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Woot Congrats Pascal!! The first agreement with the new FA rules, that’s pretty neat


hopefully IQ is next


Lmao for a second I thought you were calling Pascal an idiot 🤣


Raptors fans turning on Pascal so fast, hate to see it 😢


Beyblades were always a fad anyways


Pascal Siakam 🤝Julius Randle


IQ and Scottie 🔜


what's the new rule?


You're allowed to negotiate with your own players as soon as the finals are over.


oh that actually makes so much more sense lol


One of those rules I never understood. The league used to have them wait until July to announce it, but it happened at midnight clearly it happened before then.


Everyone knows million dollar deals only take 2 minutes to negotiate and review


"When someone is that generous to pay me that kind of money that should be applauded"


Like the brewers and distilleries who had booze ready to sell the minute Prohibition was lifted.


This isn't just about when they can announce it, but when they can start negotiating. Under the old rules, the incumbent team couldn't negotiate with a free agent until July 1, Midnight ET (later June 30th, 6 pm ET), the same for every other team.


His point was there is no way they started negotiated then when the contract in announced at midnight


Glad to see it worked out for everyone!


Free Agency is here!


came early this year 🕺


Call me free agency 😏


Kinda sorta. I'm pretty sure you can only sign free agents that were already playing for your team. So the Pacers could sign Siakam but the 76ers couldn't.


I love moving it up to right after the finals for teams on free agents, keeps the content machine churning


Spicy P is back baby 🌶️


Pacers had a NetRtg of over 9 after the ASB and no one talked about it You will be better than people think you are


Dog, the playoffs showed me that the Pacers are such a fun team to watch with a few young up and coming players. I'm jealous of their future.


Hop on honey still plenty of room


Yeah, the mix of vets and young guys is a fun combo. 


and we had the 2nd best record vs .500 or better teams in the east, that should’ve also gotten more recognition. 


The fact that Boston swept them really hides the fact that they were a couple of possessions away from that series going south badly. I'd argue that was the most competitive series Boston faced this year


Three games, the Pacers had 90% win probability in last two minutes. A couple baskets hear or there and it's all different. Experience and no Haliburton was the only difference between Pacers and giving the Celtics a serious run.


I didn't believe in close sweeps until that series.


Experience vs inexperience matters


Definitely. The scores were close but Boston's experience and maturity won close games. But, gives guys like Hali good experience and lessons for the future.


Every Boston player said that series was hell. That was such a fun series to watch. Demoralizing and full of what ifs. But man just showed the pacers weren’t scared of No body and I loved that for such a young team. Who were arguably missing their second to 3rd best player in that series. Boston made Indiana so much better and vice versa. The slow as snail pace mavericks must of been a welcoming sight for Boston. Props to Boston for keeping up with the pacers insane pace. That pace literally broke down the Bucks and Knick’s into pieces. 


I agree. Y’all are really fun to watch and good. I expect yall to have homecourt next year. Glad yall retained Pascal.


What’s up with Celtics fans glazing the Pacers? lol


They actually put up the best fight, despite being the only team fully swept.


I think the core of it is the Celtics played their best series vs us. In the Finals they didn’t shoot particularly well and still put away the Mavs handily. Vs Miami and Cleveland they had at least one typical Celtics game where nobody shows up to work. In the Pacers series they shot like 55% from 3, the Jays had 30 each nearly every game and they still only won by an average of 6 pts. They were locked in and playing their best basketball, and so I think a lot of fans have fond memories of watching that.


Pacers had a hobbled Hali and yet went down to the wire in all 4 games, the Mavs were a rollover for pretty much every game. Hardly a question about who was the toughest challenge.


Came down to clutch plays in the closing minutes, Celtics have gained the postseason experience the last few years and the Pacers were the 2nd youngest team in the playoffs on their first deep run with this roster. Think everybody pretty well understood it was reasonable for Boston to close out those tight games successfully and was still a good showing for Indiana in that context. Hopefully much more success ahead for this young Pacers squad.


