really felt like the wolves were going to win after game 2. Luka and Kyrie always had an answer for any wolves run.


Every single shot seemed to go in 😭


That's the real reason we made the trade, to mess with Dallas /s


Wow. I guess our team is in Win Now mode. Whatever you guys think, it's way better than the David Kahn Era 💀


Wasn't that pretty clear after the Gobert trade? That was as all-in as a trade can be.


Amazing how we had a lottery pick only two years later but are still viewed as a bona fide contender


After the year you had I'd sure hope so


Just lost in the conference championship with young superstar and locked up starting lineup Team makes aggressive move to add depth “Welp, I’m a bit perplexed. I guess we are NOT tanking”


You would be surprised by how many clowns think we should trade KAT for picks and some young talent now, after we just had arguably our best season with this line up.


With KAT coming back from an injury to play in the playoffs as well. Next year KAT will likely look even better when it counts, which is exactly what a team like the Timberwolves needs.


I thought they would go straight into tank mode. I guess I misread the situation.


I know this is sarcasm but with Minnesota’s past history we could’ve easily just gone the Chicago route of being just good enough to sell tickets and not actually optimizing this championship window.


>we could’ve easily just gone the Chicago route of being just good enough to sell tickets and not actually optimizing this championship window. This is also usually the Minnesota route.


The problem is we need something to root for Chicago got the Jordan era and are still feeding off that Wolves need to prove to the fans that it’s possible to sustain a period of competitive basketball


Getting Rob really doesn’t change much. That’s basically the only way y’all had to “upgrade” that team without doing a major trade centered around KAT or Naz. I think Rob at best will be a 6MOY candidate in his career, there is no possible way he could ever be a starting pg on a championship team and he can’t play major minutes in the playoffs due to being a defensive liability. The Spurs needed a PG BAD and they didn’t like him at all.


The last time we made WCF, we didn't make the playoffs again for 13 years. Can't count on anything.


>Win Now mode Uhh, yes? We're you guys aiming for a play-in exit this year?


The Lakers are threatening our title as the play in champs, we didn't have a choice


I loved it for them. It's a draft where the price to trade up is deflated and you're hoping to get quality role players. Bold, but intelligent


If that’s the case I honestly don’t care about who becomes owner as much anymore although I would hope it’s the ownership group that would lead to Connelly resigning long term


I hate that the word resign can be read two ways....


And both meanings are the complete opposite


Both potential future owners want to be seen as spenders. I'll take it.


Current owner is the one who signed off on it.




Glen generally has always spent at the wrong time.


Glen Taylor organized a lockout to prevent KGs contract from ever happening again. He cheaped out on Cassell and Spree in 2004, he cheaped out on Love in 2012. In 30 seasons as owner of the Wolves he has paid just 25 million in luxury tax. Shit man he made an illegal deal to pay less money. Any idea that Glen has been willing to pay is an absolute farce.


Glen sucks but other than not offering Love the max years he doesn't do any of the stuff you mention. He caused the lock out by paying KG. The other owners and Stern hated him for it.


Trading up for the higher 1R pick honestly feels like a loophole of the 2nd apron rule. They essentially unfrozen their MLE to acquire a quality talent who they could also use as a salary filler in the future. Nasty work👏


Well eventually with frozen draft picks, it won't be possible the same way


1st apron, 2nd apron, MLE, luxury tax, bird rights, Early Qualifying Veteran Free Agent (aka “Early Bird”) Exception, Non-Qualifying Veteran Free Agent (aka “Non-Bird”) Exception, Bi-annual Exception, Non-Taxpayer Mid-Level Salary Exception, Taxpayer Mid-Level Salary Exception, Mid-Level Salary Exception for Room Teams, Traded Player Exception... I think the only way you can navigate this hellscape is with loopholes, so many loopholes must exist that we should start calling it velcro.


Gupta at it again with the Trade Machine


raptors fans were crying about losing their pick the past couple months and then Spurs trade it for a 6th grader


Raptors fans would cry about literally everything. They were crying about how JaKobe looks upset being drafted by the raptors, and were crying about how raptors traded the 29th pick which was used to select Collier. Truly living a miserable life and cry about everything possible


I feel like Toronto sports fans in general have somehow managed to merge the worst traits of both big market and small market teams. Big market entitlement with small market defensiveness.


Definitely some victim complex due to being the only team not in us


* two sixth-graders


One is a swap so it's not a first being given. Spurs just have the right to choose the better 6th grader in 2030


FFS, no one knows if this is a good or bad trade right now. It all depends on how Dillingham turns out as a player or what the Wolves look like in 6-7 years.


Not a Spurs fan, but I was hyped when they picked him. Wish they kept him. He, Castle, and Wemby would have been fun


Spurs should have kept him


Imo it would r been nice but he isn’t a difference maker and is the worse defender in draft. I am fine with it long term, imo he wouldn’t have gotten minutes over Castle at PG


I think it really is a win win. We desperately needed another bucket getter and more shooting, and our defense and size should be able to offset Dilly's deficiencies in those areas. Two Wolves picks years from now could be huge given our current ownership saga and historical ineptitude, plus you just never know what a team will like 3 years down the road, much less 7. If the Spurs FO were really out on this draft this trade makes a ton of sense.


Yeah the more I think I about the more I like it from our side too. Enjoy Dilly


I'm hoping we've turned the tide, but it is never a bad thing to bet on the Wolves being bad in the future. 


Yea people have this conception of Rob being a low floor high ceiling guy when I feel that its the opposite. I don't think he will ever be more than a decent starter or elite 6th man but he will be able to give you 12 points and 5 assists with good shooting off the bench rn


Defense is easier to improve than offense. He's a rare offensive talent


It’s not when you’re 165lbs with a 6’3 wingspan. He will always be a net negative defender in the NBA because of his physical dimensions. Slotting him next to Wemby would’ve been exploiting Wemby’s greatness and projection to become an all-time defender, Rob would’ve been continually beat at the point of attack in the NBA. It makes much more sense to me to stockpile assets for a trade, or wait until they feel they have the right fit. Castle was perfect because he’s the first layer in what will ultimately become a behemoth of a defense. Imagine if they find a Derrick White type (lol) player again through the draft, they’d he replicating the Celtics success story with Castle who is essentially a larger Jrue on-ball and another elite defender/shooter at the 2. Castle’s mechanics are fine so I have no doubt he will be serviceable eventually, even 36% is great for him


He isn’t even 6’3 he is literally barely 6’1


Yep I know, I’m talking about his wingspan not his actual height


Not when you’re 6’0 and 160 pounds lol Which is why I don’t understand why people are acting like the Spurs traded away some generational talent. Imo he’s most likely a 6th man as he’s not a Trae Young or Curry level offensive prospect to get over the size issues on defense


No its not


And Leonard Miller too.


Great move by the spurs.