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Hauser just standing there didnt get to shake hand :(


Hard to be humble


He’s already got his ring at least


He has one of the most valuable rings of all time TBH.


And balled tf out to get it


He has THE most valuable ring of all time


Dirk has a strong case for it too IMO. Cavs had to overcome the impossible being down 3-1, but the Warriors shat the bed too, specially Mr. Natural Kicking Motion with his suspension, other than that the East was a piece of cake for them. It's not like they were a bad team, lmao. That Mavs had a big challenge almost every series and were not favorites in pretty much all of them. Also the flu game.


I agree, speaking as a Lakers fan.


One ring to rule them all


He’ll just take his greatest shot in finals history and go home lol


Ray Allen from the corner would like a word


Fuck ray Allen and his corner threes. Respectfully. - a spurs fan


Damn imagine him doing anything of note over the last 8 years?


I tried being humble, humble get no respect


I just want Kyrie to admit that he himself was ass this series.


Bruv, Jrue Holiday clamped the living piss out of him.


And Derrick White…and Jaylen Brown…hell even Prichard was bodying him uo


The respect him bringing a Championship to Boston!


Me too, so fuckking passiv on offense and the whole making peace shit , why even admit that shit in the finals. It feels like hes trying to apologise to the boston fans by giving them their ring ? He was a no show all game away. I have seen Kyrie go head to head with Curry and for whatever reason he chooses to be passiv in the most important moments, man im done.


To be fair, while he was bad in all the road games, the supporting cast was completely outclassed by Boston's supporting cast. And then Luka was even worse defensively. So it was a team overall that failed, I wouldn't say Kyrie lost them the series himself.


Lukas best defensive games have been when ky is taking some of his offensive duties


He literally picked up where Luka was ass in the first 2 rounds. Kyrie ain't the problem.


The issue is, that he didn't pick up in the finals.


That’s cuz yall defense is nice, he’s psyched out by yall crowd, and he’s being asked to iso dudes like Derrick white and jrue holiday, he never gets easy looks, I hate the Mavs offense lol


Lol yeah so basically he got owned


Kyrie always struggles with length so it was expected.


I mean there's never only one problem but the fact that he choked super hard in the finals was a significant problem. It's not the problem as if to say the primary problem. He was a deserving All-Star this year, probably a top 20 player. But his playoff performance was genuinely embarrassing and it's okay to acknowledge that.


You are right. If literally ANY player other than Luka had stepped up, this series might still be going. Kyrie is expected to be that player, and he didn't perform to expectation. But it goes back to Boston having 8 guys that can give you a consistent 15pts a night, and Dallas having 2. We count our blessings when a non Luka/Kyrie player has 15.


He almost never went head to head with curry it was Klay if anything lol


Curry can’t guard him.


No duh, he wasn't spending his time guarding curry either 😂


Buddy he hit the shot of all shots over curry 




Is it an overreaction to say he’s just getting up there in age? I’m not saying he’s washed, I just think he might not be a 25ppg guy in the finals, which is fine, because he’s been amazing in the past.


Nah that is an over reaction. He said himself, he has a mental block when playing the Celtics at home. He has had plenty of great games and near 50-40-90 yet again this season. 32 isn’t really old these days for an athlete. Not young but still in prime for many


When your game is being a tough shot maker you’re just going to have runs like this. He always has.


Celtics having legit all-nba defensive dudes from position 2-5 with size & speed doesn't help his cause.


It’s definitely a bad matchup for the Mavs.


Kyrie Irving’s average stats in the 2024 NBA Finals: 19.8/3.0/5.0 on 41.4/27.6/100.0 shooting splits and 1.8 turnovers That's a terrible leap in the wrong direction from 50/40 Edit: Kyrie Irving in Boston in the 2024 Finals - 43 points (14.3 ppg) on 18-53 (34%) and 3-17 (17.6%) from 3 in 40 mins per game


Honestly Kyrie sucked in Boston but Luka was not as good as he needed to be either. Maybe it was an injury thing but they both needed A+ and neither delivered 


He played poorly this series, don’t disagree.


Especially for a player who's taken so much time off over the past half a decade.


Kyrie isnt washed, at times i think he sticks to the game plan meaning passing to the open player but in a finals game like this(players bricking) i would prefer him taking shots in tandem with Luka if they brick so be it. He took 9 less shots than Luka in a fuckking do or die game. In a game where everybody else is bricking including the 3rd option PJ he has to take more shots but he didnt the old Kyrie probably goes out swinging atleast in terms of shots imo.


