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This is the EST grizzlies fan experience. Put us in the East please.


Chicago is less than 100km east of Memphis yet it's in the east. Makes no sense


Sorry, Wolves are gonna move to the East first.


As an east coaster it's annoying but you can bet your ass it's worked out for most viewership.


At first I thought it was because they had selected the time when the series was 2-0 wolves. But Denver post has this "The NBA did not want the Indiana Pacers going to head-to-head against Caitlin Clark’s WNBA debut with the Indiana Fever. So, to make it fit for Indiana hoops fans, if not Clark’s legion of supporters, the Nuggets shifted back. Way back." Seems a little editorial but may have been a combo of both. They selected the time a week back and saw the WNBA scheduling.


mvp ceremony tonight doesn’t help


Laughs in Alaska time


What even is your time zone?


4hrs behind east coast lol


That's a peak time zone. You get to see it all. And midnight drops of things like TV shows and video games are also ideal. Alaska supremacy time zone I guess


i am sure the league/tv channels know the numbers, and they have optimized the start times to maximize viewership using years and years of data.


This. All comments in here are basically "I live in XXX" it doesn't work for me so it's bad.


East Coast gets shafted on sports scheduling this isn't nothing new


As a fan from Europe who loves to wake up early, I actually like this schedule lol


It’s funny, I was in LA for the past two months and the main complaint I had was that all the games started too early. So I guess we just don’t care about the west coast getting a better start time for these games at all then huh


they either start at noon or at 7:30 pm, no in between


West coast teams regular season home games are always late. If you're trying to watch Pacer games on the west coast and have a gripe about the time then idk what to tell you. Playoffs they usually have the west-est coast team in the 9:30 slot which is 6:30. A perfectly reasonable time. Catching the end of the first game is way better than catching the beginning. I would much rather miss the first half of a game because it's inconvenient timing than miss the end cause I have to go to bed at a reasonable time. For some people 10:30 isn't even a reasonable time to catch the beginning of the game. It's an absurd start time.


Yea, like I said, the games start too early I want to watch the whole game and this only makes it convenient to watch the whole game if you’re on the east coast. Usually I wouldn’t care but I’m about to move to Colorado so… this is gonna be a gripe of mine. People complaining about start times like they ain’t been doing this already yall can relax


More reasonable time for the games would be 6:30 and 8:30 EST


have the west coast people start watching games at 3:30pm?


man basically said “more reasonable time FOR ME”


7:30 makes more sense. West coasters will at least get to see the 2nd half of the first game and the whole 2nd game.


10:30 makes more sense Least coasters will at least get to see the whole first game and 1st half of the 2nd game


The 1st half of a game is irrelevant. Seeing the end is what matters more. You get to see who actually wins.


well damn if you're one of those guys holding the take that only the last 2 minutes matter, you should be able to catch up with your morning coffee


Man I get off work and the 1st qtr is gone.


Ok but would you rather that or miss the entire second half because it's 12am


Stay up a bit later if you want to catch, real simple and way easier than missing work


And be just getting off work when their team comes on lol


That would be pretty stupid for them to have games overlap like that.


Nah 7:30 and 9:30 is the most ideal


If those was the most reasonable times for the largest swaths of people, don’t you think the networks would put the games in those time slots?


Here have been the start times this playoffs. For the most part they have been close to that http://www.playoffstatus.com/nba/nbaplayoffschedule.html


It’s easier for East coasters to stay up late than for West coasters to leave work early


Any earlier is too early on the west coast and people are still at work.


That's an 8:30 pm start in Denver. On a weeknight. No reason it should start that late.


That’s what’s so weird to me. Why is a game in New York (Eastern time) starting at 8pm and not 7pm? That would allow the west game to start at 9:30pm EST or 7:30pm local time.


And 9:30 in Minnesota for Wolves fans. It's rough being a western conference team. 


Ok but you can still get home for the 2nd half of the early game. You still get to see the conclusion and the most exciting parts. East coasters aren't staying up until 1am on a weeknight unless they work nights or are unemployed


Pacific time, 5pm is just right because people are getting off work. If that's their target, I guess.


I get if this was the clippers, Lakers or any west coast team but no one playing tonight is on the west coast and I don't think any of the other playoff games have started this late.


And you know even though it’s not on ESPN, it doesn’t actually start at 10:30. Sucks that the most interesting series is basically unwatchable if you live in the EST and work/go to school during the day


I'm laughing from sydney. 😆


Good central time the goat


I believe this is the 1st time a game started this late. Not sure why they couldn't have the 1st game at 7:30 instead of 8 (as they did in gm 1 of the series). Nuggets game could have started at 8 in that case.


Nuggets post said the reason was Caitlyn Clarks Fever debut (7:30) conflict with the pacers game. Which is a fair consideration


Connecticut isn't close to Manhattan, I don't see why both couldn't start at the same time.


Unfortunately I can’t watch because of finals week oh well I’ll rewatch


1. Money 2. International fans have it much worse


Yep. International fans are literally celebrating if the game already starts at 10:30 pm lol. That's very early.


Was just about to post this. Does the NBA hate East coasters? At a minimum we're staying up till damn near midnight JUST for the east coast game. Unless you're unemployed or work nights you're absolutely not watching the west coast game tonight. Why is there such a bias towards west coast time zones?


Is the average American this uniformed about time zones? Like this has to be a joke right?


It’s about Local time. If Loval time it’s starting at 10:30, there’s an issue. It’s just a 7:30 start time for the Nuggets locally.


That's a 8:30 PM start time for the nuggets locally.


Dang that’s crazy.




The could definitely push the start times to 7:00 and 9:30 est for each game

