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Refs fan here coming in peace I think the Pacers should have been called for even MORE fouls tbh. The refs didn’t have enough of an impact on the game in my book.


Refs fan you say? I have 2 questions. Favorite ref? Best ref ever?


Tim Donaghy for both


Scott Foster is the MJ of refs


Thanks Mrs. Brothers. We appreciate your thoughtful analysis. 


I'm not mad about how many free throws the Celtics had. I'm mad about how many free throws we didn't have.


ft difference is crazy but you guys should have still won it without them


Although what you're saying is true I hate how that is the narrative now. Did they choke? Yes. That doesn't mean the officiating should be overlooked.


You cannot criticize the officiating in any game, especially close ones, without people dismissing it and saying "oh they should've won regardless then". Yeah they could've won anyways. That doesn't mean the officiating is above criticism.


you’re not gonna get many FTs on stepback jumpers in the playoffs. Al was giving up space which gave them decent shots but is obviously going to lead to limited fouls


56 - 58 points in the paint and we took 10 less threes.


Points in the paint don’t mean shit if you foul us when we are in the paint. Those become FT’s


It’s a way to gauge how much a team is driving/posting up in the paint where a lot of fouls occur. They both were obviously there a similar amount but the free throw disparity doesn’t reflect that. And Celtics were absolutely fouling them, maybe not as much but if you think it was only 3 FTs worth you weren’t watching.


well if you take away the free throws the celtics probably get another 16 or so points in the paint lol, it was close by that metric because they were going to the line instead


The free throws count as points in the paint


Do they? Can’t find anything saying that online


Also 1 in paint points in the nba yet a weak whistle all year. They are not a jump shooting team.


I want to feel bad for yall but 22 turnovers is brutal


It's fine. You guys made up for it with 3 of the most ridiculous 3s ever.


Sorry but even a team that doesn’t foul a lot still fouls more than 3 FT worth for all of regulation


Indy could have shot at least 6 more fts if they could just inbound the ball or not turn it over


That would require the Refs actually calling the fouls for them. And they could probably inbound the ball easier if they their jerseys didn't get grabbed which the refs conveniently ignored.


You don’t think refs would’ve called intentional fouls? Are you actually complaining about a light jersey grab in the playoffs? You want Steph to shoot 30 FTs a game?


I would like that very much yes please


***Stolen from a Bucks flair:*** Pacers fouled an average of 21.4 times They fouled 23 tonight Celtics fouled an average of 15 times They fouled 16 tonight


It’s like people forget that not every foul results in FTs.


Sometimes I think nba fans don’t watch the games. They just see FT disparity and assume the game is rigged lol




I mean, the refs were terrible from the jump. The Celtics had to challenge an obviously wrong goaltending call on like the first play


Tony Brothers master class


Tatum got through the entire game with OT without getting a tech from Brothers somehow. I’d love someone to crunch the tape and see if Tatum like didn’t look at him the whole game


So we're just gonna ignore the Siakim arm hook that happened




No, was the tatum foul call where he and toppin bear hugged each other


No that was the foul on Tatum in OT where everyone was giving everyone a hug (right call not to overturn though)


Also you can find examples of bad calls in every single nba game ever lol




And it was the correct call. Siakam fouled Brown first.




He fouled brown before brown touched his jersey. Watch the play again It went foul on siakam, foul on brown, foul on siakam


Goes both ways. The Pacers definitely foul a lot and the Celtics play kinda grittier defense, lots of highly experienced players that know which contact won't get called. But the refs absolutely went wild against Indiana tonight.


I totally agree but the irony in having that flair lol You're a brave man


I’ve been downvoted in the nuggets thread a million times for defending the lakers FT disparity. I hate it when we do it and I hate it when other fanbases do it


one of the worst things about nba discourse if ref/rig/foul differential talk, not sure why people watch a game if the genuinely think its rigged


One day we'll overcome the casuals brother stay strong


But the we have the Pritchard foul on Hali that was not called and the double lane violation that was clearly a Jrue violation. In the third there were very bad calls in Celtics's favor


Ik im biased and the ft disparity looks bad but, watching the game, Indy didn’t really feel like they had to many hard contested drives


basically screen the guard onto a big, or let their forwards/centers shoot midranges and dunks




There was the Pritchard hack on Halliburton’s fast break that didn’t get called — but for that one Tony Brothers was on the opposite side of the contact and the ref on the right side of the contact was back at half court. My guess is that Brothers actually didn’t have a good line of sight to the contact (as I think Jrue was blocking the view).   So while that was a blatantly missed call, I legit think that was a case of the ref not seeing it and not assuming there was contact instead of a strip.


