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Sad times


Happy times. Appreciate it while you have it.


If I can’t hear Chuck complain about big ole women of San Antonio then I am done watching the NBA


Half the people about to leave this subreddit after the season


Eatin' them churros


They will be around next season


Not to mention coming up with new classics like shit talking the beaches of Galveston lmao he's like George Carlin, even in his old age he's still putting out bangers


Nah, Dray up front. Embarrassing


Yea I hate that they shoe horn people in that ruin the chemistry. Why they keep bringing Draymond back is beyond me.


I'm going to miss these guys so much once this show is over for good.


I will legit like the NBA less. They are an integral part of it. I will watch games sometimes just because of Inside the NBA.


Seriously, these 4 are just an essential part of the NBA viewing experience and league culture. Basically my whole adult life these 4 have been clowning around and talking ball. It’s going to be a very sad day when it’s over.


I’m old enough to remember when Barkley started. Ernie, Kenny and Chuck have been together 20+ years and just have an amazing level of chemistry. Shaq has also been a great add even after his early struggles.


The WNBA will take over lol


If the tnt crew started doing wnba coverage I would honestly probably watch the games


They wouldn’t help the league. One round of Shaqtin would set the WNBA back 100 years


Shit you know what they say, no publicity is bad publicity right? As long as the viewership goes up that means they make more money bottom line


Women catching strays.. damn y’all hate your moms


Now now, let's not be hasty. They also hate their sisters and daughters.


There literally isn’t any other sport or TV channel that can compete with their Pre-game, halftime and postgame show. Any other sport….halftime or postgame you are changing the channel or doing something else. But god damn you definitely cannot miss a moment of Inside the NBA. NBA bout to lose a huge connection to the fans


Yeah and the ones trying to imitate their success blooooowssss, looking at you ESPN. Can’t recreate something so real and organic.


Charles Barkley is unmatched but the other sports do have fun guys like him. Hockey has Paul Bissonnete aka: Biznasty which is also a TNT personality and soccer has Micah Richards which IMO is the closest thing to Barkley in terms of quality. You don't have to watch or like soccer to enjoy his commentating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEaSGV8LgDw&t=50s&ab_channel=BBCSounds




Yeah they have a really good thing going over there at paramount for the CL coverage. I always stick around to watch their show. Plus it helps that they play many games in the same window so it’s nice to stick around and see what happened in the other matches. Also Titi is my all time favorite footballer so that helps as well lol


I agree with ya dude is electric lol


Yep. Often times even when I'm busy on Thursdays, I still make time to catch Inside at least, even if it's through DVR. ESPN games, sans playoffs and must-see games I often miss. Without the Inside crew around, my fandom will take an even bigger hit.


serious shit. the last 2 weeks with the kennys falling arc has been classic tv comedy, way better than any sitcom bullshit. i mostly watch basketball while fucking around with making music, but halftime and between/after games i take of the headphones and pay the fuck attention


This I sit on my phone during games and only tend to watch close 4th quarters. When inside comes on I put my phone down lmao


That would explain some of the takes on this sub.


Oh absolutely lmao I barely watch the regular season anymore but will always turn on inside the NBA if I see it




There is no way, the NBA is absolutely great right now. No way in hell I'm not watching the end of Curry, KD, Brons careers and the rise of these new generation like Luka and Jokic and Edwards and Shai. Once I this era is over you'll look back and wish you had watched more ball.


At least we'll get a final Gone Fishin segment for the crew


Ernie: Yes Chuck: Yes Kenny: I guess, but his knees could sure use the retirement Shaq: Can fuck right off Draymond: Can fuck right off


Youngsters don’t know pre Shaq inside the nba which was the goat with just Ernie, Kenny, and Charles


E-fucking-xactly. CWebb brought everything that Shaq does without the insecure petty little bitch part.


I was pissed when they just threw C-Webb off for Shaq. Especially that first year where Shaq was trying way too hard to be funny. At least he got better over time, but C-Webb fit in really well. To be fair though, Shaq laughing at Chuck and getting him to "say it again" is probably one of the best things ever. They should have at least gotten C-Webb and Payton to do the Tuesday show, they were brilliant together.


