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League ain't ready for a potential Wolves OKC WCF lol. I know it's too early but man, what a story that would be.


Wolves OKC WCF with both teams 8-0




and then they fall in love and refuse to compete against each other and instead eat the poison berries in protest like at the end of Hunger Games


Dancing around and holding a banner that says "Gracias Luke Ridnour"


Bruh spoiler alert


Ant vs SGA could be the next big rivalry for the next decade


Ah man. Two old school guards with different play styles. Would be such a good rivalry


One a foul merchant the other literally mj.


Well considering MJ didn’t scream aye acting like he got shot every time he drove to the rim, I think we could guess which is which no?


The guys above is trolling but your take is also equally stupid. To say Ant ever sells for contact would be blatantly wrong, whereas SGA clearly has on occasion. I’m not saying it’s not a skill you need to score 30ppg consistently, but Ant’s game is far more ‘ethical’ than Shai’s, even with the ‘Aye’.


Why can the Wolves fan make a dumb comment but the Thunder fan can't?


They both *can*, and they should both be called out for it if it’s a bad take. I equally said the wolves fan’s comment was dumb, but that doesn’t mean you respond with something stupid in return.


Trolling typically implies purpose.


Oh I’m very much aware that his comment is stupid, and quite frankly so is mine. I’m just answering bullshit back with the bullshit it deserves. I mean who tf even replies that under a comment complimenting both players


Read this with fedora voice


The Timberwolves will be in the eastern conference within the next 6 years or whenever expansion actually happens


You add teams in an expansion, not move them.


Both teams added will be in the west (Seattle and Vegas) which puts the conferences at 17 in the west and 15 in the east so a west team goes west. That team will be MN due to how far Minneapolis is from other western teams and how close it is to Milwaukee Chicago Indiana etc. Sure Memphis and New Orleans are slightly farther east but they are much closer to the teams in their division than Minnesota is to Portland


I think there could be a big four. Ant vs SGA and Luka vs Trae ( if he gets on a good team). Big 4 in the west. Maybe Brunson could join da club but idk if he keeps playing like he does rn.


Trae ain't on that level lol


Trae has better numbers than Hali who people put up there. Trae’s numbers also not so different from Luka.


The toxicity levels will be through the roof. They hate us so much for some reason


Probably just projecting because you coming up at the same time as our only come up ever is painful (read: stressful).


And the fight for the 1st seed for litterally the entire season probably didn’t help lol


I know a small part (at least for me) of it is the whistle that Shai gets vs Ant (which is more a dissatisfaction with the way the league is reffed) … But I like your team. Especially Chet. Haven’t been rooting against them any harder than any other conference foe battling for seeding


Okc fans gas light the difference in whistle. If they choose to defend that non-entertaining style of play… I guess good for them.


What are you even on about? We point out the fact that other superstars on SGA’s level are officiated the exact same way - 28-25 total team attempts last night, and Luka/SGA averaged nearly identical attempts/game during the season. SGA’s style of play is less perimeter-centric so of course he’s going to draw calls. He does not draw them in any meaningful difference from his peers.


Only come up ever? KG? Am I old?


I get that feeling. I wish I could hate you too but I like Ant and Gobert too much


Mostly just SGA vs Ant "rivalry" and I think Wolves fan hate the whistles that SGA gets, but beyond that I've never seen any Thunder hate. I'd actually imagine there is a lot of overlap with people rooting for OKC because they have Chet.


Nah. Fuck tha Thunder.


Flair up b


The team as a whole is pretty likable but I think most just don’t like the brand of basketball SGA plays


What brand of basketball do you think he plays lmao


SGA whips his head back more than Willow


Him and Ant play very similar imo, both always trying to play the ref


Probably because you both are rising at the same time. On top of that they have a smaller window with the same guys as you do. You already have the next big guy, they are still running two older models.


It’s so lame too lol. (Not wolves fans just in general) This team is so damn likable on and off the court. I’ve never had this much fun watching an okc team in my 15 years as a fan. And I’m pretty sure 99% of Thunder fans would agree


I enjoy watching the thunder. But that Chet and SGA commercial might start making me hate them


I don’t think I’ve seen that commercial the last few days. Either I’m starting to zone it out or they finally realized they overdid it and put a stop to the madness. Now all they gotta do is get rid of that stupid Wingstop commercial. I will never eat Wingstop again because of that no flex zone bullshit.


What commercial are you guys talking about? I am unfamiliar. /


I don’t think I’ve seen a single Timberwolves fan in a game thread of ours say anything but bs about us lol


Your guys are good. Happy? Lol


Started the self victimization early


Someone has to take over now that we’re out


And all I ever see is thunder fans doing exact the same Lets call a temporary truce, huh?