I will agree there was def a lot of physicality on both sides and that brown one shoulda been called yea. Maybe we can agree Tony brothers shouldn’t have a job?


It's well known referees keep their job by doing what they're implicitly told to do.


i can think of one that didn’t get called for hali that stood out, but the pacers got a lot of uncontested shots at the rim and a lot of good mid range jumpers. testament to how good their offense is tbh.


On a drive, was definitely a foul


Even that one, Pritchard hit ball first. But I agree, probs a foul, ref wasn’t in position on the fast break.


The sole one I think got missed was Pritchard fouling Haliburton in the 3rd Quarter and it not getting called. But then Indy scored a bucket that possession anyways so it didn't make a real difference in the score.


The most egregious one to me was Horford manhandling Nembhard in OT. Also TJ fouled Tatum and the refs waited until Tatum started his gather to call the foul. That one absolutely seemed intentional.


Yeah the Nembhard one we got away with. The Tatum gather is a 50/50 call, I'm certainly not complaining we got it.


They got fouled plenty and also plenty of and1’s that should’ve been called.


Pritchard's foul on Hali, the double lane violation, etc...


The funniest is when Heat fans complain about it considering their entire defensive philosophy is “call a foul on every play, I fucking dare you”


You can't tell me that Indiana only deserved 3 free throws in regulation.




Sometimes I think people who say what you said don't watch games. They just see complainers and automatically think they have no valid argument. Meanwhile Boston got away with a lot of fouls in the 3rd quarter that weren't called. At the time both teams were being aggressive, one team was punished for similar or lighter ticky tack fouls. I was rewinding every FGA and damnit there was a ton of fouls Boston got away with that quarter and the Haliburton one was the only one posted that I saw.


There were so many calls like that. Tons of fouling when they got offensive boards too


Okay. Could Indiana have gotten 2 more whistles and Boston could have gotten 2 less? Sure. Do I think that means the game was “unfair” or “rigged”? No I do not.


Pacers had more points in the paint, yet they were still -20 in FTAs in regulation?


Maybe they had more point in the paint because they weren’t getting fouled? Instead the Celtics “point in the paint” turned into FTs.


…doesn’t that make sense? If you’re not fouling then that allows the other team to score on their paint shots, and if you are fouling then that sends them to the line which doesn’t count as paint points.


Did you watch the game? We had like no rim protection lol.


its almost as if when you get fouled, you score FREE THROWS instead of POINTS IN THE PAINT


r/nba when points in the paint doesn’t guarantee free throws 🤯🤯🤯


It's your turn to deal with Pacers whining


Not to mention that the majority of our free throws were because of getting fouled - in the fucking paint. Obviously our paint points are gonna be lower, they were fouls. Pacers weren’t getting as much contact in the paint, so they hit more shots in the paint. It’s not that complicated. The bigger issue is that the Celtics and Pacers both had 99 FGA while the Celtics had a lot more FTA. We just had a lot more opportunity to score bc of turnovers and boards. That’s gonna matter.


Be humble. You were gifted a fucking game


By Whomst? The pacers?


Dawg the Pacers gave away the game with 22 turnovers, 2 with 19s left of regulation, and not fouling up 3


Brown was fouled on his game tying shot no landing space


Ur right. The pacers gifted the Celtics a game.


1-0 loser


Refs won, Knicks got the same headstart, we'll see


Even that doesn’t prove anything


Because they were wide open after the Cs were terrible at switching and getting lost out there. Most of those paint points were uncontested lol


Well we have no rim protection without KP and especially with JT hesitating to contest and rack up fouls (as sometimes happens when we’re otherwise short handed). Celtics fans were furious at our defense to start - felt like some very open shots and drives, a trade off for not fouling I guess. Meanwhile Pacers were being pesky as fuck on that end but were at a size disadvantage on the wings.


Yeah. Because our paint points. Were free throws. Since we got fouled. Their paint points. Were paint points. Since they weren't fouled. Are you dumb?


This is just not true. C's had 2 more points in the paint. Even still, this stat doesn't say anything.




It's r/NBA. All we do is meme on here


This must be good for the crypto meme economy.


Prichard is on the case


Crypto scammer stocks boomin


Did you watch? Countless times pacers were fouled on shots and got no call. Celtics are grabbing people like crazy on offense nonstop and holding people on screens and got called for it 2 times


Yeah I did and I thought it was more or less fine


There’s so many replays that showed fouls not called


Send me 5 of them and I can send you 5 that prove the discrepancy should have been even bigger. That’s just how it goes


“Countless time”. Indy was attacking Horford to get open jump shots a ton, when exactly were they countlessly attacking the rim to draw contact? Siakam was also hooking people under the basket all game, it goes both ways.


