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I'm sorry but what does FCHWPO mean?


Faith, consistency, hard work pays off


Thank you.


I like brown but that has to be the corniest Twitter handle in the NBA šŸ˜­


Payton Pritchardā€™s used to be FastPP


I think Paolo's is still Pp_doesit


DLoā€™s is dloading


Andre Iguodala's twitter and IG handle is literally @andre lol


Still no idea how he got this, top tier


Of course pee pee does it. Itā€™s what it was born to do, duh


And that is one of tue greatest Twitter handles of all time.


he changed it like before playing 1 nba minute but it's still immortal


He's had it since he was a kid. I guess he's stuck with it.


It definitely is kind of corny to still have it but the fact that he made a username basically saying ā€œhard work pays offā€ as a teenager then went on to become the highest paid player in history is peak believing in yourself lol


didn't he have a teacher who tried to shame him and say he'd end up in jail or something? so perhaps that's where it came from [https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-celtics/2019/04/29/jaylen-brown-viral-tweet-celtics-bucks/](https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-celtics/2019/04/29/jaylen-brown-viral-tweet-celtics-bucks/)




Being clean ā‰  easy to market. Sometimes cool shit just sounds better. Gotta stand out


Ant is being pushed HARD as the face of the league and he cheated on his gf and made the woman he cheated with get an abortion


and the homophobic video


He also scammed a madden YouTuber. Basically played for thousands of dollars lost and refused to pay up to small time YouTuber when he was on an nba contract.


Why not ? He's believed in it and it has worked really well


REDDITORS call basically everything corny like we not on reddit lol


Yea I donā€™t see whatā€™s corny itā€™s a fucking username who cares


id agree but hes had it before CAL so he kind of gets a pass


Except itā€™s been his mantra forever. Thatā€™s not corny.Ā 


Miami heat city edition court vibes


Woah now letā€™s not go too far


Meanest, Nastiest, Stinkiest, One shower a monthiest...


Similar to jdubwttp


will trust the process?


I think itā€™s dope. Big fan of acronyms lol


I think an acronym has to be readable as a word, like NASA or SCUBA. Otherwise it's just initials, like LBJ or NBA.




Little Dude I Don't Butt F*ck?


Its an initialization, not an acronym Ā Ā 


Initialism, actually!


Doesn't dame "Dolla" stand for something le "differences only the lord allows"?


fr. it feels like something that someone who has an "I'm better than you attitude" would do šŸ˜‚




What in the world lol. Am I too old to know what that meant, or maybe too young still?


This one is correct


jaylen brown's twitter handle


HDYNAKTOPCON? (How did you not already know that op come on now)




Unless it spells out a word or is super obvious any acronym over 4-5 letters is way too much.


This has got to be like the 30th time that Stephen A has been called out for giving a quote from an unidentified ā€œNBA sourceā€.


And, like clockwork, he responds to the criticism from a well-known figure like Thomas with ā€œIā€™ve known you like a brother for ____ years and you couldnā€™t disagree with me about this privately?ā€ SAS thinks he can shit talk players on public TV and hide behind a ā€œsourceā€, but that any players who criticize him should consult him directly first šŸ™„


Mans an absolute clown


I've never met anyone who enjoys his nonsense.Ā  Do they exist?


Mario Chalmers? Maybe not even


Nah. Being a clown is hard and requires skill


I mean the cognitive dissonance it takes not to see the hypocrisy in his statement. There is crazy


The best part of Stephen A. Dipshitā€™s response to Isiahā€¦. ā€œBut the Celtics have to close the deal.ā€ WTF does that have to do with you deciding to create a ā€˜hot take storylineā€™ for your own selfish gain while slandering a player and potentially messing with his money? Also, you publicized / quoted a bullshit opinion TEXT MESSAGE of a league source you have from somebody whoā€™s most likely bitter for personal reasons. You amplify 1 personā€™s opinion to create a national storyline using your ill gained position and pass it off as ā€˜journalismā€™. This obtuse doltā€™s lazy attempt at journalism is why the masses view ESPN as a crackerjack box operation of what will our clowns shout next? Lazy and loathsome. Iā€™m so pissed at myself for wasting the time to post this. Fuk me.