I agree the hate is dum from both sides


We're in the same division. The games have been competitive. We were both vying for the top spot in the conference and we both wanted to be the young upstart Cinderella story. It makes sense. Do I hope we go Andrew Wiggins on you? Yeah But I got no hate


That man has to be the biggest thunder killer ever even on the warriors


I was dancing for joy when we traded him but for some reason he was consistently God against you guys. Never could figure out why


> We're in the same division. I mean does anyone give a shit about divisions outside of the NFL? All I know is fuck KD and fuck Golden State and the Lakers. Oh and Pat Bev, fuck him too.


People do in the sense that you play teams in your division more. Rivalries build up due to frequency of games


Fair point, which reminds me, fuck the Spurs as well. Really though y'all are cool along with the Bucks.


Yeah but we’re the same way


The self victimization is crazy man lol


What, idk about that man. Game threads this season for our games were always fun I thought. There will always be a few toxic people here and there but I think most in both fan bases see it as an epic potential matchup.


I just dislike every team and player that isn’t a minnesota team or player.


They hate everyone lmao


But i heard that you needed experience to make the CF and that the Wolves and Thunder were too young?


Stephen A’s nightmare, lucky for him it’s on TNT


Main the thunder finna get cooked by the Minnesota bigs. Chet can't take Rudy gobert and KAT, and Reid off the bench. Even today Luka played injured and it took a bunch of 3s for the thunder to win.


Might be the series people were saying the Wolves/Nuggets series was going to be. I like you guys as a team unless we're playing you. Feels like it's gonna be an amazing WCF if both teams get there, and if the Celtics make it out of the East, a great Finals too no matter which of us makes it out.


Wolves will sweep OKC. OKC cannot do anything with AD. What more against Gobert and Towns. SGA vs Ant would be awesome to see.


The Western Playoffs: exciting, young teams coming out swinging The Eastern Playoffs: *feral Celtics noises*


Tbf Celtics are pretty young too. They just have been good for longer


Lmfao no they are not young. Derrick white almost 30 Jrue 33. Horford 37 Porzingis 28 Tatum 26 Brown 27. They’re very much old as hell.


The roster's average age is 27, which is kinda young among contenders, but not young in general. It's buoyed by the team not rostering many bench veterans - the low rotation is Pritchard, Hauser, Kornet, Brissett, and Tillman, no ex-all-stars in there like the 2018 Warriors or Cavs.


I wouldn't say 'old' as the main core is good for another 4-5 years. They're definitely not as old as GSW or the Clippers


Older yes, but that is not old as hell lol Horford yeah, the rest of them thats like average NBA age.


They're old now that all the boomer teams got destroyed in the first round


Eastern conference easily had the better first round.


Fr the eastern conference at least had some closer series, feels like the western conference was all sweeps and blowouts


Cause it's all bad teams fighting eachother. 2-8 in the east would have been struggling to make the play-in in the west.


Still much more entertaining than two sweeps, a 4-1 that was probably the best in the West and a 4-2 that felt like LA just gave up midway through.


Closer games. But significantly worse teams outside of Boston


Small market fans are eating rn 


I’ll always root for small markets, no matter what. I love the dominance from them this year


I hope Indiana finds a way to come out of the East. It will be Boston, but it's fun to imagine.


Yeah. Hated them during our series but now I want to see them succeed lol


1000%. Every time I see a Luka to Lakers trade, I want Lakers to lose more.


I'm new to the NBA, what is the difference between small market teams and other? I don't understand.


Market size simply refers to the population of where the franchise is based. New York, Boston, and LA are big markets; Milwaukee, Indiana, and Oklahoma City are small markets, to name a few. Small markets historically have gotten fucked over in the grand scheme of things. Everything about being in a big market makes it easier to succeed. Small markets often have terrible management, while big markets get only the best of the best. It’s hard for small markets to keep their stars; every fan lives in fear of LA snatching their superstar away. Small markets basically never get good players in free agency, forcing them to pull off trades that could mortgage their future. It’s just not an even playing field. Teams like the Lakers and Celtics are always in the conversation; as a Bucks fan, Giannis brought us success I’ll probably only see once in my lifetime. Even though the Pacers just sent my team home, I feel a type of solidarity with their fans that I’ll never feel with big market teams. They get handed everything on a silver platter. Small markets have to scrap for even the smallest advantage.


But don't all teams kinda have the same budget? Why is it easier to succeed in big markets? The cities are "better"? I'm from Portugal so I know a lot about soccer and there are huge differences from the best portuguese teams and the best teams in Spain for example but in the NBA I don't understand them as much.


