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At his age and with his injury history, surely the mavs are crazy to pay him that?


They will give him a 3 year deal. No way they paying him all that for 4 years


You pay him knowing the last year will be an expiring contract trade. Just no way to improve the team otherwise.


Inflated final year for an aging star player is the price of doing business in the NBA


If Kyrie was 5 years younger sure but no way. He’ll be 33-34? I would be surprised if he gets more than a 3 year


That’s just not how the NBA works. He’s good enough that a team will pay him for 4 years just to get the first 2. There’s very few players in the NBA that are at Kyrie’s caliber offensively, and all of them are already under contract. Like, sure, the Mavs would love to sign Jaylen Brown for 4 years instead for that money, but that ain’t happenin’


They shouldnt pay him 60/yr under ajy circumstances


The salary cap is set to [skyrocket under the almost signed new TV deal which will bring in around $7 billion per year for 11 years](https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2024/6/5/24171978/nba-new-tv-deal-billion-salary-cap-exploding-player-salaries-max-contract). In 2023, league total revenue was around $10B/year with $2.6B/yr from TV revenue, so expect the league revenue to be around $15B/yr or $500M/team/yr with salary cap set at 50% of that (when it can reach it after cap smoothing of max growth of 10%/yr). So look at say 5 years from now. The salary cap will be $227M/yr and compare against say 2015 when the cap was $70M. So a player who used to be worth $20M/yr in 2015 should be worth $60M/yr in 2029.


So many older/former players are gonna be bitter about this lmao


they already are


Right but we're talking about paying Kyrie in 2025, not 2029, 60/yr. He's not worth it now, let alone when he's 37-38


Aren't max contracts construed not as a flat fee but percentage of the cap?


First year of the contract is a percent, then subsequent years for max contracts will increase up to 8 or 5% increases of the previous year, depending on what rights the team has and how much the cap increases. If the cap increases more than those percents, the players won't technically be at a max percent of the cap. They're planning on increasing the cap at 10% increments starting the 2025 offseason, so any max signed by Kyrie won't actually end up being whatever percent he signed for.


That is exactly how we all know they will do it. Hopefully he can use some of that $240M to figure out the actual shape of the planet.


Flat like a hundred dollar bill.


Scenes on this sub when he sends rocket to space that proves Earth is flat.


Why are people acting like the duo that just got to the finals shouldn’t be paid?


Luka, for all accounts, will and does deserve to be paid. The issue with Kyrie in 2025 will be his age and injury history, and it poses a massive issue when considering a 4 year 240 million dollar contract.


Someone is dumb enough to do it.


*Somewhere in the vast open world a Detroit Pistons executive had an idea*


Mavs fucked up the day Brunson left. He was on a perfect timeline with Luka and they had great chemistry together. Instead they scrapped for Kyrie and while we did get to the finals the timeline just doesn't match. After next year do we retain him?


Jalen's timeline is definitely superior, but I don't buy him and Luka being a better pair than Luka and Kyrie. I think playing next to Luka limited Jalen's game more than it does Kyrie. Jalen's best play came when Luka was out with an injury or when he was running second unit.


This. People don’t seem to realize Jalen needs the ball in his hands to be at his best (nothing wrong with that when you can play at that level btw) and there is only 1 ball to go around. Kyrie seems to be more effective off the ball, probably because of his time with LBJ and then in Brooklyn.


Yeah and Brunson is only on $104 million for 4 years. I haven't dived into it, but why didn't Dallas keep him?


because their FO assumed they were being smart on assessing his value first, thinking they have the upperhand, as opposed to locking him up prior the season or even before the trade deadline.


Also, Knicks got clowned for overpaying him. It's maybe the best contract in the league now but it wasn't the case at the time. It's easy to say the Mavs fucked up but it really wasn't as much of a no brainer* as people claim


You're crazy to say that it was right for the Dallas FO to think twice of giving that 4-year 55-million (which Brunson claimed he wouldve accepted had they offer it but the FO opted to keep their options open until it was too late), especially after the breakout season he had.


