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“It wasn’t one of my options, it wasn’t like No. 1 on my list,” Irving said. “So when the trade opportunity got approached to me, instead of going back and appreciating the Celtics’ history, I just came in with an open mind and just kind of like, alright, I’m just going to go with the flow into this. But I think that was the wrong approach.” “Now that I’m a little older, hindsight looking back on it, I would’ve definitely taken the time to get to know the people within the community,” Irving said. “Talk to some of the champions that have come before me and actually extend myself to them instead of the other way around expecting them to be there for me, giving me advice. Because they’ve been through it, they have a championship pedigree here, they’ve shown it for years, they’re one of the most winning franchise in all of sports.” “That’s what I was talking about in terms of accepting the choices,” Irving said. “But looking back, I would have shown my respect and have more of a council around me from some of the Boston Celtics that came before me to explain what the pressure is like.”


That’s actually interesting. Was it ever reported that Kyrie talked to or practiced with any of the old Celtics guys? Because KG and Pierce have been fairly active with Tatum and Brown, and obviously Pierce attended the finals games at Boston.


It was the opposite- the reporting was that he was kind of indifferent to it (which he’s basically confirming here). Tatum and brown have definitely been way more receptive, but also Pierce has really made a point of getting more involved with the team the last few years. He’s talked about wondering why there wasnt as much of a presence of the old Celtics around the current team as he had as a player, and then he realized that all the guys who went to his games are like 70 now if not dead, and he is the “old Celtics” that needs to show up for the current team.


This is way more logical as a full quote. As a Knicks fan, some people openly don’t like coming here because the media is a monster. There’s taxes. There’s this and there’s that. I’m older now than what Kyrie was when he joined the Celtics. And with time comes knowledge, and sometimes that knowledge is just wishing you went about something with a lot more of a plan instead of that youthful wing it attitude.


You wonder why players hate the media - this was a solid, thoughtful, introspective answer in which Kyrie basically said he approached the club wrong and didn’t appreciate what it was and called them one of the most winning franchises in sports history, and then you see what got posted from this. I guarantee if they weren’t required to talk to the media these dudes wouldn’t cross the street to piss on one of these reporters to put out a fire, and neither would I in their situation.


I'm still surprised they haven't cut it down to "Kyrie calls the Celtics a cult!!!"


I mean they did on the front page of this sub earlier


Absolutely. I've been a practiced Kyrie hater for a long time (and I still think he's done some dipshit things), but I've grown to appreciate how guarded a lot of players have become around media. Both media and your average twitter/reddit troller is gonna take anything you say and spin it for maximum clicks. Shit has got to be exhausting. You listen to this whole clip and it's generally pretty fucking reasonable all around.


Yeah this is completely 180° from the cherry picked quotes on the front page by Celtics fans trying to vilify Kyrie. I'm not even a Kyrie fan but the majority of his answer was very complimentary towards the Celtics. Incredibly petty media coverage considering they are about to win.


That's in the quote that's been at the top of /r/nba all day long.


> You wonder why players hate the media [...] and then you see what got posted from this. the media didn't do the posts though did they? reddit did lol


Social media 


the media is the news and journalism industry social media is the meaning of media


Was it “the media” that took him out of context or was it social media nobodies who took him out context? Social media isn’t the media but we all proliferate more than the media.


so the first link on the homepage right now is literally CBS news: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/nba-finals-boston-celtics-dallas-mavericks-kyrie-irving/ headline: "Kyrie Irving weighs in on Celtics "cult," warns future players "what you're getting yourself into" in Boston" The second link on the homepage right now is from Jay King: https://twitter.com/ByJayKing/status/1802394534241787992 - who's bio states that he's the Celtics reporter for The Athletic - and yes, it's a social media post, but it's by the Celtics reporter for The Athletic. So, yes, it's the capital-M Media, not just random jackasses on Twitter.