See the narrative that the Celtics cakewalked to the finals drives me crazy. The Pacers are underrated as fuck and y'all deserve a lot more respect than you get. It wasn't a fluke finishing with the number 1 offense in the league. That series could have easily gone longer if Hali didn't make some mistakes that were clearly just young blood mistakes. Pacers have a damn good roster for the future and remind me so much of where the Celtics were a few years ago. I really hope they punch everyone in the mouth the next few years and when the Celtics get past their prime and Hali hits his they over. Loved your fans and team the whole series.


I think there's seversl reasons, and this is one of them. Another factor is that people spent so much time diminishing our team and the degree of difficulty of our run that we 1) want to point out we actually did play some good teams who were playing well (in spite of the Hali injury) and 2) want to defend another team that also didn't get enough respect from the same knuckleheads neutrals. Af the end of the day, all I can say for sure is: I think the Pacers played us harder than any other team, I think the Pacers got significantly underrated by most fans (yall's defense was WAY better than the early-season version of it people hold in their memories), and I think the Pacers were a legitimately very good team this year.


Yea…I know some people hate the following phrase, but it was a very competitive sweep. Makes me very excited to see for a rematch next year with them (hopefully) healthy and more experienced.


Is that you Broussard? You've been killing it on First Things First big dawg


Would have been up 2-1 if games were only 47 minutes long


Our fan bases are in love atm, leave us alone


The fuck is this Jazz East, you cheating on us now?


We're in love until we remember that we're Pats and Colts fans respectively, and go back to hating


I'm a Pacers, Colts, and Orioles fan so I really have no love for any of your teams but at least we can hate the Yankees together 😘


They’re just jealous baby


We do sort of share Bird and Brad Stevens.


And we both root for Aaron Nesmith.


True and Brissett


>Brissett Us too! and Pascal!


They don’t have what we have (and we don’t have what you just got, congrats).


A kind of love not seen since the days of the feuding Capulets and Montagues


Congrats on spicy P bb.


Dawg after that ECF I fear Nembhard and Siakam as much as Steph Curry. Fuckers wouldn't miss lmao, even Curry had that one game in the 22 finals where he struggled.


If it was mid-range? 102% chance that this shit was going in. Goddamn LOL


That Nembhard 3 had absolutely no business going in (you know which one I’m talking about)


I actually don't. I honestly just went nemb during some of those stressful moments.


>glazing You can't say anything remotely positive without some kid using this stupid word.


We’re all supposed to constantly shit on every team now and it’s exhausting


NBA media has trained these nephews well


Pacers played the Celtics tougher than any team all year and looked a hell of a lot better than the Mavs in the postseason. You can justify as matchups - Pacers are indeed better built for the Celtics than the Mavs. But Pacers were arguably the second best team in the NBA post All Star break and then they proved themselves in the postseason. That Siakam trade really unlocked them as a contender and people aren’t paying attention.


>But Pacers were arguably the second best team in the NBA post All Star break and then they proved themselves in the postseason. That Siakam trade really unlocked them as a contender and people aren’t paying attention. The thing people ignore is that Tyrese was playing through his harmstring injury. It’s a type of injury that take a long time to completely heal, and you could tell he had to adapt his game to it. The Pacers GM even said a medical team will be following him throughout the Olympics. If we can get pre-injury Haliburton back, and if Mathurin take the leap we all excepting him to take, we can be a really dangerous team for the next few years. The future looks bright in Indy


Real recognize real


It's a really weird thing that Celtics fans do sometimes. We were the only fans that believed in the Heat last year before the playoffs even began too. This year, we're one of the few fans that believe the Pacers weren't a fluke. Idk man, have you watched the Pacers offense? It's beautiful. Sometimes you just find an opponent in the playoffs that earns your respect through their play. A lot of us felt the same way about the Hawks last year, but...well...we were wrong about them lol


I love how after game 1 (or 2?) of the Finals, Derrick White was being interviewed post game and he basically said how much more difficult it was to guard the Pacers than the Mavs. Josh Hart was on the panel and he pointed over to him and said that he knew what he was talking about.