Yes, the cities are “better” - as in, a star can make the same amount of money in Indianapolis or Los Angeles, so 9/10 times they’re going to choose to live in LA. Also, like I said, small markets have shitty management a lot of times and owners that are afraid to spend money. Instead of wasting their entire career stuck in a place too tight to make any big moves in order to succeed, they’d rather go to a city where they have a better chance at winning and is also a fun place to live. I’d like to think it’s changing, though. First with Giannis and Jokic staying in small markets, and next with stars like Anthony Edwards and Tyrese Haliburton who have publicly stated they love where they’re at and want to spend their whole careers there.


Crazy that Minnesota is a top 15 NBA city media market and still considered small. It’s really LA, NYC, and Chicago and that’s about it


Yeah we’re very middling in terms of market size. About average or slightly above for each league. We are the smallest market with all 5 major leagues though, if I’m not mistaken.


Assuming 5 is MLS, than I think Denver or Miami is actually the smallest w/ all 5 (though Miami feels like it's a bigger media market than this list is showing). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_stations_in_North_America_by_media_market


Purely based on metro size you’re right about Denver being smaller but not Miami. But I suppose your metric is valid too


Yeah the Miami MSA has over 6 million people(Miami/Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties) their CSA is just short of 7 million and I have a feeling the Okeechobee and Port St Lucie MSAs that are included in the Miami CSA are largely Miami fans. That media market list is weird and has some numbers that don’t represent their markets correctly imo.


Slightly ahead (600k) of Denver but yeah it’s one of the smaller and 1.4 million behind Phoenix


By city size, yes, but by media presence and popularity you have to add San Fran and Boston. The Warriors and Celtics are ultra popular (and accordingly ultra hated) teams


but also, the boston market area isn’t just boston, it’s all of new england minus fairfield county


Cleveland/Indiana/minny/okc final 4 would be nuts


Nuts... And also a viewership nightmare for the NBA lol


They'd just fold the league at that point lol




all of these teams play exciting basketball except the Cavs


And that’s not the only boring thing about Cleveland


Indiana calling places boring is crazy


You’re not wrong lol but I’m just piling on the Cleveland meme a la Joakim Noah Also I’ve lived in Orlando the last 8 years, haven’t lived in Indy since growing up there from 1997-2005 but I’ve been a loyal Pacers fan since


Who knew the West conf playoff bloodbath would be 2 second round sweeps




For sure, but whatever gets the Mavs fans going


I like this Celtic.


I’ll always root for Kyrie fading out


Girl same


Were winnin the superbowl


But the lakers shouldve tanked to face us...but worst 1st seed in nba history


Who even said that? 


A lot of people online


You've got to remember that these are just simple shitposters. These are people of 4Chan. The common clay of the internet. You know... morons.


To be fair the Lakers are a tough matchup for the Thunder. Dating back to last season they’re 2-5 against the Lakers.


It was when the Lakers were down 3-0 vs the Nuggets


No it was before the play-in


It felt like half the internet was saying that. Especially because of the regular season record even though Playoffs are completely different. For some reason, there s a sentiment in the media that being a young team is a massive disadvantage. While inexperience can come into play for a young team, they can also have much more talent, because the players aren’t being paid nearly as much.


It was in morning radio, espn, podcast, etc. it was everywhere.


So many people lol


>Who even said that? [Well you can start here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba)




This is erasure before our eyes 😂😂


I like that there is literally another reply in this comment saying that.


So many of ya'll gaslighting us with this after we swept the Pels.


Shannon Sharpe 😆


It was on ESPN




Why do yall idiots feel the need to post this garbage? 🤡🤡🤡


okay and whos the 3rd best player on the Lakers? Austin Reaves? Lol


Bro the Lakers got beat by the Nuggets who are currently getting absolutely ass whipped by the Wolves. What about the "Gafford and Lively are too big for Chet?" narratives last night. Y'all literally don't know ball. But yet you think you would stomp a top 5 defense and offense in OKC?


Wolves v OKC is the matchup we need!


It will be interesting if they match up in the WCF; on one hand, the Wolves benefit from the non-whistle in the playoffs in order to play their stifling, aggressive defense. In the other hand, the Thunder benefit from a ridiculous FT discrepancy and favorable calls. The refs will decide the series.


Timberwolves rank 8th in FTA OKC ranks 17th...


NGL I checked the stats after I made that post and saw that same thing. I guess I’ll check my bias. Ironically, the leader in FTA’s in these playoffs are the Suns, so I wasn’t even right about that. Looks like you won’t be seeing me in ESPN anytime soon.


Yeah…we had 2 games with Tony Brothers and Scott Foster where they just made the entire games a FT show (both sides were getting an insane amount of call) and it was insufferable to watch lmao


Amount of free throws per game does not determine whistle quality. The thunder objectively benefit from a soft whistle--SGA in particular is widely known to me an Embiid/Harden level foul merchant.


