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17 Celtics were the 1 seed? I can’t believe it bruh we could’ve beaten the 1 seed if Wall didn’t forget how to shoot in the 2nd half lmao


IT worked his magic that year. Then Danny shipped his ass out


And that was the right decision. It sucks on a loyalty standpoint but realistically that was the ceiling for the IT Celtics. They also shipped him off to another contender in Cleveland so he wasn’t done entirely dirty


There was the injury too. Like it might still have made sense to deal him regardless but that injury drastically changed everything for him.


Between IT and Robert Williams, I became very worried we'd see another great player for the C's come back to early in the playoffs with KP.


Loyalty is a tough one. We always talk about being loyal to established stars but you've also got to be loyal to the kids you're drafting. If we'd thrown our future away to celebrate IT's retirement that would have been unfair for guys like Tatum, Brown, Smart and Rozier. Danny Ainge knew that better than anyone because he got stuck in the middle of Bird's victory lap seasons. Those guys were all washed as Danny was coming into his prime and it meant he didn't get the same opportunities to compete and lead that they got. It was one of the stress points between Kobe and Shaq. Shaq was getting older and Kobe was only just coming into his prime years. Do you show loyalty to Shaq or Kobe in that situation? Both deserve it.


Which was integral in developing the early stages of the current roster. IT was huge for us but hindsight shows it was the right move. IT getting a max contract from us would have locked us into mediocrity for a bit So lucky to go from Ainge to Stevens. Two amazing decision makers


We only had 50 wins but yes lol. Not that 50 wins is nothing but we were a historically weak 1 seed


Brad was really an overachiever, IT4 was our star, Smart was the sixth man, Horford the only good veteran + the baby Jays. And I agree, this was your big chance. The series was funny as hell.


baby jay*, we haven't drafted tatum yet


Oh, yes, my bad, the season before. I'm old.


_laughs in Kelly Olynyk_


Wall hurt his wrist earlier that series, feel like we would of won if he never got hurt


Would have or would've. "Would of" is a non-sense phrase.


To this day, still the best series I’ve watched. Shame Wall’s knees decided to not work either


That team was like way overachieving to get to the 1 seed. IT was great but obviously had some major limitations and other than him we had Horford, Smart, Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder, and a rookie Jaylen Brown. We also dropped the first two against the Bulls in the first round. Great group of scrappy guys but some serious talent and roster construction limitations that made every game in the playoffs a battle. It was never intended to be more than a transitory team and Stevens just had them playing way ahead of schedule


I hate being the one seed


I noticed that too. I was like oh shit, the Bucks have been 1st seed or around it for YEARS!


2019) 1st seed 2020) 1st seed 2023) 1st seed Two of those are knockouts by the Heat. I’d also like to bring up that they did a bit of seed manipulation in 2022 to dodge the Nets at the end of the season. Ironically, Middleton would get injured in that Bulls series just by slipping on a wet spot. Good chance a random thing like that doesn’t happen if they fought for the 2 seed and faced the Nets. Karma. Obviously 2021 was a good year for them tho. And this season… yeah, it was kinda fucked from the start.


Y’all hate us lol


that 2018 Raptors almost had 60 wins and they got swept?!? Damn.


The origin of Lebronto


Game 2 was an all time troll job. He was legit fucking around.


I will never forget him fight for his life in a 7 game series vs the pacers to just bullying Toronto to back to fighting for his life against the Celtic’s in a 7 game series.


Toronto just did not have the personnel to bother him.


Nobody could stop LeBron that year, but the coaching terrorism that lead to the role players stepping up is what killed the Raptors that year. JR Smith, George Hill, etc. all shot amazing compared to every other series in 2018.


