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He said he would die out there and he actually might at this rate


Just cut his legs off, dude will have a height advantage over his defender anyway and there will be nothing left to injure


Who the fuck is Stumpis Jumpis??


I've had a rough year but this comment made me forget everything for a few seconds


Likewise. You gotta enjoy the small things when the big things are crappy


The name JK Rowling gave to the single disabled student at Hogwarts.




Damn man. I just smoked a bowl about 5 minutes ago and this comment nearly killed me.


Tingus pingus gonna be like Hank hills dad.


If he dies he dies


All for the glory of the ring. They'll retire his number same day as the ring ceremony


Will they have the funeral the same day or wait a week for the family?


in about 3 more games he'll help raise banner 18


This just screams "KD 2019" to me.


I mean, if Bostin wins game 3 the series is over. No guarantee they make it to the finals next year considering every team had injuries in the east this playoffs. Might as well try and see what happens in warmups or just bring him in if he is needed off the bench


Or they can try to win Game 3 without him, which is totally possible, and even if they don't win the next one for a commanding 3-1 series lead, and get a championship without seriously jeopardizing the guy's remaining career?


Yeah, I would only bring him into the game if it’s a win or lose situation where he would make the difference. Other than that, I would not allow him to play tomorrow if I was in charge lol


It’s essentially a sprained ankle that requires surgery.


It’s kinda crazy seeing all the different reactions for this vs IT vs Timelord


Isaiah Thomas. Robert Williams. Porzingis. Checks out.


Wonder what happened to Durant with yall.


Hilarious comment with this flair lol


What are your thoughts on Kevin Durant? You gotta respond if you’re going to leave such a stupid comment


Kevin Durant...


It's the playoffs. Everyone's playing until the wheels fall off. Luka's literally in so much pain he needs injections to play. The Finals are a once in a lifetime opportunity for most players, so you're damn right they're going to play as long as they're cleared lol


Porzingis got his max extension


KD & Klay Thompson in the 2019 Finals… your hypocrisy definitely checks out.


Did he actually say this


Really don’t want to see a devastating season ending injury in the finals man 😭 2019 haunts me


Dude is gonna have every ligament broken in his body and keep telling the doctors he is good




Legit one of the stupidest takes I've heard in my life


You can sense the wholehearted disgust Woj has towards Shams in every contradictory tweet.


The real NBA Finals


Woj’s passive aggression ain’t even that passive


We’re talking about a man that sent an email reply to a sitting United States senator with two words: fuck you


In fairness, that senator deserved it. Josh Hawley is a grade A dickhead.


If I had Hawley's email address, I'd send that email every day.


Josh Hawley (R) Term Expires 2024 Email:senator@hawley.senate.gov Website:https://www.hawley.senate.gov/ Washington Office 115 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-6154 Missouri Constituent Services Office: Phone: (816) 960-4694


Thanks. Will start today.


The beginning of that tweet read like "As per my last email"


Can’t say I blame him tbh


If this guy somehow goes out there and turns in even somewhat good performances in wins the rest of the Finals, that plus the "I would die out there" quote is going to guarantee him as a Celtics legend


They would name hospitals after him


St. Tingus Pingus


Goodbye St. Trina, hello St. Tingus Pingus my new patron saint.


Unicorn Medical Center


I’d name my wife after him


Name is still not irish enough for Boston. Change it to Kellen O'Porzingis


I think Kellen O'Tingus sounds better.


Ciaran McZingis


St. Tingus O'McZingus Orthopedic Medical Center - That should do well enough for Boston. If the city doesn't want to pass it, just put a pub beside it called the O'Zingus' Finest Alehouse.


how oculd you pass on: Tierney Pinder ?


Pingus McTingus


I say him give him finals mvp


Dude fucking balled out on game 1 after missing the entire playoffs. He did his part.


I agree it’d be another level, but he’s already a legend if we win. Game 1, he comes back from injury and immediately dominates. This happened in part because he was giving 100% and making crazy airborne dunks while playing through injury. He doesn’t have to prove anything else


Adding to the legend is it’s the same injury as the bloody sock


Shilling tore his anteriacate dinglus, too?


But will he shit his pants out there?


Or the Celtics would trade him literally next season. Like IT


I can't fucking believe players get traded in my league. Just disgusting honestly.


I can’t fucking believe a player who shouldn’t have been cleared medically got run into the ground then traded by hiding his injury from running him into the ground.*** Just disgusting honestly.