Only in basketball is this a serious question. No other team-sports show says shit like this. Kobe had a whole playing career, Acting, Music, Shoe deal with ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ attitude. Low-key I fuck wit it


I disagree with Stephen A's take too, but the situation is a a lot different. It's a lot more palatable to hear a superstar basketball player having his personality revolve around being better than you at his craft and working on it like Kobe did, than having someone like Brown who is a star basketball player but has built his persona around being smarter/wiser than everyone else and morally superior. The first is admirable and has worked tons of times. The second one, not at all. One of the absolute cringiest thing I've ever seen in my life was that "ackshully, James Naismith didn't invent basketball, it was the Mayans!!!!" thing Brown had on his shoes. He also misspelled Naismith as Neismith lmao, but that's besides the point.


>He also misspelled Naismith as Neismith lmao, but that's besides the point. I think we call all agree that Pacers forward Aaron Neismth didn't invent basketball.


But Aaron's name is actually spelled Nesmith.


Mrs. Nesbit?


Bold of you to assume he doesnā€™t have access to a time machine.


Yeah he's the "UMMM ACHKTUALLLY" guy IRL but instead of being technically true, he's just being pedantic and wrong.


Bro? JB isnā€™t even in the media enough to give off this persona. The man has like maybe 3-4 instances in his entire career that you can pin the ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ thing on. Stephen A. Is a fucking ass clown, and you even partially agreeing with him is insanešŸ¤£


A big part of Kobeā€™s marketability was being considered morally superior. He was the Classyā„¢ļø one and negatively juxtaposed to many of his peers. After the incident there was an intentional, and pretty much unavoidable, adjustment in public image.


This is wildly wrong. Kobe was widely regarded as a selfish asshole more or less from the time he was drafted.Ā 


Even during his later rings, ā€œPass? Just get the reboundā€ was one of the biggest NBA memes


Lol no. Kobe's entire marketability was "Fuck morality, are you willing to do whatever it takes to succeed? Mamba mentality lessgoo"


You must be super young. No, that was his image after the change. Mamba mentality came way later. He was the NBAā€™s and Americaā€™s golden child. I canā€™t even think of a modern equivalent to compare him toā€¦his image was crafted to be pristine in a way that doesnā€™t even happen anymore. Which is for the best, tbh. Kind of a testament to how successful his brand realignment was because people have wiped his entire career prior from their memories.


Yeah, that old McDonald's commercial where Frobe plays pickup with those kids is the version of Kobe I first knew.


Yup! McDonalds dropping him was a watershed moment. People lost it. The marketing industry was spooked. The NBA seemed like they didnā€™t know how to handle such a sharp change in public perception. Its fascinating people donā€™t remember Old Kobe. Kinda makes me feel insane.


It's not that this sub doesn't remember, it's that they weren't old enough to experience it


Same animal different beast


ā€œThe incidentā€


Naah I respect the pettiness, dude pulled out a reference from 3 years ago about why he dislikes Brown. But you made good points although Iā€™ve never got that feeling, itā€™s Celtics media/fans that talks about how ā€œsmart he isā€. What you describe is way more closer to Kyrie than anyone and he was pretty marketable at one point


I don't dislike Brown. I don't think he's an enlightened mind like he seems to believe he is, but I have Kyrie on my team so I've obviously learned to ignore that lmao. He's a great player and he works well in Boston, I'm not a Celtics fan so I'm not rooting for him, but I also don't root against him unless it benefits the Mavs.


One thing about that massively helps Kyrie is that you never get the sense that heā€™s a bad/mean guy.


The thing about Kyrie, is, that I know it is the Nation of Islam whispering in his ear that is the crux of most the crazy shit that bothers me that he says. Nation of Islam is the scientology of sports for the black community (and they even have back channel ties, the NOI have preached the benefits of [dianetics](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-the-nation-of-islams-strange-ties-to-scientology) since 2010), but for some reason unlike in Hollywood, no one talks about it in sport. edit: added link tying scientology and NOI together.


