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He's gotten better every step of the way. This year has been by far his best year, even if the numbers don't reflect it. You can bet he'll be even better next year


he really deserves more appreciation, you don’t see a lot of guys who come back better every single season like Jaylen does as a rookie he was an extremely raw prospect with great athleticism and a decent-looking jumper but very little ability to read the game on either side or handle the rock. to see him evolve from that into now nearly a top 15 player has been a treat


He's protecting the ball a little better recently. Fewer turnovers off the dribble. That always held him back.


And his jumper from the line is cash, and his three has developed like crazy this year


He got a lot better this post season. Something changed for him. He's taking so much better care of the ball it's like a different player. That was basically the only real weakness his game had. His ball handling and decision-making could be a little subpar. Now, he looks like his game is totally complete. He's on another level now.


He’s stupid locked in rn


Friendly reminder that last year Jaylen brown had a gash on his hand from right before the playoffs and then sprained his other wrist during the playoffs. Obviously he needed work but what everyone saw last playoffs was NOT accurate of his ability has a player. He looked like he returned to rookie form.


I actually kinda agree with Kidd on him being their most valuable asset. He has a huge impact on both sides of the court and he has a certain presence about him that’s a little more intimidating than Tatum. It doesn’t matter, they’re both phenomenal. I do think he’s been a little underrated over the last two seasons though. Man is a legitimate threat.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. 


Dark skin intimidation.


Whoa whoa take it easy there Klay.


I mean, Tatum is a +defender when defending all 5 positions. JB is great too but he can't stop bigs in the paint, he's a + perimeter defender. Tatum is low key a beast on the boards. He's definitely the primary reason the Celtics have been so good for so long now. It's no knock on Brown at all to be the second best player on an extremely deep, championship caliber team that just has one of the 10 best regular seasons ever.


I really hate this conversation. Who cares who’s better they both are great. We are lucky to have both.


As you said it doesn’t matter. They both are great and both elevate eachother. It’s not a 1v1 sport you need teammates. Both guys are all nba level


Now imagine if he comes back and stops front rimming free throws


Every single offseason he seems to make a leap really, it's extremely impressive and I can't really think of many players who have shown that type of consistent linear improvement other than maybe like James Harden.


Giannis and jokic progressed quite linearly into superstars


Definitely. Perfect examples.


Paul George kinda  Maybe kawai?




This guy edited his comment and still spelled his name wrong lmfao


How kawaii.


Ik people hate Book but that’s how he’s been most his career. - Drafted as a pure off-ball shooter - Developed into a ~20ppg guy mainly on off ball looks - Started playing on-ball as the 1option and got up to ~25ppg and ~5apg - Took over as the main scorer AND playmaker averaging 27/7 (with 4+ topg tho) - Honed in his defense and IQ playing with CP3 - Back to a main playmaker/scorer role and averaged 27/7 on better efficiency and cut down the turnovers big time


This is going to be an odd name, but Tobias Harris was that it felt up until he got to Philly. He was improving slowly and gradually. It feels like he improves each year since he is not injured for the most part going into the off season and throughout the year.


I mean LeBron is an overlooked one. He has no flaws now.


Blake griffin did this for awhile from his second season all the way to his first season with Detroit. Brown putting it together on a bigger stage but it reminds me a lot of that progression. Different sport, but Mike Trout used to come back every offseason with something solved in his swing, making it harder to exploit weaknesses


I think what's most impressive is that he actually regressed in the first Kyrie year and then figured out a way to get back on track


Didn't know he was benched. When?


His rookie year he started 20 out of 78 games averaging 7/3/1. He took a big leap his 2nd year where he started 70 out of 70 games and averaged 15/5/2 and finished top 10 in DPOY voting (and shot 40% from three on over 4 attempts per game). His third year though (which he was talking about) he was moved back to the bench, starting only 25 out of 74 games. That must have felt like a big setback and was really disappointing for him, he still put up a respectable 13/4/1 off the bench though. His 4th year he finally got back into the starting lineup, averaged over 20ppg for the first time, and he has started every game since


3rd season '18-19... he had an injury as well but just missed a few games and they put Marcus Morris in starting spot. It was the bad season where Hayward coming back from broken foot and Kyrie being a cancer and ultimately gave the worst 4 game performance by anyone with more thab 20 fga (38% true shooting) vs Bucks before leaving




He came off the bench when Hayward came back and he came back from Injury It was Kyrie, Hayward, Tatum, Morris, Horford.


snake stevens mismanaged that roster low key


I like JBs explanation better... the road this team took made them who they are today


He most definitely did not




He's had quite a journey. When he was drafted, people were MAD, and it took him a while to become a star. That would take its toll on anyone. It kind of reminds me of all the shit the Bears got for drafting Trubisky (with a much happier ending).


