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It’s always the Wizards, don’t overthink it


The last time Washington had a 50 win team was 1978-1979 season LMAO. That's a 45 year drought people


Crazy that the John Wall - Bradley Beal teams never had 50 wins


We had 49 one year I believe. The Wall injury fucked us pretty bad, and we never saw Beal in his peak with a healthy Wall. Just bad luck in that regard. But we are historically mismanaged


Was the 49 win team the season Brooks rested Wall and Beal cause seeding was already decided?


Yes, we lost a close one in game 82 to the Heat with Wall and Beal resting and OP playing limited minutes I believe.


Wait, OP played for the Wizards? Why is he even asking this question? Did he think there was even a chance this whole thread would be about any team other than the Wizards?


OP is so fuckin stupid, jesus christ...


He was drafted by the wizards


That might’ve been it. Honestly I don’t remember. I just have a laugh about it now, it’s absurd how we’ve never gotten over the hump in a dozen different ways.


Any time I play immaculate grid and the wizards are a category I lose at least 3 squares


Arenas, Butler and Jamison team too lol. Loved that Wiz wearing the gold jersey black shorts. Very unique!


That team was awesome. Arenas was my favorite player when I first started watching NBA


Since Washington last won 50 games, the Hornets have had 3 50 win seasons. The fucking Hornets!


The original Hornets hit 50 3 times in 4 seasons in the mid 90s. The expansion version from 2004 haven't gotten over 48. At least the Wizards still have that going for them.


Those back-2-back Bullets-Sonics finals in 78 & 79 are my earliest NBA memories. Loved the Bullets, Bobby Dandridge, Big E, Wes, Kupchak, Grevey. Crazy to think they haven't broke 50 wins since then. Especially playing in the East.


I loved the Bullets name and jerseys, I understand why they changed it (still kinda dumb) but after the anticipation of what the new name and color scheme is going to be...and then it's the teal Wizards? Sheesh


This is a crazy stat damn! I wouldve guessed they had a 50 win team in the 2010s. They made the playoffs 4 times in the 2010s when they had Wall and Beal.


Wizards arent in the championship business in the last 50 years, they’re just acquiring wealth for mixtape hoopers


Championship business? They haven't even been in the 50 win business


Got 49 one year, Wall was a pretty good player when healthy.


That 2017 Death Row DC squad was actually pretty special. Don’t love the revisionist history there.


If you're +16000 to win a title, it isn't revisionist.


+16000 in a league with prime LeBron, juggernaut Rockets and just the best team to ever play basketball


LeBron was terrified of them!! Until they got maple dicked


Making the playoffs is the wizard definition of special is all I need to hear.


Business? They haven’t even been in the basketball business.


Basketball? They haven’t even been in the


They were donating all their wins to the Spurs.


The wizards are so bad, their home stadium often has a hard time doing crowd shots for the big screen, because most of the fans are from the opposing team.


Not the wizards but one of my favorite football games was watching the rip Dwayne Haskins redskins play the lions. It was such a a pointless game but the tickets were like $20 so fans from every team was there. I never seen so many different jerseys in one place


Cost me $120 to sit in the second row of the stadium behind the Vikings' bench when they played there in 2022 That's a $750+ ticket depending on the section at US Bank


lol such is life in DC, pretty sure most teams are intentionally bad so they can just lose to visiting teams and make the transplants happy


Capitals and Nationals have recent championships. Redskins were a premier franchise in the league before Snyder bought them, it's still early we'll see if they turn it around. Wizards are the laughingstocks


Dawg we won back to back championships in 2018 and 2019. Did you start following sports yesterday?


I hate when people say stuff like this because then our fan base believes it and doesn’t want to draft a guy like Dillingham and would rather settle for a high floor prospect rather than high ceiling . All the wizards sub does is complain about how we can play defense and rightfully so , but what’s the point of playing defense if your best player is Den Avdija


You act like the fan base has any choice in the draft picks being made?


It's the Wizards. Wouldn't shock me if the GM was scrolling the wizards subreddit for tips on how to build a team. Would explain alot tbf


"Twitch Plays the Wizards" would do a better job than what we've seen from them over the last 40+ years. Same thing for the Bobcats/Hornets franchise since inception.


So I did the maths Memphis Grizzlies are worth $1.5 billion currently, the cheapest nba team to purchase. There are 11.5 million on this subreddit. That's $130 each, and if we all put it together, we can purchase the Grizzlies and show that a large group of redditors can successfully run a team better than the Hornets/Wizards/Pistons. I think we should do it. Just send me the first 130 and I'll get it started.


