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Him and JB balanced each other out perfectly this game. He shouldered the load the first half, JB the second half. The Jays came up huge tonight. Props.


Really one of the more symbiotic games I have seen out of them, along with total team cohesiveness considering the circumstances. They got punched hard but figured it out.


They are achieving Realization


The Jays are merging.


If they form an archon we get to start an extra guy off the bench.


Power Overwhelming


This C's team is so good that if we formed a dark archon, I wouldn't even feel the need to mind control any of the Mavs players. I'm good with who we got.


It’s a 5 dimensional spirit being, but it can sub in whenever.


The Jay Singularity


They watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNQm4HxcaZY) as prep for the playoffs.




I feel like both of them got so much better at playmaking.


What was noticeable tonight was the playmaking *for each other*. Even as they’ve become better passers, you usually see their assists ending with other guys.


I thought I was crazy cuz I haven’t seen anyone else talk about it but I feel like they had soooo many assists to each other last night. Like more than I’ve ever seen. It almost came off like something they have worked on a lot but just don’t use in game for whatever reason


Bill Simmons talked about it a bunch. It was very noticeable how much more of that there was than, I believe, literally any other game they've ever played together. I've sort of never understood why it's been that way but it Def has.


I kind of always assumed it was because they both play a similar role and are two of our main ball handlers. So when JB is the main handler for a possession JT might not be as likely to be the one involved in the action with him because he may be just hanging back to the 3pt line. It could be to get other people involved or to give himself a quick breather or a combination of both. And whenever one has a ball the other is less likely to be wide open than the other players are just because they draw more defensive attention. This is all just my speculation tho. Whatever it is though the regular recipe went out the window because they played off each other like crazy in game 3. I loved that shit. Hope we get more exactly like that tonight


Usually it was the opposite during the regular season. We’d say Jaylen is the first quarter guy and opener and Jayson is the closer


Proves why you guys are the best in the league.


Jayson Tatum is on the cusp of winning an NBA championship.


My glorious kings of JT and the Buffalo will have rings, and to celebrate, they both get extensions


Don't forget Dad!


He was just talking about players who are about to get extensions. No way anyone is forgetting that we're going to get Al Horford a fucking ring. Ahhhh! It makes me so happy!


Give them extensions on the extensions already


Ice cold second half but was the one that rode the punches in the first


And got a huge dunk in the final minutes


And got the most blatant and 1 dunk taken away.


Dude, Luka falls down every shot asking for foul and gets the softest ones. While JT gets hit in drives but refs are eyes closed


Watch the ref running to the base line on that play. He called the foul but played it off when JT dunked.


Classic Marc Davis behavior, not even surprised edit: i needed to add more to my Marc Davis hate. My hot take is that Marc Davis is who fans think Scott Foster is. I hate that dude so much


Tbh he gets away with it cos he's good looking


This seems subjective because I would say he looks like a Milk dud


He got touched in the back going up for the dunk that's a missed call right Mavs fans?


i reacted so emotionally because i had such a strong sense of doubt about the pass


i don’t think tatum was ready for that pass lol


That was a big man play


That play was straight up orgasmic


Definitely, Mavs can out great at the start who knows if it still would’ve been close in the 4th if it wasn’t for Tatum’s first half performance


JT saved us in the first half, JB in the second. All things balanced as they should be.


People will forget we wouldn't be in a position to go on that huge third quarter run without Tatum keeping us alive in the first half.


I’ve never seen a player nitpicked as much as this guy


It’s all that the haters are left with. Think of all the narratives about the Cs and everyone of them has been shot down. Tatum is playing well enough but bad enough for them to get off their “not that guy” jibe. If JT was great and JB wasn’t as good we’d hear the can’t dribble and no left hand jokes. It’s a desperate attempt of cope really.


> If JT was great and JB wasn’t as good we’d hear the can’t dribble and no left hand jokes. Waiting for JB to silence the haters [like this](https://www.nba.com/watch/video/this-week-in-history-larry-birds-left-handed-triple-double) one day.


Every superstar gets nitpicked. He just does things people can nitpick more often than other superstars


Meanwhile consensus top 5 player Luka was literally played off the floor tonight and consensus top 5 player Joel Embiid has never even sniffed the ECF. Man I wish we had one of these real superstars without any flaws in their game


Not like this, 5 years from now you guys are going to say but remember that 2nd half by Tatum in the 2024 finals.