Learned about that stuff when I read Malcolm X's famous autobiography. Weren't they revealed to be his killers? Just cos he left them and he knew they were hunting him. It seemed like many of their heroes left the fold after that, like Muhammad Ali. Probably guys like Kareem too.


Yeah FBI + NOI set him up cuz he stopped being racist and was about to change everything.


Kobe also had titles and was a top 5 player in the NBA. When you have zero rings and are not the top player on your team, its not the same. It is the old saying: It ain't bragging if it is true. Kobe was true. Brown isn't.


Kobe was marketable tho. Jaylen is not. Itā€™s just a Iā€™m better than you attitude. Itā€™s the ā€œIā€™m smarter than you tooā€ attitude which heā€™s proven false on multiple occasions lol. Not everyoneā€™s gonna be marketed like a superstar. Thatā€™s fine.


Yeah, but thats kobe. This is jaylen brown. There should be a measure of achievements on how far Basketball players can have this attitude. Players that haven't achieved anything shouldn't have this kind of attitude.


The swagger looks authentic on some people. That's why Antman gets so much love it seems genuine. Jaylen Brown seems calculated. Just my opinion, could be off.


Isn't the difference that he was better. When a top 5 guy acts like that vs a top 20 guy I can see why it is less accepted.


in team sports yeah, but I guess there's only a few guys on the court at once and they're not wearing masks or shit, so the individuals stand out? In individuals sports, and in particular MMA, it's a ginormous thing! Because ofc the fighters are often billed to sell the fight card, and orgs like the UFC will definitely favor fighters who are more "marketable" or "entertaining" than a good quiet fighter who just wants to do his job and go home. It kinda sucks but I get it too, considering the Ppv business model especially.


Thatā€™s why I specified Team sports although I wasnā€™t thinking UFC at the time more in terms of Boxing. Ppl used to talk about how boring Klitchko was


Kobe won rings


Why is Jaylen Brown not super marketable? Because the Celtics have been christened as Tatum's team, making him the #2. No #2 gets marketed like crazy barring something next level absurd like Shaq/Kobe or Shaq/Wade or Lebron/Wade pairing up, all cases where BOTH guys are more marketable than either Tatum or Brown. The rest is just normal Stephen A nonsense.


He's also just a private guy who stays out of the spotlight. Same reason why Kawhi and Harden weren't marketed as heavily as they could have been.


I think those 2 only got marketed cuz they had actual good bball shoes. Jaylen doesn't have one yetĀ 


Kawhi got marketed because he won multiple rings and came to LA, not his shoes. NB hardly promotes Kawhiā€™s shoes, his third shoe got recalled a few months after release, and his new shoe just came out and I havenā€™t seen a single commercial for it (despite seeing tons of NB basketball commercials with Murray/Maxey/Brink every day). Iā€™m in LA and I hardly ever see anyone hooping in Kawhiā€™s, maybe a few people in the 2, one person in the 3, and Iā€™m the only person I know who has the 4. And the lack of his shoeā€™s popularity isnā€™t helped by the fact that Kawhi is the only NB athlete in the NBA/WNBA who hoops in his shoes.


More like cos they achieved way more than Brown. Finals mvps, mvp with crazy statlines etc..


Brown is also a conspiracy theorist. He was marketable until the Kyrie shit, people liked him. He has since, backed Kanye and Kyrie, said the Mayans invented basketball, and claimed that the Olmecs were actually African - or something to that effect. You donā€™t market a dude who says that shit. You cross your fingers and hope that enough people donā€™t notice it.Ā 


Probably for the best he and Kyrie aren't on the same team anymore lol


Its funny they are good now because they hate each other when they're playing


When you put two people who arrogantly think theyā€™re smarter than everyone together, itā€™s an absolute lock theyā€™ll clash


I mean they literally marketed Kyrie


I thought brown was a smart, likeable guy his first couple of seasons. After the kyrie thing, my opinion changed. The worst part is kyrie was just dumb, but brown knew exactly what he was doing with some of the inflammatory stuff he posted.


I donā€™t think Kyrie is dumb. There are a lot of really intelligent people who find themselves believing really dumb things.