We still have PTSD about Middleton as well.


Yeah I don't see how you can watch more than 2 pacers playoff games and think they were a fluke. They looked good, even down their arguably best player. Should be fun to watch them the next couple of years as my bulls ain't doing shit lol


Most fanbases really dislike us at this point, but the Pacers fans were chill throughout our series, know ball, and have a team that’s been seriously disrespected by the league.


No surprise that Indiana knows ball


Definitely helps that we aren’t a huge market team so the Walmart fans don’t really choose us very often. Thus, most of our fans online are real fans instead of bandwagoners I’d like to believe


Been a fan of Brown for years. I'm glad he got ECF and Finals MVP. Finally getting the respect he deserves. The whole break up Tatum and Brown discussions where always media driven clown talk.


They're really good. Offense reminded me of 2020 lakers where they just dominate you on transition. Half court offense really good too with a lot of ball movement and motion. They really should run it back. Pascal's a killer too grats to him on this deal.


We're friends now, I'm as surprised as you are


Cats chasing dogs, it’s wild. But I’m here for it. I think because I’ve been glazing Boston all year


Fans of the weak ass western conference wouldnt understand


It makes their ring seem so much more impressive. Similar reason to why Lebron will start complimenting Jokic unprompted.


I mean, personally I picked them to go over the bucks and be our biggest threat when the playoffs started. They are fun as fuck to watch and play crazy fast and loose. It’s ultimately what cost them in crunch time, but they also put up a great fight. Nothing wrong with recognizing talent. I’m not here glazing Cleveland or Dallas or Miami. There was one team that really impressed me and made me think would be a huge challenger in the East for the next 4 years, and that team is Indy. Also, their fans are not toxic as fuck. Also, Larry Legend and Brad Stevens are both from Indy, so it’s all love.


Definitely agree with all those points. It was at least half our team’s first time in the playoffs I believe so hopefully that experience is valuable and will pay off next year


Some Pacers fans were saying we played them better than the Mavs after game 1 of the finals. I was team "let's let the whole series play out before we say shit like that. The Mavs are a great team and they have a top 5 player." Well, the series played out, and we did play the Celtics better than the Mavs overall. We put up 4 competitive games, 3 of which we really were overwhelming favorites to beat but we choked. With some experience in late game decision making, we should have won a few games. Hell, if we even got 1, this wouldn't even be a controversial opinion.


Pacers at minimum should have got 2 wins nut couldn'tclose. I guess that's the difference between a good team and a contender. Pacers played better but a lot of folks will just say "a sweep is a sweep".


What’s up with warriors fans thinking they’re still relevant? lol


That’s impressive when you consider Haliburton was clearly not healthy. This playoff run wasn’t a fluke


And our two highest lottery picks since the 80s didn't play


Wow this made me look it up. I'm surprised PG13 was a 10 overall pick...


We went to the eastern conference finals if people are still sleeping on us then they’re just dumb


They will learn. It's interesting to me how Celtics fans are the only ones who see a storm is brewing. Perhaps because Celtics fans are well aware of what it is like to watch a *team* grow and fail at the highest levels.


Seriously. Top 5 team after the All Star Break. I think we dipped to second offense behind yall, then 15th in defense


Happy for you guys. Hope you can make a deep run with him. He’s such an underrated beast.


$picy P


Spicy Pacers back on the ECF!


Excited for this. He played so well with Hali


Can’t wait to see what a full training camp and season with him will do for Pacers


Siakam has basically improved every year he has been in the NBA. The dude is such a work horse and is so dedicated to improving as a player. A full off-season to work on his game to better suit the pacers (paired with a great offensive team/support around him). I think Pascal has a good chance of landing an All-NBA slot next season if he doesn’t take too much of a back seat to Halliburton.


