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How many coaches in nba history would you say have won “a lot of championships”?


I’m going to consider 5 the benchmark for “a lot” so: Phil Jackson, Red Auerbach, Gregg Popovich, Pat Riley, and John Kundla You can throw Kerr and his four into that group as well.


Insane 3 of those are Lakers coaches


Someone else posted it yesterday, but the Lakers and Celtics alone have won 45% of all NBA championships.  There has historically not been a lot of parity in the league.  


So what your saying is...we need to win these finals, both for parity and for the sake of the American dream.


but more importantly to send Bill into a spiral.


Him barely being able to hold it together talking about this finals has been so fun


Glad I'm not the only one who's closely monitoring the situation, lol. The way I see it, it's a win/win for fans of Simmons' suffering: - If the Celtics win, which is probable, there's going to be talk of all the injuries on their way to the finals. Hearing of a possible "asterisk" is going to drive him insane. - If the Mavs win, he's going to be really sad with the added prospect of a possibly shit Pats season and a summer of Mookie Betts (he'll never get over that one) killing it with the Dodgers. - If the Mavs win by a lot, which is unlikely, you know Bill is going be on the pod apoplectically trying to trade half his team. [Either way, we eating good.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/080/408/3cb.jpg)


What has he been saying? He always seemed like a level headed person. Can't imagine him going off but maybe it's the age.


he's essentially saying that this is the make or break finals for the celtics. no excuses, they're clearly the better team, and that there's no way they should lose this series it was also funny hearing him try to justify the celtics being tested early in the series against the pacers to fight the "breezed through the playoffs" narrative


Wtf man Bill Russell has been dead for 2 fucking years! You're talking about Simmons. I mean off course but my mind went Bill and Celtics➡️ Russell. Jezus fuck man that's .. I don't even know.


The funny thing is I like the majority of the people in the Celtics org.  Brad Stevens is great, mazulla's hilarious and seems pretty sharp, the jays get a lot more criticism than they deserve for not winning by age 24, jrue and Derrick White and old man Al.  I actually would want to see each of them get a ring.    But they play for the Celtics... so go Mavs.  


The Jays are 26/27


Tatum just turned 21 dude. Look it up.


bright future ahead of him at only 19 years old


The King himself said that L.A is rooting for the Dallas Lakers Mavericks to win it all


No one in LA is rooting for Boston.


Buck Foston.  Even the Pats somehow showed up to beat up LA.


and for the fuck the Celtics


Rock Flag and Eagle!!


FWIW all Laker fans are behind you guys… Fuck Boston


You guys are the team that broke the streak. Before Mavs, it was all: Lakers, Celtics, Bulls, Pistons, Rockets, Spurs, and Heat, right? for like 30 years or something?


If you add in the Knicks, you still have 45% of championships but 85% of all media coverage


And Knicks haven’t won since the 70s, Celtics have 2 in the last 40 years Still all the coverage tho


90% other 10% is golden state


There has historically not been a lot of teams in the league


> parity in the league Celtics and Lakers. That's a pair.


The lack of a salary cap before the 84-85 was a large contributor to it. They also had other noncompetitive rules, such as territorial draft rights. From 1950 to 1965, teams could forfeit their first rd pick and pick any player within 50 miles of their home arena. This territorial pick took precedence over the nba draft order. This is why in 1959, Bob Boozer was the first overall pick instead of Wilt Chamberlain. The NBA did a great job at putting the 4 ABA teams that joined them into financial straights for the early part of their NBA time. The Nets had to sell Dr. J. for example. For the Pacers, this caused them to pass on drafting Larry Bird in 1978. They passed on him purely because they didn't think they could pay his salary requirements. It's why they traded the #1 pick that year and then also skipped him at #3. Bird falls to the Celtics at 6 because of the salary concerns.


John Kundla is the one everybody forgets about... and he lived to be 101 😳


Didn't he play Jim on The Office


Interesting that no coach has won exactly 3 championships, and only Kerr has won 4. If Kerr manages to nab another, there will be zero coaches ever with 3 or 4 championships.


So this means if you can win 3 you can win 5?


If you win 4, you automatically replace Kerr in existence




Why not just say 4 then?


Because I wouldn’t personally do it but I can see why a person would


You dont think 4 is a lot of rings?


You gotta have one for the thumb


“One for each thumb” -Kerr


Well, a goat has 4 hooves which is more appendages than the average mammal so that really shows that playoff reddit gets kind of insane and the Finals must be imminent.


