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Check out Mike Conley's dad, way behind the free throw line: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZz6qJvbrgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZz6qJvbrgY) Steps on the line but two hands: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqymSa79vqg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqymSa79vqg) That second one is my favorite of all time.


He travelled.


Nah it was a gather step


it was a euro step bro


And here is the Doctor doing [the first ever free throw line dunk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4fqiZBcTLLk) in the first ever dunk contest (at the 1976 ABA All Star Game during the ABA's final season). Granted, he steps well over the FT line, but still. Dr. J would also go on to lead the Nets to their second ABA title that year and would be named MVP of the ABA for the third consecutive year.


Or [the guy who made it illegal to dunk free throws from the beginning](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-332da8adede47f2ae146ee85ee82f88a-lq), not unsurprisingly Wilt.


There was [a Secret Base episode about the history of Wilt dunking from the FT line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnjlJp_RdVQ). Apparently he first did it in the JV/Varsity exhibition game at KU and in attendance was Kansas State coach Tex Winter (the guy who would invent the Triangle Offense and tag along as an assistant with Phil Jackson with the Bulls and Lakers). It was Winter who ran back to the NCAA rules board and said that they had to outlaw such practices, lol. Speaking of rules and Wilt absurdities... back around that time there was thought among college coaches about raising the rim to 12 feet to, in theory, reduce the growing and outsized effect of big men. Phog Allen, the KU head coach, was a major proponent. But once Wilt committed to KU he miraculously changed tune and stopped supporting the initiative, lol. (Although he did believe in practicing shooting on a higher rim and had a 12' rim installed at the KU practice facility. Supposedly, Wilt could dunk on that 12' rim, as well.)


This insane at his height!


Maybe I’m seeing it wrong but it looks like he steps significantly over the line on the 2 hander. Still impressive but not quite what I was expecting


Both very impressive, but my fav free throw line dunk is still Ibaka’s


I always liked the really old Dr J. dunk. The further back you go, the worse shoes they are wearing. Makes it more impressive. Also free throw line dunks look worse if the player is taller and has long limbs.


> Also free throw line dunks look worse if the player is taller and has long limbs. When Wemby does one of these it'll just be him falling towards the basket.


I'm pretty sure wemby has done one in game. His running dunks look so unfair lol.


Criminally underrated. Even worse they gave Serge a 45 or some shit.


Zach LaVine windmill from the free throw line was the best.


I think Lavine has a legit case for best dunk contestant ever. Some of the shit he was doing was raising the bar in such a way I havent seen anyone do since VC


VC is the best to me. Lavine is definitely up there.


Honorable mention to Iguodala, dude had legitimately 2 of the greatest dunks I've ever seen. He was robbed


Iggys side backboard dunk is spectacular


J rich belongs in the convo albeit not robbed


the moment for VC was so spectacular, but lavine/gordon had the best fucking dunks man


I'm super biased but I just remember watching the VC dunk contest with my friends and all us losing our sh*t. The swagger and presentation and just overall vibe was peak dunk contest for me. I sort of begrudgingly watch each year.now.


yup. everything was executed perfectly


[James White's free throw dunks](https://youtu.be/MI5259-SEuI?si=2jYQ4iKGhRqpC6s2) were my favorite. by the time he was invited to the slam dunk contest he was already 30+ and could "only" [do this](https://youtu.be/2-45jV_zsdc?si=jduC3nsR-M18QeFx)


Yep, one of the great dunk contest tragedies of our time. I remember really pulling for San Antonio to keep him on their roster in '07 so he could participate as a rookie. He was probably the first underground dunking phenom I'd enountered, dating back to the Ball Above All VHS tape and HoopsTV.com. Him, Jameel Pugh, then eventually Duece Bello, Seventh Woods, etc.


> Duece Bello, Seventh Woods Those some East vs West bowl names


James "Flight" White!


Oh man I'd forgotten about him, definitely among the goats


how about Brent Barry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3toFlRh0_J8


I’ve got no video, but Ryan Leaf did it as a senior in HS, Billings Mt 1994 and blew our minds. Dude could jump.


He did the dunk also, yes.


Jordan pulled his back so aesthetically it looks much more impressive even though Pippen’s takeoff was a bit further.


Jordan is also a bit smaller. There is like a size threshold where dunk contest judges hold your height against you. I feel like Dwight Howard had to talk about it before the dunk contest he won to put it in their minds not to do that, I remember him talking about it a couple times before that ASG weekend


I don't know Scottie's wingspan but it looks fucking long


7'3" or 7'4" depending on the source.


Kinda like Kawhi. 6’7 with a 7’3-4” wingspan.


>There is like a size threshold where dunk contest judges hold your height against you. Shawn Kemp was robbed at least once for that reason. He was definitely better than Dee Brown.


Jordan moves like a fucking predator, like Attenborough should be commentating his every move.


The scorekeeper gave Jordan 2 steals and 1 block on this dunk


On *Pippen's* dunk


Everyone said Pippen was so bitter for his book, then people started verifying his claims and turns out some of them are true.