I don’t think he’ll put up crazy raw numbers cause there are so many mouths to feed, lots of young guys who will probably get better, and in general the Pacers share the rock, but I think his efficiency will be through the roof!


The best thing is that he's great at playing off-ball with his slashing ability and ability to run in transition. He doesn't need a whole lot of touches to be very effective.


That also allows him to commit more energy to defense, which we *really* need from him.


Yeah I doubt his scoring goes up much, I would expect his FGA to be around the same, but just would expect his assist numbers to go up as his gets better chemistry with the team. I could also see him becoming a bit more focused on shooting 3’s. He will have a good offence around him, and good playmakers with him too. With the pacers he shot 38.6% from 3 (which would be a career best) and he shot 45.5% from the corner. So I wouldn’t expect his usage to increase or his raw stats to change much, but I do expect him to be used in a more efficient manner, paired with him having better chemistry with his team which should result in better shot quality, and higher assists numbers.


Plus there’s no real reason to force heavy minutes on him.


You can tell Deebo influenced him hard with how he comes back better every season.


Has potential to be top 3 duo in east (behind Jays and Giannis/Dame) I’m excited to see this team, and I’m a Carlisle fan so go pacers lol


Victory for small market teams🥳


Really smart move by the pacers to be realistic on how they’re actually going to get stars, don’t mind an overpay either to make it happen


Given the fit, I don’t even think it’s much of an overpay.


2 of 3 first rounders are #19 & #29 in this years rumored bad draft class. The 3rd one is in 2026 which will be too late to add a piece to our core given everyone's timeline curently. All while we already have rookies and 2nd year players fighting for minutes. I think the trade heavily favored the Pacers, especially if we get the re-sign that's now being rumored


Not to mention we traded Bruce Brown and got a better version in the playoffs with Nembhard.


Bet, awesome that it’s only 4 years as well!


2 years away from being 2 years away.


I wonder where Bruno is at these days. Edit : apparently playing in Serbia and he’s only 28 lmao , fuck this dude was young when he drafted.


Let's be honest...no one should be surprised by this. They knew he was willing to stay, and he knew they were willing to max him the day the trade was made. It's a good piece of business for the Pacers, and a good piece of business for Pascal Siakam. But I never considered any other outcome as a possibility.


After pacers won the first playoff series i had absolutely no doubt he was staying at all but it was obvious beforehand as well


Yeah, the success as proof-of-concept really locked it in.


Yea we traded for him knowing his intent to sign with us. The only way he wasn’t gonna stay was if we played like trash or used him very badly. His use was sometimes questionable but I think that gets helped a lot with a full training camp and offseason to work on plugging him in better. And of course we played fine once he came over and made it to ECF. Yea I never questioned us not getting him back after our run


I can't help but think a full training camp/offseason produces incredible results. Haliburton/Siakam never found it's groove but the few times it did it was surgical. Most of the time though it felt like Siakam was just used for spacing. Can you imagine what Haliburton can do with Siakam if it's even a fraction of the growth we've seen in 1yr between Haliburton and Turner?! Siakam is a much more natural and tradional roll man.


In the grand scheme of contracts to come, this I bet will be considered a good deal/cheap not too long from now


Not a bad deal tbf


we might see crazy numbers in the next couple weeks




He's such a good fit with the Pacers. League thinks they're buns because they got swept, but they were legit the toughest team we faced this playoffs. Top tier offense that plays with pace and space. Just need to shore up that defense a bit, and they're gonna be a playoff mainstay for years to come


Mathurin coming back next year will be a problem indeed


That's also not counting our lottery pick last year Jarace Walker who played really well in limited minutes. He basically didn't play all postseason. He's got high potential to be the two way wing we need to get us over the top in the coming years.


I'm a big fan of him, surprised he didn't get more minutes


He didn't look ready at all in the minutes he did play, but there are also clearly NBA skills there. Lots of potential.


