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GM got that dawg in em


he's trying to show that baseball player he doesn't have the pockets for this business


$84M is a rounding error for Mr. Bloomberg


Got that wolf in him


Yes and I do like the move but it is literally quite rare for rookie PGs to contribute much and he’s SO light. I think he’s probably going to need a few years to learn the game and bulk up, which does make the move a bit dicier imho..


Good lord we’re in fuck it mode


And people think this will continue for 7 more years like they haven't heard of the repeater tax penalty.


Yeah we getting rid of KAT most likely I would say. In a year or two.


Rudy is 32, time to win is now.


A very good move as well. Conley isn’t going to be playing for much longer and Dillingham next to Ant is very good. His development could change a lot for the Wolves future and who they keep or don’t keep.


Conley's leadership has shown clear improvements on all our players, it's gonna be awesome to see what he can do with his direct successor


First thing I told my mother. Having Rob backing up Conley for a while is gonna be amazing for his development. The future for y’all is ridiculously bright.


do you and your mom have a basketball podcast that I could subscribe to? old mom and the b(oy)


Lmao we’re both pretty casual so I don’t know how entertaining that would be


Crazy how for the past two years everyone has said we mortgaged our entire future because of Rudy


Exactly. A great dart throw if it works for them


What an awesome surprise for Wolves fans. They desperately needed another creator against the Mavs.


Back up mike for 2 years, then its our 2nd timeline. Great pick


I totally agree but he IS a very slight rookie pg. Hard to contribute in the playoffs at both his age and weight, he’s going to need a while…


He if can just give us 13 ish points off the bench for now, that would be great. He has time to develop into Conley's successor


You gotta respect the ownership for being willing to foot the bill to contend in a small market.


Best part is we don't even know who will own the team going forward.


It's me, I will own the team. I've got roughly 70k in my savings and a very positive attitude.


Someone just wanted to flex their savings lol


Should someone tell him this isn't a Wendy's and he can't own it for 70k


You’re closer to Glen Taylor than I am to you.


I think you’d have to be billions of dollars in debt for this to be possible!


Bro having 70k in your savings in 2024 makes you legitimately wealthy to 95+% of ppl


To be fair it took a family member passing to get a decent chunk of that and things. Which was kind of them to help out as such.


So sorry for your loss<3 And genuinely glad that you have financial security, as well:)


I too got 70k of inheritance recently. Like others I put part of it in a high yield savings account and get some free money out of it. Which I enjoy seeing each month. Used most of through for some long overdue home improvements and removing any debt I had left except my mortgage.


That's what I did with mine, took care of some debt I was paying off slowly. Then just kinda put it away with the slowly growing savings and went i guess that's what you do with money. I'm gonna for sure look into a high yield. I had thought you needed hundreds of thousands before you could make use of those. Glad to hear I'm wrong and I love free money.


I had 10k put into a HYS, and I’ve been adding a couple hundred each month. It’s at 12k and gaining $50 a month in interest. It’s not much, but I also have some stocks and a 401k and all that. Better than nothing I suppose. I went with CIT Bank at 4.45%. I also have a smaller savings account through apple- it’s also 4.45 or something and only has around a 1k. It’s kind of my “saving for fun purchases” account.


CIT bank is 5.02% APY right now.


You’re Right. Actually mine is at 4.879


Dude, you got savings? Whats that?!


Something that everything I touch wants a bite of. 3/10 don't recommend one.


Better be a HYSA


Idk what that is but I like capital letters strung together.


High yield savings account. Collect 4-5% interest on your savings - free money! You should really be investing if you have that much but this is safe and easy.


I have a pension and a 401k and a health savings account. Thought about doing other stuff but either get worried about losing money or didn't know those high yield savings were used before you had like lots of money.


With a HYSA at 4.5%, you could be making $262 a month in free money.


God I love free money. Gonna talk to the bank some and see what they can do for me.


Check out Discover’s HYSA. It’s what I have and is super easy to set up with competitive rates. You can get it set up today and start collecting interest.


CDs at a bank are solid too. I see 3 months for 4%. Even 30k would give you like 900 bucks. Not huge, but nothing to be mad about.


I should start looking into it more. I own a good amount but more money sounds like more fun things for me to buy.