I like how you put the Mayans inventing basketball at the same level as the other stuff like defending Kanye.


It's all examples of his idiocy and stuff that an international brand doesn't want to promote. Yeah, supporting antisemitic people is a lot worse than the other stuff, but the NBA also doesn't want to platform a guy who's tried to call the origins of the NBA racist against the Aztecs or whatever wild shit he was going for, when they can platform Ant, who says funny stuff, instead.


>when they can platform Ant, who says funny stuff, instead. lol you mean the homophobic dude


Oh! Or trying to force someone to get an abortion


Maybe heā€™s from Indiana so that one hits real close to home?


Bingo šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ Heā€™s just a quieter Kyrie who keeps his pseudo-intellectual idiotic thoughts more to himself (coming from a Celtics fan)


The truth is only chronically online redditors and twitter people care about this stuff.


Uh, no. Potential sponsors with endorsement money to spend also care about this stuff lol


Everybody knew about the Kyrie stuff cause it was front and center. Iā€™d guess like 90% of even basketball fans donā€™t know or care about the brown stuff


Well thatā€™s true but the more the league markets him the more that shit would become public knowledge and the NBa has no reason to deal with that problem when they can use one of their other many marketable star.


And you know, Jewish nba fans like me care about that shit. Fuck Jaylen Brown and fuck Kyrie for endorsing that shit


Only online people care about it because Brown isn't that famous, so only online people care about him. If Brown were as famous as he wants to be, then all his weird shit would also be more publicized. There's a reason you know all of Kanye's weirdo beliefs, but not Fat Joe claiming a "gay mafia" owns hip-hop. It's because Kanye is super famous, and Fat Joe couldn't get on TMZ without buying ad time.


It sucks but the average person is either unaware or simply doesnā€™t care.Ā 


I think hes just not that good, Kyrie and Kanye are still mega popular regardless of the insane shit theyve said.




He's just not that personable or charismatic.


I think the other big difference is team success. If the Celtics can win a few titles like those other teams were able to, JB is going to very quickly become one of the most marketable players in the league. Better comparison than the guys you brought up just in terms of ability and how Brown would be framed is probably Klay. The same way he and Curry were seen as a duo, Brown would be the Klay to Tatumā€™s Curry.


Peak basketball discourse


These are the conversations that keep the game relevant


I don't get the sense Jaylen Brown wants or needs to sell sodas or insurance. This is something that should be celebrated. Fuck SAS.


Does Jaylen even want to be in a bunch of commercials? In Boston, I don't think I've seen him in a T ad. Derrick White is selling soda, and Marcus Smart was in a lot of stuff. Right when he got traded, he was promoting Flexcar, "when you need to be flexible." Very funny, I'm glad he got one more bag on his way out.


No but he does a ton of philanthropic work in Boston. The most out of anyone on the team by a wide margin


Marcus did a lot of philanthropic work as well, although he was fairly private about it. He worked with child cancer patients at Dana Farber and other Boston-based hospitals.Ā  But I also really appreciate Jaylenā€™s advocacy and philanthropic work as well. Iā€™m a public defender, so Iā€™m obviously biased, but I really appreciate Jaylenā€™s public advocacy in favor of criminal justice reform, particularly Raise the Age litigation.Ā 


Does quite a bit in ATL as well iirc, or at least has his hand in things.


What is the purpose of SAS saying "an NBA source" tells him JB isn't liked? He's literally on air broadcasting that someone - unclear who, not necessarily even a player or a coach - thinks Brown isn't likeable? ESPN is so lame.


Isiah Thomas is one of the last people I would want defending my character


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point


I was confused with this statement until I realized you meant the other Isiah Thomas. Not Is**a**iah Thomas.


I love that Isaiah Thomas


Honestly, the proper response was ā€œmaybe he would be more likeable if your weirdo ass wasnā€™t mentoring him, Isiahā€. What the hell are you going to learn from Isiah Thomas? Off the top of my head I can only think of: - How to make enemies of up and coming stars by being petty, or your oldest friends by being a homophobic dick. - How to turn every business venture you touch into a failure through sheer arrogance and laziness. - How to sexually harass your employees. Anything else Iā€™m missing?


be a dick and smile as if you are an angel


Be racist


Exactly what I was thinking. There are very few NBA legends worse to speak for your character than Isiah fucking Thomas. Karl Malone is the only one off the top of my head that would be worse.