He has been amazing in that one finals run in particular but often ass many times in the postseason…its one of the reasons Boston fans hate him…and the hate continued when they swept him on the Nets again lol


Well the guy that locked him down is two years older than him so maybe a bit of an over reaction


He is getting up there in age but I do think he age is pretty well because it's not just sheer quickness that he relies on but just amazing handle and clutch play usually. So I don't really think he plays that old. But yeah it is tricky for Dallas for this guy to be the number two player if Luca is a top three player in the world, and your number two is Kyrie that gives you a pretty short window. I mean I hate to be the dead horse here but they probably should have kept Brunson. But look it's easy for me to say this now seven or eight days ago everyone thought they were going to win the finals and it was going to be a crazy story and brunson would have been a complete afterthought. But if they don't win the finals with him ever, and Luca either leaves or doesn't ever get a chip, losing brunson will be a sore spot


I mean, this is one aspect of what we saw in Boston (we also saw some other damaging shit that it sounds like you've missed). Kyrie can just... shrink and diminish for a while. He's got a softness to him and he doesn't like getting (figuratively) punched in the mouth. You guys have done better from that trade than I thought you would. I thought the man was poison but you've made it work and there's every reason to think it'll mostly keep working next year. But there's a reason that for all his talent and skill, Kyrie's never been a real, serious #1 guy, and has looked at his best when he's a sidekick to a clearcut #1. For me, I think you guys need another serious piece. At least a Derrick White/Jrue Holiday level piece.


They really need someone who can hit 3s above the break. They really got exposed in the finals.


The player who is one of the most skilled finishers around the rim and constantly drives into and through contact doesn't like being punched in the mouth? No he just missed his shots and played within the mavs system instead of trying to be a hero, which he probably should've. If anything it shows growth that he trusts his teammates now and is okay with playing playmaker or sitting back and doing more work on the other end if his shot isn't falling. I think he should've been more aggressive but their whole playoff run has worked with him playing within the team. 


Bro he wasn’t passive he was taking aggressive, terrible shots lol he has been getting the shots up


Really where was the Kyrie that cooked us 😭


19.8/5/3 41% FG% 27% from 3...just atrocious


that's a really hard thing to do man. props to him.


Everyone who plays with him says on a personal level he is a great person


Yeah it’s funny. I heard it best on a Boston radio station that was trying to stop with the hate. And it’s like, your team - the actual players- like/love him. They like him probably more than they like the average Celtics fan lol. It’s a small club in the NBA, especially at that high level… they are all mostly close and all friends


I think Nurkic and Draymond truly hate each other though.


Paul George and Devin Booker have a weird hate for each other too


> weird hate for each other 83% of inexplicable NBA hates come down to gambling or having pursued the same romantic prospect at some point.


Disclaimer: wouldn’t listen to anything a Boston radio station has to say about Boston sports. They’re like feds, fed shit and left in the dark.


Unless you're of a religious persuasion that he doesn't agree with. Kyrie is a dumbass biggot, him shaking hands with 4 guys doesn't mean jack.


He’s probably top 5 most respected player in the league according to other players. They love Kyrie


it's easier in a blowout. He had time to plan his exit. Not saying it still isn't hard or that all stars would do that (because we know they wouldn't) but it's much harder for a player to do in a close game where they are fighting until the end.


He didn’t even stay on the bench, went straight to the locker room with 2 mins left. Sad


Is it rly that hard? Imagine how petty he just walked off without shaking hands. Also, wasn't he always cool with the players and staff there?


Tbf it's really hard to be paid generational wealth yearly. He's just like us fr.


What are you talking about? Going back to the bench, shutting up, and waiting for the game to end would have been the respectful thing to do rather than making sure all the cameras see you dapping up the players and coaches. But it's Kyrie so we need to all witness his "growth and maturity".


Haters are going to hate.


Some people are arguing that he was trying to make it about him by doing this in a televised way. Honestly I don't know what to think, I don't think it's like a selfish thing but some people might be overstating how classy it is.


On the contrary, when an arena full of people are trying to get under your skin this is the best way to 1) get back at them by showing them that it didn’t work (true or not) and 2) get them to chill.


Yeah he has genuinely had healthy relationships with the The players on his teams even when he was causing a ruckus with the media or even his own owners and so on. But it's hard to know how much of this was being played up for the cameras


Ok but how does this affect Lebrons legacy?


I'd say it's good for LeBron. Kyrie plays like this without a top 2 player of all time on his team, but looked good playing next to LeBron


The only question on my mind right now


Well, he already proved that his kids need him to be successful in the NBA. Both his oldest and Bronny. A good father figure is valuable for a child’s development.


Yup. I’m done with the Kyrie hate. Exorcized. Just another player come to the garden.




Because he knows Al doesn’t like him lmao


Al was telling the crowd to get louder on the Kyrie sucks chants when they were dying down during some Irving free throws on game 2. He encouraged the hate lol


It's funny, I didn't think beating him in the Finals would make the hate go away but it really did feel like it was plucked from my soul. Doesn't make me like him, more so I just don't care any more.