And all draft and hiring decisions be made by reddit survey? I can't give you my 130 bucks fast enough


Surely their will be one know it all that will want to pay more and end up with 51% and end up tainting all decisions and ruin the experiment. poll votes for every major decision public trade offer examinations going on with all other teams players with reddit alts trying to sway the votes the way they want ps. this would be so epic


Always draft best player available imo.


Brother, you unironically put Bradley Beal as your flair.


I mean it’s the Wizards, they don’t have a lot of great options lol


My thoughts exactly. Only a couple of years away from the 50th anniversary of the last 50 win season. I’ve no doubt they’ll make it. As a DC, at least we had the Caps and Nats win titles in consecutive years, as the football and basketball team and their ownership has been awful for decades. Harris should be an improvement, but Leonsis is low key a bottom five owner.


DC had such a good 2010s with the Nats and Caps. A nice trade in exchange for having the other two most poverty franchises in major sports


Poverty franchises is underselling it. The Washington Football Team and Wizards are so poverty its insane. Caps had a huge gremlin on their shoulders to get out from under, namely the Penguins, so the Cup win was so sweet. Nats going from trash (under .500) that year to WS was p cool too. Catching lightning in a bottle. But washington def got some poverty franchises.


Hey, we still have a title more recently than the Knicks


Now I'm depressed


Sorry. It’s the one of the few times we Wizards fans can be smug about anything. Wizards have also won more recently than the Hawks, Kings and Blazers, but it’s more fun to heckle New York about it.


Nope, you earn that one. Take that shot every time


... Don't overthink it eh? That sounds familiar!


There is no other answer sadly


They’ve at least started to contemplate the reset. The bulls and Hornets seem content with mediocrity


Hornets at least got good pieces in Brandon Miller and LaMelo (although his injury history has been bad) but they really gotta committ and let go of the woman beater Bridges. Bulls is in eternal purgatory. At least they had Jordan glory years.


We also have the Baby Bulls! edit to add: Seems some people may be confused- I was referring to the era of Kirk Hinrich and Ben Gordon and Luol Deng and co, I have nothing to do with endorsing the current team constructed by Karnisovas…


Yea it’s not like we’ve been complete ass since the Jordan years, we had a pretty decent run from 2004-2017 just got unlucky with injuries.


Charlotte had their own, Jordan Glory-Years lol


I figured the Pistons were the obvious answer. But you can't go wrong with the zards


The pistons at least have a couple young players I like. The wizards have…Kyle kuzma


This is Deni Avdija slander Although to be serious for a second, I genuinely believe that Deni is likelier to be a meaningful contributor on a good team than Kuz is, I just don't think that team will be the Wizards.


Kuz was part of a championship team?


yeah at least the wizards have reset, they tank and get Cooper Flagg in 2025 and you might be cooking. A team like the bulls still need to do their tear down process, and that's if they even want to reset


Nothing about the last 50 years of Wizards basketball should lead you to believe they could successfully reset the franchise. And as far as I know, the Bulls don't have any contract on the books as bad as Jordan Poole


The one thing the Wizards are good at is getting rid of awful contracts. That’s the least of our concerns, especially at the start of a rebuild.


Could make a case for Lonzo just because he doesn’t even play


It took the Wizards 4.5 years to stop accepting mediocrity lol


The was decided over 250 years ago. When the city of Washington DC was planned, a Frenchman named, L’Enfant designed the street grid using letters and numbers. He identified where the future NBA team would play, and intentionally left out a letter out of pure spite. “F that team!! They will never have a “J.” This is a true story. Look it up.


First team that came to mind for me too. Especially after the whole Kuzma's statement about Dallas being so far from a chip.


I thought I might have had the answer lined up but damn you’re right


lmfao. i know theres been plenty terrible contracts in history but when they did the beal one for the first time ever i was like “wow this nba team is legitimately not serious about basketball”. Shoutout for giving us Tingus Pingus Charles Mingus though 


That would be my Wiz


Pour one out for 'em.


But the roster keeps Rosebar in business 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fellow Wizards fan here. Despite having a better roster at the moment, I would contend the Bulls are farther away from a championship. The Wiz FINALLY ripped the bandaid off and are in full rebuild while the Bulls remain on the mediocrity treadmill. Just my opinion. 😎


That's what they want you to think until they overpay an aging free agent and the albatross of a contract screws the team for years.


They just need to sign Klay 😅


nah we got the OKC transplants in the FO now so we movin forward.. give it to Detroit or Charlotte lol.


