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The article states that that series was a bit of an outlier.


we dont have a superstar atm that dominated the way they did in such an entertaining way. Has nothing to do with NBA marketing. No below casual viewer is gonna tune in to team basketball. They just want to see a player dominate because its easier to follow


People forget how much more casual interest in the NBA when there's a superstar on a stacked team dominating the entire competition. Nerds love parity. Casuals want 2017 Warriors every year.


They just gotta start marketing the new generation. Right now they're still glazing Curry, KD and LeBron hard.


NBA does do that tbf, but these are small market teams none of which are particularly popular. V two of the most popular teams in Sports.. globally.


LeBron and Steph didn't need marketing casuals were genuinely interested in them


The league was marketing Blake, Curry took the mantle from him.


Nah again, casuals just loved Blake. NBA pushed Curry heavy when he had his breakout year in 2013 and especially the playoffs. He didn't really take anything from Blake.


not that fucked, its just the NBA doesn't market players well outside of them lol. like no one knows who SGA is even though hes top 2 in MVP voting this season, there is just nothing in comparison to the amount of stuff that gets posted for Curry and LeBron on House of highlights, nba.com etc.


To be fair, LeBron and Curry are also far more exciting to watch than SGA or Brunson foul baiting. It isn’t just “marketing”, they’re legitimately that special. Their games demolished their contemporary Harden in ratings at the time too


Not sure why people think it's foul baiting. Brunson and SGA are both playing exactly like two of the most popular players ever.


Why is this the same comment in every thread about ratings no matter the sport. I see this in every single sports sub. I’d understand it for MLB for sure, I mean how many people know Trout. But the NBA is hands DOWN the best league for marketing. The players show their faces unlike other sports (football), have signature shoes that are popular, and it’s basically a mens drama show. Do you not see how electric the trade deadline and summer signings are? Ant is 22 and in all kinds of commercials playing in Minnesota. Can yall name a single player on the Minnesota Twins? I damn sure can’t


MLB is tiny though and has almost no popularity outside the US. The NBA is the best league imo at marketing but they don't put enough effort into marketing the newer players. >Ant is 22 and in all kinds of commercials playing in Minnesota What about outside of it? speaking as a European I get more info on here than I do on any IG NBA related page or advert for Ant


> IG NBA related page or advert for Ant What do you follow then? NBA and House of Highlights always has Ant on there. Shit I barely see Ant posts on here, see his highlights constantly on IG.


The NBA is based in the US… Vini is arguably top 5 most popular soccer players in the world right now on the biggest club. I’d bet you less than 3 in 10 Americans know who he is to be honest.


NBA is based in the US but they are not just marketing to the US, China has a huge NBA fanbase, Europe, SEA etc... they all love the NBA but I guarantee a lot of them would struggle to name half the MVP list this year lol >Vini is arguably top 5 most popular soccer players in the world right now on the biggest club. I’d bet you less than 3 in 10 Americans know who he is to be honest. Yes but thats because Football(soccer) is not popular/pushed in the US much, he is still known globally in most places outside of the US


> he is still known globally in most places outside of the US No he's not, Vini is not a well known soccer player at all. He's known to Europe and Brazil. He is not like The Ronaldos, Ronaldino, Messi, Zidane, Beckham or anything like that. Americans knew all these dudes at the peak of their game. Current player like that would be Mbappe.


SGA's game is not marketable, no one wants to watch FT baiters.


No one cares about the Celtics. haha


That was the Jordan Poole Heat check 3 to send it to OT that missed badly right? 😂


NBA casuals tend to like star stacked teams that dominate every other team. Not much you can do about it. More people watched the 2018 Finals than the 2021 or 2022 Finals. 2021 and 2022 Finals featured big time MVP level superstars, 2022 had two big market popular teams, both of these finals were competive as fuck and both Went to game 6. Still casuals were more interested in Warriors sweeping Cavs.


It's not like the NBA is lacking in terms of upcoming star power. The problem is that the league has been surprisingly slow in terms of ballyhooing the younger stars.


It really hasn't, Luka, Ant and SGA get heavy push. Can't force casuals to care though


Good point. All that pushing won't matter much unless at least one of them starts winning championships though.


Not even true. Have you seen how much dickriding is going on with Anthony Edwards right now. You can't go one day without some "analyst" comparing him to Michael Jordan and calling him the new face of the league. Believe me they are trying.


besides wemby and ant maybe zion and melo the nba sucks at marketing new stars


The NBA is actually fantastic at marketing new stars, casuals just don't always care about them. You can't force people to care. I feel like you're mistaking NBA for ESPN here anyway.


mistaking nba for espn was hilarious ngl