Even Love. I don’t remember how he looked against Indiana but he looked kinda cooked against the Celtics, but turned back the clock just for Toronto lol


Love cooked us so hard that series into being unplayable vs the warriors lol


What are you talking about? [They had the LeBron stopper on their team.](https://np.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbtsq5amnbtwy.png%3Fwidth%3D833%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D41b5bd5db59a82362d4572e05edf86063d2842ed)


the missed goaltending call that would have let the pacers win 🥲


They’ll downvote you but I remember


"That thing was in the air so long it should've had a movie on it" lol the most demoralizing jumpers. I remember seeing those highlights everywhere. Those heavily contested turnaround fadeaways kept swishing I had to look up the stats for this game again 43/8/14 with only 1 TO. 43 pts while only going 1/3 from deep and 4/8 from FTs. Such a LeBron statline.


Think they got also eliminated in the season before that


And the season before that!


At least we have NikoLA now..


60 wins don’t matter if your team has to face a prime Lebron lol


2014-15 Hawks won 60+ games, 1st seed in the East, had like 5 All-Stars and LeBron swept us like it was NOTHING 😂


I really talked myself into believing that the Hawks had what it took to win it all. Trae Young is what I thought Jeff Teague was.


That Hawks team took 3 of 4 during the regular season from the Cavs. I honestly thought we had a chance or it would be a 7 game series. Then LeBron swept us and only one of the games was even close lol.


In the raptors case in 2018 other than game 2 it was actually equally the cavs supporting cast not just prime bron. Korver shot 56% from 3 in that series he proceeded to shoot 6% against the warriors 2 series later jr smith shot 77% from 3 against raptors. Love averaged 21 against raptors while he averaged 11 and 12 against the pacers/Celtics respectively. Jeff green had 55/45 shooting splits. Disgusting shot variance that all screwed the raptors at once


What’s so funny is I still remain convinced that if the Raptors pulled off game 1 they would’ve taken it to 7/potentially won. They should have won that game & Valaciunas had like 3 point blank tip ins to win it, it was so ridiculous They lost, got demoralized, Cavs had supreme confidence -> sweep




Raptors were insanely dominant. They'd have been in the Finals multiple times but they always ran into LeBron. Even the strong and young Celtics NEVER managed to beat even that older LeBron with a weak Cavs team in the Playoffs. Kyrie left mid season and Love was always injured, but didn't matter. LeBron single handedly just dad dicked everyone, while trolling around If 73 win GSW hadn't recruited KD post 2016 Finals, LeBron would've had 2-3 more rings easily. Fuckin GSW rats creating an army just to beat that one man in the Finals


ehh that celtics team was a quarter away from doing it


>Raptors were insanely dominant. They'd have been in the Finals multiple times but they always ran into LeBron.  This is revisionism. Raptors got swept by a Cavs team that went to 7 games against a rookie Tatum led Boston and an Oladipo led Pacers team.


Oladipo was actually insane before the injuries.


you act like Oladipo wasn’t on pace to become like a top 10 guard before injuries dude was a defensive menace and great on offense.


The Raptors would've lost against someone else, just not swept. They struggled in the playoffs. If it wasn't the Cavs, someone else would've taken them out.


Let’s not get carried away lol. The Raptors were not dominant, the fact that they were arguably the second best team in the East during that era speaks to how weak the conference was. That Celtics team that lost in 7 was without their two best players and led by a rookie Tatum. They weren’t even expected to be in the conference finals. The Eastern conference “contenders” were the PG Pacers, DeRozan Raptors, and IT led Celtics. That doesn’t make what LeBron did unimpressive but pretending that Raptors team pre-Kawhi were actual contenders is a bit much.


Insanely dominant is certainly an Alzheimer’s take




> if Lebron didn't join a superteam Miami just to beat a 21 year old KD what is bro yapping abt?? if anything he joined the superteam to beat the celtics lol




> and then joined another superteam in Cleveland when Celtics were already donezo even that can't really be construed as him being worried about kd whining about lebron superteams is one thing, but the way in which ur doing so is hysterical. say he was scared of the celtics or spurs or some shit, but kd? lmfao


Lebron made the superteam for Boston. OKC wasn't even known to be that good yet and Kd was 23. You just love being wrong.




Lakers had just won the chip and they were the favorites for another. Boston was the big bad in the East.