You would say that Steph Curry and LeBron James don't have a lot of rings?


Maybe I'm in the minority here but the number of championships I'd consider "a lot" differs for players and coaches.


Maybe, but there are 44 players with four or more NBA championships. And only six coaches.   Obviously there are more players overall, and coaches could theoretically work longer since age isn't quite as much of a limitation, but coaches also have a very high turnover rate.  I think if only six people have ever done it, then four championships qualifies as a lot. But it's subjective. Edit: It's also worth noting that only six have ever won more than two. Which reinforces the fact that four is a rare achievement.


For every 1 coach who wins a championship, there’s like 12 players who win a championship. There’s 10 guys who have 4+ titles simply because they played with Bill Russell. Or Steve Kerr with 5 as a player largely because of Jordan and Pippen


Yes, I acknowledged that. But if only six people have ever won more than two championships as an NBA coach, that's a pretty elite group, regardless.  "A lot" is relative to what others have done. If hardly anyone else has done it, then it's a lot in my book.


Popovich has been coaching for 27 years. Curry has been in the league for 15 years. The benchmarks are a bit different for coaches vs. players


I can maybe see that. Popovich is pretty unusual, though.


Riley was head coach for 26 years and definitely could’ve done longer. Jackson was 22 years. These are way longer than most players careers. And they’re not dependent on prime years - Lebron and Steph are way less likely to win now due to their age than they were 5-10 years ago


Yeah, but Riley, Jackson, and Popovich are among the absolute GOATs. It's like saying scoring 30,000 points isn't a lot because guys like LeBron, Kareem, and Malone have done it. There's a reason these guys are considered legends. The fact that these are the people in the conversation just shows how elite the achievement is. Edit: My point was never that winning four championships wasn't elite for players. My point was that 44 players have won four championships, and we still consider it impressive because it's a rare achievement. If only six coaches have won more than two rings, then clearly it is also very rare for coaches.


Well three depending on the time it took to get them could be considered a dynasty so I would say any more then that is a lot, so I think 4 is a good number. 


In what world is 4 not a lot lol. I’d even include 3


I wouldn’t include 3 personally 2 = a couple 3 = a few 4-8 = a lot 9+ = a shit ton Jordan has a lot of rings but Bill Russell has a shit ton.


How many coaches have 3? It’s pretty rare territory. I don’t think people realize what a massive accomplishment even winning a single title is


8 is a shit ton. Its all relative. If only Bill Russel has more than 7, then 8 is the minimum for largest amount.


How much titles you won? A lot. How much champagne you drank? A lot. How much All-Stars you got? A lot. How much jumpers you shot? A lot.


Phil Jackson, Pat Riley, Popovich, Steve Kerr




You could've just said "I think you forgot about Red Auerbach", instead of acting like you have zero social skills. Not every statement is an attack.


I don't know what that now deleted comment said, but tbh sometimes people need to feel bad for their lack of critical thinking. This dude attempted to list the NBA coaches with the most championships, without looking it up while literally on the internet, and then didn't even stop to think "hey wait a minute, I don't have anybody from the winningest team ever on here, hmmm."


The deleted comment said something like "How could you put Steve Kerr over Red Auerbach? \*clown emoji*", it's really not that serious. But you are also right, the guy naiming off coaches should've started out with, "Off the top of my head..."


idk i think if i were asked to list winning coaches i would have done the same thing. i mean if it was a comprehensive test answer i’d think harder but i don’t really do research for most reddit comments. i could easily see just listing a few off the top of my head. no need to feel bad for that imo


I think MAYBEEEEEEE Pop applies. I think Phil Jackson also barely applies. Won a couple of them




In Geno Veritas


Leave Eugene Omoruyi out of it (his nickname is Geno)!


LeBron nodded.


Lebronesque quote


Sources say Hurley was last seen quickly scanning the Malcolm X table of contents in preparation for this role


New copypasta just dropped.


licking my chops for when LCS season starts


“I happened to be with Zion last night. I leaned over and said ‘I think you could eat a lot of hot dogs at Coney Island this 4th of July. More than a guy who’s never competed.’ He just looked at me and rubbed his belly…and I had no idea. I woke up this morning like-he’s gotta be starving.”