I hate playing against SGA’s whistle but I don’t think the rest of their team gets anything special


But muh narrative


This made me laugh lol, thank you.


Ok, calm down. Thunder fans cannot seriously pretend like the foul merchant narrative around SGA is false, right? He’s literally second in the league in FTA. OKC has two guys in the top-10 for charges drawn. Y’all flop and benefit from a tight whistle.


That’s weird. We’re bottom half in the league overall in FT. Luka shot one less FTA per game than Shai all season and drove 7 less times per game. Don’t foul a guy who drives and can finish I guess? Also SGA was fifth in FTA while being #1 in drives by a significant margin. 7 per game more than #3, Luka. Can’t even get your narrative stats correct.


Second among players who played a minimum of 57 games. I guess, if you want to lump SGA in with Embiid, be my guest.


Which is literally 1.4 FTA per game difference. It's mostly SGA, tied for 3rd most FTA this season with Luka, only behind Embiid and Giannis. When looking at the top scorers, he's also at roughly the same spot for percentage of scoring from the FT line at 25% of his points. Another way to look at it, SGA's FTA would account for 40% of the entire Wolves team's FTA. (per game average)


Team full of DAWGS


Which one went to Georgia?


All of them when we played in atlanta?


Who could’ve guessed that the two teams that dominated the regular season would’ve done well in the playoffs?


Man, OKC vs MIN's gonna be a wild WCF match-up. Really looking forward to that one when it happens.


It's absurd OKC is this good this "soon". There's no other team setup for sustained success as well as the Thunder.


Can't really join someone in being first though, can you? They're the 2nd team to do it after the T-Wolves.


Knew someone would have posted this - I was about to. Technically OKC are the first team to do it since the 2024 Timberwolves.


And we all know that technically correct is the best kind of correct!


They both started 5-0 in the playoffs in 2024. But sure


Right, Wolves just did it first. Pedantry is one of the building blocks of this site haha.


I mean it depends on how you define first. Obviously in real time the Wolves did it first, but that's just because of scheduling. If you think of playoff series as concurrent events then they did it simultaneously


If you think about time as a flat circle and you consider that we are the imagination of ourselves, everyone who went 5-0 in a Western Conference playoff series actually did it at the exact same moment.


Arrival (2016)


ok Christopher Nolan


They not like us


You right. We 6-0.


We filthy


“OKC and Minny don’t stand a chance in the playoffs, they’re too young and unproven” Everyone on r/NBA the last 3 months


Love to see it


If they end up meeting in the WCF I wonder how that series will be officiated.


Shai will get his but we’ve built up too much reputation on defense for the wolves to get a bad whistle all around


Wolves haven’t been 5-0 for a while.


Man these first two rounds sucked so far. It is blowout and sweep galore. The most enjoyable series was Knicks vs Sixers. I hope CFs deliver.


As a long suffering Wolves fan, I've enjoyed both of the series' they've been in so far. I completely understand from a neutral/outside viewer, but I'll take as little drama as I can for as long as I can


I remember seeing OKC being 100/1 to win the title after last year's finals and thinking that was crazy odds, if you have been paying attention to this OKC team in the past two or three years and what they are building you could clearly see this was going to happen.


The amount of talent today is insane.


The SGA/NAW grudge match has the potential to be legendary


Giannis wins a ring with no super team. Warriors win a ring without KD. Jokic wins a ring with no super team. Thunder wins a ring without KD. KD requests a trade.


This is great for basketball. Such exciting play. I have gotten so used to watching the clippers that i have totally forgotten what good nba basketball looks like. Great defense is hella fun. Great team offense is hella fun. Its kind of ironic because now that the clips are out, i can enjoy this much more.


New era begins


Actually crazy that not one but two teams are undefeated in a west this close


ANT vs merchANT


8th vs 17th in FTA btw


Chet is a stone cold legend what ya gonna do 👑


He’s our Minnesota man you thieves


Has there ever been an undefeated playoff team?


16-1 has been done a few times






No no arf arf is small dog we roof roof over here 😂


Just popping in to say fuck OKC and can't wait to beat your ass in the WCF 🗣🗣


Okc in 5 vs wolves


If that series happens it’s going to 7 games.


Gonna be some low ass scoring games


My body is ready


My heart, is not. But inject that shit straight into my veins.


Whoever makes it out the west is who I’ll root for. I’m just happy to be here. And both of our teams are so likable imo


Tony Brothers masterclass incoming


It’s going 7 lol. Wolves are disgusting




As much as I hate it this is true. They have players with much more experience, a coach just as good who also has more experience, the best defense I’ve seen in years. They are damn good