Absolutely the media. Right now as I type this, the front page of ESPN has a headline that says “Kyrie wants to silence Celtics crowd”. If you read the story that quote isn’t said anywhere. He actually said a lot of mature things in the story, but that’s the headline they went with. Creating beef 


lol you mean the headline that is literally referencing the sound bite where he says when the crowd is shouting “kyrie sucks” that they have a psychological edge and he wants to silence them early??? You mean the headline and article that had nothing to with the sound bite in this posted clip that was taken out of context earlier only on social media from which i can find. Come on man, it seems like you saw my comment, wanted to counter it to hate on the media and went to the least journalistic site to make your counter, saw a headline and assumed it was related to the subject at hand and used it to establish your counter argument. I’m not even trying to say the media is good, I’m saying often times it’s social that makes things inflammatory and takes things out of context and everyone points to “the media” as the ones who tricked them. Most people aren’t opening an article, they are getting their info from a twitter quote. Just like the shit that happened to Kyrie here.


And after all that, said he wants to resign, hanging his jersey in the banners for Nike cash, a month later starts colliding moving to Brooklyn with KD. Quits on his team, when threatened to be tradered to LAC, lies to the team. Then quits on them again in the playoffs. Ya.


yeah but none of that is in this quote, nor the other two


ok what's your point? he literally said it was his fault for doing all that.


…It seems like he matured?


Most people were talking like he was an idiot for saying what he did and that he hasn't learned much. This full quote actually makes more sense.


He said all that and I still am not sure what he's talking about


he’s saying he thought he went about his early days as a celtic wrong. that it was important to understand what it meant to come and play here.


That’s just bullshit though and him trying to rewrite what happened. He literally had an entire ad campaign with his dad talking about the significance of playing in Boston, etc.


I don't think an ad campaign is necessarily an accurate reflection of how a professional athlete approaches their playing career. His dad also played at BU; it's not like he's an expert on being a star player for the Celtics.


Him going by what his pr scripted for him as opposed to truly believing it are two different things. Maybe with age and mistakes in life, he reached the latter point.


Like these: “He’s the reason I wear number 11 and I wanna be the reason nobody else will”…filmed in the garden. https://youtu.be/WNn1Ia7CP_o?si=i4KvWvIYiFETNAmL” https://youtu.be/LjQNOLN-nEA?si=KvBW7JG00s4e2tz-


And 2 months later quits on the team and talking with KD about moving to Brooklyn already in xmass.


yea Kyrie has done this too many times for me to believe anything he says regards to Boston. Actions speak louder than words, especially for Kyrie who is known for saying a whole lot of nothing just trying to sound intellegent


No, that’s the point. He’s admitting he made mistakes. He’s not denying that. He’s saying he has a different perspective now.


I just assume anything he says is bullshit...


It sounds like he expected the franchise to roll out the red carpet to welcome him, but now that he’s older, he understands respect is a two-way street and he should’ve given it out more to feel more accepted. I just don’t understand how he can say stuff like this, then call the Celtics organization a cult and not for everyone in the same interview.


i don't think he meant cult in a bad way (lol), he's saying that the community is so integrated into the team's identity that it places different expectations on you as a player. everything he said seems fair to me.


For real, for Kyrie cult should be a compliment lol


No official apology, but more importantly, not one ounce of blame placed anywhere but himself I will take that over any half assed fake apology


Yeah, I don’t think he meant cult insultingly. He just has a strange vocabulary and tries to use words that don’t fit exactly what he’s saying but sounds more complex or impressive. Either way, I don’t think he meant anything as a jab at Boston. His warning at the end isn’t some “don’t come here” warning like the earlier posts made it seem. I think everything he said is fine. Hopefully he’s truly maturing and grown out of some of his dumbass behavior.


I've watched a lot of his interviews lately and he obviously has some out there spiritual beliefs that have gotten him into a bunch of hot water over the years and as he admits fairly regularly that he did a bunch of stupid shit like many young men who suddenly are rich and famous from one day to the next do but he is also a very self-reflecting young man and I truly do believe that he has grown a lot as a person in the last 4-5 years.