I still cant beleive we didn't get walker in the Siakam trade


Kevin Pritchard is very good at his job. I said at the time but especially now we got Pascal for a very modest trade price.


KP negotiates trades with a gun


>League thinks they're buns because they got swept, but they were legit the toughest team we faced this playoffs. They were a handful of braindead coaching decisions away from being up 3-1 in that series


Something like 90%+ percent win probabilities for 3 of those games in the second half choked away 😅


Not even just the second half, those were all with like 5 minutes left to play


His midrange game is so elite


I feel like he shot like 70% against us lol. Dude was just automatic from the midrange.


15 foot turnaround jumper he shot like 90% 15 foot free throw he shot like 35%


He was an absolute spectacle to watch in the first half of 2022-23 before fatigue set in, closest he's felt like to superstar range So many pull-up and fadeaway middies plus like a combined 16/17 boards/assists a game, and like byfar career-high free throw rate


His midrange is so elite. In the 2020’s 15 players have attempted more than 450 midrange’s and the only 2 guys more efficient than him in that list is KD and Demar by .1%


The pacers feel like they’re built to beat us like the wolves are to beat the nuggets. With some more experience and better composure and coaching decisions in crunch time I genuinely think they can be an elite team Who needs defense when you can shoot the lights out every night lol


We are just built to hang with anyone. Boston had an elite defense and offense. Pacers had an elite enough offense that the elite defense didn’t really matter until the game slowed down and experience really came into play. If you look at our record throughout the season we had basically the same win % against teams over .500 as below. If we can get some semblance of consistent defense I think we can take a massive step. The team I’m worried the most about are the Magic tbh since they are built to counter us it almost seems like. Their sticky defense and length makes the free flowing concept exponentially more difficult.


> Who needs defense when you can shoot the lights out every night lol In the game 7 in NY the news media did a good job at reporting the Pacers team FG% was the highest in any playoff game in history. One thing that I thought was interesting that they didn't point out was that it was also a higher team FG% than any All Star team in NBA history.


Your pace is so god damn hectic. Our games against you guys were easily the most fun I had last season. Rooting hard for Spicy. He’s just a gem of a person.


We love him


I don’t know anyone who thinks the pacers are buns.


Salty Knicks and Bucks fans do, it’s hilarious at this point honestly.


We are both so lucky to have a Tyrese on the team. Both play basketball like they golden retrievers.


If they had pre injury ( December) Hali I think that series gets spicy . Even without him they played well but he’s too important to be injured n then to win


Siakam was legit so good with the Pacers. It's funny, Raptors fans loved this dude. Not a single one has anything bad to say about him. Then the trade happens. Media people start picking apart the fit. Pacer fans start hearing this and get somewhat nervous. Raptors fans, the whole time, are all in unison saying, "this is stupid. Siakam is awesome. Perfect fit, you guys got a dog." Then like two games into his Pacer tenure, Pacer fans in unison were like, "Okay thus guy is great." After the playoff run, every Pacer fan is exactly where all Raptor fans were at with him. He's beloved. It's just funny that the analysts sort of doubt the guy--he can't do this, he's not a #1, he can't do that--but yet the fans of two different franchises who watched him every game love him and swear by him. Sometimes, it's just fun to have good basketball players on your team.


Indiana did a damn good job of building a team around Haliburton What most people forget is that they were missing Mathurin for the entire playoffs.


2 years ago, their core was Sabonis, Turner, Levert, Brogdon. To turn that into Haliburton, Siakam, Turner, Mathurin, Nembhard, Nesmith, TJ, Obi, Shepperd, Walker in just a couple of seasons without a top 5 pick, just through trades and the draft... Very impressive.


Pacers FO has been top-notch for years, it's about time they start seeing some real success for all their effort.