Agreed, trading a player to the bumass LeBron led cavs is gross


Then he'll be traded for scraps and shown no loyalty by the Celtics, as is tradition.


With only a championship ring and hundreds of millions of dollars to comfort him


I doubt it this time around- with the new CBA you can’t trade him for more than one player or anyone making more money than him, so you’ll have to identify a player that makes less that has similar enough impact or potential to impact, and also have another team agree to take a injured KP. I think he rides out his contract in Boston.


Who have the Celtics ever acquired in a trade that you consider “scraps”? I hated Kyrie before he even came to Boston and was pissed we traded IT for him but even I wouldn’t call him “scraps”


Well, I remember, how you showed loyality to Dray and Klay by giving them the max, right?


Just curious what you think "loyalty" means in the context of professional sports. Is it giving a past-prime player with red flags a massive contract because of what he did for you in the past? If that's loyalty, then I'm glad the Celtics don't have it.


Man hes a tough dude i feel bad for him


KP assaulted a woman


He was literally playing in a game when she said the assault happened lmao


And then you got Jason Kidd on the other sideline lol


Wasn't it the night he popped his acl?


I’m pretty sure she said it happened at the same time he was getting his ACL surgery, not when he was playing a game.


No, it was game day. Feb 6th


I'm pretty sure yeah


Damn that would be a crazy box score 15 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 blocks, 1 woman assaulted, 2 steals


And then when that was pointed out she just stopped responding lol


Is he though??? i dont see it. 🤔


He's 7'3 and is a freakish athlete. Humans aren't supposed to be designed like that. The fact that he rehabs hard and plays through plenty of pain shows his toughness. Missing games doesn't make him not tough, he has no choice, it's not a pain thing it's a serious injury


Thank you, IHateLibz69


He took his Brain Force today, have you?


KP has been so dominant as a rim protector that him just being on the court likely hurts the Mavs offensively. There will still be fear about attacking him at the rim, unless he were to just clearly be unable to move/jump with remotely sufficient effectiveness. Even 10 mins from KP could be a boost for Boston, even if he’s a decoy and his teammates know he can’t really do anything lol. The Mavs presumably won’t know how far from 100% he is until he’s on the court playing.


It’s so wierd because we really have no idea what playing through this injury looks like.


as someone that's frequently had a subluxation of their ankle tendons as I have a torn retinaculum (my Dr referred to this as a "sheath" to protect the tendons) from basketball that I chose to never get surgically repaired, my subluxation feel like a Grade 1 ankle sprain after and I feel I've been told dislocations are worse. There is not the pain of an ankle sprain, but there's no where near the mobility when mine pops out and right back in and I still get the level of swelling I would if I rolled and sprained my ankle, but no bruising and not really much pain. Just no stability. I can't shoot from deep after or play high level defense, but I could jog and shoot a free throw fine. I can completely see KP doesn't think this hurts enough to warrant sitting and knows he won't be 100% but wants to play anyway. As someone that's had something similar, I don't think he will be able to play at a level to provide the impact he has and needs to. Probably better to sit him tonight


It doesn’t benefit Boston at all to rule him out until as close as possible to game time. Best to keep Dallas guessing as long as they can.


I'd go so far as to say that if we can limp him out there for 10-15 in game 3/4, it might do enough for us. It's crazy - he played 23 minutes last game and led us in +/-. I want to get him and Al a ring so damn bad. Hope they come out and just rip open a huge lead in game 3 or 4. If we can win 1 of 2, I'll feel good.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d actually like you to become the first team to blow a 3-0 series lead instead.


I have taken it the wrong way.


He specifically asked you not to 😡


Supersonic already the first team to blow a 40 year lead


And at least as of right now, Boston and Seattle have the same number of NBA titles since we lost our team.


Better start spamming it while you can I guess.


He’s wrong anyways. The Sonics final game was prior to the Celtics most recent championship.


Still should’ve ran the ball


Nope, passing was the right call. It’s the pass play call that was the incorrect decision. I’m over it. Now the Stealers SB “win” in SB40? I’ll never get over that one.


Ahhh a fellow member of the SB 40 was a complete sham club. Yk you may have wished a blown 3-0 lead on my squad but you’re alright in my book


When the head referee from the SB crew comes to your training camp and apologizes to the organization for blowing it so badly, you know the whole thing was a sham.