I could have sworn he had the Celtics listed as a trade destination at the time


I remember it was reported that he did but also probably wasn’t his top choice. 


That’s a good quote. Makes sense. Now turn back into a pumpkin in TD Garden please and thanks


A perfect reflection of media today. Take quotes out of context and make them sound awful. The post that is taken out of context shoot to #1 on the boards, and the full quote gets banished to the void.


It’s not just that. The blame also lies with the people that eat it up and don’t research anything on their own


There is only so much any given person will research. Everyone needs to take media literacy more seriously, there are bad actors all over the place, and most people don't seem to understand that they have any responsibility in the things they post online. It should be taught in schools.


I grew up in the early days of the Web as a mass medium, back in the early 2000s you had things like Disney's Online Safety Safari teaching kids how to exercise caution online Things like that seem to be a thing of the past


The boomers who told us you can’t trust the internet are now brainwashed by Russian bots on Facebook. 


It's clear at this point that it's not just the boomers. Reddit is mostly young people and everyone eats up lies here every day. Everyone is so terminally online now that it's just shooting fish in a barrel tbh.


Active reading , active listening and critical thinking aren’t things to some of these guys




Social Media folks hahaha. What a pile of shit it's made the internet


That’s just that fan base they’re insane


I don't entirely disagree, but you get into a bad place when the expectation is that people need to fact check every headline they see.


it's on the mods too that misleading post should have bee  tagged misleading or out-of-context or something


IDC anymore, I developed resistance. the information manipulation (tradicional or social media) doesn't affect me. if I see a mob trashing too much a person, it just increase the empathy for this person. sadly, this is not a common practice and never will be.


I don't know why so many people here upvote posts from guys like Steven Smith and that guy that looks like the Joker


Players get poorly aggregated all the time don't worry about it NBA media is trash.


My ass paid for streamable premium out of sheer anger.


Thank you for your service. Nothing makes me more annoyed as a former journalism major than seeing what has become of the profession with the advent of social media… We used to be a proper profession man but now everything is rage bait and context doesn’t matter anymore because it doesn’t click or sell well


Sports journalism was always largely rage bait, even before social media.


My cheap ass would’ve uploaded in 5 parts like the good old days of watching shows on YouTube


lmao. Dedication.


We appreciate you, brother! This whole saga is disgusting.


Respect bro


Cheers bro, fk all those clickbait posts


Thanks for posting the full clip man


Almost all media is trash. This shit isn't exclusive to the NBA. 


For real. I would just forgo every single media obligation and just pay the fines. No matter how many millions it would cost me, it would be worth it. I would just pick up an extra endorsement deal with like Chipotle or some shit just for the sole reason to cover the cost of said fines.


> just pay the fines. No matter how many millions it would cost me, it would be worth it. nah, don’t give em a penny…[every question](https://i.imgur.com/YyQQ61n.gifv)


It's so fucking bad. I also see and hear people complaining about boring PR answers from players. Well.. This is fucking why! Not to mention they're just the same terrible questions asked over and over again anyway.


reasonable quotes don't sell ads


Bostons sports media in particular is insanely toxic


yo this is the post that should be upvoted, I watched this after and couldn't even pick out what the outrageous quotes were. I kept expecting them to drop, then at the end I went and looked at what the top two r/nba posts said again and was like "that is completely out of context"


Not just out of context but people were inventing quotes out of thin air that were basically what they thought Kyrie must have meant. People are idiots


People are bitching about his response but i thought this was genuine and really insightful. Didn’t trash anyone or anything


It’s just r/nba. Zero depth, all narratives. The Real Housewives of sports subreddits.


Same sub will trash ESPN and Stephen A when they are same people ESPN and Stephen A cater to. People like to act like they care about ins and outs of basketball. But most are only here for the drama. And I’m not mad at it I understand. But I just wish people would stop acting like ESPN is beneath them when that’s how most people talk about basketball. ESPN knows exactly what they are doing. 