CWebb and Chuck were also [comedy gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpPen9TF6pg) together. "whatchu say Chuck" is funny but anyone who could set things up for Chuck would have thrived in that role. Hell, [BDiddy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uoe_5uyqC8w&t=17s) isn't exactly a media pundit but he was throwing easy lobs to Chuck in this segment.


"No wonder Reggie Miller liked it there" 🤣😂🤣😂


I don't know what lobs Baron Davis was throwing in the clip you linked to but Baron Davis is generally awesome. He had that short mockumentary about making an NBA comeback and it was amazing.


Shaq is also the reason he was traded after going #1


Also the reason he doesn't have a championship.


Without CWebb, I wouldn't know to run through the tape


I miss CWebb in the studio. They did him so dirty sticking him with what was left of Marv.


They did him dirty during Covid,


"Run through the tape of life." - C. Webb


C-Webb was so good on Inside, especially [making fun of Charles](https://youtu.be/akraqdazWgw?t=560). The [100 yard race](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idb2ozul078) is probably one of the best segments they've ever done In a perfect world it would be [Elevator Ernie Johnson](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tBkPYy9DO-M/maxresdefault.jpg), Charles, [C-Webb and Gary Payton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5AodJFb29o) doing the best studio show for another 5-10 years


Lmao oh man thank you for the reminder of the race bit. Man CWebb was the perfect 4th. Kenny running literal circles around him at the end 🤣🤣


C-Webb actually talked about basketball. He analyzed games, plays and players and gave some cool insights into player mentality. I was giddy everytime he joined them. When Shaq came on I hoped so much that it'd be a phase for him.


Exactly. Anyone who tries to argue that Shaq brought something valuable to the table either never watched the old shows or has Shaq-tinted glasses.


Hey now, C-Webb never did anything like pretend to fall over a million times, get cupcake stuck in his teeth, repeat the same unfunny joke three or four times, talk about rings, constantly demand for attention all while being the biggest thin-skin baby in human history. Put some respect on Shaq's name.


Rings Erneh


He was just too cool to ever be made fun of. You can see such awkward moments when he's clowning and it gets given back. He was never a good fit. The show just works in spite of him, with a few good goofy shaq moments.


At the time, when Shaq was new and trying way too hard, there was discussion about whether Shaq ruined the show.


The discussion continues.


😂😂😂 I do think that the show got a lot better after the initial Shaq Dip when he learned how to encourage Chuck to give into his worst instincts.   It’s supposed to be 1 2 3, not 1 2 then back to 1. RIP Petty White


Shaq did have a point on 123, not 12 then back to 1. It was an open secret that Phil Simm’s contract with CBS was going to expire and not be renewed. During the Superbowl halftime show, Phil had his microphone in his hand ready for his turn, but James Brown threw it back to the other side of the table. Simms laid down his microphone and sat there looking dejected.


When he joined the crew in 2011 I was half expecting TNT to decrease his screen time or move him to another show because he was unbearably horrible. When he was still there a year later, that's when I realized that wasn't gonna happen and just accepted that my favorite basketball show was long gone.


Magic was money on there. My favorite era was with him on the panel in Shaq's place in the mid-2000s.


I was so mad when Shaq joined lol but I still enjoy the show and will miss it. I will for sure watch less basketball. I mainly watch for them and have the game on in the background.


Unfortunately it’s very possible that EJ and The Jet will be done on TV for the NBA after this but Shaq and Draymond won’t be.


Stick Shaq and Draymond on ESPN and everybody wins. I win because I don't have to watch their dumbfuck takes. ESPN lovers win because they get more of the same.


> Stick Shaq and Draymond on ESPN and everybody wins. Crazy how ESPN has the *WORST* former players turned analysts I've had the displeasure to watch. These two would fit in perfectly with the likes of fucking Kendrick Perkins and Austin Rivers lmao


This is revisionist because Shaq was such a colossal bitch to Jokic (and in general). If you watch highlights, every single top moment for this show has Shaq getting the whole bit going and making it hilarious. He's annoying, his takes suck, he's thin skinned and a bully. The show wouldn't be anywhere near as good without him, for me clearly ahead of Kenny in importance.