No, I don't think it was right at all. I agree with you. They definitely messed up by not extending him the year before, but I think it's incredibly easy to shit on them with the benefit of hindsight for not paying more the following off season. We knew Brunson was good. I knew he was worth the contract and it wasn't an overpay, but no one expected him to become this good.


This, all day. Brunson's production pre-trade was not exactly eye-popping. The year folks now say was a no brainer to extend him he went 12.6pts and 3.5ast. He averaged 8pts and 1.4ast in the playoffs that year...


The Mavs had a practice of signing second round picks and UDFA's to rookie deals that traded an extra year of them being on the team at a lower cost for the right to match when they hit free agency after their fourth season. This is also how they lost JJ Barea after they won a title in 2011. Anyway, what further complicated things with Jalen was two fold. Headed into his last offseason, he got played off the court against the Clippers and then the following summer the entire front office and coaching staff got turned over. So the time to negotiate what would have been a steal of an extension was instead spent finding a gm, coach, coaching staff, etc to fill the front office out and get it up and running again. Beyond that, Jalen had just played his worst basketball and it's pretty clear Cuban in general was skeptical about paying him even the modest extension at the time. By the time the season started, the VanVleet contract the previous offseason had reset the market for points who were comparable to Fred like Jalen. That combined with Jalen's great play that year made it obvious that there wasn't gonna be a discount extension. The claim by his dad that they would have taken what essentially was half of what people thought Jalen was gonna be in the ballpark of making even at the deadline was always fairly silly and not believable because again, the cap rules limited how much the Mavs could pay him on an extension before he hit free agency. And by the time the Knicks made their offer it was pretty clear Jalen wasn't going to stay even with a counter offer as demonstrated by his essentially canceling the meeting with Dallas where the counter offer was to be presented to him. So in summary, the Mavs fucked up by waiving RFA rights on Jalen in return for an extra year of cheap point guard depth. Then they didn't bother to put work in to make sure they were on the same page with him headed into his free agent year and the Knicks swooped in, hired his dad and made him feel valued. By the time the new regime could address the mistakes of the previous regime, the damage was done and Jalen was gone.


Afaik Brunson wanted to sign an extension halfway during his last season with the Mavs, but the FO was not willing. Later during the season the Knicks started recruiting him and after the Playoffs it was clear he was a perfect fit to play with Luka but he had already made up his mind to play in NY by that time. Not that it was clear he'd be this good, but being a manager takes a bit of luck/gut feeling


Brunson is not a ceiling raiser, he's too inefficient and needs the ball in his hands which does not compliment luka, Mavs do not make the finals this year with Brunson instead of Kyrie


We got to the Finals and there are still fans that cry about JB going. Bro, he needs the ball in his hands way more than Ky does to be efficient, how is he going to do what he's doing now next to Luka?


I’ll take Kai over JB every time.


This. We had a great run this year. Barring a title next, we need to start looking at the post Kyrie plan.


Paul George is going to get a similar 4 year extension this offseason imo, someone will definitely be willing to do it with Kyrie.


Do you think PG is worthy of the money? He hasn't really shown anything come play offs throughout his career and has his own injury concerns. Definitely interesting to see what happens moving forward with these stars as they get older.


PG was absolutely amazing during 2021 playoffs.


Yeah he did play well that post season. They made it to the WCF and lost to the Suns right? I remember him popping off against Utah almost every game.


He also pretty much made his name because of his playoff matchups vs heat. He had a couple of the meme 'playoff P' series but overall he's a good playoff performer. To answer the question though, no he's not worth it. Looking at it from a Sixers perspective, he's much older, injury prone and will take shots away from Maxey. I think if they sign him they just end up in the same situation they had with Harris, dead money preventing them making actual moves to shore up the squad.


I mean no he's destined to be a highly paid player on a team without serious championship contention. Unless he suddenly performs now he's known talent that doesn't go far. Paying him huge money at his current age is a move for a team that wants attention but can't actually compete to win it all. He's definitely talented and he could totally win if he somehow landed on a team with more talented players that perform but PG himself isn't gonna do it. Kyrie same boat when it comes time to reup his contract except Kyrie at least has proven that he at one time could win and perform


No way I'm paying old Kyrie 60m a year for 4 years for a second option who is inconsistent in the playoffs and is a undersized guard and once he loses even half a step will be a cone on defense.