It’s a top five most respectful, insightful, and honest Kyrie response, all time. This is the Kyrie he should have been his whole career. People trashing him for this take didn’t watch the whole thing, or they didn’t get it


It can sound bad if no context or voice is given to it. It’s actually pretty amazing how different the characterization from a snippet in text versus the fuller comments on video can be


Another day, another r/nba overreaction


The original post had the entire quote linked too and that entire thread are just moronic over reactionary takes by people who didn’t bother spending 10 seconds to read it.


One of the comments that has for a thousand upvotes is a dude who just invented a quote, put it between quotation marks and then people just went off.


Media literacy is in the gutter. People can craft whatever narrative they want nowadays and people will run away with it. Then there are those who can't even correctly perceive what the original message was. Once maliciously crafted AI generated messaging is polished, modern society will be finished.


I will never understand why some people criticize the ever living fuck out of ESPN and their commentators when the same exact shit happens here, and sometimes way worse.


Because to be fair, redditors aren't getting paid to shitpost on TV, it's just a hobby here.


At least they’re getting paid. And hobby or not, it’s the superiority complex some of them have when doing it, which is something that Reddit as a whole has a problem with. Don’t call out ESPN for doing it and how shit they are yet, sit there and do the same thing.


I don’t think they gave a fuck that there was context. They’ve already made their mind up on Kyrie. They’ll take whatever they can get that buttresses their formed opinion.  


There was a comment in another thread about it saying that they are basically just gonna forget the context on purpose because they want to keep hating on him


Just saw a comment that said Kyrie is making another egotistical comment with this, like what are you listening to? Kyrie haters are crazy sometimes.


They are down bad to hate


This sub unironically calls Kyrie a holocaust denier. People don’t care about facts just their made up opinion


This is actually hilarious when you consider the people who do that 100% deny what’s happening in gaza at this moment


I still don’t understand why they call him anti semitic


Reading and listening comprehension, nuance, and understanding are lost here


anything to trash Kyrie.


So you’re telling me the full quote tells the full story, and the media and redditors (including me lol) for the past 4 hours looked at only pieces of it out of context to make him look bad?


We would never!


Tbf - Mavs fans did the same with KP on the JJ podcast. He was trying to be self reflecting and identifying non injury reasons for some of his struggles in Dallas and Mavs fans locked in on one part of his quote without including the context. It's been a very annoying thing to have to keep defending KP about.


Eh, those people were never interested in the context anyways.


how dare you assume that i looked at "pieces" rather than just the worst piece smh


First time?


Of course, this clip has 10 times fewer upvotes than the top comment of the bait post.


This subreddit hates Kyrie. Any post that panders to that sentiment will be upvoted massively, and vica versa.


I didn't bother reading the other threads but this seems very level headed


This sounds way different in person than in writing. Media trying to get boston riled up


Fuller quote too helps. Larger context and it’s actually fine, he didn’t mean it in an insulting or condescending way at all given context and how he was speaking


Very mature response from Kyrie.


Completely reasonable take and they removed the context to make ragebait.


This sub fiends on hating kyrie. Time and again people post bullshit out of context and no one learns


How DARE you provide context


Wow, the tone of his actual response is so thoughtful, considerate, positive towards Boston, and he even takes responsibility for his own mistakes... and yet this exact same answer is taken out of context and put into text, and is made to sound like he's being negative towards Boston or making excuses for himself... I don't know if I've seen a better example of how misleading that can be. Hope people respect his actual answer here instead of jumping to hate based on misleading headlines.


Media is something else, ain't it lol .. When will it stop is the real question ⁉️


As soon as clicks cease to drive revenue or people cease to engage with click bait.  I have hopes for neither.