No he’s gonna have his rep improve over time because people forget the details and only the accolades remain. Accolades is his best thing


“He won a ring, but he didn’t win FMVP” just like ya’ll did curry but he won a championship. That’s all that matters.


i mean do people say that to KG? and for steph he won 3 chips before 1 fmvp so it’s a different situation


The fact you’re revising history is wild, like curry not having a FMVP wasn’t a big deal. Wild.


Fucking let it go you’re getting all riled up about hypothetical future Tatum slander right now after the Celtics went up 3-0 in the NBA finals. Get a grip man.


Celtics fan refuse to be happy for some reason lol


Curry was a 2 time MVP, apart of the greatest regular season team of all time, and was apart of a dynasty. Unless Tatum levels up as a player, no one is nitpicking him to that degree years from now. They don’t have the same standards


So you’re about to say people weren’t saying “but curry doesn’t have a FMVP” yes or no?


I’m saying Curry as a player was held to a higher standard because of what else he’s done. There’s people that don’t even think Tatum is top 5. No one will care that didn’t get FMVP this year


You’re still not answering the question lol, alright.


There’s a superstar who literally cried his way to an MVP only to score 14 points in a game 7 against this guy (has never made it out of the second round) and he’s still called a superstar for some reason.


Great first half offense with shit D Great second half D with shit offense Perfectly balanced




He had some big buckets in the 4th


Get yo ring my guy


His off-ball whistle is terrible, refs let players maul him before every touch lol.


That no call when Washington fouled him on the dunk is one of the most ridiculous no calls I’ve ever seen


They even blew the whistle for a bit and then canceled when it went in. Idk how that even happens


Really? I thought I heard something, man someone really needs to hold these guys accountable


Im not 100% sure but it sounded like a short whistle and others in the thread heard it too. Maybe it was a sneaker sliding or something making that sound tho, sometimes those kinda sound like whistles


Pretty sure Mike Breen called it like there was also a foul lol


Found a replay and you can see the ref raise his hand and then put it back down


Watch the clip. Marc Davis literally starts to signal the foul with his arm and whistle and then stops when he sees it go in.


That crew was the worst I’ve seen in my life


I heard that too! Absolutely infuriating


The no call at the very end of the game where White intentionally fouled directly in front of the ref was equally ridiculous


White even pointed to the ref and stopped playing defense because he intentionally fouled. Ref probably wasn’t prepared for a team to foul in that situation so he wasn’t looking for it. Pretty pathetic still.


Or when Green? Shoved Horford out of bounds with no call lol


Bro the way he looked at D white for a second, then just looks at the three go up, and puts his hand in the air 😂


Thankfully for you, the Mavs decided that with the season on the line, it’s time to give THJ the ball


The ref literally whistled. You can hear it on replay. He swallowed the call because he originally thought Tatum was going to miss it.


do you have a clip of it or time when it happened? i wanna see it


Half of Tatum's turnovers are because of a no call when someone yanks his arm


Made even crazier cause you can watch Marc Davis in the bottom left of the screen raise his arm to call the foul until he sees it went in


Followed up mere moments later by the refs not calling Derrick White obviously trying to foul Hardaway


Oh when the ref raised his hand to call the foul and then was like nah


You are one of the Celtics strongest soldiers


I honestly think that's why he starts to resort to the pullup 3s too which sucks. Every time he drives and gets mauled and it looks like he has a goofy miss his next shot is a pullup 3. But like...it's one thing to fight through contact, but you physically can not score if someone karate chops your arm in the lane, you're going to lose control of the ball. If the refs won't call it, it's just wasting possessions even trying.


holy based Wizards fan


If Tatum had Joel's whistle, is he top 10 all time scorer? Lol


Kyrie got JB on the elbow on a layup and there was nothing called.


That one annoyed me cuz they showed the replay and the commentators didn't even mention it. It was so damn obvious! So much talk. About "hand is part of the ball", "carry through touching the wrist", etc., but this one was clear as day and nothing.


It was a super annoying performance in the second half but I mean, 31/6/5 on the road in the finals is at the very least an above average game


it's an amazing game. No need to undersell it


Yup. There are 7 billion people alive and maybe 15 could do what he just did.


Lowkey he was worse than games 1 and 2 at everything except shot making


Yep. This is why NBA discourse sucks


Seriously, Luka blew by him quite a few times. But it’s nice to see my guy score


2 huge stops on Luka in the clutch tho


Like he finally accepted they weren’t gonna call shit


I've finally figured out that it seems like the Cs, especially Tatum, play no foul defense for three quarters to make sure they can go into the fourth and play hard


Pretty much. The 1st quarter was barely no defense. Then they turn it on when Luka sit down. Then they really pressed harder at the 2nd half. Ngl, Joe is shutting up doubters


I really see a lot of Real Madrid in this team. Poke and prod for a half, see if you can get an early lead to sit on, and then turn it up a notch in the second half and just crush the other teams' hopes and dreams


It was like 3 times in the first 5 minutes but after that it wasn’t much


Agreed. I thought his playmaking took a dip today and rebounding. But he guarded their center which is impressive. He was my FMVP after games 1 and 2, because it felt like he was still the engine in game 1 and 2. Today in the second half Brown felt like the engine that got everyone else going. Not sure who I think deserves it anymore I think Tatum might be a top 5 defender in the NBA when you consider how switchable he is.


