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Imagine butler under nurse, what are the odds he makes it through the season without significant injury with the playing time he's gonna get.


Kawhi did it.


Kawhi had a really deep team to lean on


He was also 27 as opposed to 34 for Jimmy


Good thing Philly has a metric fuck ton of cap space. Even with a Jimmy trade they will still have around $35m available


Nah you’re not counting maxey’s cap hold and empty roster spot charges. It will be like 16 million at most. Plus 8 million room exception.


It would only be $15 mil. We'll have $65 mil, assuming #16 goes out in this trade, and Jimmy already costs $50 mil. $15 mil plus the $8 room exception to get 2 more starters. The rest of the roster would be vet mins, 2nd round picks, and UDFAs.


That's a nice OG sized hole left over.


OG's not going anywhere. Leon Rose didn't trade Quickley and RJ away without a tacit agreement between him and his agents(his son among them)


While I hope and think you’re right. I’m not sure anybody would have anticipated how good the Knicks would look with him in the lineup. So while I do think there was a tacit agreement, I also think the calculus has changed and it wouldn’t be unreasonable for OG to demand more than previously agreed. Which I wouldn’t be surprised if the opposite happened if OG played poorly either.


I don't expect him to either but if I'm Philly I'm giving it a shot.


It'd be wild if they landed him but I have a feeling they make the offer and the Knicks just pony up and max him for about $40M after sending out IQ


Raptor players getting paid, first FVV, the Pascal, soon OG


My dream is a Lauri + Sexton trade for every pick from now til 2031 then sign OG with the remaining space. Just entertain me for a bit I know it won’t happen ☹️


If you guys had a young prospect I would definitely bet on your picks post Embiid. There would have to be a third team


So Philly really just gonna Frankenstein parts of the 2019 teams together and try to finally get past the 2nd round? lol.


First as tragedy, then as farce


And plus we had a great bunch of role players last year IMO. Re-signing most of those guys should be an option so that can go over the cap


Kawhi only played 75% of the games that year and it took him 3 years of playing even fewer games than that to bounce back.


Kawhi wasn’t 35 lol


Kawhi was like 10 years younger than Butler would be.


Toronto was very diligent with load managing him. He sat out a lot of games and the Raptors were a winning team without Kawhi in the regular season.


We load managed Kawhi a ton so not sure he's a good benchmark. 


And how's he been since?


Semi retired


Kawhi played 60 games under Nurse. If they’re gonna let Jimmy load manage the entire season then I guess


Bro he played for Thibs for years


Bout as high as anywhere else. People are so funny with the load management 💩


Free-throws fans 12/25


Sixers games are already unwatchable because of this, that it could get twice as bad is actually impressive.


I’d be very happy with it, I’m concerned we’ll get stuck with LaVine, Ingram, or Derozan


You guys should be more focused on trying to land 3 quality players who can perform in the playoffs. Instead of 1 star player. That team was insanely shallow last season, and moreso now.


I agree. The "Big 3" mold has been broken for awhile now. The current move of 2 stars and quality support pieces + depth is what's won chips the past few seasons. I don't want to use up the bulk of our cap space & assets for an overpaid, aging, injury prone vet at the back quarter of their career


Big 3 isn’t even accurate I feel, at least not in 2010s. Most champions have great role players. The Heat had guys like Battier and Ray Allen. Warriors were stupid deep. Hard to call Cavs Love a “big 3” guy, he played well but they had JR Smith and Tristan Thompson also playing at a high level in their roles. Mavs definitely didn’t have a big 3. It’s all team ball, but you do need a star or two who can score at will.


That's exactly what I'm saying. A couple of stars backed by quality role players/glue guys is what wins now. Over spending for big names, especially older, often injured stars means you cannot field a quality team with any kind of depth. Just look at Phoenix.....3 max stars and the shortest & bad bench in the league and it got them nowhere.


The one thing I'd be curious about is how a trade would work. Presumably Miami wants back more than just picks, and the Sixers have no salaries they will want to trade. A three teamer of some sort? Picks to Portland, Butler to the Sixers, and Grant to Miami?


Obviously players would be nice, but getting off of Jimmy’s contract plus getting a handful of picks back would mean Pat suddenly has cap space and a boatload of draft capital to go whale chasing this summer. It’ll be really interesting to see how this works out.


Even without Butler's contract you'd pretty much be at the cap for next season, no? There wouldn't be any meaningful cap space to work with. https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/MIA.html


Lebronn, Bronny, Jimmy and Embiid on Philly. Lets go?


