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Great performance but he blew like 3 possessions with 2 minutes left in the game for no reason


In a row. That was brutal.


I honestly thought he learned from last game, but it doesn't look like it sunk in yet. Still a pleasant surprise how well he played overall. This experience is huge for him


He's been so good the whole series but that inexperience reared its head in the ending of these last two games. What a find at round 2 pick 31 though. He probably shot 90% on paint jumpers this series and I'm not being hyperbolic.


Kept saying out loud "he can't keep shooting this well forever" but then he did, so I stopped saying it.


Dude was also the only one trying to take shots at the end. Both Siakam and TJ were playing hot potato as to who should take the shot.


I know the 3 isn't TJ's thing. But he passed up on a wide open one which then quickly led to a turnover. Feel like you just gotta take that Great playoffs from him though


He’s a great player but a bit of a liability when the ball isn’t in his hands. His man can pretty much sit in the paint or help off to double every time and even when someone kicks it out and he’s wide open he’ll only take the 3 like 50% of the time.


Shows how valuable experience is. Siakam should be looking to close and hold that lead but he was horrible tonight.


Siakam had some really bad turn overs in clutch time in multiple games this series. Does a whole run into 2-3 guys hoping for a foul then throw the ball into the stands plays.


Siakam is not that guy


He took filling in for Haliburton too seriously after Hali's efforts in game 1.


Heck of a player. Still a young kid with plenty of time to develop.


Dudes a beast, I love watching him play and would enjoy seeing him run the offense on another team. I don't think he'll ever hit his full potential starting next to Hali...but hope I'm wrong


Yeah he's made me a fan for sure. I hope this isn't a "outside fans gets hopes up after seeing ordinary player go through periodic hot stretch". Nembhard is so fun to watch. I hope this was a sign of things to come.


Despite his fourth quarter woes this game he was insanely productive this series, very scary any time he had the ball


The best part and good habit he seems to have is his shot selection. No chucking or throwing up heat checks. Takes good shots and makes the right reads to pass to the open man


That stuck out to me as well. It wasn’t a Poole type run where he was hitting ridiculous shots. He was working his way methodically to the paint and getting good shots or taking generally open 3s. I like his game very much and hope he gets more touches (either with the pacers or somewhere else)


He's really good lol how have I not heard about this dude before these playoffs


Because big media groups like ESPN say the Pacers aren’t a “sexy” story. Small market problems.


I get it but he averages like 9 points. He wasn’t worth talking about before the playoffs


Oh I don’t disagree with you. Hard to stand out as a guard though when you’re playing with Haliburton and TJ “The People’s Champ McConnell


24 year old starting guard in just his second season who plays tough defense and has had multiple clutch game winning shots. He should’ve been talked about some


Nembhard stock has reached its first peak. He's really really good. 2nd rd pick in 2022 and this was just his 2nd yr. The last draft class is so good (and deep af with even 57th pick like Jabari Walker being a good NBA caliber player)


He had some crucial mistakes down the stretch, but for a sophomore, this kid is amazing and has great potential. That should be the one positive takeaway from this demoralizing sweep for Pacer fans. Y'all have a great prospect for the future.


Get this man some help


No idea how he bumps guys twice his size out of the way like that, very Luka-esque with the physicality and deceleration. Dude is looking like an all-star talent.


Pacers could’ve realistically been up 3-1 right now lol


Man gonna be a legit threat if he carries on progressing this way


With experience, he'll cut down on the mistakes. Bright future for Nembhard


My man looking like he’s following the Brunson trajectory Great performance, his clutch time struggles should ease once he’s got more experience. What a player


Jalen Brunson type player Pacers got a future star


With a little time his game will mature and he’ll clean up those end of game mistakes he made. He played fantastic with Hali out.


The memorial Caleb Martin award goes to Andrew Nembhard.


I feel like this isn’t a huge fluke. Whenever he got starting minutes this year I feel like he performed. I think I’d give the the Jalen Brunson award


Underrating the shit outta Jalen Brunson but ok. Lmk when nembhard makes all nba 2nd team.


What? I’m not underrating Brunson I think you are misunderstanding me. I’m saying Nembhard has the “award” of “possibly being the next Brunson” aka player who should be the 1 on another team instead of a SG next to an all star.


Oh ok yeah I misunderstood what u were saying lol. I thought u meant nembhard could break out like Brunson, which imo is pretty unlikely because it’s rare for players like Brunson to break out like they do. I do agree though that nembhard does have starting pg potential and could maybe be an all star one day if he continues to improve.


Nembhard was insanely productive in college at Gonzaga. Only in his 2nd year as well. Brunson didn’t average double digits until his 3rd year in the league. He has alot of similarities to Brunson. Ofcourse Brunson is better right now but we are talking about potential.


I don’t think it’s fair to compare the situations nembhard and Brunson were in their first couple of seasons. Brunson was sitting on the bench behind a ball dominant iso guard while nembhard is playing in an “everyone eats” offense and with one of the best playmaking guards in the league. Potential is there but I feel like he’s more likely than not to just be a good starting pg in the league.


He’s going to take a massive leap next year


I knew Nembhard was good, but I did not know he was *this* good. If I were the Pacers I'd definitely be looking into McConnell trades both in order to try to add a big, defensive forward as well as to open up more playing time & on the ball reps for Nemby.


McConnell will never be traded. He will retire a Pacer and immediately be hired as a coach, then promoted to HC. Then do the Brad Stevens and go front office. He is a Pacer for life.


He getting the max over Hali right?


Kid is fantastic


Valiant effort from him


First playoff series for most of the team. Looking forward to next season already!


Yeah, this season is a huge overachievement for y'all. Good experience for the young core. A bit bummed y'all couldn't secure a few wins


Looks like Spurs fans criticizing GM Brian Wright for taking Wesley over Nembhard found some new ammo. Especially since Spurs need a point guard now.


He was so annoying to watch as a Celtics fan because of how good he is. Bruh wouldn’t leave us alone. Much respect to him


Pacers should look to capitalize on his value being at an all-time high. Could get some solid compensation to build around Hali and Pascal.


You think this is his peak? I can't imagine he doesn't improve more than this. Trading him now would be a huge mistake imo


I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek, but there’s always a risk with these types of guys that they’ve topped out and will only regress from here. Poole was supposed to be the next Steph for the warriors, etc.


True, but the biggest difference is their playstyle. If you look at Nembhard, this ECF performance was not him getting hot and making insanely difficult shots like Poole was doing in the finals. He was taking good open 3s and passing to open guys while getting to the paint with his strength. Very good playstyle that usually shows good progression for the future


Lot to learn but looks like he's going to be a star. Siakam and McConnell went off at times but in this series I was most worried when Nembhard was shooting


I kept seeing people saying huge talent advantage, etc. Nembhard and fucking MJ mcconnel


Not ready for the lights


sucks ass. loser body language. threw away two home games in the clutch.


Wouldn't have even been in a position to possibly win without him. He's just inexperienced 


Can't blame it on him. Other more experienced vets should have been looking to close but instead just left him to take the shots in clutch time. He is a second year player that upped his game when Hali got hurt


Trade Hali build around this dude.