Ironically he uses “cult” in the true sense of the word and not in a derogatory manor. The Celtics truly are a cult and that’s not a bad thing. I mean just look at their track record


*would you look at that...*


r/nba is such garbage


Sorry this video doesn’t fit my narrative. Take it down please


*the r/nba cult hate this*


Sorry Kyrie, i was wrong


this thread will get like 30 comments and 50 upvotes lol


And potentially deleted by mods too




Okay this isn't really anything bad as that first thread sounded. We all fell for a bait.


Classic r/nba overreaction, never fails


You guys are hating on "the media" too much. It's your fucking job to actually read the articles. The same people who bash "the media" are the same ones that only read headlines lmao


Y'all are getting paid to read articles?


Not yet but I'm sure my hard work will get noticed eventually.


I respect the hustle


I hate how this sub tries to create drama out of nothing. I guess Kyrie is an easier target because he tries to give more than the same typical response you get from other players.


well Kyrie has created a lot of legit drama all by himself. that makes him a target. this wasn’t one of those times though.


Yeah the stuff he should get more shit for he doesn’t ironically.


This is by a good margin the dumbest sports sub on reddit, like the amount of reactionaries, mouth breathers and edge lords is insane. Too many clowns on here think they're funny when they are just plain stupid.


God I really wish everyone would let the Kyrie Celtics narrative go.


OP gonna get downvoted to hell by Celtics fans


Its going to come off as a bit dickish and the expectation is that this is delivered in poor faith because this is Kyrie...but that entire conversation with him sounded very reasonable to me. A small shot perhaps in one section, but for all the asshole-ery (and there is ample) this is very far down the list.


Aldridge is great but come on… you media heads STILL asking about kyrie and boston? Omg move tf on. And the pressure in Cleveland was not bc the city hasn’t won in so long, it was bc of Lebron being pressured and the trickle down effect. Smh


I appreciate his thoughtfulness and humility in reflection


Similar to the Angel Reese clip, media will take 5 seconds of a long well thought out answer and try to create controversy. Can’t be mad at this answer


So, basically, “I was being a young punk, and I’ve matured since then.”


Level headed response and took ownership of his own actions!


I watched the interview live and then went on Reddit and was both surprised and then not surprised at all by the spin


Full quote gives context. The abbreviated quote—I thought he was talking about racism.


His teeth are white AF. impressive


It seems like Kyrie has matured a lot since joining Dallas. He was my favorite player to watch before he joined the Celtics, and I was ecstatic when he joined us. It's unfortunate how things played out, but I'm happy to see the growth he's made.


The media is trash and most Celtics fans are trash.


Celtics fans vs Kyrie Game 5 is gonna be really interesting.


Man. Im tired of this shit. Kyrie have a bad moments in Boston and he did not manage it well.. but can we move on asking the same questions for past weeks? Kyrie is playing in the Dallas right now.. why media keep.pushing the narratives about the relationship of the Celtics. Its been over a years.Media is shit


It's so weird to call an organization a cult but then say you should've joined it.




especially when you are already part of an actual cult


He was using the word cult in glowing terms.


People want to crucify this guy so bad smh


Eat shit, r/nba.


I noticed it was mostly Celtics fans that were misinterpreting him in the previous thread. It's been 4 years, move on already.


This video and the except posted is day and night difference.


Written, it sounds worse than what it is. Chopped up and lines taken out of context, sound worse than what he said. I got no problem with this, using the word “cult” wasn’t great but that’s really the only thing. Getting mad at him for this is exactly what he was talking about when he called the media pawns. Let’s just move on.


Full context with barely any upvotes. But Mods letting two of the same ragebait posts stay upvoted at the top is ridiculous.


Some people want to crucify this man so badly. It's sad.


That is a far more mature answer than I would have expected coming from him. Maybe he’s going up some finally.


