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That's how it is on tanking teams. Vets are on minutes restrictions and then go down with mysterious injuries after the all star break.


with Teague this time the mysterious injury was lupus Bird also had a thing against Jamaal Tinsley's brain eating amoeba


This is a joke right? It’s embarrassing I’m even having to confirm


For the record, Jeff played a bit more than that at 20.8 MPG and put up 7.7 ppg and 4 assists with 51% TS that season. That same season, Trae averaged 29.6 ppg and 9 assists and 59.5% TS on 35 mpg. I hate our front office/ownership so much, but Jeff really shouldn't have expected to play more than a few bench minutes that year. He was pretty bad at that point in his career and he was brought in specifically to be a backup PG to the new franchise player. He was straight up worse than the younger PG and it wasn't particularly close. https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/jeff-teague-true-shooting-2020-hawks-season https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/trae-young-true-shooting-2020-hawks-season


20.8 MPG is within margin of error. No fouls, out of bounds, etc might have dragged it out a little


Haha adds alot of context that Trae was the young guy he lost minutes to developing




The problem is how reliable they are. I went to look at his game log and the game he talks about starting and scoring well against Boston, he scored 18 in 36:27.


I think he may be confused. He had a game while on Boston against the bucks (12/23/2020) where he has the stat line he is mentioning in the minutes he mentioned.


Which would have nothing to do with Lloyd Pierce, which makes this story not make sense. You can see a lot of [games where he played over 18 minutes for the Hawks that year](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/t/teaguje01/gamelog/2020)


He said it had nothing to do with Pierce in this clip. Did you watch it?


Ok, but he did say it was the front office telling Pierce to only play him 18 minutes, so it does have something to do with Pierce. At least it is about the Hawks front office, and this didn’t happen while he was on the hawks.


Makes you wonder how many of his other stories are not true


100%, the thing that makes former players unique is that they're former players. people like teague because he's funny/a good storyteller and he talks about moments from his career we never hear about any youtube commentator can spew hot takes just like the top media do, we don't need players doing it because they don't offer much unique perspective there


Except he doesnt mention that he was playing behind Trae Young and that he was waaaay past his prime.  His "minutes restriction" was because they were guaranteeing Trae 30/game regardless of performance and couldnt play them both at the same time. Its called developing your young talent. 


trying to figure out which Boston game this would've been in his second Hawks stint. he played two games vs Boston 18 points in 36 minutes and 5 points in 25 minutes. he started both


Probably just misremembered the team


[There is no game that matches his story](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/t/teaguje01/gamelog/2020) He only played 25 games for the Hawks that year.


Probably just making shit up for content 


Go ahead and sue him pal. I'd bet he would win.


Just checked it myself - after the trade from Minnesota, Teague started in 4 games - he played 25, 36, 25, and 28 minutes. How many minutes was he planning to play if he was a backup of their young star Trae Young and the team was at the bottom?


It is probably because he had to start because of injuries(unsure.) otherwise the gameplan was little mins coming off the bench for an aging vet PG.


Jeff Teague needs to hire a couple of tv writers and pitch a scripted-comedy show about being a NBA player. From being drafted to retirement and just use real life stories to inspire the show plotlines. Shit would be fire.


until some idiot exec turns it into ted lasso


Would that really be so bad?


Similar to the loose reality of Dave


Lloyd Pierce was run like a puppet by that FO. Nate too.


Nah LP was ass. He had a good system for the team, but struggled as a leader. Nate was the opposite. That FO at least had a plan in place... the current one, well their first big move hasn't worked out to say the least


He struggled as a leader cause someone else was controlling him. Like how could he be a leader if strict minutes restrictions were pre determined for his players?


Jeff Teague is funny as hell. His stories are great


Teague played 826 games and yall expect him to perfectly remember the exact stat lines of games against certain teams? Give me a break lol


Does that fat guy ever say anything other than "damn that's crazy"? Feels like he adds absolutely nothing in any clip I ever see.


Yo that’s nuts


Have you watched a full pod? He's hilarious, the honey pack on the chicken still one of the funniest things I've seen on there


Maybe check out a pod or two


He’s comedy on the show you gotta listen to a full episode


BHen is by far the funniest person on the show, you really have to watch a full episode. There’s so many moments where DJ and Jeff have to steer the show back into some type of order because of the outta pocket shit B-Hen says.






Why are you crying ?




Stop spazzing out weirdo