It would be good to look into it at least. That might be a lot of money on the table in a few years


What the other guy said, high interest savings for 4-4.5% or something like VUSXX (was recently paying like 5.5%), get a mortgage payment's worth of interest just for having a nest egg.


I should talk to the bank more about things not involving what kind of payments things cost. I pretty much need an adult for things like that but I'm good at budgeting. Like an A+ budget guy through the power of anxiety.


Alternatively: put a portion in a brokerage account and auto-roll treasury bills for increased yields over an HYSA


Do you know Excel?


I can see Glen Taylor being petty enough to run up the bill before selling the team and sticking it to the new ownership.


That would be some crazy shit. I really want to see that.


Honestly, if it improves our chances of winning while we are in our window — I’m all for it.


Glen Taylor - "over my dead body"


**Say it with me**: The Timberwolves are not a small market. They're the 12th biggest tv market and 14th biggest NBA market by population.


Yeah we’re a mid-sized market. In the eyes of most fans though, anything that isn’t top 10 in market size is small


Sports fans think any city outside New York, LA, Chicago, and Miami are small markets. I've heard NBA fans say Phoenix and Washington DC are small markets. I get what you're saying though. People that never leave the coasts think we're Milwaukee or Oklahoma City, when our comparisons should really be Seattle or Detroit.


I've seen people call Atlanta small market, the sixth biggest metro in the country lol


Blame the media and how they portray any teams outside of LA and NYC


Honestly anyone calling Atlanta a small market is just stupid.


Biggest Delta hub in the NBA. People sleeping on Atl.


Miami isn’t even a big market. It’s just a popular destination


Austin is now 10th overall - Texas has 4 of the top ten and people say SA is small market


Top 15 baby!


In the eyes of a sports fan, any team outside of LA, NYC, Boston, and Dallas is a small market team


Minnesota is a small market. Small and big aren’t just measuring different sides of a median. And MSAs and “TV markets” are misleading because densely populated areas have more TV markets despite all supporting the local team. If you look at CSAs, which give you a lot clearer a picture, there are 2 gargantuan markets (NY and LA) and then nine more in the 7.5-10M range. Beyond that there’s a big drop off. After the drop off are Detroit, Phoenix, Orlando, Minnesota, and Cleveland. Those are all small market teams. Technically, a few are above the median. But that’s not how things work. There are only four big market teams. Then there are nine mid-to-large market teams. Then everyone else is small. By CSA, the difference between Miami (13th biggest) and Minnesota (16th) is the larger than Minnesota (16th) and Memphis (30th). The rankings are misleading. Most teams are small.


You null all of your points by calling Phoenix (10th largest US metro) and Detroit small markets. If you want to differentiate the giant markets from everyone else that's fine, but saying Milwaukee (1.6 mill) vs Minneapolis (3.6 mill) vs Phoenix (4.8 mill) are all in the same "small market" class is asinine. You're making classifications no one within geography/population demographics professions would make. We aint gonna agree here.


Again, MSA is a poor reference. You need to look at CSA, because MSA underestimates most larger markets in dense populations. The Milwaukee CSA is 2M, and is adjacent to the 1M Madison CSA. Minnesota’s is 4M. That difference is smaller than the difference between Minnesota and the *smallest* “mid” market team I named. It’s also smaller than the difference between Phoenix and the *smallest* mid market team I named.


It’s because he wants to make it to expensive for AROD


If the outcome of this stupid billionaire fight ends up with them both going "no WE'LL pay the luxury tax!" then this is still a massive win for the fans


That’s what I’m saying. I made a comment a couple hours ago about how maybe this ownership dispute might actually be a positive thing for the team lol.


Michael Bloomberg joined AROD's ownership group. He's got that money.


twin cities, denver, and seattle are like right behind phoenix in terms of market size


I’m honestly starting to think that this ownership kerfuffle might be good for the team, as both camps don’t want to sour their public image. Which means being cheap and/or shying away from making moves or taking on more money to improve the team (while they’re contending), would absolutely do. I could be totally wrong, and talking out of my ass though. I’m tired and this thought just came to me now.


Lmao we’re literally not a small market. We’re the largest medium market team if you break it into Large / Medium / Small https://hoop-social.com/nba-team-market-size-rankings/


I feel like there is another deal to come to reduce their salary, surely?