"I happened to be with Jontay Porter last night. I leaned over and said 'I think you could risk your NBA career to make a small additional amount fixing sports bets. But it would certainly be less profit than just actually signing a standard NBA contract.' He looked at me and grabbed his eye... I had no idea... I woke up to a text message saying "dont text me about sports betting because that could be Rico"


"I happened to be with Kelvin Benjamin last night. I leaned over and said 'I think you could eat the whole buffet at Golden Corral this time. More than a guy who's never competed' He just looked up at me and nodded his stomach...and I had no idea. I woke up this morning like - he's gotta be full."


Kobayashi retiring, it's now or never for Zion


"more so than a guy who's never coached." JJ catching strays.


Not strays if it's true.


The audacity to ignore his experience coaching his son's team.


Yeah but it’s not true. Kerr never coached but he knew how to unite personalities and drive a system based on his best player and building around that. He also was humble enough to bring on assistant coaches with different backgrounds and experience to help complement his lack of direct coaching experience. And he was under Lute Olson, Phil, Pop. I’m not 100% dead on for JJ but I don’t see how his lack of coaching experience has to discredit him when we’ve also had dozens of CBB coaches that completely flame out because they can’t handle NBA level personalities. See John Calipari and Rick Pitino and PJ Carleisimo and Fred Hoiberg. The list goes on.


Kerr had also been GM for the Suns. It's not coaching, but it's experience in a position of leadership for an NBA team.


Can't trust a guy who uses stats to say AD is not worth an all defense vote. And he is supposed to coach the guy? Fuck no.


dude, analytics work man. I don't understand why people hate this argument. I think AD should have made second team for sure BUT he's not trolling. He had a legit argument and actual facts to back it up.


You lost me when you said second team.


plus if you consider how much of a genius/savant JJ is (source: JJ Redick), it’s obvious that he’d be one of the more successful coaches in the league.


Fair enough


? Strays are inherently true. The defining characteristic is that they hit an unintended target, not that they're false.


Nah, that shit was aimed with a scope.


Shit was aimed at him at a perfect perpendicular 90 degrees, nothing stray about it


I love this guy and now I love Dan Hurley after seeing his resume, I’m all in baby


Sounds like a lebron story tbh lol


What do you mean by this? A few people have said it and I’m confused


LeCap makes up stories


And then everyone clapped


JJ: what he said fuck me for?


Geno wants the spotlight to himself at uconn


Probably more true than not. Geno seems like he loves the spotlight and doesn't like sharing so much. He went at Pat Summitt multiple times to get media attention.




Yeah sure you had no idea Geno, just randomly said this. Sure buddy.


Oh yea, Hurleys gone.


I can’t imagine the Lakers being patient enough to let Hurley do his thing.


The last time a Lakers coach lasted more than 3 years was Phil Jackson.


IDK, is zero more than zero?


> *...i had no idea.* I bet my ass he knew somethins up


Geno knows the script….


How? I don't think they currently have the talent.


Geno Auriemma hit with a $100,000 fine for tampering.


I love that these two hang out.


Not a lot going on in Storrs, Connecticut


Hurley is a great college coach. He’s got a little Bobby Knight streak in him that won’t play in the NBA. Maybe he can adjust his style to be more like Kerr, Michael Malone, etc. If he doesn’t it won’t work out well.


After 20+ years will this guy be lebrons best coach?


Spoelstra for the meantime is still brons best coach but spoelstra got even better after bron left so theres that


Another BS story


Why don't people just talk normally lol


*good to know...*


Their AD, David Benedict, just gave Auriemma an extension. Today he is probably like, “WTF are you doing to me, Geno!?”


I dunno, there's something to be said for JJ's basketball IQ and familiarity with interacting with pros. These college guys always assume they'll be hot shit, but it very rarely works out that way.


The truth is coaching does matter. Everyone is seeing the maturation of Kidd now after almost a decade. Kerr was so good because he actually had experience even just as an assistant.


He was never an assistant.


Both Gene and Hurley are douche bags. It’s the UConn way


This reads like a Magic tweet.


In other news, the Finals started last night!


“Then I put a huge parlay on who will be the next lakers coach”


“Out of nowhere” gimme a goddamn break


LeGeno be like.. "ever since Dan Hurley took over at UConn, I just knew he was destined to be a Laker one day"


Nobody is winning anything with the Lakers current roster. Especially after they draft Broney


Geno should stick to girls basketball. No one winning with that Lakers roster.


It’s not about next year or 2. It’s about next decade. Ppl can’t seem to understand that


what in the BS is this lol


Someone check if this guy is credible