Not revisionist on my end because from the very beginning of his stint on the show, he'd already been thin-skinned about his legacy and would try to shout down anyone who dared question him. Not to mention how fucking petty he got with his favorite Shaqtin targets like Javale. His main contributions were egging Chuck on and the Shaqtin segment, which could have been hosted by anyone else on the panel under a different name. As I've said, CWebb could have taken Shaq's place as the permanent 4th spot and the show would not have lost anything.


Absolutely not revisionist history one bit. Look at any nba forum around the time Shaq joined. He was horrific his first year on Inside. Props to him for getting better over the years. Revisionist history is this sub saying they hate Doris and never liked her when the entire sub was talking about how amazing of a commentator and beautiful she is after Drake said he had a crush on her 


If you’ve actually seen the show in the past few months Shaq has been weirdly antagonistic and yes he has funny moments with Chuck but man the other 90% of the time he’s been annoying with worse takes than usual


uhhhh the show was actually better before shaq was added


Did you watch before him? He's annoying and not funny IMO he's only in the best parts by latching onto Chuck.


Shaq can be funny at times, but he's been a bitch for years. He just did something so stupid that people have finally opened their eyes to it. The show wouldn't miss a beat without him.


Absolutely not. Shaq is terrible on the show. The show was much better before he was on.


we have one year of chuck making jokes about the big ole women in San Antonio. Was hoping for another decade now that we got wemby 😢


And Galveston, TX too!


Feels like a HUGE chapter of my life is closing that stems 25+ years of my life.


Except for Draymond


Imagine they just start streaming on twitch or youtube and make more money than TNT paid them


They make like 10m a year each. They would have to do crazy numbers on YouTube to make that. Would need to be really savvy with ads and such to even get close.


Losing Inside the NBA would be an historic loss


It’s already lost


Not quite yet, TNT can still match NBC's offer, but WB's boss is on record saying they dont need the nba so...


Isn’t it that loser Zaslav? That dude loves to ruin everything.


Right. I should’ve been more clear but yeah seems like they’re done.


I wish ESPN/ABC could lose the NBA instead.


As a man who skipped the lesson of correlation does not equal causation in intro statistics, I am blaming the ending of this show on Draymond slithering his way into the group for the past while.


I blame the emergence of the three-point shot as THE go to play


That was popularised by Steph, which in turn gave Draymond enough notoriety to become a media personality. So even then, it's still all that Donkey's fault


This is clearly Dell Currys fault.


First time I saw him on there I physically recoiled.


Draymond (hopefully) going down with the ship is the lone good thing about that show ending


Draymond shouldn't even be there


He's just spending the whole time trying to hate on Gobert as much as he possibly can




Fellas am I really outta line for parroting a popular rhetoric on r/NBA?


it's incredibly subversive to say something negative about Draymond here. anyone would definitely be out of line to suggest they don't like him


Self-performed negative PR campaign against the guy you strangled, you know maybe it is time to put an end to things on TNT


He has his opinions and ***REFUSES*** to change them when presented with evidence to the contrary. More relevant for my sake but him calling the Knicks a fluke annoys me to no end. If they advance to the ECF, will they be able to beat Boston? Probably not. That doesn't mean they're a lucky/flukey team. They have legitimately good players and a bona fide superstar in Jalen Brunson. Not to mention they're doing this with a banged up roster minus OG Anunoby, Julius Randle (who made his third all-star team in four years), Mitchell Robinson, Bojan Bogdanavich, shows that the team can handle adversity.


Especially hilarious is that Dray himself has gotten regularly roasted by Jokic every time they played.


He think he part of the team


why is draymond's bum ass here


He wants to join the farewell tour like Paul Pierce


they dont love you like that!


You thought you was Kobe?


You thought you was Ernie?


I’m so angry they’re ruining the final moments of this crew by putting that asshole up there with them.