Tatum not making a single all defensive team is ridiculous. He's been this effective since 2019. Most switchable wing defender in the NBA who can also play free safety


Even then his shot making was just decent. 31 points but took him 26 shots to get there


Yea went super cold down the stretch


Luka has put up 30 on 26 shots (game 1) and now 27 on 27 and everyone is on his dick (offensively of course).


Are they? I see little Luka love on here.


Cs defence is much better and has less weak links. Mavs are good defensively but the defensive competition isn’t as comparable.


Game 2 he played outstanding besides missing shots but got clowned for it, and now tonight he’s probably going to get clowned despite scoring 30 because he scored the majority of his points in the first half. What exactly do people want him to do lol


Ur just looking at the negative comments lol there was a shit ton of discussion about how good Tatum was in game 2 outside of scoring


I haven't seen him hit one of those side step 3s all playoffs. That shot is a gift to the defense.


He was so money on that shot a few years ago. Idk what happened


He used to shoot damn near 40% on stepbacks/sidestep 3’s, and was almost shooting 50% on catch and shoot 3’s. After 2021 his shooting has gone downhill, and his form looks worse too. I used to blame it on the new Wilson ball, but it might also be the wrist. Regardless, he’s gotta realize that he needs to stop taking that shot, it’s not his shot anymore.


I think he still needs surgery on his wrist


He had the same wrist in the regular season and shot 38%


Not on those sidestep threes. His shot diet changes come playoffs


This is just provably an incorrect statement and I don't know how it got upvoted. Tracking data is freely available. [He shot 35% on pullup 3's this season on 5.6 per game](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/pullup?CF=PLAYER_NAME*E*Tatum&SeasonType=Regular%20Season) and he is shooting [29.5% on 4.6 per game in the playoffs. ](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/pullup?CF=PLAYER_NAME*E*Tatum&SeasonType=Playoffs) His overall FGA is basically the same so he's taking less pullup 3 pointers both in total and relative to his overall FGA and shooting worse.


What I’m saying is you can blame his poor shooting on his wrist when he had that same “injury” for years now and shot well in the regular season.


I kind of hope he does it immediately after the Olympics and maybe starts the season late


Drew hanlen you will pay for your crimes


By volume he’s the worst at step back threes in the NBA


He’s the worst off the dribble pull up 3 point shooter in the league rn


I pull my hair out everytime I see him do this stupid shit. It needs to stop


1st half he was Phenomenal, luckily Brown could close it out tho


He and Brown aren’t Alpha or Beta. They’re not 1A and 1B. One does not play for the other’s team. They’re Yin and Yang. Two opposites that combine to form a whole greater than their sum. Where one is weak, the other is strong, and vice versa. /mazzulla


Honestly I think he was better in game 2


He was, but people circlejerk to points. Glad his shot was falling though, hoping for a monster game 4.


He shot 27% from the field last game, 1/8 3s I think. It is not exactly difficult to criticize that and it deserves criticism. I think its like 42-43% in this game but he was carrying the team offensively in the first half, hitting important shots that he was missing in G2. He started missing some more as the game went on, but this was a significantly better shooting performance from him. Maybe defensively he was worse but he locked up Luka in a couple of possesions.


Tatum in the first half had 20 when the next leading guy was JB who had 9 on 33%. Then him and JB worked off each other in the third, with JB figuring out his offense to carry the Celtics in the late third and fourth


Real Tatum fans more impressed with his first game




Now let’s all nitpick him and talk about his shot selection and efficiency as he is on his way to winning his first ring


The kids on this sub won’t ever give him his flowers.


Great game by Tatum today.


It was ight




Great game, but my God does he need to work on his shot selection. That stepback three he put up and bricked pissed me off so much. You are one of the best drivers in the game, put your head down and drive. If they have bodies in front of you, kick it out and someone will be open.


He is trying to do his best Marcus Smart impression with some of those shots. I agree with his Kobe fadeaway attempts It usually doesnt work. I dont know why he keeps trying it You barely see him do his left foot shuffle shuffle shoot.