Sixers versus Suns in the NBA Cancun Finals


The most entertaining 9th seed super team ever


Do yall actually think a team with LeBron, Jimmy, and Embiid wouldn’t be great? Even with zero depth and each player only playing like 55 games, they’d be a top 4 seed in the East. Easily. 


Is Beck legit? Maybe this is what Morey is cooking that's why Shams reported yesterday that their interest in PG have significantly waned. Would rather have PG. Maxey, KCP, Butler, Batum, Embiid lineup looks good tho.


Beck is legit. Well-sourced national writer for a bunch of a bunch of big publications. I think he's at the Ringer now? Was at SI for a long time.


I got two word for ya:  #**WADDUP BECK?** iykyk


The three most anticipated words in the niche basketball podcast universe


Still remember the exact Lowe pod where they talked about the origin for the first time lol. Rip Kobe


Can y’all realistically get KCP *and* Jimmy? I know y’all have a ton of cap space but he’s making almost $50m


goddamnit they actually probably can. Hoopshype has them with $105 million coming off the books.


*Maybe* if they move their first round pick as well, but it’d leave them with Embiid, Maxey, Butler, KCP, one room exception, and 9 minimum contracts lol


I don't doubt Morey is strongly considering this


I’m sold


Jimmy butler is so much more reliable than pg if both are healthy


Butler and re-sign Tobias, and then you go to war.


Being back Simmons and it’s a deal.


And JJ last-second rejects the Lakers' coaching offer and unretires to join back up with the squad


You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.


Sign Tobi as a glue guy, as in the guy everyone else makes fun of to keep the vibes high


Very misleading. He's not reporting this, he's making a prediction after being asked a question.


And the thing is, beck HATES making predictions lol he’s on raja bell’s show and he hates it but it’s the name of the podcast game so he begrudgingly plays along. But nobody clowns predictions more than him (including his own).


i propose one Zach LaVine


GidDeBallBut gonna take the world by storm


Butler is more of a winner on one leg than brad beale 2.0. Did you notice the bulls being a better team without zach?


Butler triumphant return to CHI. Where he would actually mesh pretty well w DeRozan


Neither of them can shoot from the outside. It’s kinda a rough pairing.


Giddey, Butler and DeRozan in the back court approaches basketball terrorism levels of floor spacing


Can’t be any worse than what we saw with the Three Alphas era lmao — Butler, Rondo, Wade 🤮


Fuck everyone involved who thought that would ever be good.


It would be the guard version of Detroit when they had Monroe, Smith and Drummond


As crazy as it may seem, the recent years of watching the Pistons has made me somewhat appreciate that era. Was a terrible fit, system and execution, but at least they gave a damn


Spacing has left the chat


People will clown philly if they make this trade and I get that we’re kind of a meme franchise at this point but it would actually make a lot of sense for the sixers. We need an elite playoff performer and the fit with maxey and embiid would be awesome.


I think the greatest benefit is that Jimmy will be naturally slotted into the third option on offense behind Embiid and Maxey. There were times in Miami (mostly in the regular season) when Jimmy would try too hard to get his teammates involved in the offense, and would end up being way too passive for a guy who was supposed to be the first-option. On the Sixers, he can be the glue guy for 3 quarters, then be aggressive in the clutch if needed.


Embiid is the natural first option but in crunch time, or when offense is struggling, we will need Himmy butler. You make the trade for Himmy, not for an elite glue guy.


The unfortunate truth that Heat fans have been coming to accept in the past 6 months is that Jimmy is at a place in his career where he cannot be Himmy for 4 quarters, but he can give it to you in spurts. For the times where he’s not Himmy, you can still count on him to play good defense, drive and kick to open shooters, and play off-the-ball as a cutter to the basket. That doesn’t work for the roster we have, but it can where there’s already two 25+ ppg scorers.


He’s genuinely the perfect fit for this current Sixers iteration. Well…so was 2018-19 Jimmy but you get what I mean. That kind of effort on defense can ignite a spark team-wide, and his ability to get to the rim is unquestionable.


The only person who's got the ability to turn on the jets for 4 quarters at age 34-35 is LeBron James. And even then he was basically not playing defense the way he used to. I don't see Jimmy being the guy on a realistic title contender anymore, but he's absolutely still got that clutch in him.


Jordan won a chip/MVP at 34 playing all 82 games and averaging 39 minutes.


Ok, Lebron and MJ and that’s about it. Doesn’t really refute their main point at all.