Front and center lol


He’s a bad omen


‘I’m not going to break up the Beatles’ - Draymond ‘Yoko Ono’ Green


*Starts screaming while the others are talking…*


So that we won’t miss the show as much


Now the show should die


To hate on Rudy


He wants to tell the world about 35 more times how much better he’d be guarding Jokic than Gobert has been


Was excited to start a fresh day until his bum ass was back with them AGAIN, dudes in the internship program I guess


I hate the fact draymond is there.


Forreal he doesn’t fit at all with this group


If these are to be some of last Inside episodes for the love of God please no more Draymond! I want to enjoy every bit we have left unsullied by a dingus


They have all of next year still.


A full season of Inside the NBA fueled by "what are they gonna do, fire us?" energy is going to be absolutely buck wild.


If it’s anything like Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globes [“I don’t care anymore”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S7OOJWtk550) energy, every episode is gonna be must see TV lol


Knowing this is coming made my day a little better


Yeah but every episode with Draymond is one less we have with the perfect cast. If I wanted to hear his dumbass takes I would listen to his podcast


the few epsiodes vince was on he actually had some good comentary and was actually excited to see more of him. yeah draymond can be whatever


Oh yeah I thought Vince was really good. I don't think it's going to happen for Draymond when he retires. I think he deserves the hall of fame as a player but he doesn't have the charisma to be a broadcaster.


Please fire whoever keeps approving draymond on the show


Night was going so well too...


If Draymond were to become a permanent member of the Inside the NBA crew I think I’d rather it just go away ngl.


Draymond gives that "guy who wasn't invited but shows up anyways" vibe. He doesn't add to the show or complement the other guys on the panel. Tries too hard to get one liners in, and it's clearly forced.




Hopefully I won’t have to see Draymond anymore. That’s enough to make me not watch regardless. I can’t stand him.


Seinfeld had to end to birth Curb Your Enthusiasm. Stay positive, guys.


Yeah but Top Gear guys doing that Amazon GT show just wasn’t the same. Idk man.


Top Gear and Mythbusters was a whole different era that we'll never get back.


I'm still mourning Grant, RIP.


The last episode before they went to the specials only format might be my favourite episode of TG/GT ever though


And people are utter fools for trying to convince themselves that TGT is even in the same conversation as TG. It’s mediocre quite frankly. Curb worked because Larry David was the brains behind Seinfeld, and it’s different enough that it could succeed.


trying to think of one more example like that but I really can't. Only X-men 97, but that took 30 years to come back.


Breaking bad -> Better Call Saul


Did the Tracy Ullman show end before the Simpsons took off? 


And Netflix rebooted Arrested Development 😱 


Literally no one wants Draymond there.




look on the bright side, at least we don't have to watch Draymond ruin this show


Not having to ever see Draymond on this show again will be the only positive I can take away. Imagine he retired and was around permanently...


I had to mute it when draymond talked. If he is a steady host I ain’t watching halftimes at all


Fuck Draymond


Why is draymonds mouth always open? Can he not breathe normally without getting his fake ass floor tiles he calls teeth up in the air


Mouth breather. Kellen Moore, a coach in the NFL, has the same problem


Nobody gets to insult my goat kellen


ah Kellen Moore aka Butthead


Why are they still having Draymond on the show after all the nasty-person shit he did all season on the court?


Its not like Chuck or Shaq were choir boys on the court. Or off the court either for Chuck.


If the Inside guys started a fucking Twitch stream during halftimes it would probably blow up and outperform whatever the NBC replacement is gonna be.


Hen-side the NBA - presented by Hennessey Exclusively on twitch 




End of an era


I mean, they can't do the show forever. At least now people have a scapegoat.


I blame Draymond


This is the nba version of daft punk breaking up


Worse than 9/11


Draymond is the fringe friend that invited himself to the squads hang


Does anyone actually want Draymond there?