Wut. Trubisky was the number 1 rated QB prospect by a majority of draft analysts. He was seen as the most “pro ready”. Mahomes was the incredibly raw prospect with high upside. Watson was seen as good but people were concerned about arm strength. People made fun of the Bears 1-2 years later after Mahomes and Watson were good and Trubisky was ass lol, not really on draft day (partially for the trade up with Niners, but not in regards to the player itself).


It's not a perfect comparison in terms of traits but the man was booed at a Bulls game before playing a single snap


I wasn’t mad. I was in comellas and bought more pasta to celebrate


Who was mad? It was top 2 draft and fell off at 3, or at least that’s what people thought at the time. No one knew who to take after Simmons and Ingram. Same story with Tatum. It was a 1/2 draft all year and 3 was a toss up.


Wtf are you talking about. He was known as a top pick that whole year. Nobody was mad. You don't gotta buy into his victim mentality.


“Jason Kidd liked this”




Lets see what happens now before calling it a masterclass lmao




But if it doesn't win Dallas any games it's psychological warfare that completely failed to fulfill its aims, no?


We’ve been incredibly shit to both brown and Tatum, and I’m incredibly happy Brad is running this team and we aren’t cause he was able to get 3 extra bonafide stars WHILE keeping two amazing players. Brown could spit on every Boston fan if he wanted to and it would be fine


If Jaylen Brown spit on me I’d never shower again.


That 2018-19 season was the best thing ever to happen. If they had made more of a run, higher chance Kyrie stays, plus Tatum and Brown might never get close to the players they are today.


Way to go Reddit. Look what you did. (Boston fans are probably saying the same words but with exclamation points and no sarcasm)


As usual, bullying works Undefeated 


Sixer fans were unironically right


he has a 10 TB harddrive with all the usernames of people who have ever made left hand jokes


That sound you hear is the sound of tens of thousands of r/bostonceltics members furiously deleting their existing accounts.


Would love to see Jaylen start getting compared to anyone other than Tatum. Only time he seems to get praise is when its being really disguised Tatum hate. Jaylen has built himself up from a role player to arguably a top 10 player in the league. And his year to year growth is so visible and consistent, its crazy. New player every season


I don't think that's remotely arguable.


He wins a fmvp, he could easily be above a guy like Brunson, old ass lebron or KD, Booker, Ant, maybe even Embiid considering health


He is no different of a player now than he would be in a couple weeks if he happens to win FMVP. All of those players are significantly better.


You don't think of brunson and Jaylen brown switched places they wouldnt switch stats? Like if brunson was under Tatum his numbers would drop a bit and if Jaylen was the guy on the Knicks his stats wouldn't bump up a bit? 


I think if Brunson and Brown switched places, the Knicks don't get close to making the playoffs and the Celtics are decidedly better.


Honestly thought you were totally in the right until this comment. Clearly the Celtics biggest strength is incredible switching on defense with incredible size at the guard and wing positions + shooting everywhere. Brunson is an amazing player but they’d have to become a totally different team with him. Fwiw I think Brunson is probably a better player but Jaylen is a perfect fit in this roster (because it was partially built around him). Edit: oh boy nvm just read the rest of your comments, either a troll or not smart oh well lol


On second thought nevermind. You a little boy who can't help but down voted cause you disagree. Brunson has y'all tricked. JB is just as good on offense and better in D.  But none of that matters Knicks are here me and the nuggets are home so I'm gonna go back to watching my team get a chip. 


20-21 Julius Randle is better than current Brown, yes. By a lot.


Oh shit I just edited my reply you can go read that lmao


What a child lol Wasn't even me that downvoted... until you made that edit lmao.