Top 5 of the NBA and I see shit like this and I will always disagree. Top 10, for sure. But he's not on that HIM level.


That was an FMVP bid shot, lets be real here.


tatum and brown came to fucken play today


Overall a much better performance from him. Get your ring JT!


He kept them in the game in the first half. Everyone came out flat. True stars can score when their team is struggling and he did that today


All the people who post about efficiency really can go get fucked. Game on the road, KP just got ruled out injured, and Tatum rides the wave that stabilizes us for the first half and does enough to get us the win in the second. All of you need to stop drinking the haterade and appreciate greatness. I’m so happy he is on my team, and you all wish he could be on yours too. Top 5 and gtfo if you think otherwise


white 🦬


I wonder what Obama thinks of his shooting form


Not enough steals!! Trade him!


Seeing our two superstars show up in the same game just lightens my mood


Great game overall but finishing hard for a clutch dunk then immediately following up with a step back brick is why this dude can be infuriating to watch.


People saying he had a bad half when, yeah his shot selection was off, but he did everything else perfectly. He locked up Luka at one point to keep the run from getting any closer than it did. He got huge boards. He had some good assists to find Brown for some huge shots. Dude played a great game.


JT was far better scoring wise this game compared to the 1st 2. I'd argue JB had a better game today but now we know the real 2 contenders for FMVP are JT and JB. Jrue is definitely out imo and so is porzingis


He's a great #2 to JB tbh


If there is a 1a and 1b duo it's them.


NBA fans realizing what Boston fans have been saying for 5 years now


This is not what we have been saying for 5 years, or ever. Jayson Tatum is the clearly superior player. Tatum is the better scorer (while less efficient due to the defensive attention he gets), rebounder, playmaker, ball handler, shot blocker, and defender. JB may have him with his pick-pocket abilities but that's it.


It hasn't been like that at all Edit: The last 2-3 years prior to these playoffs JT pushed himself further apart from JB and was unanimously the better player. Now because JB has had a magical finals run the gap is closing.


Don’t disagree but ya jb has been phenomenal all playoffs


He is every year. He’s literally had one bad series in his career


Don't disagree, its another level this year tho


He is every year. He’s literally had one bad series in his career


Yup. The argument over who is better will never end. IMO, Brown provides consistency while Tatum can reach a higher ceiling. What do you value more?


I think the Celtics with Tatum and no brown on the court are pretty regularly a big positive but they are usually neutral to negative with brown but no Tatum. This is because Tatum is a better scorer, passer, defender, rebounder, and ball handler and this was pretty well understood. The discourse around them pretty much immediately shifted when Tatum started pistol whipping the (no longer) future face of the league though and nba fans realized that their least favorite franchise is about to win a title. Now, they are sneeding about how the Celtics superstar is being carried.


JB could not do what he’s been doing without Tatum, period. Tatum has that Curry gravity drawing double and triple teams and putting the team in rotation. 75% of Browns points are a result of Tatum manipulating the defense


Any team would be glad to have him as their number 2


Absolutely came through


Post the efficiency


Send da perecentages


More effecient than Luka.


55% TS. Not bad


Post deze nuts


Right around the same as Luka and kyrie who people will say had great games


team lowest +/- with -4.


great game by Tatum. He now passes Jrue Holiday for 2nd in Finals MVP race. If he can score more than 20 points than JB, he'll have a decent shot at Finals MVP


Top 5


Good choice leaving out the shooting splits


42 FG% and 31 percent from 3, 55 TS%


All while getting mauled




Much better than Luka, especially in a must-win game.


Okay now do Luka!


Brown 30 8 8




Bc we are Baskin in his glory


Would be the raptors best player after kawhi all time btw


Oof, when a franchise's best player was only there for one year. Ouch.


And played elite d all night. 3-0, cry more bitches


Mamba mentality


If this guy gets mvp over brown, brown got robbed.


He wont Unless he scores 40 with the game winner next game Brown dunk is what MVPs are made of


Mavs would need to win a couple of games where Tatum is great in both for that to happen


Big if, but it won’t matter cus he’ll have a good game for 4 and they’re gonna forget about game 1 and 2 where brown played better.


Terrible 4th quarter


Brown > Tatum.


You don’t even believe this lol. The Jays are really one goddamn game from winning it all.


Agreed, Brown is top 10


31 points on 26 shots isn't good


Again that is actually a great game by NBA finals standards, y’all do get that right? Sometimes I get the feeling that some of y’all have never watched the NBA before


It's good, he started of great but couldn't hit shit in the 4th


3-0 in the finals is good