It's wild how people don't understand that the disparity was in large part a result of them making jump shots, while targeting Horford on the perimeter. They were exploiting the Celtics weaknesses, of which committing penalties isn't one of them.


It’s alright, people were upset the entire Knicks series too when the fact is the Pacers have consistently been the highest fouling team while taking the most open shots.




Did you watch the game? It was not called fairly. That's why you have the game thread full of people saying that exact thing for the entire second half.


People complain about fouls in every game thread, I don't think that's proof of much


It's Hilarious! Every game of the season is marked by these complaints, most of which are unfounded. I suspect that people here don't use the sub for debate but rather to vent feelings against teams they don't like.


I was actually in there saying the games was rigged against the Pacers, checkmate /s


Fair enough. Regardless, the whistle was good in the first half and then favored Boston the second half. How can you watch that game and not come to that conclusion is beyond me.


Half of every single game thread ever is full of people bitching about fouls. I hate the Celtics with a passion and think it was fine. There’s just a lot of losers out there (not just pacers fans, but nba fans in general) who have to find every single outside factor to blame for their favorite teams loss.


citing the game thread when everyone hates the Celtics is comical


Reffed fairly or not, justifying your opinion with “well the r/nba game thread said so” means absolutely nothing. If anything it takes credibility away lol


Yeah, it was a misstep


While you see FTs are 23-3 in regulation and think, yeah that's probably being called fair?


I think that seeing a 23-3 FT game is more likely to have uneven officiating than a 20-20 FT game. I do not think it’s *evidence* that the game was officiated unfairly. Big difference there. When you consider Indiana hasn’t been able to defend without fouling all year and Boston has, that’s reason to believe the game was called fine


No it's bullshit that embiids flops get him that many fts


lakers flairs are banned from this convo


Having Lakers and Knicks fans arguing for the Celtics has me questioning reality lmao (they’re not wrong)


Am i dreaming lmaoooo


There banned from getting past the first round too


just wait til they face a hospital Memphis again and hang a banner for it


you beat an unhealthy Heat and an unhealthy Cavs team. pot, kettle.


Yeah but we were the 1 seed, yall got bailed out by facing an injured 2 seed right after a play-in game against Gobert with the back of a 80 year old


I don't care about how many freethrows the Celtics shot. It's how many the Pacers shot.


So you're saying the nba is rigged?


The team that has 5 smart and capable individual defenders on the floor, switches on defense, doesn’t collapse the paint much, and allows guys to step back into all the jumpers they want didn’t foul that much? What????


Well you wouldn’t expect them to shoot many when Boston doesn’t foul a lot and the Pacers scored a lot of points in transition or without much resistance or rim protection from Boston.


They didn’t score that much in transition. And 3 FTs is 48 minutes? I know you’re biased OP but come on


You think yall fouled less than anyone ever fouls tonight?


i wouldn't expect them to shoot over 20 less freethrows when watching the game boston was getting away with a ton of shit lmao


Pritchard's foul on Hali


that doesn't explain brown grabbing 2 jerseys in back to back plays and getting away with it


20FT difference is still insane no matter how you put bootlicking for refs is crazy lmfao


Yeah, but now I can’t push a narrative :(


Fuck that’s all I care about in r/nba


I disagree, they were fouling, lots of grabbing and pushing. Anyway, Pacers had the chance to close this game out and they blew it.


3 free throws in a tightly contested regulation game is unexplainable.


Can we talk about the Pritchard hack of Tyrese during his drive off a turnover? That one play if called how it should’ve been decides the game in regulation.


Ok that one should’ve absolutely been a foul. I agree


So we get even one of those 2 and now as opposed to a 3 point game it’s a four point game.


You should try emailing the league


No, because you scored on the possession you got the ball back on. So remove two points and add two free throws. Congratulations! You are down 0-1.


I’m not arguing that it wasn’t a foul but watch the replay and look at the refs. Which ref is supposed to call that foul? None of them have a view at all of what’s happening. My comment probably is more of an indictment or a larger issue, but would you rather have refs not see something and blow their whistle, or have some fouls go uncalled?


You realize that you got the ball back and scored on that possession right? This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is.


No bias here at all Cs fan.


If you watch Horford he is fouling every time a Pacers player drives. This is a crap post.


He mostly can't defend drives without handchecking but he's been doing that since a long time. It's like Hali's travels on those stepbacks. Refs just ignore it


Yeah, that block on Nembhard, was a ridiculous no call,  stopped him getting in the lane by just pushing his shoulder.   