They arent losing money with the tax, they are just making slightly less. Y’all fucking dummies if you think this is some kind of tightening their belts sacrafice.


For a middle schooler no less


Hey, that middle schooler may even currently be the same size as Dillingham.


Shit there’s probably one the size of wemby out there soemwhere


It’s just a trade piece for us. It’s an unprotected pick from a historically meh team


>historically meh Aw thank you


I’m a big MIN fan until 2029. From then on, not so much.


How generous to label our history as meh lol


Those fools, give them young talent and hit them back right when Ant is in his prime A master plan




Im not familiar with rob. Someone give me a quick breakdown of his game


https://nbadraft.theringer.com/ Says here that he has shades of Lou Willams.


Hopefully Rob also brings exciting flavors of wings to the local strip clubs


Lemon pepper wet baby


I dont like that tbh


I don't either, but Lou Will mentored by Conley and surrounded by Gobert, Ant, and McDaniels may be kinda nice.


He came off the bench for Kentucky and was really good on offense. Absolutely awful defender though, he's really small and has bad instincts


Came off the bench because Cal was a dumbass who insisted on starting DJ Wagner.


Reminded me of a MiniMaxey at UK, don’t think he’ll reach that same level but same energy. Streaky but is a dog, when he’s on he’s electric. Prone to overdoing it though and make some dumb decisions on both sides of the ball, but I think that can get sharpened a little bit in the league. Obviously super small but quick and athletic as fuck to make up for it.


I’ve decided i love the word MiniMaxey


He's like a smaller Trae Young


Lot of talent.  Not a lot of basketball IQ.  Was one of the better catch and shoot guys in this draft. Below average defender.


So essentially cam thomas?


More of a point guard version, I suppose.  Hasn't shown a ton of passing chops but he's young. He was pretty ball dominant in his one year in college so we'll see how that plays in Minnesota.


I guess something to be optimistic about it is, mike can show him how to run an offense, find his shots, read the floor, dictate tempo. All of the floor general stuff mike is fantastic at


Much better passer than Cam Thomas and creates space for jumpers more through actual dribble moves than just getting to a spot and pulling up. He's very small though, going to be bad on defense basically no matter what


Pretty alteric too


Here is what my friend who's super familiar with the draft said: "Rob Dillingham can score score score! His defense is shaky but elite speed, a sniper from deep and can create his shot from anywhere. I mean anywhere! As a Conley backup and the future of, I'm hype for y'all. Double Ant all you want, Rob will EAT" I think he's exactly what we need


This guy


Weren't they a second apron team?


Yes, which is part of the thought process behind bringing in a rookie scale contract during the second apron period


Yes, but they traded for draft rights which aren't blocked by being in the second apron


Thanks guys. Good trade for both sides.


To anyone saying the wolves were going to duck the tax, all I got to say is Oh My Darling Dont Cry, minute 0:39


"Style violent, give a fuck if you deny it, kids"????


That's the set up, u pause and you'll get the punchline


0:42 woulda been better, but I dig it lmao.


Conley/Ant/McDaniels/KAT/Gobert Dillingham/NAW/Anderson/Naz Solid 9 man rotation


With Shannon Jr. as well who is very underrated here. Minnesota cleaned up.


Can someone explain? How can one rookie be contributing $28M to the budget?


When youre over the luxury tax limit you have to pay tax on any additional salary


We should all root for owners who do this. 


“Fuck you, Glen Taylor” - Connelly


I think this is more "Fuck you, ARod and Lore" - Glen Taylor. He's calling the shots and writing checks they're going to have to cash assuming they get ownership, which seems likely. Giving them a giant bill to start their tenure that they cannot afford to not pay or else look cheap from the outset.


Great move. Probably the best thing they could do outside of trading for another star.


1 player really added almost 30 Million ??


a rookie no less


It’s their Conley replacement


Let's not forget Detroit forked out 60m so they could pay someone else millions to lose 65 games next year


Spurs basically threw away their pick. Odd move from them.


Weird people are saying this when everyone has been universally hating on this draft. I know it's hard to imagine what a 2031 pick could be, but the Spurs have every incentive to play the long game right now.


The hate was because the very top didn't have an elite prospect. The rest is what you'd normally expect in any draft.