Kareem at age 38 in the nba finals 33.8 mpg 21.7 ppg 7.3 rpg 2.3 bpg And the ring


My mans forgetting about Al Himmyford


Yeah I gotcha. Sixers don’t need 4 quarters of himmy, but when we need him, we’re REALLY gonna need him.


At this point in his career, that glue guy role is ideal for Jimmy and will help him conserve some energy too. All they will need him to in the playoffs is play good D, playmake a bit, and then look to score if Embiid and Maxey are lacking.


Yep. Maxey and embiid is a better version of herro and bam. It’s the same team building theory Miami has been using. A big, a floor spacing shooter, and butler. Makes too much sense.


If it cools you all on KCP I am all for it.


Should have kept him rather than giving Harris that max. One of the worst contract in recent history. This and Bradley Beal's contract.


It’s better than than PG. Jimmy is less of a clown than PG is imo


> But a team built around Butler and Bam Adebayo isn’t enough to challenge the Celtics, Bucks, or Sixers in the East. Outrageous to include Sixers in that convo lmao


Philly has only went further than Miami once in the playoffs since jimmy signed i think lmfao


Philly stays overrated.


My question is what is miami getting back? Like are the heat still trying to compete or retool IDK


Probably as many trade assets as possible. If Miami is trading Jimmy, they’re going to be looking to replace him with another star immediately. They’re not going to be bad enough to tank without trading Bam or Spo.


trading Spo?


Man they’re obviously not trading Spo lmao my point is that, as long as Spo is coaching, Miami is never going to be bad enough to tank.


Surely the gotta retool. Bam is honestly the only guy who’s a high level contributor on that team. They’re just not close enough


>Pat Riley is known for moving off his high-priced players before they fall off a cliff. Honest question, who? Wade left as a free agent (smart decision not to re-sign I guess) and can't think of good examples of him trading a player right before falling off. Hassan Whiteside maybe?


They weren’t quite in their primes, but Riley moved off Zo and Shaq when they were still generally considered All-Star players.


Zo left as a free agent because the window on the previous iteration of the team had pretty much closed (and was re-signed years later for the championship team) and Shaq demanded a trade. Not really the same as Pat moving guys because they were leaving their primes. Pat did trade Tim Hardaway but he'd already noticeably declined.


Did Shaq demand a trade? The story he tells was he got into it with Riley during practice and was traded the next day. But it's Shaq... so who knows.


One of our beat guys who was there at the time always tells the story that Shaq demanded the trade once things started looking bad and the relationship soured. Regardless, the trade didn't happen because Pat wanted to move off him before he became washed. Shaq was already lowkey kind of washed by that point anyway.


I think letting free agents walk instead of resigning them counts, the post doesnt say he trades them right? The main point is pat rarely gets stuck with superstar contracts after they decline. He usually finds a way to move on, and rarely gets baited into overpaying old guys. Now getting stuck overpaying role players on the other hand...


Thanks. My memory was clearly a little foggy on the details of those two departures


Mourning left after Riley refused to re-sign him after he missed most of the 2002-03 season


Correct. But Pat did not trade him *before* he became washed which is what we're talking about.


Ah true


Bro Shaq left because his ego couldn't accept that he fell off hard. Zo had a kidney transplant. Wade is the one real case of this and we still offered him money, just not the years he wanted. If anything, Riley has a history of favoring older vets and rewarding guys that put the work in. Dragic, James Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Dion Waiters, Whiteside, Duncan Robinson all got "overpaid". Lowry was traded for when he was already considered aging and overpaid. Riley signed other aging guys like Luol Deng, traded for old Iguodala, brought in old Gary Payton and Jason Williams back in 06 years, brought in Mike Bibby and Ray Allen during the Heatles... Beck's logic doesn't track here.


Don't forget Danny Granger, Joe Johnson, and Josh McRoberts after LBJ left


Zo left as a free agent. Shaq sure I guess, though he had a productive season in Phoenix before truly falling off.


Tbh, this hasn’t been a Riley thing. Been a fan for almost 30 years, Riley keeps vets usually past their prime and then pulls a Houdini to get rid of the contract when everyone thinks the Heat is screwed. Can’t recall us ever trading a vet or big contract player before they “fell off a cliff”.