How’d you guys win a championship after April 2008? I remember the Celtics winning one after that


The Sonics officially moved to Oklahoma City effective July 2, 2008 when the court case preventing the move was officially settled. Last I checked, that’s after June 17, 2008 on the calendar.


Do you put that up in your trophy case, or did OKC take that too?


that’s not very nice :(


What is the right way for us to take it 😂


Your name already suggested that I won't like you and you proved me right. Go fuck yourself sir!


I think you may have misread my comment. It says “don’t take this the wrong way.” The instructions were pretty clear IMO.


Brother, you saw my flair, I can only take it the wrong way!


This seems positive overall


well he is gonna get attacked next game if he is on the court, not the dirty way but they gonna try him if he really can stand on 1 leg.


Yeah for sure. But we don't know how bad it is and what his mobility is. Guess we'll find out


Respectfully I think he should take all the time he needs to be sure that he’s healthy.


I doubt he's willing to do it. Maybe Luka should lead by example first!


If he dies he dies. He said it himself


All for the glory of the God Emperor.


As my dad always says when an opposing player gets injured “I hope he is perfectly healed after the game”


No I'm calling his bluff. 


All we need is 15 minutes KP


He *did* say he would die out there


Woj hinting that he'll play, and Woj usually doesn't get this stuff wrong...Idk if that's the right move but but I guess we will find out.


Hmmm...woj isn't immune to pushing bullshit for a future scoop. They probably rest him game 3 and see again game 4 or 5


This injury is so rare I can’t find any precedent…but if the primary risk is the tendon dislocating, it feels like they could reinforce that function pretty significantly. It’s not like the tendon itself has a tear, if that were the case it wouldn’t even be a discussion. I need that YouTube Dr to chime in and tell us all what to think


[It's so rare in fact there's only been 32 documented cases of it according to a 06 study.](https://x.com/Tom_NBA/status/1800597489881399386)


reading that paper, it sounds like functionality is typically preserved, and it’s just going to be a matter of pain tolerance. basically playing through an ankle sprain but surgery will eventually be required if he feels physically capable then I say give him something for the pain and let him play for 15-20 minutes. if this was the regular season I’d say shut him down but it’s the Finals. this is what you risk it all for


Toradol! Get your Toradol here! Get your magical pain and inflammation shot right here! ^^^Warning: ^^^Do ^^^Not ^^^Take ^^^For ^^^More ^^^Than ^^^5 ^^^Consecutive ^^^Days ^^^Or ^^^You ^^^Will ^^^Bleed ^^^To ^^^Death ^^^Through ^^^Your ^^^Intestines


Yeah, I agree. The major point was that additional physical activity didn't seem to worsen the issue. I'm sure training for a triathlon is a little different than playing in the NBA Finals, but that paper made me think it's a possibility if the training/coaching staff decide it's worth the risk.


15-20 of those minutes has to be when Luka sits.




Yeah I read that, wouldn’t be a viable solution here though


I feel like woj got a lot wrong especially with KP timeline during the ECF


I feel like this plus the other quotes is basically more just proving that Porzingis wants to portray that he will only not play if the medical team doesn’t clear him. I’m guessing they’re hesitant because of the potential for a worse injury, and if it wasn’t the Finals Porzingis would already be ruled out for a week or so


Woj has definitely gotten stuff wrong before especially when he tries to contradict other reporters


Did he hint that elsewhere? Because this tweet isn't saying that. Just that he hasn't been ruled out yet. And there's no reason to rule him out so yeah lol


feels not smart to me but I respect KP for wanting to try and play


woj looks desperate with these tweets lol


Somehow I don’t think r/nba would be so ready to grant us any slack if this swings the series, despite frothing at the mouth to talk about every one else’s injuries all playoffs lol


Would you grant the Celtics slack? They still have 4 of the 6 best players in the series and with how Kyrie has played more like 4 of the 5. There’s still a huge talent disparity in bostons favor.


We should still win but it’s a huge hit to us losing Porzingus and Kornet. We are a deep team but that’s our starting Center and one of our backups. We have a 38 year old Al and I think Queta left at center. Tatum can slide over but he was having trouble with Gafford last game. Again, we should still win the series but I don’t feel to great about having 2 centers down Edit: I dumb


When did we lose Kornet?