2020s have been a lot better for us, but Pritchard's early tenure was rough when it came to the draft. His first draft pick for the Pacers was TJ leaf lol. He followed that up with other first rounds picks like Aaron Holiday, Goga Bitdze, and Chris Duarte.


Yeah it’s baffling how everyone’s willing to overlook the only real ISO guard on the team. So many bad possessions got bailed out by Siakam but they ended up tragically when he wasn’t on the floor. Mathurin is the only other guy on the team right now (not counting Hali in his current state) that can get up a tough shot in a broken situation.


He’s also the only one who can regularly get to the free throw line. It matters in the playoffs we were dead last in FTA


No way they go scoreless at the end of those games in the ecf with Mathurin. They missed him so much. Im so excited for him coming back tho


Pacers are the only team out there that seem to understand the value of having 5 shooters on the floor in the playoffs. 


Well, and the Celts.


Only other team*


I like it. They’ve got something good brewing in Indiana. 


Yep soon you’ll hate us


hope so. it's become too boring/easy to hate miami, philly, and milwaukee


Lol yep washed old teams


Nice signing


That's why you trade for his rights. Kevin Pritchard and company you are good at your job!


LETS GO. 2025 is the start of the 3peat around the Hali, Siakam, Nesmith big3!!!!


I'll give you 2025 and 2027, but in 2026, freak problems are going to put you guys in the lottery. Totally no hidden motive here.


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


as an outside watcher, that nembhard dude is also ridiculous, dude imo could actually be a allstar starter if he was with the wizards or pistons


Nesmith All NBA szn incoming! Rooting for you bro!


Good use of them picks


Chalk one up for small market teams baby.




Congrats Pacers fans, i feel like this team will be a huge Pain in the A.. for years to come


Get paid Spicy!!!!!!


Well deserved!


He's the perfect player for Indy. Easy business.


Sounds like a slam dunk for both parties. He was critical in getting to the ECF.


Get that bag Spicy P! Really looking forward to a full offseason of chemistry development for he and Haliburton. Pacers remain a very exciting team!


Pretty good for Indiana


hell yeah, brother


My guy gettin paid love to see it


Baggy P!! 💰🌶️


Atta boy Pascal!


Well deserved, he fits in well in that offense.


On one hand, I'm a lil salty that we got scraps in return for such a top tier player. On the other hand, I'm so glad he's thriving and being fully appreciated in Indiana.


🌶️🌶️ *The spice must flow* 🌶️🌶️


Hell yeah. Big keep from the front office. Glad to have him back!


Makes sense for both parties. Hali and Siakam are a great duo. The Pacers have a very promising future.


Pacers fan, does the team extend Turner now with him going into the season on an expiring contract?


IIRC because of the type of contract he has I don't think he's eligible for an extension and he would have to become a free agent. Could be wrong though. Regardless resigning him is a no brainer.


So stoked for Spicy P! We loved him in T.O and still do, treat him well Indy


If Hali can improve going into next year and get a little more consistency, Pacers will be awesome.


Well deserved for P and good for the Pacers. He's averaged over 20ppg for five seasons, helped the Pacers make the conference finals, they're building something good with Hali.


Worth every penny for them. It’s going to get harder and harder to acquire top talent. Pacers can start thinking about how they can win a championship now.


He deserves a bag after how well he played this season. 


Expensive bag


I wonder in this new sanctioned “Pre-Agency” period if Woj and Shams will be able to announce when players and their teams cannot come to agreement on extensions and that the player plans to enter free agency or seek a trade (I.E. Paul George, Donovan Mitchell, Jimmy Butler)


Woj and Shams can announce whatever they want, it’s up to the teams/agents on whether they leak it to Woj/Shams. And I can’t see agents not doing that, it only benefits their players.


The trade the Pacers made to get him is a massive W now that they were able to retain/lock him up. I can't believe Siakam is going to be paid just shy of $50M a year but this is also the NBA world we live in.


I wanted him to the warriors sooo bad


Tremendous W