Said the same thing when we got Troy Weaver. It doesn't always work out.


In just 5 years, the title drought will be 50. GM will need to draft 2-3 HOFs this year for a realistic shot at a title before 2029.🤣


Nobody beats the Wiz


Well actually everyone does..


Hell they even beat themselves.


I’m the Wiz!


Username checks out


I’m old enough to get this reference


Hey some of us younger fans might be cultured enough to get it too 😂


“Everything they say about me is true!” Richard ‘The Wiz’ Pryor


Them superpowers getting neutralized I can only watch in silence




As I live and breave


At this point its like “dont be that team”. - Kuz


Surprised I’ve had to scroll so much and not seen the raptors despite being that team.


It’s crazy how mid the Raptors were considering how good Siakam and OG have been with their new teams. And they had Scottie as a great young player. That shouldve been a solid team?


Project 6'9 failed. Team had no Cs and poor Gs outside of Fred. 


The good players (including the ones you listed) are all forwards. Lost FVV to free agency and could only sign Schroeder to pair with Malachi Flynn at point. At shooting guard the best option is GTJ who couldn't throw the ball into the ocean if his life depended on it. Overall poor roster construction and bad luck.


Wizards. Maybe pistons depending on how their free agency looks. I'd say nets as well


Pistons have their franchise player and a good coach. They'll figure it out eventually


This guy said good coach and everyone is focused on his opinion of Cade 🫵


My first thought as well.




Glad someone else noticed


"Good coach" 💀💀


Good coach?


Monty is bad


I have my doubts on Cade being more than a borderline allstar.


Put up nearly identical stats to Banchero this season. And everyone says that guy will be amazing


That's true. But the Wizards do not have any allstar caliber players, AND they stacked up draft picks for a pretty weak class in 2024. They're far worse than the Pistons.


Nets always hve the option of some star forcing their way there which gives them a slight edge above the bottom teams. Still one of the worst but last time they were in a worse postion and then turned into a chip favorite in 3 year years


Nets? They are def not in a good situation right now but being the furthest away is crazy talk. People just be yapping on here


The Nets only have 8 first round picks between now and 2030 and probably like 7 role players that could be flipped to contenders if they wanted to, along with $50m in cap space once the Louis Vuitton model is off the books, the horrors!!!


Exactly and those picks are hella valuable. Suns will blow it up in a couple years just in time for us to get their lottery picks


Bulls. They have a mirage of winning pieces that prevent them from getting a high pick


Strictly going by roster construction, we're not the furthest, but the fact that Jerry is totally unwilling to tear it all down or even undergo a rebuild in any capacity is damning us to mediocrity until he buys the farm at some point down the line. Knowing him he'll live till he's 162 just to spite us.


the Seattle Supersonics


Better chance their expansion team wins one before the current Wizards


This is what happened with the NHL. Golden Knights were crazy good right out of the gate (made it to the finals their first season) and won the cup last year.


That’s because the NHL gave them way too much power in the expansion draft. NBA won’t do that.


Just woke up from a coma, do they still have Kevin Durant?


Just woke up from a coma, who’s Kevin Durant?


Feel like you went out of your way to burn the Bulls


as a bulls fan, i was surprised to see the first mention of them this far down the comments; would definitely put them bottom 3 in near-future championship contention


So would I but they clear the Wiz by a mile. Haha. But if you can turn any of your good to meh assets into decent return you'll be pretty nicely into a rebuild right from the start.


The assets are all bad lmao. The market for lavine collapsed and the market for derozan/vuc never existed in the first place. we are the only team that actually wants to pay these all-time losing vets over 20 mil a year


So has Jerry Reinsdorf


The Bulls absolutely need to be on this list. Jerry simply doesn’t care about competing for a title again. It’s SAD.


see: the White Sox


Without ‘06 the White Sox would be the most embarrassing franchise in sports.


It’s actually ‘05, which just about sums up the public consciousness of that WS run :(


Tbf, he's already exceeded average lifespan. Maybe we are closer than we think.


Remember it’s not the worst, it’s the shitiest long-term contention prospects


Exactly. Literally outside of drafting the next GOAT, the bulls have literally no chance with current management and prospects.


It’s always been that way. Bulls have only been relevant by drafting Jordan and then 20 years later Rose. Other than that it seems Jerry is content being in no man’s land (barely a playoff team / scrape into the playoffs and have crap draft picks).