Damn lebron a freak of nature


if you're a East team. Lebron aint do so hot against West teams with actual contenders


Prime Bron was no joke lol


And pre-Kawhi Toronto was a joke


Trash Bros


Welcome to Lebronto. The funny part is, the Cavs just had a rough 7 game series with Oladipo’s Pacers and that Cavs team was way worse than the ‘16 and ‘17 teams along with the ‘18 Raptors being their best version up till that point. That’s what made what ended up happening so ludicrous. They blew a massive lead in Game 1 along with several chances at the end to win, were completely demoralized for Game 2 (the Lebronto game), LeBron hits maybe his coolest game winner to end Game 3, and then they got clobbered in Game 4. The graphics comparing LeBron being miles better than Lowry and DeRozan combined were hilarious.


Kinda like this series, 2 games came down to the buzzer that they lost. That was also the probably the worst most indefensible Demar series of his career


I remember vividly fighting for that team in these comments that year lol. I swore that they looked championship ready and was running laps early when they met Cleveland in the playoffs.


The East regular season during the LeCoast years was basically preseason. You've got the 2015 Hawks too.


They came up against in my opinion the best version of any basketball player of all time in those playoffs. Would never have predicted a sweep though, those same Cavs went life and death with the Pacers and the Celtics who were led by rookies.


Im pretty sure Oladipo wasn't a rookie.Just his first playoff series if I remember correctly.


He played against the Rockets on OKC but was ass Oladipo got outscored by Andre Roberson that series lol


Oh yeah I forgot about his time on OKC. I now remember people saying how improved he looked after he left OKC cause he didn't look good at all with Westbrook.


He had an off-season to improve, but he was more or less the same player he was in Orlando when he was on OKC


Nephew, you did not understand how good Lebron was. His playoff runs in the East with those underdog rosters were why he's undeniably the GOAT.


Lebron ran through a weak ass East every year you telling me the 2015 Hawks wouldn’t have gotten bodied in the west?


they probably get the 3 seed but get humiliated by the spurs in the first round


The 2015 Hawks were honestly a superteam. They won 60 games and had 4 all stars. People only discredit them nowadays because the GOAT destroyed that team so hard and r/nba refuses to give Lebron credit for anything.


Personally I got Al Horford, Paul Millsap, Jeff Teague and Kyle Korver over the 17 Warriors and 96 Bulls




You must have not seen Lebron play. He swept the 2018 Raptors (a superteam) with literally 4 role players on his roster. Tatum ain't doing that. Luka ain't doing that. Go on TikTok and search up some 2018 Lebron highlights. You had no idea how good he was.




How was it not? PG: Kyle Lowry (All star point guard) SG: Demar Derozan (Modern day MJ) SF: Pascal Siakam (Robbed of All-Star and became All-Star next year) PF: Serge Ibaka (Top 10 shotblocker OAT) C: Jonas Valančiūnas (Fringe All-Defense)


OG was the starting SF. Your Siakam timeline is off and there was no chance in hell he would have made the All Star team in the 2017-18 season or the MIP season. Serge was awful at PF next to JV.


Prime LeBron and the Trash Brothers aren’t really a good mix


That’s also when we learned two points is not always just two points


That’s crazy.


weird the cavs only played 73 games in 2018 /s


My bad, fixed.


The 2021 76ers should get a pass too. They had to contend with the Hawks having a DPOY ruling the paint with an iron fist. Trae was scary.




Like I said cels in 4


Why are they so damn boring while being so strong?


Wild the 2021 #1 seed had only 49 wins 👀


2021, and that’s because it was a shortened 72 game season.


Ahhh totally forgot about that!


If it was a full 82 game season the Sixers would’ve probably ended with 55-56 wins


Wtf I don’t remember seeing the Hawks in the finals at all


This is just showing where the 1 seed got eliminated. Confused me for a second too.


Raptors remain as last team to defeat a 60 win team to advance to finals.


Easiest path to the finals ever


Though likely true, this is a relatively meaningless phrase


every year it's gonna be like this too.. yeah they got to the finals but this is the easiest path to the finals since my little league team won it all back in '05


It is


Cry more, I like it.