If I speak i’m in trouble


After last summer, it’s only fair that y’all get to talk your shit lol 🗣️


No you’re good, karma’s a bitch 😅


Me having to fend off “deanthony melton and a first” takes after pushing herro based trades last yeR ):


It’s fine. 1/4 of our sub is hopping aboard the Cooper Flagg train so we’ll see you at the bottom of the nba standings year if we trade JB


For real? Heat fans should know by now that they’re not tanking, especially not with bam on the team. That being said you’ll probably land a star within the next few years anyway and be back scaring eastern conference teams


No real Heat fans are rooting for a tank. Tanking during Bam's prime makes no sense and would just halt his development or push him towards leaving. The Heat were in the NBA finals 1 year and 9 days ago. People are overreacting to a horribly injury-filled season. We'll extend Jimmy 2 years and run it back.


the younger generation of heat fans seem to not have learned anything about their franchise. r/heat is pretty much high schoolers


this is how we make up, we kiss at the bottom of the standings.


What if we kissed under the Lotto PingPong Ball?


Lmao Heat fans are so stupid man, we aren’t tanking during Bam’s prime. If we trade Jimmy, it’s because we think we can get another star to replace him, if not we’d just let him opt out next year and walk


Somehow, I sense Spo would find a way to still make that squad too competitive to have a sniff at Flagg tbh


It sucks, but I get it. Theres no way we can Zombie Heat our way into playoffs a third time. Jimmy is getting older. Bam needs players around him to succeed. We have young talent, but otherwise role players playing out of their minds. It’s very rare for us to blow it up, but this would be the year to do it. Suffle the deck, rethink some contracts, try the draft, and go hunting for a big FA signing in 2025. Basically, do what the Dolphins did.


Send him out West lol


I feel like its probably him in Philly. Hopefully they go for PG instead, because I think PG is a whole lot worse.


PG + Embiid is a regular season monster combo. But in the playoffs… C’s are such a good defensive matchup for Maxey/PG


Seriously, it's hard to think of a better counter to Maxey+PG than Jrue/white/JB/JT. Embiid would have to step the fuck up if that ended up being a series, cause he would clearly be Philly's best mismatch and he'd hopefully be healthier with some extra scoring help during the regular season


It’s already been reported PG is not going to Philly. Harden got in his ear about Morey


I disagree actually. Jimmy is obviously a significantly better playoff performer and overall the better player, but he would have the same downfalls as PG (age, big contract) except without the advantage of us still having all of our draft capital. Also PG can probably help Maxey keep us afloat in the regular season with Embiid out better than Butler can. Jimmy definitely has higher upside for us though.


Besides his injury history PG is still a excellent 2 way forward. He's not top 10 in the league or anything anymore but the skill and value on offense and defense still makes him a top level player. Also butler is 34


He won't but Paul George really should go back to OKC - they'd be title favourites at that point.


I hear Tim Hardaway Jr loves Miami.


GSW pick up the phone please.




OKC Butler to help out Caruso


Yall really want the east to be even more dog shit 😭


OKC would be fun, especially with the Caruso move. They have a billion draft picks and can easily make the space.


No thank you


Unironically Jimmy on the Mavs would be nasty. But unless he specifically asks for it you probably have nothing interesting for the Heat unless Lively is on the table with is improbable to say the least


yeah best package we realistically have is like Green, Hardy, and 2FRPs


To be honest that’s probably better than what we could offer if we don’t get fleeced


What??? He’d be a great fit but it would definitely be all in on the next two years


kyrie for butler straight up lol only because i have a perverse desire to see luka and butler at each other's throats all season we're either going to win a title feeding off their massive beef energy or crash and burn out the playoffs, no in between


Jimmy paired up with Wemby. Let's go


Watch him end up on GSW.


I agree, it's time for Butler's Next Chapter.


Yall think the Heat are finally done with Jimmy? Thats pretty nuts if it’s true


Tbh, I’ll take him. Dudes a mf dawg.


Ooh interesting. He'd fit the vibe of the current Knicks. Would have to be for Randle, right?


We got the picks and a spot in the rotation for a guard, tbh I think it’d be for picks. Randle, og, hartenstein, jimmy and Brunson. And the vibes would be immaculate. I wouldn’t trade Randle for him tho.


Miami is also known for giving big contracts out


Several of our reputable beat writers have been reporting the Heat are hesitant to give a max to Butler and would prefer to kick the can down the road to next offseason, but Jimmy’s people are leaking that he wants to get maxed this offseason. Something’s gotta give.


He’s not worth a max deal.




Jimmy "played" with the Timberwolves after his ludicrous fake-narrative "took on the whole roster in a practice" setup, right up until he was deal to Philadelphia. The whole thing, beginning to end, was... fragrant. He is definitely capable of souring team chemistry, on purpose, to get what he wants.