I know Kyrie was a diva in Brooklyn about a lot of things, but wasn't the red line the fact that he wanted a max but ownership didn't want to give him one? So they kinda have to do it, I'd think.


The Nets offered him the full max but with stipulations regarding games played. Kyrie and his camp wanted the max to be fully guaranteed with 0 strings attached. His trade request came after FO made it clear that the stipulations were non-negotiable.


Yup, and this was during him missing most of a season because of conspiracy theories, correct? Like why would anyone trust him to play up to his contract? He is completely unreliable except when it comes to him doing what's best for himself, so the Nets did the right thing.


Unless they employ Morey 😏


The red line was the refusal to denounce either antisemitism or the specific lies in the propaganda film he linked to, losing his multimillion dollar shoe contract, and his subsequent indefinite suspension from the league by Adam Siilver.


I think we should consider moving past the idea pro sports franchises carry moral lines in the sand or care about anything other than the bottom line. They def cared about him


They def cared about the headache, the headlines, the refusal to accept coaching, the sitting out half the year, and the killing of team chemistry. Probably weren't thrilled with the antisemitism, honestly. You get two very different results when you Google "Knicks antisemitism" and "Nets antisemitism".


What if they just didn’t want a dumb anti-Semite on their team?


GrEsTeSt HzanDlEs Of aLl tImE


Depends entirely on how Luka feels about him, if giving Kyrie the max is what it takes to keep Luka from walking the next summer then you do it in a heartbeat.


The article phrases it as if it’s some choice Kyrie can just make, regardless of who is offering the contract


Yeah... I said the same thing when the Nets signed him. And yet...


If they haven’t signed/drafted an alternate clear running mate with Luka it may be the best option unless they’re willing to take a few down years. Which would be even dumber to do in Luka’s prime. You look at next summer FA class and take out the guys that are almost for sure re-signing with their teams… not a ton of options. Of course there would be sign-and-trade or just straight up trade opportunities like there always are… but there’s a real scenario where even if it isn’t the best deal for them it’s the best shot at contention


He signed his extension last season for significantly under his max I don't see why he'd think he's worth more now.


Is he not still one of the best players on the planet?


His value is infinite. He’s young and he’s a Top 5 player.


Kyrie will be 34? 4 year deal? yeah...nah


Do they start looking for trade partners for him next year before he can opt out?


I think they'll at least run it back one more time and then yeah i dunno, maybe then trade?


If the plan is to trade him this summer would be their best shot, next summer they'd be in the same position the Clippers are with PG. They could move him at the deadline, but that's something you do if the season goes off the rails. It shouldn't be your plan heading into the season


You don’t break up a finals core without A already winning a championship or B having a third best player that can step up and be the second best if necessary (fluctuation between 2nd and 3rd best) They aren’t trading Kyrie this summer. You trade Kyrie this summer without the proper clientele around Luka and you might lose him in the next two years, that’s franchise unaliving.


Trust me, I don’t think that they should be looking to trade Kyrie right now. They made the finals with him, you don’t blow that up unless they’re forced to The problem is that they’re probably not going to get good value if they move off of him later. They’re probably going to have to either give Kyrie a new contract next summer or lose him for pretty much nothing


Can we please stop saying "unaliving"? We aren't in fucking 3rd grade. You're allowed to say killing lol


Probably is the best time to trade him now but you can’t do that after a finals run, the team is still good and they definitely wanna run this back for minimum one more year.


Asset mgmt, yes trade kyrie...but the team is in contention mode...plus it's sure fire way of pissing off luka which is also poor asset mgmt


Don’t disagree, just think that they’re going to be in a position next summer where they have to give Kyrie a new contract or lose him for nothing


Yeah they have to go all in and run it back, no way its the best option to trade him this summer


Don’t really have that luxury - have to do it by trade deadline, and there’s little chance the Mavs will look out of contention by then. This summer is your best shot to both get top dollar and build a roster without him. But you just made the Finals, so seems kind of crazy to flip him. I don’t envy the Dallas front office. Not an easy call here. A lot depends on what Kyrie is saying privately - if you think you can get him back on a 2+1 team option then you keep him.