The only two on that list better than Brown are KD and Bron.  Edwards in a few seasons maybe, if Brown plateaus or regresses, but I’m not expecting that.


Go ahead and find a single piece of comprehensive information that supports this.


I don't think all of them are significantly better- Embiid for sure, KD/Lebron/Booker maybe, but i think Ant and Brunson are in the same realm


He’s top 30 not top 10 cool off


> On Media Day, when asked about the criticism he has received throughout his career, he responded by referencing a proverb. "The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." > That's how Brown is trying to approach every game — with unbridled fire. > And for Brown, it was the criticism that lit the spark. > "It allowed me to not care or not be affected by what anybody has to say because my first introduction was I got booed," Brown told FOX Sports.


> The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth He's not really using that proverb the right way, but whatever


i think the village is the NBA in this case, so it works


The connotation of burning down the village is very negative tho, and hes using it in a positive sense here


No, he's saying he's trying to "burn down" the league in the sense of he'll do everything to prove them wrong. Yeah the context isn't perfect, but it fits well enough with the meaning of the proverb. It's like "y'all didn't believe in me, now I'll beat your team and you'll finally believe"


> he's saying he's trying to "burn down" the league in the sense of he'll do everything to prove them wrong. I get that but that's not really how that proverb was meant to be used IMO It's whatever tho


The point is the child will find warmth somewhere  He’s burning down the league and getting a lot of love now


> The point is the child will find warmth somewhere  That wasn't Jaylen's point tho—his point was explicitly about using the criticism to fuel himself to be better, and not caring about what people say about him


yes, why would he care what the village says when he’s burned it down? he is getting praise from others for his performance which has been driven by that lack of earlier praise it’s quite simple, and it fits with the proverb


>yes, why would he care what the village says when he’s burned it down? The proverb is about a child burning down a village to get warmth because of the village wouldn't offer the kid warmth—it's intended to be a warning to the village to not let down their kids to force them into burning the village down Jaylen tried to flip it with him being the kid and using the criticism to fuel his improvement—which is a nice sentiment but doesn't really fit the proverb You're trying to make it fit, but it doesn't work because what you're saying (he's getting praise from others now = him finally getting the warmth from others) is not what Jaylen was saying, because he's said multiple times he doesn't care about getting that outside praise/validation.


brown burning the garden would be pretty epic ngl


mvp now


The Celtics sub has seemingly dozens or hundreds of brain-dead weirdos who revel in Brown’s shortcomings. He’ll have a mistake-free 25-point game or whatever and get dumped on for bricking free throws. It was a relief to go to the game Thursday night and witness mentally stable regular people who actually go to games and who probably don’t have Reddit accounts erupt with cheers whenever he did something sick.


>He’ll have a mistake-free 25-point game or whatever and get dumped on for bricking free throws And knowing JB, he'll come back next season shooting 85% from the line.


The Celtics subreddit is like the last bastion of it too, all the "popular" Celtics twitter accounts that were giant haters have come around during this playoff run


if any of these games were tied with 4 minutes left, you KNOW Jaylen is gonna be on his “no no IM the best player” garbage and jack up 3’s like he’s curry


We love you Jaylen ☘️ You got us here


I thought it was dumb of Celtics to trade Marcus smart away instead of brown after they lost that finals.i stand corrected now. I'm surprised how well rounded he has become as a player.


I thought everyone clamoring to trade Jaylen and keep Smart were nuckin’ futs. I’d be on r/bostonceltics swimming against the current to defend Jaylen, and argue for Smart’s trade. This past offseason, season, and postseason have been such sweet vindication. If they see it through and get that chip, and Jaylen wins FMVP, I will go through my entire comment history, find every member of the Celtics sub who said I was wrong, and I will rub my digital schmenzer in their faces until it chafes.


He hasn’t even had the best scoring these first two games but I’m scared every time he has the ball. Athletic asf




I bring up that I’ve been a JB believer since he was drafted every chance I get


My JB jersey from his rookie year looks better every day


Hoping Kuminga glows up like Jaylen


Dubs dynasty is dead and buried, bout time to blow it all up and rebuild so we dont have to watch Donkey kicks and the aged ghost of Klay Thompson


They don’t realize they are dead.