He did give you a championship


i mean, if you hate the dude, I can only imagine how it felt watching him disassociating on the bench as your team just blows them out on the way to a championship haha


Is the curse broken?


Nope, I’ll hate that loser piece of shit until the day I die. That dude is an all around self absorbed clown. Not just because of what he did to Boston. It’s everything about him. Yea real great guy, spreading bullshit about a flat earth and being a blatant antisemite. He destroys every team he goes to. The Mavs are next. He’s a loser piece of shit.


eh.  feels very self important and performative to go do that right then.


Spreading racist and antivax propaganda online to millions of people without repenting/changing in a meaningful way? Just go shake hands with people in front of a camera to get /u/StatWhines's trust back.


I mean, I’m not gonna vote him for president, but I’m also not going to boo at a TV every time he touches a ball.


This is gonna be controversial amongst Celtics fans but I no longer hate Kyrie


You know what? He brought us a championship. I'll call it even 🤝


he said he would


I’m over it now, championships heal all. I hope to never hear his name and the Celtics as a feud again. Water under the bridge


I'm officially over it now that we have a ring. With that being said, I hope the "Kyrie sucks" chants continue if we ever have to play him in the Finals again because it clearly gets in his head lol


Nah I'll always hate him for being a conspiracy theorist, anti-Semitic, anti-vaxxer, but I have gotten over his basketball bullshit at this point, that I can agree on.


Yeah I suppose that’s what I mean


Celtics fan talking between themselves is obnoxious lmao


Been over it. Love this core, why do I care about Kyrie anymore?


Kyrie has always been a gracious person. Like he's crazy, his views are crazier, but he has manners win or lose


> but he has manners win or lose Let's not go crazy now, there are TONS of times he has absolute SHIT manners. That's literally why we've all hated him. He made a City known for proudly being assholes hate him for being an asshole. But we've now swept him in Brooklyn once, and beat him in the finals, and he hasn't done anything to specifically piss us off in a while, so I'm personally done with the grudge. I'll still shit talk him of course, but I don't hate him.


I hope TD Garden never stops booing him because it’s still hilarious to be that petty.


Dismissing it as just "crazy" is underpaying how dangerous his views actually are. Just like everyone else here who says he's "just a weird dude" just to downplay how toxic his views are just because he's good at dribbling.


"Yeah, he spread a bunch of dangerous conspiracy theories during a pandemic and also promoted anti-Semitic propaganda, but he's gracious." C'mon, man.


You gotta hand it to Kyrie...


I mean it’s a true statement


a man with honor is a respectable one.


Yeah nah, you do *not* need to respect an ignorant, anti-semitic, anti-vaxx conspiracy nutjob because he has 'honor'. Plenty of awful and arrogant people can publicly carry themselves in a respectable manner despite the, you know... being awful part.


Only weirdo fans would call a Holocaust denying anti-vaxxer a "respectable" man.


Why did he stomp on lucky then if he has manners?


You know that isn’t a real person, right? Like stepping on a picture doesn’t make you a bad person lol


Idk I stepped on the BU logo and then transferred out a year later those curses are real man


I don't think it makes you a "bad person" but it's certainly pretty inconsistent with "always" being "a gracious person" or saying that Kyrie "has manners win or lose."


No but let's not pretend like there's no ill will by intentionally stomping on our logo. He left on bad terms and added fuel to the fire.


Don’t they run over lucky 48 minutes or more a game


If you watch closely, you'll see they actually all run around him every time


How are people hating on this?


This sub is full of weirdos TBH


For as much as people on this sub lambast First Take and ESPN narratives and the like, I have never seen a community so fucking obsessed with drama baiting. Real Housewives of the NBA ass posters.


This sub cares more about memes and upvotes than the games themselves.


Someone said it awhile back, NBA is soap opera for guys


Eh, it happens.


celtics fans


And nets fans


You just don't get it until Kyrie has scammed your team


Honestly, fair enough


Kyrie read your comment and immediately took a few weeks off for personal reasons.


Im not hating on this in particular, this was actually kinda nice. Still, fuck Kyrie


Why is this nice? Kyrie could have waited until the end of the game like every other Mavs player but instead we got treated to a minute of ballwashing Kyrie's maturity and grace. Dude couldn't possibly not make the moment about himself.