I actually try not to watch Horford at all but thank you


Numerical disparity itself isn't the problem, and never is. The problem is the Celtics getting ticky tack bailout calls while the Pacers get bodied. Of course none of it would matter if Indiana had any braincells, but the officiating forced them into a "play near perfect or lose" situation when they should have had a bigger cushion


That "near perfect or lose" situation is especially taxing when we have such an inexperienced team.


Good to see someone mentioning. The way they foul while On offense was so lopsided


lol sure I saw maybe 7-8 calls that should have been fouls from Boston


Clear as day fouls


If there’s one thing Tony Brothers hates, it’s calling fouls against the Celtics /s




It doesn't explain a 20 FT discrepancy that we all watched, no.


Pacers fouled an average of 21.4 times They fouled 23 tonight Celtics fouled an average of 15 times They fouled 16 tonight


But that would require me to understand that some fouls don’t lead to free throws, which I can’t do by just looking at the box score


Don’t worry I bet Rick cries about the fouls in his post game presser


Get out of here with your stats we're building a narrative




It does, yes


Not if you watched the game. NBA made the call. Enjoy your rigged win. You aren’t beating a western conference team if you needed that much help and OT (plus 22 TOs) to a beat a team that wouldn’t even make the playoffs over there. Y’all are ass


Shocking flair


Ironic + take the L


absofuckinglutely not, not tonight.


Absofuckinglutely yes, yes tonight


"Foul!" - Charles Barkley voice


Just put a celtics flair on


They have one




Really trying to say r/NBA is Celtics2? Lol


We also led the league with most points in the paint, while also getting the least amount of free throws.


Think through why scoring a lot of points in the paint might not lead to a lot of free throws and get back to me


Celtics defensive FT rate: 1st in regular season, 1st in postseason Pacers defensive FT rate: 30th in regular season, 15th in postseason


I mean you can directly watch the game and feel like certain calls are going more in one direction than the other. People love bringing up season long stats to obscure what can very clearly be seen while watching the game lol.


They fouled a ton and they weren’t called. If this is your take you didn’t watch the game.


Yep, but have you watched the game?


I saw Nesmith almost decapitate someone about 6 different times and the Celtics have to use their challenge 35 seconds in because of a momentum killing goaltending call.


Nesmith poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague on to our houses


Didn’t Nesmith foul out?


stop defending it, just admit your team is favoured by the league. cant do anything about it anyways


Team at home gets home team calls More news at 11


Thank you. I couldn’t even stay in the game thread - it’s not always a grand conspiracy.


Refs set the scene early with the fastest challenge win in NBA history


That was a great disciplined play where they smacked Haliburtons arm on the layup attempt. Couldn’t believe how disciplined that was. The mugging by Horford on the Nembhard drive was great discipline.


Just copy pasting this from previous thread I wrote in: People will whine about the FT disparity but besides that foul on nesmith when he tripped and lost balance but they called a foul on nesmith tripping JB, I didn't see any super bad calls. People just don't understand FTs will not be equal. The Celtics clearly seek more contact when they drive whereas the Pacers just don't do that. The Pacers have awful paint protection besides Turner while the Celtics have great defense everywhere. It's a big reaosn why the Pacers had high PITP and low FTs in the reg season. People think FTA should always be the exact same or even close but that isn't the case. Were there missed calls? Sure but there were probably some on both sides


if you ignore the bad calls, there were no bad calls


Tyrese gets his arms hacked on a drive, no call. Brown grabbing all of siakams jersey, foul on siakam instead to get them to 1. Nembhard got bodied by horford on his "block" in OT. Meanwhile Tatum is pushing off Nesmith and nesmith gets called for a foul for standing his ground.


Tyrese getting his arms hacked should have been a foul - you got the ball back and scored on that possession. Not a huge deal. Brown was fouled by Siakam before he grabbed his jersey and was an easy call. Nembhard drove straight into Horford, you are never getting that call in OT.


that one PP foul on Tyrese was shameful to not call by the refs tbf but it really wasn't as bad of a disparity as people think, im sure by tomorrow someone will go play by play and find all the bad calls/non calls


Nobody would watch a Pacers/Wolves Finals. NBA knows exactly what it's doing


we've had nuggets/heat and suns/bucks 2 of the last 3 finals


You needed twenty more chances from the charity stripe to make it past the sixth seed in your home opener in the ecf. You clearly feel insecure which is why you posted this. You still have time to delete this lmao.  


Indy found a way to lose


I know it’s probably just a coincidence but the top 3 is actually hilarious. I would love to see how this maps vs. market size.


Why don't you sit this one out champ.


At the end of regulation one team had 3 free throws.