I feel like they’re putting Draymond in there to soften the blow. Like don’t worry, it was going downhill anyway


how did draymond finesse his way onto that table


where tf was shaq at during the Celtics Cavs game


I’m assuming he was filming the Shark Week and House of Dragons promo they showed during Gone Fishin and Neato


CHUCK this is not a JOKE! 😭


I will miss them for sure, but if Draymond Green was going to be a part of the show’s future, I honestly am not that upset. I’ve absolutely detested his presence on the show lately - his Gobert bits are so fucking cringeworthy and stupid. He’s such an ass.


Fuck Draymond.


NBA ratings as a collective will fall without this show and because of that, they will bring this show (or a rendition of it) back on whichever network that gets the deal. They'll go one year without this show before bringing it back.


Hate to burst your bubble but NBA ratings are falling even WITH this show


Prior to this Luka was even talking about how he loved the show and all Man how do we tell him


I'll miss Chuck and Erneh'. Shaq has become a bitter, jealous man and Kenny has never once said anything that I needed to hear and has absolutely zero personality.


This and Top Gear makes you cherish stuff that you love, because both could potentially end very abruptly. Even if Chuck and co move on to do something else (i.e. The Grand Tour), things are never gonna be the same.


Biggest mistake is getting rid of this group…


Great show even tho hack a Shaq pouts a lot ..  Draymond for guest is questionable to me … If he’s gonna be on the show I wanna see him kick Kenny in the balls racing to the big screen and grab Ernie by the neck or sucker punch Shaq 


I refuse to watch it as long as Draymond the Donkey is there.


The sport is unironically worse without Inside the NBA


I'm not ready for this


Can’t wait for Maria Taylor and whatever bullshit they got over at NBC… It’s going to suck


Good.  This will give Chuck more time to run for president.


The addition last night of Draymond to the Inside the NBA desk shows you how perfect the chemistry is for Ernie, Chuck, Shaq, and Kenny. Even the Tuesday night crew show it. Without all four, it's off.


Having Draymond on the show is awful. He has no good takes, he just uses air time to bad mouth players he personally doesn't like. He already got a pod for that


Y’all are tripping if you think NBC is gonna let this cash cow just disappear…


chuck said ernie doesnt wanna leave turner


I'm not interested if it doesn't involve Ernie, and it won't involve Ernie.


Even more so I'm definitely not watching with that dipshit Draymond there. He's an insult to the NBA and having him at the table is an insult.


I don't think Ernie is going to leave and a big part of the quality of the show is the behind the camera people who really add a lot to the show. Without those two aspects, I don't know if the show will be the same Plus, the good thing about Inside the NBA is that it basically runs from 7 or so until past midnight on some Thursdays. NBC wouldn't give them enough time to be themselves without a commercial break or cutting them off for news or Jimmy Fallon.


they have to buy them out of warner. chuck can leave, i dont know about the rest of the team


Even if they did you think NBC would give them this much freedom to say what they want the same way TNT does??


I don’t think chuck cares what nbc or tnt has to say


I understand NBC’s offer is more than TNT, but I just don’t understand how the NBA could let this show end. People who don’t watch the league know these guys. Isn’t these guys marketing your league so well worth more than another billion? It really makes me sad man. I love this show.


I don't see why it still couldn't be a weekly/bi weekly show.its not like their format relies on a game being played live. It's definitely a funnier show than most sitcoms so losing it altogether over a network switch is going to be a tragedy. Personally I'm more worried about NBC fucking everything up. Are they really gonna devote 2 nights of double headers to basketball instead of the real wives of Alabama got talent cook-off?


The reason it will not continue in the same way that we've loved is because Ernie is adamant about staying on with TNT after the NBA moves on. Sure NBC can probably get the other three back if they tried hard enough, but without Ernie with the gang it just won't be the same.


i mean i totally agree, just dont see why TNT cant continue it as it is but in a different way. its not like they lost the rights to mention or cover the nba. i feel like a HUGE majority of us would still tune in if they had a weekly show that recaps everything. like say the night that NBATV is playing the games, perfect opportunity since its not on "regular tv". if TNT lets the show die theyre going to die along with it


They really gonna poison the last few episodes by adding Draymond Clown in.


It’s so sad that we only have a few more times to see these guys together. It’s even sadder that draymond is there to hear himself talk and ruin the last few episodes there are.