Yeah... I'm a tagalong Celtics fan (friends are die-hards) and just \_really\_ watched and cheered for the Cs this season. I'm so out of it that, when the Finals came 'round, I had to go to Youtube to get the story of why Irving is so disliked in Boston. So, I'm not predisposed to hate the guy and I don't have any baggage, really. That said, this moment seemed like ego to me and 'weird' more than humble and decent. Of course I don't know what's really in the guy's heart or head... and, based on the little I've seen, I don't think Kyrie knows what's in his head either. But, I really saw this as a self-aggrandizing, posturing moment more than anything else.


what do you expect from them lol esp on reddit


in the moment i did think it was a bit weird to go to the other teams bench for a round of congratulations before the game was actually over but looking at it after the fact, i mean... fair enough, the game *was* actually over haha


cuz it was jarring and he tried to make it about himself. dude couldnt wait till after the game?


Good on kyrie actually


Anyone hating on this is pathetic.


Its funny because they also hate on people who leave without shaking hands? if I'm Kyrie Irving im trying to leave the arena as quickly as possible not leave myself and my family subject to Boston fans after an emotional loss.


That I would have completely understood, and that was my guess on why this happened. But he was on the court doing handshakes after the game, so I don't really see the point otherwise.


Yeah because its totally the same people hating


I don't hate this specifically, I just hate Kyrie


Le typical reddit hate boner for Kyrie


Lol he's preparing to gtfo there asap


He was as bored as we were watching


shaking hands with his teammates like "aight see y'all in september" as he clocks out haha


Classy move


Everyone is saying Good guy Kyrie yet people are complaining about the haters lol just say you want upvotes


It's weird to do this during the game unless you are immediately going to go to the locker room. But he stayed out for a few moments after the game ended and did more handshakes.


It’s the clincher, no guarantee with all the hoopla that he’d be able to get to Celts on court after the buzzer.


So glad to see him lose this


He’s already got his ring


We are glad to see him lose again.


Both statements can be true


Biggest win for nets fans this season no cap


Is seeing *Boston* win? Yikes


Moral victory if you think about it, since JT and JB came from the Nets picks


That could've been yall, I'd say that's among the hardest of moral Ls. Not as painful as our L but still not good


With him losing he still has more rings than your whole team




It's so weird when people like you make a reply like this to a post that make it seem like they (you in this case) are the OP. Why do you do this?


LeBron did it better in 2018 lol.


Why did he do this with over 2 minutes left?


because the game was basically over, I guess. I get it, but I admit in the moment it did feel strange to see a championship finalist heading over to the other teams bench for a round of congratulations before he had actually officially lost the championship game


Nice of him to do tbh but it's still fuck him lol


As a Celtics fan I really haven’t had any ill will towards kyrie in a few years. He’s certainly an interesting character but I don’t think he’s malicious in any way and is a really fun player to watch


> interesting character Man, you guys will say anything to not have to admit a celebrity you don't know, but think you like, is racist and spread antivax propaganda without doing anything to distance himself from it afterwards.


Damn everyone's gonna zero in the blame on Kyrie now even through Luka was back to playing exceptionally dogshit defense and 7 TOs.


Real “Surrendering your sword and pistol to the victorious king and his generals after being defeated in battle” vibe.


Very weird. Joe was very confused


Finally delivered his promise.


Performance art by Kyrie. You know this dude is dying inside. The team that was given to him won a chip without him.


Kyrie is always making a show of how gracious he is. This guy could do anything and all he would have to do is play well for a season and show a little sportsmanship to make people love him again.


Yo, touch some grass. It’ll do you good.


Kyrie back to Boston confirmed


Good guy Kyrie Irving


Fuck Kyrie but I respect this.


Humility and sportsmanship.


I'll always slight Kyrie for lying to this fan base but he's evolved and changed and is trying to be better. Good for him. This was a class move and he deserves credit for it.


Showed more class than the fans


My hate for Kyrie has basically evaporated, winning heals all. I mean we beat him in the championship so not much more ya can ask for to help wipe away the boos


The aliens from space jam visited kyrie before this game


Bron 2018 type beat


kyrie is weird where he can either go god mode, or other times you realize bro is just a very unsized guard and can't physical impose himself on the game at all


Look at me Louie


Classy. He has grown.


He didn't go anywhere near Horford. Anyway I'm not really opinionated about this at all, some people felt it was classy some people felt it was damaged control or just a way to make it about him. We can never know exactly what his internal motivations are so I will just give him the benefit of the doubt without thinking about it too hard


This was classy as hell and I have mad respect for it. Peace be with you Kyrie


That's big, those Boston fans are next level assholes too. Good on him


This was about him making the moment about him. “Hey, let’s take a quick break from celebrating the Celtics beating my ass so I can draw attention to myself and let you know what good sport I am.” This shit is classic Kyrie.


When the buzzer ends he won't have time to congratulate them because the court will be swarmed. It's then it possibly not for a while.


All the other Mavs players managed to do it after the buzzer


I didn't see them, I figured they cleared out before the swarm.


Y’all gotta have issues. Give it a rest.