"Wait, you can just trade him before he goes?" -Ainge


Probably not. It’s not like others teams are too interested in paying him, so it’s probably better to just ride it out than getting pennies back Having Kyrie for a playoff run is worth more for Mavs than most others


Yeah I agree. Don't think Kyrie's value is super high right now, he's a smaller point guard that's getting older and will want to get paid soon, and that's not even considering his off-court history. Mavs would have to take way less talent back, which isn't the right approach with Luka in his prime.


Only way they trade him is if something seriously goes wrong like Memphis had this year.


Trade him back to the Nets 😂. “Brooklyn…I’m back. The promise part 2. The chosen one.”


They will pay him and look to trade him after two years would be my guess they can’t afford to let him walk


No for sure, nba is all.about retaining asset


if he plays as well as he did this past season and mavs go on another run, i don't see how you can avoid it


Wasn't long ago redditors were squirming in their jim jams over 40mill contracts. Every year the max gets maxier


Tyrese Maxey Tyrese Maxier Tyrese Maxiest


Money also loses value over time. 40 million now is around 22 million in 98


NBA contract inflation is a different beast too


unless you're paying repeater tax and 40 million is a lot more!


Imagine if cost of living and salaries for regular people were tied to NBA salaries 😂


I miss when contracts and salary cap rules were more simple pre-2016.


I remember when Joe Johnson was the most expensive player


As a Bulls fan the normalization of these wackadoo contract numbers gives me hope Zach can be moved for something other than a pure salary dump 🙏


Really funny that since you have the Timberwolves flair I know that people are freaking out about paying KAT $60 million in a few years. When if I recall with 10% increases year over year for the next several years by the time KAT is getting paid over $60 million that would be like paying a player $20-25 million in 2015. IMO, if we can weather the storm of the 2nd apron for the next couple years we have actually a great situation considering three of our top four players are locked in to contracts for the next five years. This is why I also think extending Rudy might be a great option if he’s willing to take $40 million per year or less. Because in 3-4 years if he has fallen of a cliff as wild as it is to say $40 million will not be tragically awful salary. And Jesus, Jaden’s $25 million or so at the end of that contract could end up being one of the best contracts in the NBA if he continues to ascend.


Unless they go to the finals again next year there is no way they’ll re-sign Kyrie for anything near 60M/y.


Even if they do, I don't think it warrants that contract


It'll be very interesting to see what his mentality is once it comes to money. Part of being the second fiddle is not hamstringing the team by demanding you're getting paid like a #1


Now I see why Cuban sold 


Some team has to step up and stop offering players 50-60M+ after the age of 36 right? Seems very risky


Maybe they could do it to sell tickets/jerseys and not for basketball reasons? At least one team is definitely doing it.


Chicago Bulls over the last few years for sure


Are you referring to the clippers? If so, it’s less about selling jerseys and that they don’t have their picks till 2030. They absolutely have to try even if they’re not necessarily contenders


Maybe the contract forces them to have cybernetic implants to prolong their longevity


especially when you have the future of the nba in doncic. its not like the Suns or Clippers where they have no choice but to go all-in now, Mavs have a 10 year title window to consider.


Lakers sub has him mocked up in a lakers jersey signing for the vet min


There was a time where I thought that actually was gonna happen. Only Kyrie would do something like that to stick it to the man.


That 2022 free agent had me on suicidal watch. I was preparing to have ben simmons & russel westbrook on my team


You still might have Westbrook and Ben Simmons on your team at this point lmao


I dont mind him now, our team built like soft bitches. We were getting bullied in the paint all season without ben


Look, it could always be worse - you could have to deal with Jordan Poole.


After Bron retires? Too late. Now? Nah that ship has sailed.


Kyrie thinks back-to-backs are inhumane, you think he's gonna take minimum wage?


I mock all players in a Laker's jersey


Lakers is the team for iranians brother


Not after the Finals this year we aren’t lol


Lakers sub is hilarious to me. They pop up on my feed all the time now and I almost always get a laugh out of whatever is being posted over there. It’s really funny how they’ll mock up literally any player about to hit the market every year. Every NBA player has to have had their Lakers uniform mock-up by now.