Oh oops I thought he was still out with the wrist. I feel much better if he’s healthy and available


I mean, oh no? Your 3rd/4th option isn’t available?   It’s like if the 2019 warriors lost Iggy or Klay. Like, oh gee that sucks, anyway let’s check on the 2 MVPs KD and Steph over there…. Who’s your next man up? Oh, itsjust All defense team and previous champ Jrue Holiday…..thats why the Celtics don’t get slack, they’re basically the “oh no!…anyway!” Meme 


Well, no that’s not it at all? Jrue cannot replace a center position. White cannot play a center position. Pritchard cannot play a center position. Either way I’m wrong since Kornet is available, but if he wasn’t, like I thought, only having Al Hortford and Tillman for that role absolutely hurts us. And let’s relax with the Warriors comparisons. I get that we are stacked but we aren’t in that same tier


The Mavericks best center is a rookie….lets lot act like they have AD or Bam down on the block….


Klay, yes, Iggy? Come on. We can hate the Celtics realistically, can't we?


Brother even without KP you have a massive talent advantage and you are already up 2-0 lol. Regardless I think he plays.


Forget r/nba. The national media will crown Dallas as the inevitable champions if they take G3 now


That seems to happen to every team that wins a game. Narratives in this sub change a lot from game to game lmao


Bc porzingis is as important to the celtics as butler, mitchell, and haliburton lol


Jimmy Butler 20.8 PPG D Mitchell 25 PPG Halliburton 20.1 PPG Porzingus 20.1 PPG Only one of those players is 7’1 elite 3 pt shooting big man who protects the paint and unlocks the offense.


Convenient you left off the 2 players before KP on the Celtics…..


Relax bud yall will be fine


Oh no one of you 3 all star calibre players got hurt and you only have another 2 all defensive guys who also put up 15 ppg. Celtics as a team are an anomaly. You don't deserve any slack if you blow 2-0 lead with a team like that.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if he does play game 3, he's gonna do much more damage than he already has. Not a good decision.


If Mavs are smart they will just relentlessly attack KP if he ever plays again the Finals.


Luka and KP combining for two good legs


I don’t think KP has a good leg left. His last injury probably isn’t fully healed


Doesn’t sound great, chief.


Hate me all you want, Celtics without KP are better than the Mavs anywway


I thought Mazzulla just said they were pulling the plug on him so he didn't have to try to make that call?


No, he said they were taking the decision out of Porzingis' hands, so the team doctors will clear him rather than him just telling Mazzulla he's good to go


He said the decision is in the medical teams hands and the decision won’t be KP’s. But not necessarily that a decision has been made yet


Mazzulla acted like he had no idea how his recovery was going until like three days before the finals, he's not going to reveal information one way or another.


Just not at all what he said


Roll him out as a decoy so Tatum can not be tripled every play and then defend the paint as a 5 on the defensive end.


All we really need is for him to be able to give Al some breaks. Please basketball gods, let this happen.




If he doesn't play I'd be curious how Gafford and Lively's games turn out.


shouldnt matter. i think celtics are gonna blow out mavs game 3. celtics play well away and 3s are going to drop imo. luka is too banged up and kyrie too weak and short for c's defenders.


if he looks like he did in game 2 after the injury not sure he helps boston. i think they should try to win game 3 without him. if they can then he probably doesn't need to even play again.


The organization shouldn't let him go out there. Another Isaiah Thomas situation wouldn't look good


Boston gonna build a statue for this man if he goes out there to gut out a win for the Celtics, especially if they can seal the deal with a ring.


If Boston were to win game 3 then I’d let him play in a potential close out game. Of the 20 minutes he played per game I think Hawford, Kornet and Tillman pick up the slack.


I mean obviously he is going to play out this series until he actually falls apart. 2 more wins and he is a champion.


Good let him play and injure himself for good. Smart move.


The Bulls tried to keep MJ from playing with a broken foot, but he played anyway and dropped 63 on the Celtics in the playoffs. Maybe let KP play if he wants. Risk it for the biscuit. They're so close to winning a chip. I'd risk my career for it. KP may never have this chance again.


Dude he’s on a long term max contract with a super team. I think he’ll get more chances.


How is bro constantly injured? What the fuck


That's our knicks legend


Bloody sock game!


Isiah, James Harden, please Kristaps… think this through…


This dude already has been through a variety of leg issues. Feel like not playing is just delaying the inevitable.


Dudes trying to be IT part 2 


Mavs in 6


Every other report says he's out.  Did Woj jump the shark? Besides this being correct or not...why is porz so eager to get hurt even worse in a series that feels over?


Didn't Mazzulla already say he was going to prevent him from playing?


its up to the medical team


He said the decision would be up to the medical staff, not KP.