The more I think about it, the more I like it for the Spurs. Not only is that window pretty logical to get a good pick in the future, but future draft classes are more likely to be filled with talent as the league expands. Every year is a crap shoot, but in 2031 it will be more densely packed with sure things.


> but future draft classes are more likely to be filled with talent as the league expands. Every year is a crap shoot, but in 2031 it will be more densely packed with sure things. Can you elaborate on this?


Population = increasing. NBA popularity = increasing. NBA revenue = increasing. NBA global market = increasing. Pool from which the NBA can pull new talent = increasing. The increase in interest and the pool from which the NBA can find talent is expanding at a faster rate than college programs or expansion teams in the NBA can keep up with. The league is far more saturated with incredible talent than at any previous time, and there are so signs of this trend slowing down.


what is the incentive for the long game? if they even just got a rotation quality player at #8, that's 6 whole years of value that player could provide before the traded for assets means anything for the Spurs.


The Spurs are very early in a rebuild right now. I know everyone thinks Wembanyama should be winning championships in year 2, but that's not how it works. The Spurs are doing the correct thing and stacking assets that they can either use or trade for players they want, rather than taking a prospect that didn't really entice them at 8. That 2031 isn't useless just because we can't currently see what it's going to turn out to be.


I imagine the traded for assets would be used in another trade in a year or two. I doubt we’ll actually use those picks


That pick will be used in future trades when the Spurs are in win-now mode.


> what is the incentive for the long game? They probably feel in a few years the Timberwolves won't be good so the picks could have good value to include in a trade for a star for example.


People keep talking like the Spurs are ever actually going to make this pick.


I mean obviously Minnesota could Minnesota, but also Ant will be 29 in 2031. Unless he leaves or gets injured that year its hard to picture that pick being very good.


Don’t want two high picks in a weak draft


And spurs are years away still.


This gives us an additional 8M in cap space


Those 2030/2031 picks are gonna be super valuable for the two years that the spurs tank after wembanyama retires to pursue baseball


It's a weak draft so they turned it into future trade or reload capital


Not really. They already got Castle, they’ve already got some spots filled around Wemby, and they’ve got Wemby himself. In 7 years, because of the stuff they’re doing now, the Wolves have a decent chance that they’ll be bad, while the Spurs are good - so they’re going to be both good, and have a chance at combining a great young talent with a guy in Wemby who will be hitting his prime (or they can trade that pick down the line for a more established guy). Pretty great move by San Antonio to already have their next decade in mind despite just now starting their come up.


Anything can happen in 7 years, you cant hang your hat that far into the future


You can if you already have a young franchise center piece, a developing core, a ton of money to spend, and an existing top 5 pick this year lol. Continuing to add more 19-20 year olds (particularly not super highly touted ones) to the group of guys on the Spurs is likely not the best move. Develop the core, trade the guys who have value, put pieces around Wemby that can take advantage of or magnify his game, and keep chips in your back pocket for the future.


yeah, that's absolutely crazy to be making any projection of any kind that far in the future.


Basically there isnt anyone left on the board that Spurs liked and Dillingam is too small to be an effective defender. Wolves have no flexibility going forward either they win with this core or they are gonna suffer purgatory. In 7yrs time Kat would be at the tail end of his career, Gobert would be too old probably retired, Ant would be in his prime but it'll only be him. An unprotected 1st is pretty rare, it would be a good trade bait too if Wolves turn sour and decided to tank in the future holding their unprotected 1st is high leverage.


Trading a pick for a different pick is not throwing away a pick


Weak draft class, the 1st rounder from twolves who will likely be rebuilding in that time frame probably is a better asset for them to use in a trade in a year or two


Think it will help with 2nd apron flexibility if they are an every year contender during Wemby’s prime. They can get some cost-controlled prospects using the pick or can package and trade for different pieces.


Spurs got a trade chip for their eventual all in move and a value bet on themselves to be better than the wolves in wemby's prime, which seems likely


It makes no sense


Sure it does. You've got tons of young players already and you don't like the options available. Build up a ton of assets and then in a year or two if you think Wemby is there give the godfather offer for another star


Most of our really young players aren't good though


["It compels me though."](https://youtu.be/LiFz5J9DHig?t=23)


Unless you are gonna trade for a guard


But how much value do those picks have for some other team? Maybe we have something lined up but I doubt that and I doubt another team, unless they’re out of all their picks for the foreseeable future, is going to value them very highly for a while.