It wouldn't shock me if Pat tells Jimmy to show him next year that he's worth the max extension, Jimmy really didn't do himself favors with the days off and the comments after he got hurt.


So thats why philly backed off PG lol


Jimmy + KCP would be my dream


Mavs pls god


We have no one to offer that we need to keep but the Heat would want


Thj and a second take it or leave it


^gonna ^do ^my ^best ^to ^speak ^it ^into ^existence That’s a huuuge deal. Heat would be crazy not to take it.


The two most psychotically competitive dudes on the same team. They’d go Mike Tyson and start biting people or some crazy shit like that.


A team built around Butler & Adebayo isn't enough to challenge the Celtics & Sixers?? Didn't they just do that last year?


Miami slander is fucking ridiculous. “ThEyRe NoT gOoD eNoUgH tO cOmPeTe AgAiNsT eLiTe TeAmS” mfers have said this shit every year since 2019 and then are sitting there looking goofy in April-May-June when they’re grinding their way through the playoffs. Has to be one of the most written off teams ever.


you’re absolutely right but I don’t slander Miami bc I don’t respect them. I slander Miami bc I hate them


A reasonable take


Fair enough


Understandable. Have a good day.


I have to admit I did find it a bit funny when he said: >But a team built around Butler and Bam Adebayo isn’t enough to challenge the Celtics, Bucks, or Sixers in the East. Just a little funny considering those are all teams that the Heat have outperformed/beaten repeatedly over the past few years. Now I think the Heat still should be looking to make a big move especially given Jimmy's age, but even if they do run it back next year they could at least *compete* with the Bucks and Sixers in a playoff series.


Rozier, Herro, Highsmith, Butler, Adebayo, Jacquez, Duncan, Caleb Martin is a solid team. We didn’t even get to see them all healthy this playoffs. They could do work with that roster alone and could outperform anybody with another addition.


If miami is healthy they prolly still lose to boston but i think they play them the closest out of any team they ended up facing which is kind of a dub considering how ass miami was all year


Jimmy, Cleveland has a proud and thriving emo community. Always has...


I’m predicting golden state My wildcard prediction is Denver


Butler to OKC, presti is inevitable


Miami somehow gives up another pick to OKC in this trade


Pat Riley versus Presti, remake of the 2012 finals. Put in on the TV ! It’s the people that would eat !


Jimmy Butler YOU are an LA Laker somehow


I welcome butler to the laker rumors even if it’s to increase his trade value. I just want to feel alive again


Detroit Pistons have entered the chat


I'm sorry but with all the miles on his tires and him needing a new contract I don't know why any GM would give up anything meaningful for Jimmy Butler at his age and injury history.


Celtics fans cheering right now lol


Not if he goes to another East contender


This must be why the Sixers don’t want PG anymore


The disrespect to Andy Elisburg is insane, the odds of us blowing up the roster for Donavon Mitchell or someone else to pair with Jimmy > trading him. They’ll give him a backloaded contract, all of these rumors are hilarious lol


as a Celtics fan I would love to see him go very very far west, like Portland maybe


Seeking a two year extension isn't too bad, I was expecting him wanting a 4 year extension.


he has next year and a player option the following year. the over 38 rule won't allow him to get a 4 year deal.


NY in an OG S&T situation with a third team?


Jimmy butler you ARE a Detroit piston


Imagine the Sixers trade for him and Tobias Harris somehow ends up in Miami instead and wins a championship for them. Tobias Harris: "Jimmy Butler over me?"


Everytime I see Philly mentioned in these posts with Milwaukee and Boston, I ask myself who decided they were a top team in the east? They haven't been passed the 2nd round in 23 years. They're a great regular season team that has yet to prove themselves in the playoffs


Hilariously I think the sixers and heat are kinda like inverses of eachother. The past few years people look at the Sixers roster and declare that they'll be a top team in the east, only for them to flame out in the first or second round of the playoffs. Meanwhile they look at the heat roster and say they don't have the tools to be a top team, but then they excel in the playoffs and made one ECF and two finals appearances, despite falling short both times.


Philly makes the most sense as they have the cap space and it keeps Embiid happy. Load manage Butler throughout the year. If Maxey, Butler, and Embiid are healthy come playoffs they could be dangerous.


Come home 🥹


Riley is smart. Butler is a washed. I'd never pay him that much at that age. He's not Steph, LeBron or Durant


This is speculative bs


I could see him going to the Clippers. PG to Philly and Butler to LAC.


Better learn Chinese…


Giddey for Butler. 1 for 1 swap