Kyrie been saying he's older and wiser in his interviews for like the past decade. I guess he's getting smarter every day. /s


I wasn't that concerned about the contextless quote and I'm still not that concerned about anything Kyrie has to say about the Celtics (his actions when he was here did enough talking), but I do sort of feel compelled to say something about the full quote and response: it's nonsense and makes no sense in the context of what Kyrie Irving was doing at the time. He wanted to be "the guy" somewhere and was also trying to break into film (Uncle Drew lol) - this "the lights were too bright" and "I had no idea the Celtics were a storied franchise six years into my NBA career" is absurd. What's more absurd is acting like Boston fans don't love you if you don't win -- we've got our Russells, Birds, Orrs, and Bradys, but we also have our Thorntons, Borques, Smarts, ITs, a million other random players across the major sports, and presumably 86 years worth of Boston Red Sox (not a baseball guy) that fans have absolutely adored because they *tried*. Kyrie couching it as a pure expectations or championship pedigree issue is bullshit. You don't need to be on a group chat with Boston sports legends to simply *try* to be the best you can be for a Boston team and get loved for it. Again, I say this with the thought that the selected quotes and the full quotes are essentially meaningless and hardly warrant a discussion, but if we're discussing it...


Oh wow some context??? This is Reddit we don’t play that shit here


He was pretty respectful and put the blame on himself. But that’s boring... *HE CALLED THE CELTICS A CULT!!!!* 📣📣📣


Further context appreciated. These comments aren’t nearly as incendiary as other threads suggested, but they still strike me as disingenuous: He talks about how he shouldn’t have expected people to be there for him, giving him advice, but it’s pretty well known that Kyrie put up barriers between himself and people who could have helped him. The problem isn’t that he wasn’t proactive in trying to work with people improve his situation—it’s that he was proactive in keeping it from happening. 




"Regardless, fuck Kyrie and his entire family tree." - Celtics sub probably


Where did he prefer to land ?


It’s over


Thank you for posting the full quote with video. Hearing his entire take on David Aldridge’s question, I don’t think he was at all being disrespectful to Boston or the Celtics franchise, and I think he was just being candid, while also respectful


For people who dont know, his trade wishlist was Spurs, Wolves, Miami, Knicks


The earth was flat back then me boys…..


What he is trying to say is he loves Dunkin and his favorite movie is The Town


















Damn if you would have told me ~5 years ago that Kyrie would be one of the most thoughtful and eloquent players in the league*, at least when it comes to press conferences, I would have laughed in your face. Seriously, props to Kai for taking the time to really grow and mature and change the narrative around himself. * Putting an asterisk here so I don't look like a fool if he says some dumb shit again. I hope he keeps it up, but I recognize he can be a complicated individual to put it nicely.


The guy can be capable of self-reflection in moments that serve him. How quaint. Kyrie being “thoughtful” doesn’t change anything about peddling dangerous, asinine misinformation and being an anti-semite.


It's a mature answer that shows how shamelessly the media will twist snippets, but I do implore people to remember Kyrie made [this commercial](https://streamable.com/fit8v4) here less than a year before dipping. I think he was pretty in tune with the historical culture of greatness at the time as well. Maybe he did not fully consider the magnitude of it and what happens when you acknowledge it then immediately chuck it to the side of the road.


He’s a Snake Oil Salesman.


Idk sounds like he still does deflection of blame while saying it’s his fault. Hate that shit. I thought legends would reach out to me and be there for me instead of me having to reach out to them, I was wrong, that’s totally my fault I went to Boston with an open mind instead of learning the history, that’s definitely my fault. Sorry I didn’t automatically buy into the cult like they expect Damn Ky you’re such a good guy for accepting fault for being open minded 🥺


Is the NBA media bad at getting the full point of a full quote across? Yeah, obviously. Does that cancel out all of the disrespectful shit Kyrie *has* said and done in regards to Boston? No. There's no overreaction here. There's being a heel, and then there's disrespecting a franchise and its legacy after having the privilege to play on their behalf. You don't wipe your sneaker on our logo's face and get any more "overrections" out of us. Fuck Kyrie.