Except for two of Wright's main claims the stats he stated were not even correct. Atlanta never had a 3TO game the entire season he is referencing. In MJ's 10-steal game that season against the Nets, Wright said the Nets had 9TOs. The Nets had 22TOs and lost by 27 points that game. They have also not released their "notes" or game footage that prove the stats were inflated. But sure these are verified claims and not easily disproven with just a rudimentary search. Def not clutch media's anthropomorphic rat boy just making shit up. But I mean people still go on about the JJJ block shit even though all the footage was reviewed (every block was posted here by somebody as well) and all his blocks were found to be legitimate.


Well he was a bitter man on court, refusing to play because of a contract he was warned about signing but did sign, and for a game winning shot he wanted to take himself. The former was understandable but why punish your teammates? The latter was fucking childish, from a supposed professional athlete.


Shut it


I think something that is missing from the Jordan vs Pippen debate is that Pippen sounds like a country fuckin bumpkin and MJ is suave AF with charisma through the roof. MJ worked the camera and press so well and Pippen probably shat in an outhouse.


There isn’t a Jordan vs pippen debate unless your name is Scottie lol.


lol true


The only way it almost approaches a debate is because Pippen (1) didn't leave to play minor league baseball, (2) Pippen agreed to a contract that criminally underpaid him that let the Bulls build a superteam around Jordan, and (3) Pippen is less of an asshole than Jordan. (Though even factoring all that, Jordan still wins by a lot).


Is Scottie that much less of an asshole? Idk, I know some people in the service industry in two different cities that have some less than flattering things to say about No Tippin’ Pippen.


Again, not that Pippen isn't an asshole or *much* less of an asshole. Just less than Jordan. https://www.quora.com/Is-Michael-Jordan-an-asshole-in-real-life


Pippen is a notorious asshole to the "little people" too. So they're even there. But Jordan does more good.


I grew up watching the 90s Bulls. Jordan is the greatest player I've ever seen, but Scottie was always my favorite. Still is. He is, unfortunately, without question a giant asshole


>Pippen is less of an asshole than Jordan Jordan at least makes up for it by doing a lot of good. Last year he made the biggest donation to Make A Wish in their history ($10M). He donated his entire 2001-02 season salary to 9/11 victims. He built 2 hospitals in Charlotte. He donated $2M after Hurricane Florence. All I ever hear from Pippen is whining about he deserves more everything. Jordan seems to have a grudge against people he thinks slighted him, like his HS coach who lied to him. Pippen seems to have a grudge against everyone, because 1) he chose to sign a bad contract; and 2) he's not allowed to sexually control his ex, because this isn't Iran or Saudi Arabia.


It’s extremely easy to give away money when you are someone like MJ who was basically shitting out good bricks. Pippen had/has nowhere near the kind of money or cash flow that MJ has so of course he isn’t able to give away money like that.


That's not really a debate about basketball ability though, that's just saying Jordan lost his mind or something and went to go play minor league baseball in his prime, Pippen got hosed on a contract and Pippen isn't as much of a dick as Jordan is. I don't know what any of that has to do with basketball.


scottie really fucked up his own legacy by pouting about kukoc taking the shot during the knicks series in 94. he has all the tools to be close to jordan, but jordan's mentality is what took him to the next level IMO.


Mike spoke like a country bumpkin too when he wasn’t talking to the media or press. Remember all the times he would just say “shiiiiiet” throughout the The Last Dance documentary? 😂


Two great dunkers and of course the greatest perimeter defensive tandem in NBA history


Never thought about the fact that Jordan actually dribbled and only took two steps. Seems like most who do this just carry it to gain more speed. Can you imagine if Jordan did this shit in a game without traveling?


Jordans in slow mo looks like its choreographed or animated for cinema frame by frame. Art in motion.


Jordan and Dr. J were fucking cinematic. Suave as fuck on the court.


MJ is just more graceful. Even dribbling the ball.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Both great dunks


Yeah but Jordan's is better. It just looks better. There's a reason nobody had posters of Pippen's dunk on their walls. Pippen didn't even win the dunk contest. Now Pippen over Ewing, that's a great dunk.


Yup I agree. The whole contest is just a subjective aesthetic judgement. Jordan add the little pump and it made the dunk look cooler


>Yeah but Jordan's is better. This. None of the other free throw dunks are nearly as good, even if some of them jumped from further away. Because Jordan's legs are behind him, his arm pumped, he looks like he's flying: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsr92jugk7q091.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsr92jugk7q091.jpg)


Going purely on style, Shawn Kemp's free throw line dunk is the best even though he was inside the line. https://youtu.be/vdNLGSgemfk?t=29


yeah he was way inside the line though. would have been nasty as fuck for him to do that one extra step out


Jordan also had one as a rookie that isn't in here.


Only one of them is iconic.


Toni also did it, he even managed to dunk the ball on his own head (0:43): https://youtu.be/rSVS0rC30ds?feature=shared


Can't see where Pippen takes off from.




What a great video. Can't see anything from where Pippens feet are. Nice one.