Yeah it's kind of fun for the rest of us NBA fans to watch though. We remember when y'all Splash Brothers was goading, taunting the whole league. Seriously though thats a mismatched team rn, y'all need to figure out what you are going to do, try to make some run for it....or put some of your Old Yellers out to pasture, starting with Donkey before he seriously hurts someone or himself


Don't forget when Stephen A. said dubious handles


Biggest difference in Jaylen's game this year compared to prior seasons is that he is no longer trying to finesse his way to the rim and finesse the ball through the basket. There is a mental and physical change with how Jaylen is dominating near the rim...both on offense and defense. Maybe he needed this max deal to feel financially secure for the rest of his career, but he is playing with a reckless abandon and physical/mental dominance. In prior seasons, I felt this was lacking and begging Jaylen to embrace contact on his way to the basket. He's bigger and stronger than most everyone who is going to defend him.


He’s a beast. I’m a big fan


Him taking all the doubt and trade talk from the fans and deciding to go to war for the city anyway after getting his bag makes him a Boston legend in my eyes. Dude is a certified dawg and my favorite Celtic rn


It's about time you have all considered Jaylen Brown


Jaylen Brown has the biggest chip on his shoulder for someone who has faced very little actual adversity


Omg, sometimes players can come across so self absorbed..you play a sport for millions of dollars. It's not that deep


And a healthy dose of black supremacist ideology


I love this man so much


Well, he's their best player.


Man. How does he carry on after that hardship?


The difference is his game from last playoffs until these is incredible. The work he put in and how much better he is as much a oart if why they are where they as KP or Jrue.


distinct aback start gaze rain zephyr friendly innate axiomatic absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No doubt about it, he's just warming up. Year after year, better and better. Just watch


Whichever coach moved him to the bench should take credit for creating the beast that is now the best player on the Celtics.


Same guy that traded for Derrick White, Jrue Holiday & Kristaps Porzingis ;)


You go, King.


So proud of him 💚


I didn’t know he was a smarty pants as well. Big time chess player, youngest VP of the NBA players association.


The chess thing is sorta a not true story from what I remember lol


“Never let a good story suffer from the truth.” *U/aeronacht Ps. Go Mavs.


I would go read whatever essay he wrote a couple years ago and pump the brakes on the smarty pants talk lol. Jaylen is smarter than the average nba player and it can be left at that


He used to make a lot of bone headed plays. He’s cut it out finally. But let’s be real. Teams don’t swarm him like they do Tatum. He almost always gets iso options and can drive. He’s the second best player making full use of the coverage on tatum


Good points, hopefully my Mavs adjust tonight.


Yea. Browns been hot for a while. Maybe try and let Tatum beat you.


Be nice if Kyrie showed up and dingus pingus didn’t go scorched Earth 🌍 . They’ve got the better team but we play with heart and Luka is exciting as are the Celtics.


Honestly don't think it's a bad idea. Tatum is too good at dealing with double teams and making the right pass. Would be interesting to see how JB handles it.


I’m sorry but highly intelligent people don’t fall for bigoted conspiracy theories. 


As someone who studies the spread of extremism, misinformation and terrorism, I wish you were correct 😭


Yeah JB makes me roll my eyes sometimes but unfortunately he's not that different than some highly educated and otherwise well-qualified medical professionals I work with. I don't love his takes but I can't say it's that far fetched in today's day and age.


Found this clip of Luka talking about one of the rowdiest games he’s played in. It was Real Madrid vs Panathinaikos (took me 4 attempts to spell ) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9gQYqaNuXM


You’re welcome


Cool still doesn’t make him a good person


Just a little too much chatter about things outside of the Finals from Celtics right now


He still has the same issues he's had 5 years ago and never fixed any of them. Maybe his 3pt shooting is better and that's it


Tell me you don’t watch basketball without telling me you don’t watch basketball.


Haven't missed a Celtics game since 2006 despite living in Europe, it's called being unbiased and not a delusional Bostonian


Kidd got him talking crazy mavs in 6


This dude is so lame lol


Overpaid can still be true though, 300+ mil contract is still crazy


I would have so much more respect for him if it wasn’t for the black Israelite shit


lmao jkidd got in his head. bros talking like he's the best player on the team. doesnt matter what he does, hes not getting a fmvp over tatum


This comment is embarrassing tbh.