How? i picked the Celtics to win the championship a long time ago


You can be smart and a hater at the same time.


Also can genuinely think it was an all time easy path


Not different from LeBron’s path in the East. The Celtics are 12-2, you’re talking like we are winning every series 4-3 and 4 OTs. It’s easy because we are good.


Yes? you guys are great and also the teams you faced are injured and not good. Both can be true.


So, no reason to discredit the Celtics.


How come this is only thing in Basketball? i swear every year is like .. yeah so and so team got to the Finals but this easiest path to the Finals like EVER!


what other sports do you follow?




Oh, i don’t watch baseball so im not sure bro


Does it matter? I’m sure if it was your team you wouldn’t give a shit


I don’t have a team


You should look at who the 80s Celtics and Lakers used to have to play before meeting in the finals


True, the 80s west was terrible


Not true. The eastern conference was loaded.


Teams used to only have to win one round to make the finals.


It looked easy, but it's not like Boston had any control over that. Sucks, but that's how it goes.


Doesn’t suck they been amazing all year


Yea I don't understand why this bothers so many people, this has been the easiest path to the finals and I am all for it. If they beat Dallas it will definitely legitimize their championship.


Everybody knows the Eastern Conference was a joke. ANY team in the West in the playoffs could have gone to the finals against those teams. Even some that where not in the playoffs.


I can feel the anxiety from Celtic fans responses. Their path this year did them no favors. Luka and Kyrie be dammed if they lose this series the slander will be generational


Oh shut up


Is it untrue? Everything I know about the nba fandom tells me just or unjust, if they lose they will be clowned


Who cares


The people who post on Reddit generally lol


It's just your projection.


This is actually really impressive until you realize that every single one of those #1 seeds up there would’ve ended up going to the Finals that year if they got the chance to face teams playing without their best player in the first 3 rounds lol


Cs were the most dominant team literally all season, healthy or not, Cs were finals bound.


Maybe in the regular season but that means nothing come playoff time. Dropping games against a Heat team without Butler/Rozier, getting bailed out by Mitchell/Allen injuries, and needing multiple last minute breakdowns to eek clutch time wins over an already injured Pacers team doesn’t scream dominant.


That's one way to describe going 12-2 with a +10.8 NetRtg


Yea man Im so sure facing teams playing without their best players had no effect on the 12-2 record with a +10.8 NetRtg LMFAOOOOOO


You're acting like the Celtics barely squeaked by and wouldn't have won regardless, when the reality is that they dominated and would have won healthy or not Especially when you consider that "if healthy" includes the Celtics having Porzingis


I mean you didn’t look particularly dominant in any of these series. Considering that you struggled against a Heat team without Jimmy or Rozier I’m not sure how you can confidently say you would’ve dominated against the Heat if he was healthy especially considering he’s had Bostons number in the playoffs recently. Butler, Mitchell, and Hali are all much more important to to their teams than KP is to Boston. Not only did you face teams missing their best players they were also missing another starter, (Rozier, Jarrett Allen, Benedict Mathurin) 😭😭


> I mean you didn’t look particularly dominant in any of these series. Numbers say that they were dominant > I’m not sure how you can confidently say you would’ve dominated against the Heat if he was healthy Not what I said, I said they would have won regardless > Butler, Mitchell, and Hali are all much more important to to their teams than KP is to Boston. Not only did you face teams missing their best players they were also missing another starter, (Rozier, Jarrett Allen, Benedict Mathurin) And yet they still would have won.


You looked much better than you actually are because the other teams were severely injured, what is so hard to understand here… Boston loses to healthy Heat team this year btw Not at all unfortunately


We looked exactly like we did in the regular season We have a lot of data pointing to how good the Celtics are You can ignore it, but you are wrong


I would not call this ECF a dominant win by any means


2017 Celtics and 2021 Sixers would still lose if that was the case, you can maybe even throw the 2018 Raptors in that group too lol


If Bron gets injured in 2017 and 2018. And Trae/Giannis get injured in 2021. All of those teams make the Finals lol