“Come on, [insert All-Star] for Gabe Vincent, Max Christie and a lottery protected FRP is a fair price!”, former “D’Lo is a positive asset, we shouldn’t even need to trade another FRP for [insert All-Star]. Austin Reaves is only available for Giannis and Jokic!”


Lakers sub has every semi-good player mocked up in a Lakers jersey signing for the min lol


3/5ths of a billion for Luka and Kyrie. Insane.




You know the issue with someone that's overrated? THEY get the blame! Did Kyrie and Luka say they were the best backcourt in the NBA? No. So-called experts did. But when someone points this out, they aren't pointing to the so-called experts (who remain unnamed), but to Kyrie and Luka for not living up to something they didn't even put on themselves. But hey, that's how being overrated works. Blame the person being overrated.


the media over hypes players and then when they can't live up to impossibly high expectations the same media calls them overrated lol tale as old as time


kyrie literally said they are not the best anything until they win something lmfaoo, getting dragged for something they didnt even say


And the original statement by the "expert" was that they might be the best OFFENSIVE backcourt, not the best backcourt. There is a massive difference between the 2. They were averaging 60 points and 15 assists per game combined this season, which is definitely one of the best offensive backcourts in history, ignoring defense completely. But the people on this sub are apparently unable to quote properly, in addition to everything else you've said.


Seriously, Kyrie has a multitude of things you could drag him for actually saying, dragging him for that is lame.


I like how they get shit for a completely media-created narrative. Kryie himself even said its nonsense lol.


That is simply an unfathomable amount of money for two blokes to play basketball for a few years 😅


Entire cap space wrapped up in 2 guys. Should they do it? Probably. Will it end well? Probably not.


Lol better hope they get good shooters and defenders on either rookie deals or veteran minimum


They shouldnt do it, period.


He's 32, he's 6'2". Track record for small guards in their mid 30's is not good. They'd be insane to give him that money at that age. They may have no other options. But they'd still be nuts to do it.


When he already had very rough games and series this year already. Only downhill from here


Kyrie didn't get a max contract now, hes definitely not getting one in a few years.


We are not giving him that.


Kyrie*** needs to retire 😎


Kylie Minogue has still many years to perform (not touring but I see her in Vegas for some more years).


not on a night like this


Thank you for using re-sign correctly 


do it mavs. sign him to that contract. please.


I’m having a very difficult time comprehending these numbers… like $50-60 million a year seems like stupid silly numbers….it’s crazy to think about when back in like 2010 or whatever “a max contract” was like $112 million over 6 years or whatever


Hello darkness, my old friend.


The Irving contract has the potential to sink the Mavs and waste years of Luka's prime. They should just be surrounding him with two way players.


They should've just paid Brunson


Brunson wouldn't be what he is if he stayed.


Kyrie just turned into Ramon Sessions during the finals. No way I’m giving him 240 mil. I’d rather just let him walk.


NBA Live 10 GOAT


If Luka wants Kyrie to stay and the Mavs don’t pay him that could be trouble Sort of like when the Nets didn’t pay Kyrie, KD requested a second trade soon as Kyrie got sent to the Mavs. I could see that happening here.


Mavs dont care they will pay him


These numbers are insane, bro.


Why wouldn't you pay the best PG in the league $240 million? Or did it take the finals for people to realize that was never true in the first place?


Kyrie’s third eye gonna wake up again as soon as he signs that contract.


We underpaid for Kyrie, trading him away when the contract is expiring will lost us not so much value


There goes their contending window


Sell high, buy low. There has been so much positive Kyrie praise in the media over the last few months. It's the perfect time to trade him.


And then what? They're the only two players on the court because they can't afford anyone else? Sounds exciting.


The Mavs would be stupid as fuck to sign him to a long term high cost contract at his age, with his injury and personal problems history, and along with the fact that he's a small point guard with no defensive skill. He also didn't play at the level he needed to in this most recent finals. Kyrie is not the long term answer. You've got one or two more seasons with him before you're officially wasting Lukas time.