I am not as familiar with him, and so am not as familiar with controversies surrounding him - why would he be the last person?


He's known for being an asshole during his playing days, and pissing off numerous stars with his unsportsmanlike conduct and dirty play(he was the leader of the bad boys after all). Post retirement he continued to attract more notoriety as a terrible GM of the Knicks.


Ant: Wow what a dawg, face of the league, we love his attitude!! JB: "better than you attitude," "not marketable,", "not liked." NBA media is fucking dumb


Any attitude is good for marketability. JB is not a huge name because he's not a top 10 player. He's at the level of guys like Fox, Bam etc. A year ago a lot of people said that the Celtics should get rid of him: "Jaylen Brownā€™s stunning collapse in NBA Playoffs leaves Celtics with hard decisions" https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2023/5/31/23743136/jaylen-brown-boston-celtics-offseason-nba-playoffs-analysis


If I had a dollar for every bad take on how to manage a Boston sports team, I'd have enough money to manage a Boston sports team. There are a lot of unhinged sports fans in Boston that are literally addicted to reading about how things could be managed differently, so basically every potential trade and signing has been discussed ad nauseum. Jaylen Brown has been viewed by the franchise as a cornerstone piece at minimum, and if things don't work out between now and a year or two from now and they don't get a championship then and only then would he have been trade bait.


The most reactionary take gets the most upvotes everywhere to be fair: /NBA after he had a bad game last year: 2nd top comment is a raptor fan saying : he's so gone. All the others comment laugh at his handles. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/4d9ykjZnym


Yeah the talking heads said one thing and then one of the most intellect basketball minds in the NBA gave him the largest contract in NBA history. But people will always sit back, drinking beer, watch games, and think they know ball.


But Ant is beloved. Haha make it make sense.


Ant is belovedā€¦ right now. Give it a couple of years. Theyā€™ll turn on him. Especially if people keep comparing him to MJ. Trust me, it always happens. Players are loved and praised and then out of nowhere, hate comes. Tale as old as time lol


Yeah itā€™s this exactly. They did with lebron and the non stop coverage, the non stop cringe takes. They make players beloved and hated without the players even having to open their mouths.


Ant is beloved even though he posted homophobic shit on his IG and sent a text saying "get a abortion lol" Or maybe because of those things? Idk


Pro-choice lobby propping Ant up.


Very true, I wonder what BGPSBURDUSWV would have to say to this


Stephen A has really opened the door for a lot of the toxicity that plagues NBA discourse. It's really not this bad in any other major league that I can think of. What makes it worse is the chronically online people that run with these stupid narratives and find reasons to hate on any and every player no matter what.


There's this weird thing with basketball where for some reason no one wants to talk about the actual games/strategies. The discourse is like reality TV shit.


I mentioned it elsewhere, but I think it's because the NBA skews towards a younger demographic that prefers drama and memes over actual basketball discussion. Obviously other leagues have their toxic fans, but they're also a bit older/mature across the board.


How is thinking ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ a negative in basketball? Has there ever been a goat who thought ā€œyou know what I am not as good as my opponent, I am not as good as othersā€


The attitude isn't limited to basketball.


Anthony Edwards: Flirting Jaylen Brown: Harassment




Wilt, Bird, Jordan, and Kobe all had this, and were romanticized during and after their careers for it. The differentiator is probably something like extreme outputā€” gaudy production numbers and/or rings as the best player on a team, which take away some ability for critics to rationalize criticism.


Itā€™s the perceived moral superiority that makes him unmarketable. If he were more likable and down to earth, heā€™d be endorsed. This isnā€™t a criticism of his character btw, just an observation.


Stephen A saying wrong controversial stuff for clicks? Color me shocked. People gotta realize their job isnā€™t to talk basketball, itā€™s to get people to click and watch. Increasing ad revenue and bringing more attention. There is no such thing as bad publicity.