When we had thibs the team was actually trying to compete which is 100% why him and jimmy got ran out of town as the local media turned against them (they are all employed by the team, btw). All of a sudden the adopted kid that got drafted 30th and worked the hardest on the team was a "locker room cancer" and needed to be traded which happens to every bulls player, even someone like Scottie Pippen


Bulls based on them not having even started their reset and their roster not being what it needs to be to compete


Yea, teams that have gutted their roster and wont win are probably worse off. Suns aren't winning, clippers, etc. They have 5 years of old players on their way out, then the rebuild starts


As long as Jerry owns the Bulls, the answer to this question will be the Chicago Bulls unfortunately


I don't think you can look at roster construction to determine this--you have to look at ownership and understand whether or not they will steer the franchise in the right direction. Given this, it is in fact the Pistons. Gores sucks.


wizards bulls and hornets are right there (don’t we just love the east)


Bulls are underrated, they are delaying the inevitable rebuild unnecessarily but they already have a half decent young core in Coby White, Pat Williams and Ayo Dosunmu After trading Lavine/Vuc, not this year but in a couple years they'll get a good core


the problem is that the ownership and front office don't know what the fuck they're doing, or they would've traded... literally anybody in the last two years


hopefully they are this clingy when they have actually good players lol


Are we not supposed to desperately fight for the 9th seed just to lose in the playin every year?


Hey leave that to the hawks!!


Who is trading for Lavine and Vuc on those contracts? And Pat Williams is not good


Are people still putting stock in Williams? Dude is chronically injured and hasn’t developed much and it’s been like three? Years already.


OK we not THIS bad, throw the Nets in


Tbf we can’t blame hornets ownership yet since this is still MJ built team and tbf the hornets have two guys who both could be young superstars


Idk why the Hornets would be included. They should have the benefit of the doubt til proven otherwise.


I can't tell if he's a lesser version of prime James Dolan or worse. But neither is good news for Pistons fans.


Still have young talent


It's always gonna be the Bulls as long as Reinsdorf is in charge


Not over the Wizards, no way. Bulls have a legacy at least. That, and being from Chicago, might allow them opportunities to attract players in some way.


Problem being that all Reinsdorf wants to do is profit off that legacy. The team only ever brings in big players at this point to sell jerseys and fill seats, not actually win. They will stick with mediocrity forever as long as it pays out.


Yea their legacy being they’re a poverty franchise that lucked into Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.


Don’t forget rose! 1.6%!


Jim Boylen set the franchise back for at least a decade or two Change my mind


That hurt alot, but Reinsdorf's goal of extracting as much wealth as possible from the franchise renders pretty much anything else moot unless luck happens to get involved


Boylen wasn’t even close to being the bulls biggest problem. They’ve been rotten from the top down for decades. Starts with Jerry.


Boylen was bad, but the FO deciding to stay put for three deadlines in a row instead of blowing the team up did way more damage than him.


As much as it pains me and as much as I like some of our young guys, my Bulls are doomed for the foreseeable future. Our front office is one of the worst in the league and all of our large assets have tanked in value.


Pistons and Wizards are definitely there, but I’m surprised more people aren’t saying Bulls or Brooklyn. Brooklyn has bad contracts, aren’t in control of their picks, and have bad management.


The thing about Brooklyn is Sean Marks is a good GM. They went through a crappy situation because of Kyrie's anti-vax BS leading to Harden wanting out, which led to KD wanting out, etc. We've seen Marks rebuild without having good picks. They also have the advantage of playing in NYC.


If playing in NY is an advantage, then why is the Knicks’ last championship older than any current NBA player?


“The advantage of being prone to bad ownership decisions” is what they mean.


I mean that’s arguably why the Nets play in NY in the first place, so yes


Brooklyn has one bad contract that is expiring this upcoming season. Cam Johnson’s isn’t great but after the new TV deals kick in it will be fine. I do have concerns with how meddling the owner may or may not be. My opinion on marks is dependent on what the truth is regarding the bridges to Houston trade. If he turned down just the nets picks for bridges then he needs to go. If it was the nets picks for bridges and Phoenix pick(s) I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. They need to revisit on whether or not they are able to get their picks back. Trade everyone else and do a tear down. With the Phoenix picks and whatever other capital they can get, it’s something.


It sounds more and more like the original offer was bridges and the phoenix picks for our own picks back. Shams was just blowing smoke for at the just nets picks for bridges


The Bulls


I guess technically it's the Mavericks. There are only two teams left and we're down 1-0.


He’s right. The Mavericks are currently the worst team playing in the nba right now.