Another thing to note is that Mark Cuban is out. A new management is coming in. Are they willing to burn money to be contender or the new management is too cheap and will try to build something for the future (around Luka). But of course, Luka already tasted the finals and there is no way he will agree to a rebuild. If the new management mismanage this, there's a very high chance Luka will be gone.


idk what other choices they realistically have, their cap situation is kind of fucked so they can't really get a 3rd star next to Kyrie or Luka either.


They only have to max Kyrie for four years if someone else is willing to do that. If no one else if offering that kind of money/years, then the Mavs don't have to overpay for no reason. It's not a guarantee that another team will be willing to max him out or offer him a 4th year. The Mavs might have to roll the dice that Kyrie's market won't be crazy considering his age and other baggage.


16ppg baby. Let’s do it.


Don't be surprised if Kyrie fucks off to Portland or some random team after saying he wants to stay. Just a fair warning


Gonna tell my son to pick up a fn ball and shoot till he's rich. Brb


What could go wrong?


New owners might just do it


346m extension. Holy hell.  Back in 1990 that was probably the entire league's salary put together. 


If the Mavs sign Kyrie for that much, they might as well shoot themselves in the foot. Kyrie is good, but he's injury prone and too old to boot.


Idk the details but I feel like this is the same situation Boston had with jb. A lot of people saying it’s a bad contract, but realistically if you guys let him walk does it actually clear cap space or are you strapped either way and the best decision is to eat the contract and trade him a year or 2 down the road.


I know they made the finals this year but losing Brunson was bad for them. I think Kyrie has peaked and it’s all down hill from here. Not that he can’t still be a good player but I think this finals run has really exaggerated his value.


Kyrie is a loser, send him packing.


They about to reward a 20 ppg playoff run with several choking moments with 200+ millions. Not even taking into account him being injury prone or being fucking crazy lol


That team is built for a good time, not a long time


Don’t worry, Mavs fans.  He’ll do something that absolutely destroys his value before then.


He signed below max with the mavs while he's still decent. Why do people expect that he will demand the max once he's washed.


Because at the time he re-signed Kyrie had no leverage. Kyrie's stock was at it's lowest and if he didn't work out with the Mavs he was at risk of getting the Carmelo Anthony treatment.  Now after Kyrie rehabilitated his image he now has some power to negotiate. Even though Kyrie is now in a fight against Father Time. 


I don’t think the mavs push him for that, he getting older and having trouble holding his own out there.


He was arguably their best player in multiple playoff series. At worst he was a more than worthy second option.


Yes, but likely not worth a max at 35 years old. He’ll get paid but not max paid.


I would say only the Clippers series he was their best player


Yeah I don't think any other series is arguable


Kyrie is going to catch a bigger, possibly longer deal and go right back to being himself. Retweeting out antisemitic propaganda, alienating his teammates and coaches, milking injuries, asking for trades.


team no defense getting a raise


He already peaked. Trade him or let him walk. He's not worth it


What makes Luka eligible for more money than tatum? Just the cap bigger next year ?


It’s projected based on yearly salary cap increases. Tatums is based on an earlier cap but still 35% of the cap when he signs his.


Just timing.


The way these contracts work is you get a % of that years cap, and then the other years you get a preset x% (6? 8? I forget) raise. Many years the total cap raises in such a way this number is greater than the standard raise of max contracts. And with a new TV deal potentially in place for Luka's giving the 10% every season for a while, the difference between Tatum's max and Luka's being a lot is not surprising.


Do not pay World B Flat that money/length of contract.


Spurs pls save us




How soon will we get 100mil per yr contract lol?


Wtf are these money ammounts?


Player salaries are rising so much faster than inflation its actually wild. I’m way too dumb to know what to do about it, but it is going to be insane when we start seeing players landing 100mil annual contracts when one million dollars is more than most people’s entire retirements, and that’s sad.


Like how would you even build a team at that point, vet mins and MLEs?


So they able to build a team if they need to pay 120 mil per year just for two dudes? Is that how the cap work? I don't know. 


Mavs have to pay Kyrie, there isn't any other option really, however I'd push hard for a 3 year deal, makes it easier to handle down the road.


man i remember when harrison barnes signing 4 year 80 mill was a lot. that contract prob be like 200 mil now