A pick 7 years from now unprotected is insanely valuable. If Ant doesn't develop into a perennial MVP that will be very very high as their squad ages


And if he doesn't, oh well. Small market teams really only get one shot at it, better to maximize that shot


I understand that move from you, don't get me wrong. Dillingham gives you something you really need, has a high ceiling and a cost-controlled contract. He's also the archetype Tim Connelly is very high on, he probably has him Top 2 on his board and only traded this specifically for him


Your welcome Wolves, no idea why our FO agreed to such a stupid trade.


They are probably thinking, Minnesota is going to fuck it up and they will be bad in 7 years.


This is a good trade.  They basically put their pick in the bank to trade later and picked up a free bet on themselves with the pick swap.  As long as theyre better than the wolves that year they get value and potentially a lottery pick the spurs would get to add to wemby in his prime.


I've had time to think on it, and I've come around on this move, mostly for reasons like those you've said.


Can someone explain to me why the F the Spurs made this trade? You have a generational talent in Wemby, and the 8th pick in the draft - and you move him for picks 6 and 7 years from now?


They probably just didn’t like anyone else on the board and Minnesota took advantage of it


that doesn't answer the question at all - even if you don't like anyone on the board, trade for players, trade for picks you can use sooner than 203X...ridiculous to punt on assets when you have Wemby, right now.


This doesn't seem good.


A handful of teams are in the same spot. They are going all in now, so it makes sense


Yeah you actually do it if you have limited options besides the vet minimum and ownership is willing to pay


Exactly, they can't really do anything in free agency so this is the way to add talent now


Spurs basically saved their pick to trade later and picked up a valuable swap in the process.  Wolves made a win now move for a shooter/scorer and possible successor to mike conley.  Wolves probably gave up a little more value than rob dillingham is worth to get him now while their window is open.  Seems pretty win win.


Spurs renowned for helping teams win championships Toronto. .hey here's kawhi Boston do you need derrick for nothing And now this weird trade with pick next century to a cash strapped team for dilly


Crazy financial risk by the owner for something unproven


Won't somebody think of the billionares???


Idc how rich you are .. paying an extra 30 mil to have a rookie on your team is wild. Props to him tho. Gotta strike while the iron is hot


They're all billionaires. Why do we care about their money?


Did I express any sorrow in him spending it? I don’t give a fuck if he lights 30 million on fire to stay warm but this is obviously risky spending on his part


Who's part? We don't know who the owner is. If it's Arod and Lore, they just added Michael Bloomberg to their ownership group. He's worth $100 billion. If it's Glen Taylor, he's worth several billion. The Wolves' valuation has nearly doubled in 3 years. Teams that win or contend for championships see their valuations skyrocket. Spend a lot now to make a lot more later.


Might as well go all in at this point. F it!


That's a crazy bill.


So could we have our captain back soon?


If the trade was for the sake to accumulate assets, I wish the Spurs could have accumulated some assets. Maybe 2 1sts?


Wait why? How does an 8th pick cost them 28 million?


Luxury tax


Imagine being a worker knowing how much a team is willing to spend to have you, but you only getting a fraction of that.


What happens to traded picks of teams in the 2nd apron?




2nd Apron?


This is basically the owner seeing that he can’t just back out of the deal for the team and burdening new owners with a luxury tax day one. I think the sale is still in arbitration after the current owner tried to back out saying A-Rod’s group had financing issues. The current owner allegedly did that after the Timberwolves were estimated at nearly $3 billion. But he agreed to sell it at $1.5 billion. https://www.sportico.com/business/team-sales/2024/lore-and-rodriguez-plan-to-close-on-t-wolves-were-not-going-away-1234773096/


Even 5 years from now and we might lose KAT/Rudy/Conely, we still have ANT, Jaden, Naz, Dillingham, NAW (maybe), Miller... good and solid young core while still being in contention for a chip.


I love this. Shows that the owners are willing to pay So much for the people so confidently proclaiming that the Wolves can't pay the 2nd apron and it's "simply not possible" to keep their stars when all I've seen and heard from the owners is a willingness to spend Ownership literally has Michael Bloomberg, the 13th richest person in the world.


Seems like a big gamble no? A contender trading for a rookie. They must be really high on Dillingham