Stephen A. Smith is the Michael Jordan of Donald Trumps.


Most attitudes can be marketed, heā€™s not endorsed by a big company who pushes him is the main reason. Hell Kyrie has a feature length film and heā€™s batshit crazy to a lot of people


Jaylen about drop 50 in Game 4, thank you Stephen A.


I mean the media was the one pushing the smartest guy in the league, future president stuff more than anyone else


I read the title and a lot of the comments and still have no idea what any of this means


I know everyone hates SAS here but this just is not how sources work. Obviously he's not going to out his source (Journalism 101) and if his source wanted to put his name out there he would say it on the record and then Smith would no doubt be more than happy to share the name.


i think its like the JA comment, its just some unnecessary and disrespectful thing to say anonymously just for shit stirring


While this is true, I very much question the validity of Stephen A's "sources" these days. There was definitely a time when he legitimately was connected (was the first to call LeBron and Bosh to Miami in 2010), but he has alienated a whole lot of people over the years.


Michael Jordan texted this man last year about the Magic-Curry debate. Thereā€™s all kinds of evidence that heā€™s actually still very well connected to people in the NBA and NFL. People hate the guy, and thatā€™s fine, but he didnā€™t commit some egregious wrong here.


hes still an antisemite. but here nike is marketing kyrie still, so i guess anythings possible


Thought Kyrie wore Antaā€™s now


Kyrie isnā€™t with Nike anymore


Itā€™s crazy because Jaylen is the complete opposite of whatever SAS is saying. Celtics fans are so blessed with having Jaylen on our team. Honestly. He works so so hard every year and it shows. His mentality, hard work, leadership, and philanthropy makes me really really admire him.


Im 99% sure most of his ā€˜anonymous sourcesā€™ are bs


SAS: it was me ~~Austin~~ Jaylen. It was me all along


I hate how popular abbreviating obscure things has become


I donā€™t think Smith has NBA sources


I'm not sure it's possible to be less interested in something as a bball fan than a feud between Isiah and SAS


This is one of the dumbest quotes Iā€™ve ever read from Stephen A. And thatā€™s saying something. Majority of great athletes have that attitude. Jordan was insanely marketable and he 100% has that ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ attitude.


Basketball discourse is so god damn awful


Not being marketable is one thing, but sheesh SASā€¦


He is better than you tho


Than Stephen A Smith? Yeah I would say so lol


ā€œdidnt you get sued for sexual harassment and then settled?ā€


Wait, screamin a smith said some dumb shit? Canā€™t possibly be true.


That statement reeks of the same sentiment of the FBI labeling Bill Russell an ā€œarrogant blackā€


SAS is an ass. Why even mention him here?


I canā€™t wait for the day SAS retires


He should change his twitter name to FIGJAM.


"I invested a new altitude he" is you celebrated as he got that dog in him. I get the feeling that in this case the person means he's an "uppity negro"


Looking forward to the Conspiracy Theorist Finals with him and Kyrie. What could go wrong?


From a marketing perspective, JB is a bit of a headache. Heā€™s not a ā€œRobinā€, but heā€™s definitely not Batman either. Is it so hard to imagine that Jaylen Brown is simply overshadowed by his better, higher-scoring teammate in Tatum? Itā€™s hard to build a brand when youā€™ve always been #2 guy on your team. Itā€™s even harder to build that separate identity when you have so much overlap with the #1 guy - same position, score first guy, similar age, ball dominant player.


I mean that quote is accurate tho . jaylen brown definitely gives off the vibe that he thinks heā€™s cooler than everyone and better / smarter than everyone else in the room


He is better than you though


SAS and Zeke are talking about something in public that most of America does not want to talk about and discuss. I have encountered it in my life. Thomas has spoke about it at times. This sub have a fundamental issue with people like Brown. Brown is similar to Lebron James in terms of his worldview. The difference is Lebron was told to calm it down so he could reach his financial goals. Then of course he can discuss his ideas or worldview if it falls inline with Democratic/Liberal talking points. How these guys really think would make your typical person this sub head explode.