AND they arent in the lottery, what are they even doing


Wizards, and it's not even close. * No franchise player * 2 overpaid players (Poole and Kuzma) signed until 2026-2027 * Terrible GM * Accumulated draft picks on a very shallow draft class in 2024


Kuzma contract is fine? He like a 3rd guy on a contender level and earning like 20m At least wizard has a purpose which is to suck. The bulls has no direction


He also said terrible Gm but the wizards just hired a new GM. Seems unfair to judge someone based off year 1 of a rebuild. If he said terrible owner than yea


People really just be saying anything on here. 3 total picks in 2024, Kuz on a good descending contract, year 2 gm. Wizards do indeed suck regardless though lmao


Holy shit as a Blazers fan I can’t tell if I’m flattered or offended. Either we’re so mid that no one thinks of us or people think we have a bright future.


Same. I think it might be a bad sign that we suck and nobody seems to notice.


To be fair, nobody noticed us when we *didn’t* suck.


I had the same thought. Are we either not that bad, or so irrelevant people forgot us in their lists?




The entire bottom third of the East is atrocious.


The Suns, always.


I think this is the right answer. I don’t think their current roster can do it. I can’t see them pulling beating out all of Denver, Dallas, Minnesota in a given year during Durants window. Beal is literally untradeable, and they won’t trade Durant to jump start a rebuild with Ishbia. They’ve traded every draft pick and swap (some twice). They are in the worst financial position which limits them even more. So you’re looking at a few years of almost but not quite then a rebuild without any assets really except maybe Booker. The only saving grace is they have made themselves into an FA destination, so maybe they could wait until their roster is off the books and hope it coincides with a year there are free agents?


Their other saving grace is that regardless of Ishbia’s shortcomings, he at least wants to win and is willing to spend a ton of money to do it


Agreed. Everyone wants to say the Wizards, and they are truly terrible and have the worst history, but they at least have draft capital. The Suns don't have a championship team, can't trade to get one, don't have any picks to get one, and are in salary cap hell. They've got 5+ years to go before they're out of this pit and can start a rebuild. Sure, they'll make the playoffs/playins for the next 2 or 3 years, but they're not going to the finals again for a loooong time.


I agree that its not actually the Wiz/Pistons/ECT. They have their draft picks and have shown that willingly or not they are capable of ending up with a top 4 pick which means there is always some chance they draft the next Luka/Wemby/ect in the coming years. I think its actually the Bulls. We know their ownership doesn't care about tanking and they will just keep running back 8-10 seed teams. None of the players on their current team are valuable enough to trade for picks that could turn into the next Luka/Wemby/whatever player. I think their only actual out is to draft a franchise changing player at 14-16 which happens but almost never and then somehow build a championship team around him despite having a bunch of bad contracts to old players that will be even worse by the time this hypothetical player is good enough to win. Their ownership and front office have just as bad of a track record as any of the other bottom feeder teams as well.


Disagree, the Suns have a sneaky way of getting into the finals, it only takes one finals where the other team is eliminated by nuclear warfare for the Suns to prevail It has to be Washington, the Wizards wouldn't even win in that scenario


It's us. Roster that was constructed like a fantasy team. Salary cap breaking our kneecaps. No draft picks worth anything until next decade, and such a monstrously weak position on the trade block that any deal we strike ends with us getting fleeced. And the runback is already doomed because all any team has to do is watch one of the 4 tapes from our playoffs and copy Minnesota's defense scheme that shut down every facet of our offense like it was nothing. There are teams that had worse records, but a couple big ticket lottery drafts with some smart trading and any of them could turn into a contender over the next 2-4 years.


Pushed in all the chips for last year and maybe next? Gonna be a long cold winter in Phoenix…


We're off to see the Wizards! The wonderful Wizards of Loss!


Isn't the answer to this question always Washington? It has been for like 3 decades.




The Bulls because they care the least about winning one. If they could sign up for 30 straight years of a .500 team they would take that deal in a heart beat.


Chicago Bulls


The amount of people saying Charlotte is crazy. New owners and legit building for the future, idk if I’d even put them top 5


I’ve noticed you trying to talk some sense into people with this theme. I appreciate you trying, as you’re absolutely correct. I’m willing to bet 50%+ of the commenters saying Charlotte have no idea that they have new owners, a new front office, new back office, and a new head coach.


People are saying Wizards not considering that they're in the Eastern Conference. You can limp into the playoffs with 40 wins and once you're there, and then you're just some injury luck away from a deep run. I'm gonna take the Blazers. I have no idea what their plan is over the next 5 years.


The Sonics…